IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-01-25

alteregoI was thinking of making my "Call Blocker" block IM too.00:00
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alteregoBut I think I'll wait and dsee if anyone asks for that feature before bothering to put it in.00:01
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kamui__I agree with that alterego00:01
kamui__I mean, most IM services have privacy built right in00:02
kamui__especially jabber00:02
kamui__you don't want to hear from someone in particular, its easy enough to block them00:02
kamui__although I will admit conversations could use some interface improvements00:03
kamui__and the contacts app could use tabs :)00:04
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__ibzhow does one switch to video recording from stil camera mode?00:08
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SpeedEvil__ibz: you click the 'A' on the camera00:09
SpeedEvilwhich is stupid00:09
kamui__anyone use some of the bigger apps in easy debian on the N900, like openoffice and gimp?00:10
kamui__I tried them a long time ago and the latency on keyboard input and mouse input was unbearable00:10
kamui__but I'm hearing they both run quite smoothly00:10
kamui__must be something I'm not doing right00:10
kamui__just want to compare my process with someone who's seeing acceptable performance00:11
puslingon n900, what qt code do I need to do to do this popup thing, like the one for selecting which network connection to use ?00:12
SpeedEvilYou can free up quite a lot of RAM by killing stuff.00:12
SpeedEvilFor example - worldclock00:12
SpeedEvilwhich is the thing that pops up when you press the time on the display.00:12
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SpeedEvilEats 2M00:12
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SpeedEvilAnd if you kill it - it has to load it - which takes ~1s00:12
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mikhaspusling, use QDialog? say, QDialog *some_dialog = new QDialog(QApplication::activeWindow());00:14
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puslingmikhas: oh. it is just a QDialog that does that?  I'm impressed then ;)00:14
mikhasset a layout for the QDialog, add widgets to the layout, show the dialog00:14
mikhasjust dont use exec, I had problems with nested mainloops00:14
mikhasalso, there is #qt-maemo00:14
puslingmikhas: is #qt-maemo or this having most qt on maemo clue ? ;)00:15
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mikhasthis channel is only for complaints00:16
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puslingI would also like to complain about the crappy email client00:16
puslinglike. how do I download attachments?00:16
mikhasno, you have to reword that.00:17
mikhas"this effin mail client cannot download attachments!!1eleven!"00:17
puslingI honestly thought it could, but just a well hidden thing00:18
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mikhasstrange though, because I think I could. Some small icon.00:18
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T7ghahaha, well if you're competent enough to get on irc but not competent enough to deal with mail attachment issues then I think you got off the bus at the wrong stop somewhere :p00:18
* mikhas doesn't have email configured yet00:18
T7gme either, I never will00:18
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mikhasre-configured, I should say00:18
puslingT7g: I'm also competent enough to complain about the crappy maemo packages nokia is offerig us ,)00:19
T7gI don't ever plan to use e-mail on the n900 unless it's from the g-mail web interface. E-mail just has never been important enough to me to justify checking it more than when I wake up and before bed.00:19
mikhasgood, you get better00:19
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T7gheheheh, well don't use their stuff!00:19
SpeedEvilmodest takes 6M of memory!00:19
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T7gI for one have avoided every nokia included app I could.00:19
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mikhasmore swear words!00:20
puslingT7g: I'm talking about their scratchbox setup helpers and stuff.00:20
mikhaslike, the GUI installer?00:20
mikhasyeah, it steals the experience of sitting through a vbox installation for the whole weekend00:20
puslingmikhas: nah. like having to hack in postinst scripts of packages so that installation can continue00:21
puslingmikhas: and diverting /usr/sbin/gconf-schemas with a script that always returns true00:21
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DocScrutinizer51fsck gconf00:22
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puslingDocScrutinizer51: with postinst scripts with set -e, it is pretty important that it returns true.00:23
DocScrutinizer51regedit fucked up once more for good - tzat's gconf00:23
mikhassee? only for complaints =)00:24
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Kamuigot a sucessfull xmpp call working over edge.  as soon as i added video though...kerplunk.00:26
Kamuiker plop! ploop!00:27
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jebbaKamui, can you do video over wifi?  I've only heard of it working if someone initiates the video call from a PC.00:31
dotblankjebba, I had it *sorta* work00:31
dotblanklasts about 2 seconds00:31
jebbadotblank: n900 to n900? How was the setup? etc  :)00:32
dotblankoh not n900 to n90000:32
dotblankn900 to pc00:32
dotblankif someone has an n900 they would like to test it with id be glad to participate00:33
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, lol, nice tag.00:36
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toggles_wIs anyone using qt for n900 development?00:43
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w00ttoggles_w: yes, me00:48
w00tthough I'm technically cheating a bit, I'm using pyside, at least for prototyping00:48
woglindesome one knows how I can get < and > into comments?00:48
toggles_ww00t: hmm, I was wondeing how to go about building in scratchbox, is it possible? docs? or do i need MADDE?00:49
jebbadotblank: try calling or jebbasan@gmail.com00:49
jebbawoglinde: would be nice if that had a preview comments too.00:50
w00ttoggles_w: building in scratchbox should certainly be possible; though that's part of why I'm using pyside, I don't want to deal with scratchbox :-)00:51
woglindejebba so you know?00:51
toggles_ww00t: thanks mate, i think I'll resort to madde for simplicity.00:52
w00tI have yet to look into madde myself00:52
Corsacis there a way to open calendar directly to notes?00:52
w00tlet me know how hard/easy it is to get working, by all means00:52
w00tif it's not too difficult I might look into that this week00:52
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toggles_ww00t: will do\00:54
dotblankjebba, ok00:55
woglindejebba &foo; stuff works00:56
dotblankjebba, says you are offline00:58
jebbaah heh01:01
dotblanktry calling me emagmant3@gmail.com01:01
jebbadotblank: actually those account are online. You may have to initiate a chat session first to get perms.01:01
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dotblankhmm I did try starting a chat session.. h/o01:02
jebbajust ack'd it01:03
jebbaheh. I got "Device storage full" ..01:04
jebba"Unable to receive or send new messages."01:04
jebbaso...lemme sort this out. I have a mere 48G on this thing, you'd think it'd be enough ;)01:05
cehtehusb hostmode ftw .. slap a 1TB disk on its back :)01:05
dotblankyea.. I can see your status... says your in usa.. how very revealing of you01:06
jebbajust fixing /opt thing would do it.01:06
jebbai had it set to exact street.01:06
cehtehmhm are there no disk enclosures with bluetooth?01:06
jebbaperhaps i need to sit outside with it to get a better shot01:06
dotblankI know the gps wont update if its looking for sats01:06
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dotblanksend me an im when you have /opt fixed01:08
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jebbadotblank: ping that's generic fone01:11
shamusare there any google talk echo test things as i have no way of know if it works or not01:13
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: alas you may forget about usb-hm01:13
dotblankthe gsoc pidgin dev had one01:13
cehtehDocScrutinizer: i dont really need it, would be a nice have but i didnt follwed any more discussions about it01:13
DocScrutinizer51fell to coma01:14
DocScrutinizer51almost dead01:14
cehtehhey maybe my device ships tomorrow .. lets see01:14
DocScrutinizer51they found it's missing vital organs01:15
dotblankjebba, you would need to ack me01:15
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uhsfmaybe my device also ships tomorrow .. let's see01:16
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jebbadotblank: ack'd you01:17
jebbaping'd you there01:17
DocScrutinizer51jebba: mass storage umount?01:17
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cehtehuhsf: yours too? :)01:19
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jebbaDocScrutinizer51: huh?01:25
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DocScrutinizer51jebba: thought your 'not enough spave' issue might be caused by a usb cable01:26
jebbano, it's not mounted.  And I don't have lots of stuff from extras-devel installed that isn't in /opt. Kind of surprised i'm full i'm not sure what has filled it.01:28
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esaym153anyone know when the n900 price is going to drop?01:35
newbie005how can I tell about the status of a program? I'm interesting in getting a barcode scanner. So far I found this:
esaym153also what suppliers of pay per minute plans in the US can the phone us?01:35
jebbanewbie005: there is mbarcode or similar too01:35
newbie005jebba: on the device I did a search for applications called barcode and it didn't come up, perhaps its in test?01:36
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jebbambarcode appears to be in extras-testing and extras-devel01:37
newbie005ah I found the mbarcode is in test, I'm going to have to wait01:37
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DocScrutinizer51jebba: (surprised) seems to me tmp is in /01:39
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* GeneralAntilles decides Quim kinda looks like Brett Favre.01:40
DocScrutinizer51which is... pretty BAD01:41
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* DocScrutinizer51 whispers 'tempify' and shudders01:41
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infobotoptification is probably a botch to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR01:43
infobot"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners."01:43
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DocScrutinizer51w00t: you locked that factoid?01:51
w00tnope, nor did I set it01:51
w00tbut it is quite epic01:51
infobotwell, nokia is a cellphone company from Finland.01:53
infobotthanks, DocScrutinizer5101:54
infoboti heard motorola is one of the best CPU architectures, used in various systems, such as Amiga, HP, Atari, VME and other embeeded ones. There is even an official Debian port for them. Check it at and ofcourse It's official for the 68K series, and (yet) unofficial for PPC ones.01:54
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infobotfrom memory, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything01:54
goodwillmolesting the bot I see01:55
infobotmethinks docscrutinizer is jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko01:55
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DocScrutinizer51woglinde: heya01:56
DocScrutinizer51join in withthe silly idling?01:56
toggles_ww00t: 3 downloads have resulted in 3 different sized .sh files, none installed, i'm giving up for the night. l8r.01:57
woglindenite now01:57
woglindenavit works01:57
w00ttoggles_w: ..haha.01:57
w00tsee you around01:57
woglindebut segfaults some times01:58
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Maceri have to move 700G over 100mbit02:08
Maceri could finish reading the entire bible by the time it finishes02:08
Macerold and new :)02:08
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Proteousnever underestimate the bandwidth of a stationwagon full of harddrives02:16
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inzProteous, or a kleinbus!02:19
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inzWhy am I not asleep yet, got an exam in 7 hours and I need to wake up in 5...02:20
inz(the answer is project euler, but nevermind that)02:20
GeneralAntillesinz, stop coding.02:20
inzI finally got 100th prob solved =)02:21
SpeedEvilProteous: Or a colon full of microSD.02:21
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inzSpeed, we didn't need to hear that.02:22
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dotblankjebba, did you want to test jabber?02:23
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ProteousSpeedEvil: lol02:23
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dotblankdid anyone notice when powering on you have to hold down the button and during that time the notification light slowly increases in brightness depending on how long you held it down?02:25
jebbadotblank: can test it whenever you'd like.02:25
dotblankjebba im going to conenct with my pidgin and call you and see what happens ok?02:26
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inzdotblank, n810 used to do that too02:28
SpeedEvildotblank: yes02:28
jebbadotblank: you gotta call, the other one has a full FS02:28
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SpeedEvilinz: of course it has to be a large colon. At least 128 point, or microSD won't fit. Depends on the font too.02:28
jebbadisconnected, i didnt hear anything02:29
inzSpeed, :D02:29
kamui___extas devel ok?02:29
jebbakamui___:  you can try my mirror:
kamui___seems to be going up and down02:30
kamui___or i have another repo issue02:30
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kamui___not a space problem though02:31
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jebbadotblank: ok, that sounded like crap. That was via pidgin?02:31
jebbai did have a camera button appear in the interface when you called.02:31
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jebbaare you downloading anything in the background?02:32
jebbayou calling gmail or jabber? try the other.02:32
jebbathat was the other fone (now with free space...) and same thing. i just dropped immediately02:33
dotblanklet me try just voice02:33
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pupnikis there something convenient like mytube / zoutube for PC?  don't want to install flash02:57
[kamui]anyone have the touch sceen vibration working 100percent?02:57
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[kamui]mine only seems o owrk radomly02:57
pupnikworks here, but i disable to save the energy02:58
ShadowJKpupnik: I've been wondering that too :)03:01
ShadowJKif you find one let me know03:01
pupnikthere's a script that i used to use03:02
villagerpupnik: clive, youtube-dl03:02
pupnikis mytube simple enough to convert to standard linuxy python?03:03
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ShadowJKthere are downloaders, yeah, but I actually like the mytube interface better than :)03:03
pupnikmytube uses that youtube-dl btw03:04
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* ShadowJK is watching stuff with mytub on n810 right now03:04
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ShadowJKI love that it has "more by author" that can gather 50 vids in one search, in reverse chronological order03:05
ShadowJKthe same thing on is a 100 pixel wide cramped column on the user's page03:06
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pupnikmytube is running on desktop... wget  ... dpkg -X03:07
pupnikbut it has some incompat problems03:07
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pupnikhmm well maybe this is something else03:09
pupnik  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mytube/lgc/", line 2, in <module>03:10
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pupnik    import gdata03:10
pupnikImportError: No module named gdata03:10
* lucent waits for EDGE to take its sweet bloody time03:10
villagerpython-gdata exists on my debian at least03:11
pupnikoh yes, checking deps would help, wouldn't it03:12
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lucentnoticing the N900 sometimes loses the ability to make a GPRS connection and I need to reboot or it won't get a connection to associate03:16
lucentI can retry over and over but the connection does not work03:17
lucentreboot, and the connection is made without any problem03:18
pupnikok works great!03:18
pupnikMihai Iancu  ty ty :)03:19
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ShadowJKlucent: sometimes going offline (via power menu) fixes03:24
pupniki love the cell phone shut-offer applet03:26
* GeneralAntilles wishes the lists were up so he could be productive.03:26
pupnikgrow veggies :P03:26
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pupnikis there a client api for ustream?03:39
goodwillpupnik: seriously the best applet ever03:39
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goodwillpupnik: I use it all the time03:39
pupnik:D  happy i'm not the only one who likes it03:39
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pupniksometimes i don't see a 2G/3G thing when turning it on again though03:40
pupniknot sure03:40
goodwillI never had that problem03:40
goodwillI forced mine to 2.5G03:41
goodwilland I see that all the time03:41
goodwillAlso ... the Custome Operator Name widger03:41
goodwillwidget is cool03:42
goodwillunless someone is traveling all the time and use roaming ... they do not need to see their operator name03:42
goodwillpupnik: what are your favorites apps03:43
pupnikhi um03:44
pupnikxterm, irssi, browser03:44
ShadowJKxterm, xchat, browser :)03:45
pupnikgpod... lol03:45
goodwillyup ... same here03:45
goodwillexcept zoutube03:45
goodwillalso conboy03:45
pupnikyes fbreader too03:46
GeneralAntillesCatorise (though that's no app)03:46
cehteh'phone' anyone? :)03:46
pupnikoh yeah camera03:46
GeneralAntillescehteh, built-in doesn't count.03:46
cehtehemacs .. but well i still dont have a device03:46
pupnikused phone a couple of times03:47
SpeedEvilme -03:47
pupnikoh no cehteh  :(03:47
pupnikwhy not?03:47
SpeedEvilfbreader, awk, mplayer03:47
ShadowJKused phone once or twice.. could live without it though03:47
cehtehsend my first one back and waiting for my pending order which is open since october or so03:47
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goodwillcatorise is fantastic03:48
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cehtehdwimd ...03:48
cehtehhopeing that it becomes really usable soon03:49
pupnikhmm mytube includes a southpark module03:49
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cehtehcool stellarium ...03:50
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cehtehtoo bad that there is no compass .. stellarium with compass and accelerometer would be *awesome*03:51
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ShadowJKneed to keep walking :)03:52
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cehtehwell not good for stellaruim .. there a compass would make most sense03:53
lcuknot really life threatening tho03:53
goodwillhmmm ... there is a skype for pidgin plugin03:54
goodwillwhich is nice03:54
goodwillcause I never call using it ... but I IM all the time03:54
pupnikdwimd could be used to 'double-tap device to start voice recorder'?03:54
* goodwill hates multiple apps doing the same thing03:54
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cehtehpupnik: no04:02
cehtehmhm .. maybe .. with event system04:02
cehtehbut its rather a general profile switcher04:02
cehtehnot starting apps04:02
pupniki wouldn't want two daemons monitoring motion04:03
cehtehwhy not?04:04
cehtehits all dbus events04:04
pupnikso they wouldn't be polling?04:04
cehtehdunno about the other one ..  but dwimd iirc uses events for motion04:05
pupnikso any movement is an event, which triggers some code04:05
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cehtehit polls a lot other sensors but very slowly, dunno what xorAxAx now set ever 30 or 60 sec or so04:05
cehtehxorAxAx told me that dbus can sent a direction change as in face_down, portrait, landscape and so on04:06
xorAxAxany questions? :)04:06
cehtehxorAxAx: explain04:06
xorAxAxdbus only transports them04:06
cehtehi dont know the code yet04:06
xorAxAxi am busy coding my rpc framework04:06
febbhi ..anyone knows of a tutorial on how to use external memory (sd cards) on the N810 as to use that for applications storage (versus the main memory storage which is now full) ?04:07
xorAxAxpupnik: what should i explain?04:07
xorAxAxcehteh was correct04:07
cehtehjust mount it and put it into patjh04:07
pupnikjust wondering whether dwimd could be used to identify some 'gesture' to start recording audio04:07
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pupnikwithout intensively working in background04:07
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cehtehpupnik: i tinhk we should rather focus on the slow profile changes04:07
xorAxAxpupnik: nope thats not in the scope of it04:08
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ShadowJKaw :(04:08
cehtehthe accelerometer can be programmed to send interrupts on taps04:08
pupnikthat is very cool!04:08
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cehtehwell i dont know how much maemo support of that04:08
cehtehand you dont want to reprogram the uC from a userspace app04:08
ShadowJKfebb: basically you can clone the operating system to a memory card and boot from there. It's on somewhere. I recommend backing up everything first.04:09
pupniksomeone has used that to document some severe abuse and go to court with it04:09
pupnikdouble tapped iphone without being discovered04:09
cehtehxorAxAx: what component watches the acceelerometer and generates dbus events is that opensource?04:09
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febbShadowJK, thanks ..will do a search for that on
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SpeedEvilcehteh: The accelelrometer gerneates interrupts04:10
ShadowJKClone to SD04:10
cehtehSpeedEvil: yes i know04:10
SpeedEvilcehteh: I had it working a while back - I could see /proc/interrupts|grep lis going up04:10
SpeedEvilah - k04:10
SpeedEvilunno where it does04:10
cehtehSpeedEvil: the question is what component has the authority to set it up?04:10
cehtehi think it would be really bad if you reprogram it while some system daemon tries the same04:11
SpeedEvilcehteh: I was pokinga around in the sys entry - to make a stupid logger04:11
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cehtehyeah .. reciepe for desaster or?04:11
SpeedEvilnaah - it's serialised in the driver. Worse that will happen is it stops working04:11
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SpeedEvilthe accel04:11
cehtehbead enough :)04:11
SpeedEvilalso - nothing dangerous is on that bus worst case04:12
cehtehi tried that with the notification led driver which crashed the device04:12
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ShadowJKdoes it have ioctl's or something to program interrupt?04:12
xorAxAxcehteh: no idea, mce probably04:12
cehteh /sys04:12
ShadowJKand interface for userspace app to receive such events?04:12
SpeedEvilcehteh: that's possibly killing mce04:12
SpeedEvildsmetool is used to start most daemons - and reboot the device04:13
cehtehwould be nice if mce would be opensourced04:13
SpeedEvilif they crash too many times04:13
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SpeedEvilso you can simply edit init so that it's starting the daemon with the right flags through dsmetool - so it doesn't watch04:13
SpeedEviland you can kill it04:13
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cehtehyou can stop mce sanely .. but if it gets killed or dies then bad things happen04:14
SpeedEvilnot if you start it initially witht he 'don't resurrect me04:14
cehtehar least i restarted mce sometimes by stop mce; start mce .. dunno what happens when you stop it some extended time period04:15
cehtehis it vital in any way? .. or just watches on dbus events and so some ringing vibrating etc?04:16
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SpeedEvilI've just been killing browserd to play with fennec04:16
SpeedEviland ohter stuff04:16
SpeedEvillike worldclock04:16
cehtehhehe is fennec faster when you kill browserd because of more ram available?04:16
DocScrutinizer  *SIGH*04:17
povbot`Bug 6615: Battery Dies Under 6 Hours with Very Moderate Use (Static IP?)04:17
SpeedEvilit's actually usable - I had 3 or 4 tabs open - and it was mostly OK04:17
* SpeedEvil wishes he could get to sleep04:17
* cehteh had sometimes 5-10 microb windows open and it worked like a charm04:17
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SpeedEvilyeah - tabs are nice though04:19
ShadowJKdoesn't browserd eventually get pushed out to swap anyway? that happens on n810 with tear...04:19
SpeedEvilShadowJK: mostly yes - however - I was trying to see what it would be like without memory pressure - not what it's like when it's got to push stuff out to swap04:20
cehtehit should04:20
SpeedEvileven if it doesn't crash04:20
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*** strike1 has joined #Maemo04:26 says another maemo device is comign this week04:28
goodwillthats just crazy04:28
SpeedEvilIt's a combadge-shaped n90004:28
goodwillI got several friends who want a maemo based phone without a hardware keyboard04:29
ShadowJKcombadge shaped headset controller would be cool...04:29
goodwillI told them to wait 6-8 months04:29
SpeedEvilThough seriously - I've wondered for a while why they - paramount - don't do that04:29
goodwillSpeedEvil: its not enough that the bluetooth headsets make us look like borg04:30
ShadowJKthe next maemo device will have compass, no gps, no keyboard, fixed usb host, fixed breaking usb port, and whatever else will make you scream and bash your head into a wall04:30
ShadowJKNokia is good at making devices that fix shortcomings of previous devices and then cripple them04:31
SpeedEvilor n900-us04:31
goodwillSpeedEvil: still got that openmoko :)04:31
ShadowJKI suspect more ram is what will get me to upgrade04:32
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goodwillI am kinda hoping eventually FSO will be mature enough to use04:32
SpeedEvilmore RAM would be nice. Especially if it's reterofittable.04:32
SpeedEvil(though with a soldering station)04:32
SpeedEvilgoodwill: SHR?04:32
goodwillSpeedEvil: SHR is still not usuable IMHO04:33
cehtehramzswap would be already a good start for the n900 ..04:33
SpeedEvilcehteh: also page merging04:33
ShadowJKPOP surface mount soldering is insane at best...04:33
goodwillSpeedEvil: I occasionally reflash my freerunner to see how its going04:33
cehtehSpeedEvil: page merging not04:33
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cehtehthat makes only sense for virtual servers and emulators and needs some CPU04:33
cehtehSpeedEvil: page merging is not automatic, it needs application support04:34
SpeedEvilcehteh: I had _very_ good results with it back in the day on a 8M machine04:34
SpeedEvilno, it doesn't.04:34
cehtehah .. i meant the linux things04:34
DocScrutinizershr you should use testing04:34
ShadowJKdo you mean page sharing?04:34
GeneralAntillesI can't believe HD2 is up to 1GB/512MB.04:34
pupnikI think it's funny that SMW ran choppy on SDL+N800 but runs smooth on the Atari 260004:34
cehtehlinux has page merging since 2.6.31 (or was it .32?)04:35
goodwillDocScrutinizer: I need a usable phone though ... pretty much all openmoko distros are not stable enough04:35
DocScrutinizershr-t is supposed to be stable enough for bare bones daily use04:35
SpeedEvilcehteh: It does?04:35
cehtehscanning through pages which are specially tagged, finds duplicates and merging them04:35
cehtehyes relative new thing04:36
DocScrutinizerI was even happy with stability of SHR-U_080804:36
SpeedEvilcehteh: no - this is all pages - not specially tagged ones04:36
goodwillDocScrutinizer: I tried it last month ... still not usable enough for me04:36
SpeedEvilor rather - was04:36
SpeedEvilcehteh: It's insane it's taken over a decade to get into the kernel.04:36
cehtehyes i a mspeaking about the mainline feature04:36
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DocScrutinizergoodwill: unstable? bas FUBAR (and mostly still is)04:36
SpeedEvilcehteh: recall teh name?04:36
cehtehiirc its page merging04:36
ShadowJKoh that page sharing thing existed once before, and it'd been about 8m ram era :-)04:37
goodwillDocScrutinizer: usable ... not unstable04:37
SpeedEvilcehteh: also there was an allied concept - which was a really cool thing which was binary diffs against pages04:37
DocScrutinizergoodwill: SJ04:37
goodwilldockane_: ?04:37
goodwillDocScrutinizer: ?04:37
DocScrutinizergoodwill: SHR-Unstable vs SHR-testing04:38
cehtehSpeedEvil: ksm is rather to expensive for a embedded device with not enough benefit .. but thats just my guess04:38
SpeedEvilcehteh: so you can diff instead of compressing - worked well in test results - but I've lost the paper04:38
goodwillDocScrutinizer: what I am saying is that its not usable enough for my needs :)04:38
cehtehwhile ramzswap is really cool i used it on my laptop04:38
SpeedEvilcehteh: I doubt it - IIRC there is a signature engine in the CPU04:38
SpeedEvilcehteh: Which would speed up mem comparison by orders of magnitude.04:38
DocScrutinizerand I asked: Unstable? of last month? ACK! Or did you test SHR-testing04:39
goodwillDocScrutinizer: testing ... sorry .. misunderstood04:39
DocScrutinizergoodwill: hmm :-/04:39
DocScrutinizergoodwill: blame SHR devels at #openmoko-cdevel04:40
goodwillDocScrutinizer: nah ... its all right ...04:40
goodwillDocScrutinizer: I am not going to blame them ... unless I am helping04:40
goodwillwhich I am not04:40
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* goodwill is not a fan of whining about volunteer programmers who do what they can04:41
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DocScrutinizeryeah let's blame Nokia maemo devels instead :-D04:42
DocScrutinizerthey are clearly not supposed to be volunteers04:42
goodwillI actually think most nokia developed apps for maemo are pretty decent04:43
goodwillexcept for the gps issue04:43
SpeedEvilcehteh: ah - it requires app support.04:43
SpeedEvilcehteh: annoyingly.04:43
goodwilltakes 5-15 minutes to lock on04:43
goodwillbug 702604:43
povbot`Bug Can't get a GPS lock with several satellites at view04:43
SpeedEvilcehteh: (ksm)04:43
goodwillinfobot: bug 702604:43
cehtehi saied that :)04:43
DocScrutinizerbug 702604:44
ShadowJKsomeone should drop +R from channel modes, the bots are muted04:44
SpeedEvilcehteh: yeah - mergemem just did it all.04:44
DocScrutinizerpovbot`: bug 702604:44
povbot`DocScrutinizer: Bug Can't get a GPS lock with several satellites at view04:44
ShadowJKI needed the gps the other day.. it gave fine accuracy almost immediately..04:45
microlithis there any documentation on trimming the available locales?04:45
DocScrutinizer[2010-01-25 03:45:23] *** Kanalmodi: +ncR     [2010-01-25 03:44:58] [Notice] -NickServ- povbot` is not registered.04:45
goodwillShadowJK: unfortunately if you look at 7026 you'll find out that its not true for everyone04:45
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: could you please voice povbot04:46
goodwillDocScrutinizer: I think fremantle is 95% production ready04:46
DocScrutinizerthe remaining 5% is what sucks04:47
cehtehfor large numbers of 5% :)04:47
goodwillbut I think thats true of most projects04:47
ShadowJKthe things that annoy me the most are bugs that exist on their symbian range too :(04:48
pupniki think i've seen enough suck to say that fremantle doesn't04:48
* goodwill remembers when slackware, debian, redhat and others sucked04:48
goodwillcouple of years it got all straightened out04:48
DocScrutinizerusually that's known by the name of 80/20 rule04:48
cehtehconsidering that everyone here paied about $500 or more to nikia only to improve some unfinished product its a bit bitter04:48
goodwillI barely ever curse out loud about deoencdency hell anymore04:48
goodwillcehteh: most people knew what they were getting into04:49
cehtehbut still04:49
goodwillso folsk paid $500 for freerunner too ...04:49
ShadowJKCertainly you should read the featurelist first, and expect nothing more04:49
SpeedEvilOr neo197304:49
goodwillcomparing to the alternative ... its still very good04:49
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cehtehapple can say you pay premium for R&D .. but nokia just thinks the community will fix it04:50
goodwill1st gen iPhone sucked completely04:50
goodwillit had something like 30% return rate if I recall correctly04:50
* ShadowJK wonders if you could fit a Huawei E169 or something into a slightly bigger freerunner..04:50
SpeedEvilShadowJK: yes04:51
GeneralAntillescehteh, that's what makes the platform fun, though.04:51
GeneralAntillescehteh, if I wanted a polished product that I had no say in I would've bought an iPhone.04:51
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: you bet you can04:51
goodwillof course I am a ex-slackware gentoo user ...04:52
goodwillso I am used to unpolished things04:52
cehtehGeneralAntilles: yes sure .. but some rebates/refound for developers and better understanding/support from the higher management/marketing would be nice .. i dont want to blame the nokia guys which are here the technicans try to do a good job04:52
goodwillbtw, being able to see communication history for each contact is totally cool04:53
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goodwillits all sqlite dbs right?04:53
ShadowJKtalking to it over usb would be so power inefficient though :D04:53
DocScrutinizerShadowJK:  ;-D04:53
GeneralAntillescehteh, they've distributed more than 700 discounted and loaner devices.04:53
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: could you please voice povbot04:54
ShadowJKAnd when sygic develops a competitor to Ovi Maps, Nokia steps in to make it a "star" product :)04:54
cehtehi thought only 300 .. well even 700 is not really much, and having some general discount/reward system would be nicer imo .. share with more people04:55
GeneralAntillescehteh, to the Fremantle Stars, to several dozen community developers and contributors around September, 300 devices at the Summit, 180+ discounted devices to community contributors and many others at various other events and places.04:55
GeneralAntillescehteh, you thought incorrectly. :)04:55
cehtehah ok04:55
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SpeedEvilAnd those that abused coupons.04:55
* SpeedEvil hugs coupons.04:55
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GeneralAntillesbug #63004:55
povbot`Bug Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers involved!04:55
goodwillbug 702604:56
povbot`Bug Can't get a GPS lock with several satellites at view04:56
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, that's the 180+04:56
GeneralAntillescehteh, Quim just got another batch to distribute to developers missed by the first few sweeps.04:56
goodwillI think having sygic doing their own maemo maps product is goood04:56
goodwillits choice04:56
goodwillovi maps 1.0 is really, really sad04:56
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: thanks04:57
GeneralAntillesChrist, Sygic.04:57
DocScrutinizerlet's see04:57
DocScrutinizerbug 66604:57
povbot`Bug Problems with Javascript setTimeout function04:57
cehtehmaybe i should develop for maemo :P04:57
GeneralAntillesThey've ignored 3 of my emails to 3 different people over the past month.04:57
ShadowJKwhat have you asked them?04:57
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: no - not dev coupons - I mean nokia offer coupons totalling ~50% off in store.04:57
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: Or was that intended04:58
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, to not abuse the trademark for marketing purposes.04:58
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, ah, that.04:58
goodwillah yes04:58
goodwillGeneralAntilles: I though Maemo is the name04:58
ShadowJKtheir "maemo size restrictions" thing seems fishy...04:58
* goodwill agrees04:59
ShadowJKmaybe they need >2gig per file04:59
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goodwillI do not buy the vfat is not good enough for storage04:59
goodwillthere are always ways around that04:59
goodwilldoes WinMo use ntfs?04:59
GeneralAntillesgoodwill, they chopped up the logo to use as a "maemo" logo.05:00
ShadowJKWayfinder on N8x0 stored maps on vfat05:00
goodwillGeneralAntilles: I know ... but why is that wrong?05:00
GeneralAntillesgoodwill, because it's not a Maemo logo.05:00
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GeneralAntillesgoodwill, it's a logo.05:00
SpeedEvilgoodwill: not really - if you want a directly mountable filesystem that you can plug into most PCs05:00
ShadowJKbut then they had one map per country, you had to switch between them manually05:00
GeneralAntillesgoodwill, removing the .org is an abuse of the trademark.05:00
goodwillGeneralAntilles: is there such thing as maemo logo?05:00
GeneralAntillesgoodwill, not really.05:01
goodwillGeneralAntilles: or is it just logo?05:01
ShadowJKone file per map probably too. biggest was US maps at 2 gigs..05:01
GeneralAntillesArguably "Maemo" in the Nokia font.05:01
GeneralAntillesBut not really.05:01
GeneralAntillesWhich is part of the problem.05:01
GeneralAntillesBut that doesn't mean Sygic gets to abuse OUR logo for their marketing purposes.05:01
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goodwillGeneralAntilles: put up a sticky on ... I think this should draw enough flaming :)05:02
GeneralAntilles4th email in 1.5 months sent. . . .05:02
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ShadowJKplease don't poke the stinking dungpile, it gets worse05:03
goodwillanyone here have their n900 encased in a thick case? and if so? what?05:03
SpeedEvilgoodwill: I got a cheap one on ebay05:03
cehtehgoodwill: me, my self build one05:03
goodwillSpeedEvil: its kinda like barely rubberized?05:03
goodwillcause thats what I have05:03
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goodwillI kinda want one with more rubber05:04
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SpeedEvilgoodwill: no - clear plastic05:04
goodwillSpeedEvil: a thick case?05:04
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SpeedEvilnot really05:05
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goodwillPDAir one is what I have05:05
SpeedEvilnot great - but works05:05
mtnbkrthe photoshopping of that ebay image is not great either. :)     hurts my eyes05:07
goodwillI have the zagg shield ... but its nto the same as the case05:07
* ShadowJK has a zagg shield... in the unopened envelope it came in..05:07
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goodwillcehteh: damn ...05:07
SpeedEvilmtnbkr: it is not actually really photoshopped05:08
cehteh  ...case4.jpg05:08
SpeedEvil(well - other than the overlaid text)05:08
cehtehthats the prototype, looks bit ugly05:08
microlithanyone know how to shorten the list of available languages in the language & region panel?05:09
cehtehdeinstall them maybe?05:10
microlithI don't think they're installed as packages...05:10
cehtehmany are but you dont see them in the application manager05:11
cehtehand you can brick your device when you do something wrong there :P05:12
microlithI know that05:12
microlithnothing a reflash won't fix :P05:12
DocScrutinizerso 'bricking' for sure is the wrong word05:12
microlithI'd be more brave with a JTAG, but alas...05:12
cehtehwell for some users its bricked when it doesnt work as normal05:13
DocScrutinizerI've seen FR bricked by cheap USB car charger05:14
DocScrutinizerwhich makes me wonder... is there any info about what N900 can cope with on the usb? Thinking of surges, overvoltage etc05:15
microlithDocScrutinizer: probably nothing special05:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: well - the PMU datasheet is there.05:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: It's even longer than the one in the FR05:16
DocScrutinizeraaah right. I forgot05:16
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SpeedEvilcable with 10W 5.6V zener...05:17
DocScrutinizerwell the "old" nokias have a reputation of being rock solid wrt mistreating their charger circuit. I seen 6210 just saying "wrong charger" when I accidentally hooked up a 12V powersupply to the 5V barrel receptacle05:18
goodwillDocScrutinizer: HAHAHAHAHA05:18
cehtehcharging over micro-usb is now a standard, the electrical specs should be googleable05:18
DocScrutinizerI'm not a ziphead05:19
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer: It would accept 10V if the 10V source had 100mA or so current limit :)05:19
DocScrutinizeralas the specs are quite unforgiving05:19
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cehtehwell they define some sane limits ..05:19
DocScrutinizeryoh like 5.5V ABS MAX05:20
cehtehhey .. maybe hook your n900 directly to a car battery and report about it05:20
ShadowJKor atleast the 2mm devices would, the 3.5mm ones are slightly different and without specs05:20
SpeedEvilcehteh: they do not however say what the actual extremes of the components used are.05:21
ShadowJK1hz PWM charge regulation for the win05:21
SpeedEvilcehteh: Some PMU chips can in fact take 12V - for example05:21
cehtehSpeedEvil: i am sure i dont want to find that out :)05:21
SpeedEvilI will pay for any device destroyed in testing power supplies.05:21
SpeedEvil5 dollars, and postage.05:22
ShadowJK(the pwm is also why 2mm nokia's have upper current limit on the psu charging it)05:22
cehtehthe charger does 1.2A at 5 volts ..05:22
DocScrutinizernow look at this: /usr/share/sounds/ui-wrong_charger.wav05:23
cehtehwell anyone knows if there are some electronics in this charge adapter which ships with it?05:23
cehtehjust a zener .. or only current breaker .. nothing at all just meachanical adapter?05:24
cehtehor even some pwm regulator?05:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: lotsd05:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: it's a switching regulator of some sort05:24
mtnbkrDocScrutinizer: speaking of sounds... can I replace the defauly IM notfication in that dir with something else. It's an aac file (and a few others in there are) and audacity tells me it cant open them (DRM etc)05:24
cehtehwell then i expect it at worst to fry the adapter but not the phine05:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: with quite a lot of protection stuff - I have it open on my bench - I need to desolder the heatsink so I can see the rest of it05:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: that is not unlikely - but not certain05:25
SpeedEvilI'm unsure that the stuff I saw was in fact protection - I could be wrong05:25
cehtehi planned to charge on my bike from dynamo maybe i use it for that05:25
SpeedEvilreally bad idea generally.05:25
cehtehrectifier in front, big cap, and let the regulator do the rest05:26
SpeedEvilRegulated 5V only05:26
DocScrutinizermtnbkr: no idea05:26
SpeedEvil7805 is your friend05:26
SpeedEvil(with a heatsink)05:26
cehtehtoo much loss05:26
cehtehfor my gps i made a very simple (1 diode, half wave only), big cap, low-drop linear regulator thing05:27
cehtehworks nice05:27
SpeedEvilcehteh: So use a peak power tracking SMPS05:27
DocScrutinizerdarn 4:3005:28
cehtehproblem is when you drive slowly the voltage is too low for a linar regulator and a bridge rectifier doesnt really improve that: P05:28
DocScrutinizerauto-step-u/down converter05:28
ShadowJKneed a boost and buck circuit :)05:28
DocScrutinizeris the magic word05:29
cehtehsome step up regulator which just provides enough voltage for a linear regulator without much loss would be nice05:29
ShadowJKthere are shitloads of them on dealextreme, ready boards, but they're all constant current rather than constant voltage :(05:29
ShadowJKfor flashlight diy :/05:30
DocScrutinizerthere are converters that take an input range up to 30..100% and crate arbitrary output voltage from that05:30
cehtehyes, current regulation is much easier (actually thats what you get on a free running circruit)05:30
SpeedEvilit's not really that.05:30
SpeedEvilit's just that teh IC in the boards is setup to do current05:31
SpeedEvilIt can do either05:31
cehtehi am not that much in electronics ..05:31
SpeedEvilthe above is a simple converter - efficient.05:31
cehtehthe question for me is rather whats the lowest current it can use for charging05:32
cehtehi certainly dont want to charge at 1.2A from a bike dynamo :)05:32
ShadowJK100mA works..05:32
cehtehyeah something in the 100-200 ma range would be sane05:33
cehtehmhm normal usb without power aquisition is only 50ma or?05:33
cehtehthats fine05:33
cehtehshould just suffice to extend the battery life05:34
DocScrutinizerwhat's wrong with 500mA from bike dynamo?05:34
DocScrutinizereven with 1A?05:34
cehtehlight gets darker05:34
SpeedEvilrealistically. Replace bike light with LED, run that off a battery charged off the 5V bus05:35
DocScrutinizerif you have it hoked up all the time it won't draw constant 1A05:35
DocScrutinizerit's more like a few 100 mA05:35
cehtehi have led bike light .. and center dynamo05:35
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cehtehi just dont like to be on battery because sometimes i make long bike tours05:36
ShadowJKI opened up my tekkeon today thinking of shorting datapins05:37
ShadowJKdamn case was actually glued or something :)05:37
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cehtehi think about adding  switch for shortening them there05:38
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cehteheither light+100ma or more power for charging with light off05:38
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* DocScrutinizer considers to start a business with decent bike power manager05:40
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cehtehhehe .. you are doomed by german laws :P05:41
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cehtehbut really .. i would buy one05:42
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cehtehadd some accus which one can stuff into the bike tube ..05:42
cehteh(i did that once 6x Mignon)05:42
DocScrutinizeraaah good idea05:42
cehtehno external case05:43
cehtehmignon is enough when you have a good charge circruit ..05:43
ShadowJKmignon = aa?05:44
cehtehprovide 6v for light   5v for gadgets .. a simple controler05:44
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cehtehcontroler == light and motion sensor, having 2 or 3 swithcable channels .. maybe a small 7segemnt lcd for charge status05:45
ShadowJKI'd much rather have LiIon batteries for taking charge from "unreliable" source05:46
cehtehmaybe power-caps would be even better ..05:47
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DocScrutinizerLiIon still not robust enough05:47
ShadowJKLiMn or LiFePo?05:47
DocScrutinizergoldcaps have much too low engry density05:47
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cehtehdepends .. you dont want to power a cigarette lighter at the stop light or?05:48
DocScrutinizerLiFePo would be better but still05:48
ShadowJKWith varying charge current you'll have major issues detecting end-of-charge on nimh and end up overcharging..05:49
cehteh6 or more big gold-caps in parallel give quite some bang05:49
cehtehand you can stack them .. scales with the money you want to invest05:49
microlithok that had me worried05:49
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: same holds true for LiIon05:49
cehtehtheir reliabilty is really good05:49
* microlith read LiFePo as Lithium Iron Polonium05:49
cehtehmicrolith: lol05:49
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer: well you know 4.2V is full. Or 4.1V if you want to be gentle. And you know the max current you can dump in them.05:50
cehtehnote the pic of the glowing plutonium block05:50
cehtehShadowJK: consider environment conditions on a bike .. hot in sun, freezing in winter, wet in rain ..05:51
ShadowJKBut with nimh, end of charge causes Voltage /drop/, but if your charge current drops, the the voltage drops too..05:51
ShadowJKah, I didn't consider sun. I live in .fi after all :-)05:52
cehtehi really think about the gold-cap thing .. you basically dont need a charge regulator, they last for years and dont age much,05:52
DocScrutinizercehteh: friggin shiiiiiit05:52
cehtehi only need them to power a device at a stop ..05:53
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kamui__anyone with a US N900 map the tab and esc keys successfully?05:53
kamui__each attempt seems to just break keys fo rme05:53
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cehtehkamui_: i did on a german n900 .. shift-return = esc   shift-space = tab05:54
shinkamuicehteh, mind giving me a hand?05:54
shinkamuiI want that exact config05:54
shinkamuithen home/end/pu/pdown on the arrows05:54
cehtehi tinhk i lost it .. i have no device currently and iirc thats one thing i didnt back up because it was so simple :P05:55
* cehteh looks in his backup05:55
microlithshinkamui: I had it set up on mine before the last firmware push05:56
cehtehthere are instructions on tmo05:56
shinkamuiI used some links off of links off of the thread05:57
shinkamuiI think its my shift states that are bad05:57
shinkamuiI scrapped the bad config and im starting over05:57
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (end-of-charge) othing you couldn't handle quite smart enough with a small atmel and a few FETs and other birdseed05:58
cehtehnote that this files are case sensitive iirc05:58
ShadowJKdocscrutinizer: it's still damn complex. Charge efficiency varies with charge current, which makes coloumb counting hard/impossible, and voltage has no modelable relationship to charge level06:00
cehtehmhm DocScrutinizer so goldcaps dont really convince you? :)06:00
DocScrutinizercehteh: you need 50* the volume of NiMH06:00
ShadowJKThe best thing I've seen so far, is to use a Li-Ion charge algorithm tweaked for a specific well-studied and wellknown battery, such as the Sanyo Eneloop.06:01
cehtehi am satisfied with 1/50 of the capacity06:01
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SpeedEvileneloop is NiMH06:01
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I thought not exactly about CC06:01
ShadowJKSpeedEvil: yes06:01
cehtehDocScrutinizer: charging is no issue, and you can suck them out with a ACAC converter06:02
SpeedEvilShad: ol - wasn't keeping up.06:02
ShadowJKSpeedEvil: so 1.48V instead of 4.2V, and max 1C rate. Some people swear by it.06:02
cehtehif it can give me 100ma for lets say 5 minutes i am fine06:02
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ShadowJKThe eneloop is remarkably high quality and consistent. With other brands doing cc/cv would give pretty random results even with batteries from same batch06:03
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DocScrutinizerthat's roundabout 30F06:03
cehtehi only use eneloops here anymore .. all others are crap compared to them06:03
SpeedEvilcehteh: especially counting the discharge rate06:04
cehtehDocScrutinizer: thats doable with latest generation and putting some in parallel06:04
SpeedEvilbut pointlessly expensive.06:04
ShadowJKThey must be good, when everyone is putting massive efforts into making as authentic looking counterfeits as possible06:04
DocScrutinizeralso yup06:04
SpeedEvilOn a bike - I'd just ignore it, and put on a 1Kg lead-acid to power stuff.06:05
SpeedEvilWith a shunt regulator.06:05
cehtehyou dont live near mountains, dont you?06:05
ShadowJKSome even go as far as using GS Yuasa LSD nimh cells for their eneloop counterfeit manufacture06:05
SpeedEvilcehteh: not really06:05
DocScrutinizerLSD? cooool06:06
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SpeedEvilcehteh: electric bike - and tap the bat.06:06
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ShadowJKLow Self Discharge06:06
cehtehand you dont do 100km+ bike tours through mountains06:06
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SpeedEvilcehteh: fair enough. In that case, 20Wh or so of li-ion.06:07
ShadowJK"ready to use" or "precharged" by marketing06:07
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: reichelt  single 22F!! gold cap cost 5,70 Eur06:07
ShadowJKThere are 3 manufacturers, Gold Peak, GS Yuasa and Sanyo. The Sanyo variety is superior. Duracell precharged used to be sanyo before they switched to gp or yuasa06:08
DocScrutinizeryahyah but no 6V type, no?06:08
cehteheh no :) ..06:08
cehtehbut i planned some in parallel anyways .. and 6v might be not enouh mhm dynamo can (err, will) deliver more if you dont limit it .. and why heat energy away06:10
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SpeedEvilHow much does that dynamo weigh?06:10
SpeedEvilI'd seriously wonder about nuking it and simply replacing it with the equivalent weright in li-ion.06:10
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: 20Wh LiuIon cost more than gold06:10
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: err - not really.06:11
cehtehmhm .. gold caps in series gives me some bad feeling ..06:11
DocScrutinizercehteh: and half the capacity for 2 in series :-P06:12
cehtehok lets wait some years until technology improved06:12
cehtehiirc there are already some much better ones but i dont know where you can order them and what they cost06:13
DocScrutinizeractually I heard of a electric Tram that can go 40km without electric wire, has goldcap storage06:14
DocScrutinizerwas in news last week06:14
DocScrutinizeror was it 4km?06:14
shinkamuiI am a twit cehteh06:14
ShadowJKBYD's electric goes 300km on LiFePo4 :)06:14
shinkamuithe key to making it work06:14
shinkamuiwas not trying while drunk :)06:14
shinkamuigot it all working06:14
shinkamui2 seconds06:14
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cehteh   3kF .. *cough*06:15
SpeedEvilThough if it was me, yes, I'd go lifep0406:15
SpeedEviland very uncheap06:15
shinkamuiis it possible to make a deb onboard06:15
cehtehDocScrutinizer: bit biggier :)06:16
SpeedEvilIIRC for the same peak power, you get a123 class lifepo4 bats - with much more total energy - and about the same price06:16
SpeedEvilBut a123 cells are also cheap on ebay06:16
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* pupnik has a bike with 40 lbs of lifepo406:16
pupnikwhirr whirr06:17
SpeedEvilDoes it do wheelies?06:17
pupnikfor when the car goes bye bye06:17
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: well 0.51 kg for a 2.7V 3kF cap .. :)06:18
cehtehand better dont ask for the price06:18
SpeedEvilpupnik: Are you ?06:18
SpeedEvilIIRC it's $200 or so06:19
SpeedEvilwhen I priced them06:19
shinkamuihey pupnik06:19
shinkamuiwhats going on06:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: though not lifepo4 IIRC06:19
pupniksexy bike, but you are hamburger in an accident06:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: indeed.06:19
pupniki prefer to fly over the hood when i get sidesmacked at 27mph06:19
* SpeedEvil has a design for a hoverboard. Alas without significant funding it will never materialise.06:20
SpeedEvil1.2m*1.2m 50Kg or so. 5 minute duration, maximum about 5km06:20
ShadowJK5km will get you in FAA land06:21
SpeedEvilDamn beurocrats.06:22
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SpeedEvilI will just add instructions to under no circumstances press the large red button. Then it's not my problem.06:22
ShadowJKthere's a youtube video of some finn with wingsuit and jetboots jumping from a hotair balloon06:22
* DocScrutinizer wonders if FAA also rules humans, or just vehicles only ;-P06:22
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SpeedEvil(200 teeny electric ducted fans - 100KW of batteries - and an insane person on top)06:23
pupnikif you want affordable power, this isn't bad.
* DocScrutinizer also wondrs what the radar signature will look like06:23
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer do it far inland so you don't get SM-1 joining you when you run out of battery ;D06:24
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DocScrutinizer~wtf SM-106:25
infobotusage: wtf <foo>.06:25
infobotidiot is, like, you06:25
ShadowJKthe stuff aegis lobs at incoming ballistic missiles06:27
DocScrutinizerfor sure would change the radar signature significantly06:28
ShadowJKyes, it'd more resemble chaff after it joins you :)06:29
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pupnikgoing back to unaliased, well-designed fonts in terminal is 'aaaah'06:33
pupnikmaybe it's just those sharp edges for eyes to focus on06:34
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odin_ah good... the installs the original SDK :)  (not the latested one)06:43
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odin_what does the Xephyr "-kb" option do ?06:47
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odin_Xnest had "-kb  disable the X Keyboard Extension"  is this extension now called XKEYBOARD or has it been obsoleted?    xorg-x11-server-Xephyr-1.7.4-1.fc12.x86_64 does not support an -kb cmdline option06:56
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jebbaodin_: drop -kb, you'll be fine06:59
jebbaodin_: how do you know it's not a more recent one? Should likely grab one from mid january07:00
odin_jebba, wasn't Xnest the original ? in the XFree86 days07:00
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jebbathink its still around tho07:01
jebbaanyway, i've run it without -kb on fedora fine07:01
jebbaodin_: you doing this in fedora?07:01
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odin_I tried "-extension XKEYBOARD" and it says it can not be disabled so maybe "xkb" is an older extension (that is long gone)07:01
odin_yup F1207:01
jebba         check that, for some f12 info, btw07:02
odin_got a major font issue tho, upgraded from FC4 to F1207:02
jebbaya, clean upgrade i bet.07:02
odin_sure as always for me, kept putting it off year after year lol, until things I want to run no longer run (due to glibc recent symbol version linkage)07:03
jebbavlc didn't want to compile due to buggy old glibc....07:03
jebbaso i kind of just building around that...07:03
jebbafor maemo, i'm talking07:03
odin_what version does it want ?07:04
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jebbaconfigure: error: Buggy GNU/libc (version 2.5 - 2.7) present.07:05
jebba"Alternatively, build with --disable-nls    --disable-mozilla and be sure to not use LibVLC from other applications/wrappers"07:05
jebba        supposedly android running on n90007:09
tonyyarussoSo apparently the build of irssi in the repos was compiled without script support.  Does anyone know where I could get a maemo package of irssi with /script?07:09
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odin_nokia-binaries has 2 versions... 5.0+0 and 5.0+1  but the maemo-version has 4 versions, how do they relate?07:12
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odin_jebba, I could not get to work for me, it just hangs when run (I think it does some dbus msg to the desktop and waits, forever) but I am using current script, do you have the original script your Wiki page patch relates to ?07:21
odin_jebba, maybe you can copy to my $HOME on freemoe (if its already on that box)07:23
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jebbajust run the script, not the wizard.07:31
jebbathe wizard kjust puts up a lame gui07:31
odin_yep I got past it, just trying to provide feedback (for the next person)07:31
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odin_its all working exception I have not installed nokia-binaries yet, yep and me on maemo-scratchbox-install_5.0.sh07:32
infobotodin_ meant: its all working except I have not installed nokia-binaries yet, yep and me on maemo-scratchbox-install_5.0.sh07:32
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jebbaVLC hopefully coming up real-soon-now  :)07:33
* Stskeeps dislikes 6:30am times from his timezone07:33
jebbaah, good morning and good luck!07:35
jebbait's 7:3007:35
Stskeepsi know07:36
jebbagood  ,)07:36
jebbaah, you were earlier before gotcha  ;)07:36
jebbajust didnt want you to be an hour late!07:36
Stskeepswoke up at 6:30 local time and my head was pounding. luxury of getting up late when working from home really beats me atm07:36
jebbaah, at least you woke up heh07:37
jebbasw_rst is the watchdog or something else?07:37
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Stskeepssoftware watchdog, like, for apps07:38
Stskeepsi think07:38
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shamusanyone know of a good geocron for the n800 as the stock clock app is a bit anoying in that it dose not show the line of termination07:39
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odin_where is Stskeeps  off to today ?07:40
Stskeepsin .fi07:41
jebbasw_rst Software reset (critical system application crashing or being killed by the kernel OOM-killer)07:41
Stskeepsjebba: basically DSME rebooting cos things are crashing way too much07:42
jebbahmm, wonder why it thinks that. Someone trying to do NAT gets that.07:42
Stskeepsit should say what app too in /var/lib/dsme or something07:43
jebbabasically when they try to push a lot of traffic thru it, it resets07:43
jebbahe reported that didnt have anything relevant07:43
ShadowJKkernel oops?07:43
jebbanot sure07:43
Stskeepsnot a kernel oops07:44
Stskeepswell, might be deep down but sw_rst is a app crashing over and over again07:44
Stskeepsthat was started with dsmetool07:44
odin_do you only get a kernel opps with crash-reporter installed ?  i.e. is it hidden for a normal user (even to log files) ?07:44
jebbai can get a crash trying to ffmpeg -i /dev/video1  ;907:44
ShadowJKiirc in that crashy n900 bugzilla bug someone said sw_rst happens after kernel oops too07:45
ShadowJKand /var/lib/dsme remains unchanged07:45
ShadowJKbut opps appended to circular buffer in /dev/mtd2 iirc07:45
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goodwillthe number of entries on "oohh android and maemo dual boots" is increasing exponentially!!!08:20
goodwillchecking #maemo on twitter is like opening a closet door and having them all fall out on top of you08:21
goodwillI do not really get why people are excited about it08:21
goodwillthere are more then enough android phones08:22
goodwillthe appeal of n900 is that its not flipping android but instead a proper linux disto with x and what not08:22
goodwillit will only be exciting when android apps will run natively on maemo ...08:23
cehtehi dont think so08:26
cehtehpeople wont write proper apps then and just push the android stuff to maemo08:26
MistaEDcool dual boot, could come handy for developing to both maemo and android without buying another device08:27
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Triztgoodwill, from 1 to 2, then 4 who say oohh?08:30
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RST38h0 (Operation timed out))08:38
RST38h*** Signoff: konttori ()08:38
RST38h*** Signoff: lilliput (Read error: 113 (No route to host))08:38
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goodwillTrizt: all the people posting about on twitter08:39
RST38hFinally, an E70 replacement =)08:40
goodwillRST38h: interesting idea ... but IMHO: laying the phone down on a table and typing on it like this ... will be give you one hell of a neck crap08:40
Triztgoodwill; you shouldn't care about twitter, it's proven it dummyfys people08:40
RST38hYou are not supposed to lay it down on the table08:40
RST38hYou hold it in both hands and type08:41
goodwillTrizt: I do not ... I just find it amusing08:41
Triztjust wait a couple of months and it's dead08:41
goodwillTrizt: eh ... stupid things live on forever08:42
goodwillTrizt: case in point ... human race ;)08:42
Triztbumblebees are another, they too stupid to understand they can't fly08:43
goodwillhere is a good idea: different vibrate pattern for calendar reminder vs phone call08:44
* Trizt nods08:45
RST38h"Vote for quick release of Maemo 6 (N900 PR 1.1 disappointing)" tmo member, join date...08:46
RST38hJan 2010!08:46
Triztand new setup of colours for the calendar too, 3 pinks are a bit too much08:46
RST38hyea, that describes the process pretty well08:46
goodwillis android J2ME or J2SE?08:48
goodwillI find it highly amusing that MS managed to miss the mobile devices train ...08:51
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RST38hAndroid is Android08:52
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shamusms tryed with wince08:55
shamusand failed08:55
goodwillall hail their licensing policies08:56
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RST38hthey have got pretty good licensing policies08:56
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shamusi had an only pocket pc and it sucked.08:57
goodwillRST38h: from what a buddy of mine told me ... it was a night mare to trying to get information out of them ... and that various components they needed to use required modification to the licensing contracts08:57
goodwillthey were forced to stop wince development08:57
shamusi find it sad/funny that my garmin gps rund wince08:58
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pwnguinshamus: i dont08:59
shamusi allways did like grant os better08:59
goodwillshamus: mine runs linux08:59
pwnguinshamus: their older stuff ran GarminOS08:59
goodwillshamus: they have a couple of gps devices based on linux09:00
* pwnguin lives within eyeshot of garmin09:00
FIQthey've good apps but the os sucks09:00
FIQthat's what i've heard09:00
FIQ(i had never tried one)09:00
pwnguingarmin's too tied to avionics to invest enough in a consumer device09:00
shamuspersionaly i like the old megilins09:00
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shamusso true09:01
pwnguinwhich is why their linux phone is full of fail09:01
goodwillgarmin has a linux phone?09:01
shamusarchos makes some nice pmp's biut dam there customer suport is horible09:02
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shamushad the battery on my 604wifi all but explode on me09:03
jXhas anyone compiled kismet for maemo 5 yet?09:03
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pwnguini guess they're moving towards android09:04
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pwnguingoodwill: the g60 is supposedly a linux phone09:05
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v2pxD: i cant get the sdk+ to show me something other than a blank screen in Xephyr09:12
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tonyyarussoSo apparently the build of irssi in the repos was compiled without script support.  Does anyone know where I could get a maemo package of irssi with /script?09:19
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cehtehprolly for some purpose .. because scripts may drain battery09:30
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Myrttimoar painkillers!10:02
Stskeepsmorn Myrtti10:02
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jebbamailday monday when they turn SMTP service back up.10:07
Stskeepsmail goes out monday to saturday, duh ;p10:08
tybollt I like that10:08
tybolltI'll start shutting down the mx and smtp on fridays10:09
tybolltthen start them monday morning >:)10:09
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jebbai think that's how they're set up. Would be interesting to plot mails against dates  ;)10:09
tybolltjebba "they"?10:10
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jebbahow they are set up  (the mail servers)10:10
jebbaah, ya, the one mail server heh10:10
jebbawhy would you need two?10:10
jebbal$ host -t mx maemo.org10:11 mail is handled by 1
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Stskeepswmfi?10:11 finally pushed my million firefox tabs over the edge. There is no www.wmfi.net10:11
jebbabeats me10:12
jebbaInfra Solutions Finland, Logica10:12
Stskeepswm data finland10:12
Stskeepsof course10:12
Stskeeps(now logica)10:12
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`0660i think they had to change their name, because they did too much shitty software under the old name10:13
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`0660the -> their10:13
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mecehello maemites10:15
Stskeepsaren't we maemoians?10:15
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meceStskeeps, oh right. silly me.10:15
inzI'm a maeme10:15
inz(plural: maemee)10:16
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jebba"Following a fall in its share price, Logica executives took the unusual step of meeting over the weekend"                  wow. Very unusual to do things over the weekend at Logica I guess.10:16
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`0660in finland people are not expected to work over 40 hours per week :)10:20
meceI work 32.625 hours a week.10:21
hd1in my industry, 35 hours/week is the norm10:21
`0660and unless you are in quite high level, you are generally paid about 50% more for overtime10:21
tybolltI heard something about convenient stores not being open in weekends in finland?10:22
`0660i think that is changing just now10:22
mecethey are, but not very long10:22
tybolltok then10:22
jebbahmm, building vlc for i386 (arm is ok), I get "`GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by ...
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* hd1 is a market trader10:22
jebbaglibc 2.5 is in the SDK10:22
meceregularly it's 9 to 18 on saturdays and 12 to 18 on sundays and 7-21 on weekdats :)10:23
meceweekdays too10:23
Stskeepsjebba: that's worrying10:23
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`0660on sundays they have to pay double salaries though10:23
meceHukka around?10:23
hd1I work 9am to 4pm NYC time10:23
tybollthd1: those are good hours, good hours indeed.10:24
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hd1tybollt: yea, but my job is VERY high stress10:24
mecehd1, I work similar hours, but with very very low stress :)10:25
hd1mece: you're probably paid in accordance with your stress level ;)10:25
mecehd1, very much so.10:26
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jebbaStskeeps: odd, as i dont see glibc2.7 stuff anywhere (except comments here & there). nor on systme.10:26
Hukkamece: What's up?10:26
meceHukka was it with you we talked about comic apps?10:27
Hukkamece: Yeah10:27
meceHukka, well I made mine10:27
meceHukka my widget.10:27
HukkaWell, that was fast :)10:27
HukkaI was supposed to be coding at the office on Friday, but instead I spent five hours at an auction10:27
HukkaWas fun though, never been in one before10:28
meceHukka, did you buy something cool?10:28
Stskeepsjebba: see if you can track it down, sounds like a bu10:28
HukkaA new table, one with motorized vertical adjustment10:28
hd1sorry to hear that, mece10:28
HukkaI've been wanting one for some time, but they are normally too expensive10:28
meceHukka, started with Qt, got frustrated so I learned python.10:28
mecehd1, no I'm fine. I don't care as long as we don't starve :)10:29
Hukkamece: Huh? They aren't mutually exclusive. I do Qt with Python10:29
meceHukka, ok I started with c++10:29
jebbaStskeeps:  vlc really complains about the old glibc...10:29
Hukkamece: I'm afraid I might have to do that some day, since the startup time with python is quite big. But I'll have to see about it...10:29
meceHukka, didn't even think about that. I did it in gtk10:29
HukkaOh, ok10:30
Hukkamece: Qt's the future, you know :) Or so they say10:30
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Hukkamece: Did you already upload to -devel, or do you just have a deb somewhere?10:30
meceHukka, well for small programs like widgets python is very nice. For the heavier stuff not so much.10:30
meceHukka, I have a py file :)10:30
hd1anyone know if there's a JDK that will run on the n900?10:30
Hukkamece: Hmm, how can you make a widget with just a .py? Doesn't it require .desktop and that kind of files10:31
mecehd1, somewhere in this thread there might be the information you seek:
meceHukka, well a py and a desktop10:32
Hukkamece: I'm interested in getting my journey planner app packaged first, though. You lived in Åbo, wasn't it?10:32
Hukkamece: Do you have information about but stop locations available publicly?10:33
meceHukka, anyway it's not really in a publishable order, and I don't know how to package for devel. I'll make some improvements first.10:33
infobotHukka meant: mece: Do you have information about bus stop locations available publicly?10:33
hd1mece: I saw that10:33
meceHukka, nothing but the online services like expressbus or matkahuolto. Or do you mean the local busses?10:35
meceoh.. I guess http://bussit.turku.fi10:35
Hukkamece: Is it possible to download locations about all the stops?10:36
meceHukka, no idea. Doubt it.10:36
HukkaOver here we can request a dev account, that gives access to this huge xml file, with all the stops in there. Timetables and WGS84 coordinates10:37
threshniiiiice, there is a way to control PS3 using N90010:37
Hukkamece: Just could have added support for other areas, than capital, to my app10:37
meceHukka, well I guess you could ask them. here's some info about a new system:
Hukkamece: Do you use public transportation, would you be interested in testing, if I manage to get access to the info I need?10:39
HukkaI know people from here, but if I do add other cities, would be good to test those too. And I don't know anyone else using N900 over there :)10:39
meceHukka, rarely.10:40
meceHukka, we got that guy who first ported scummvm, I forget what he's called, and edgar210:40
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meceHukka, actually I the Turku 2011 Euroopan kulttuuripääkaupunki project could be very interested in helping out..10:42
meceerr -I10:42
Hukkamece: You think? This is not really about culture...10:43
Hukkamece: I mean, I'm interested, but pessimistic10:43
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meceHukka, yes, but it's about tourism10:45
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meceHukka, I met the guy who coordinates the it part and they were all about the mobile solutions for everything.10:45
meceHukka, Jarmo Röksa was the guys name. He works for something called " which is something like a social network surrounding the culture stuff.10:46
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meceHukka, This is the guy:
meceHukka, I guess it doesn't hurt to ask him.10:49
mecejuhovh, my thoughts exactly10:50
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juhovhhave to read the backlog now10:51
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Hukkamece: Ok, thanks for the info. Now I have to run for lunch and then get my new table over here10:54
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JaffaMorning, all11:04
Stskeepsmorning jaffa11:04
XisdibikI see MfE hasnt improved that much yet11:05
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cpscottigood morning everyone!11:17
prontooh hi11:17
n9000can anybody tell me where we can get Libtime0 0.0.36+0m5 package...11:17
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cpscottiso.. anyone has the slightest clue on whats happening with garage?11:17
cpscottiuploaded a package ~10hr ago and no reply11:18
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timeless_mbpJaffa: so um11:21
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`0660cpscotti, it must be maintained by logica too :)11:22
timeless_mbpJaffa: what's the sort order used by Catorize for All?11:22
timeless_mbpbecause it's sorting 'Browser' as 'Web' which is rather annoying11:22
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cpscottinot even the "build ok" mail11:23
n9000can anybody tell me where we can get Libtime0 0.0.36+0m5 package...11:24
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LantiziaHey, has support for the UK been dropped with version OS 2009 version 2.2009.51-1   ?11:29
tybolltwhy would it?11:30
Lantiziai.e. Should I wait for a UK variant of the firmware like there has been before or is it never coming?  and should I use the global version.11:30
timeless_mbpLantizia: just use Seamless Software Update update11:30
timeless_mbplike everyone else11:30
timeless_mbpplease don't waste your time or mine or anyone else's dealing w/ flashable images11:30
timeless_mbpthe UK variant was *never* available on time11:30
Lantiziatimeless_mbp I need to reflash anyway, screwed with lots of things under the hood :)11:30
timeless_mbpand yes, i will investigate it11:30
timeless_mbpwell, then you'll have to wait for me to find it11:31
timeless_mbpit's not high on my todo list11:31
Lantiziaok no probs!  just checking :) I can wait.11:31
timeless_mbpgiven that my mail server password expired over the weekend11:31
timeless_mbpyou're welcome to find the last bug on this subject and file a new one w/ a reference to the old one11:31
Lantiziaif it's coming then it's coming - i believe you11:32
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timeless_mbpa bug will be needed either way11:32
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* timeless_mbp tries to figure out
timeless_mbpisn't it a bit early for february?11:33
MyrttiShrik3: indians I'd say11:34
lcuktimeless, dont tell my missus, but ive got her a pink skin already, i just have to find a way to get her an n900, ive had enough of her stealing it to play angry birds and stuff11:34
Myrttitimeless_mbp: shipping latency, 14th isn't that far away11:35
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`0660i just have to find a way to buy their level packs11:35
Shrik3christmas is over, so they need to start punping up for the next reason to sell people more crap11:35
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timeless_mbpMyrtti: as a generally single, always non christian/pagan, i rarely had to deal w/ shopping/shipping for this holiday11:35
timeless_mbpso it was never something i scheduled11:35
timeless_mbpthanks for the reminder about shipping :)11:36
* lcuk waves @ Myrtti then dashes back to work11:36
Myrttitimeless_mbp: considering there's plenty of stores in Finland that sell N900 with "coming on 1.02.2010" or "shipping 6-14 days" or "no store stock available"...11:37
timeless_mbpMyrtti: please keep in ind that to me that's Jan 2, 201011:37
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infobottimeless_mbp meant: Myrtti: please keep in mind that to me that's Jan 2, 201011:37
timeless_mbpwhich to me means "the idiots can't keep their ads current" :)11:37
Myrttitimeless_mbp: that would be even worse, as you say11:38
redeemanyour date format is insane timeless11:38
Myrttiand I've seen couple of them too11:38
timeless_mbpredeeman: it's actually much more practical11:38
timeless_mbpa lot easier to track a holiday that way11:38
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redeemanits a crap format11:38
redeemantotally insane11:38
timeless_mbpit's a more practical format11:38
timeless_mbpredeeman: arguing with me is never a good idea :)11:39
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redeemanyou will not win an argument against me, much less on this11:39
Myrttiiso standard ♥11:39
Myrtti2010-01-25 ♥11:39
timeless_mbpMyrtti: the wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many from which to choose11:39
timeless_mbpwould you like a 'usb' 'cable' with that?11:40
lantiziatimeless_mbp: sorry my browser crashed - so why do you want me to log a bug again?11:40
redeemanMyrtti: yes, that is my preferred, though i can accept it reversed, 25-01-201011:40
lantiziawhats the point when you already know11:40
timeless_mbpLantizia: well, find the previous bug11:40
timeless_mbpfirst step: i figure out where the file lives11:40
timeless_mbpsecond step: someone else gets it where it needs to go11:40
timeless_mbpthe second step is someone else, and they need the bug :)11:40
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lantiziaor I can call nokia as a customer and say OI WHERES MY FIRMWARE11:41
timeless_mbpnokia care? yes please11:41
timeless_mbpthat's actually a good thing to do11:41
timeless_mbpno, seriously.11:41
lcukit wasnt a joke11:42
timeless_mbpi don't really joke.11:42
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timeless_mbpbut i'd suggest that you avoid 'OI' unless you are sure the Nokian will recognize it11:42
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lantiziatimeless_mbp: if they're british they will :P11:43
timeless_mbpwhich given your likely possible handlers is pretty much nil :)11:43
timeless_mbpLantizia: i think odds favor Indians11:43
timeless_mbpnot certain, i am curious11:43
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lantiziatimeless_mbp: ok if you have the file, the final file - and it's just a question of getting it in the right download area, can you just send it me if I provide you with the product code?11:44
lantizia_and_ I'll ring nokia11:44
timeless_mbpi don't have the file yet, i'll have to walk to work11:44
timeless_mbpmy mailbox password expired11:44
timeless_mbpand that's my domain password11:44
slonopotamus_weird. one needs voice in _all_ channels she's connected to in order to change nickname :/11:44
timeless_mbpwhich i generally need to do just about anything on our network11:44
lantiziaright how recent is this firmware?  I only noticed it today11:44
lantiziaI mean for all regions11:45
timeless_mbpLantizia: i'm assuming you're talking about 51-111:45
timeless_mbpand it's a couple of weeks old i think11:45
timeless_mbpjust call nokia now, it takes me a while to get out of bed11:45
* timeless_mbp has other mail to read11:45
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lbt_lcuk: ping12:09
* w00t yawns12:09
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hendrydoes anyone run bash as their shell on the n900? i need shell history to improve my workflow. :)12:19
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koala_manI do12:20
redeemani do in my debian chroot12:21
lantiziais there a more semi official way to repartitioning now with the later firmware?12:22
lantiziaat the moment I just bind mount /usr onto a /home/usr at boot time for extra space :S12:22
jebbaVLC WORKING  :)12:24
* lantizia hands you some win12:24
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meceblast! Why does my eventboxe clicks make two events?12:44
spectre-apparently we're getting ovi maps 3 soon12:46
spectre-on the n90012:46
meceoh? Says who?12:46
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spectre-news article i just saw on noknok12:47
spectre-no dates set but apparently it'll be rolling out within the next few weeks12:47
v2px_read: in 3 months *hides*12:49
rangeWell, that just reiterates that Anssi Vanjoki said "... and certainly moving forward it will also support Maemo"12:50
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rangeNo date, no Maemo version number, no nothing.12:50
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timeless_mbpi claim that is not support for the 'it'll happen anytime soon for maemo5/n900'12:50
timeless_mbpyou're welcome to read it with whatever shade of rose colored glasses you like12:50
GeneralAntillesHeeeelloooo Maemo 6.12:51
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GeneralAntillesCynicism serves you well where Nokia and Maemo are concerned.12:51
timeless_mbpbut if that's his official statement, then when you come crying to him about it not arriving w/in a few weeks for your n900, he's in every way justified for totally ignoring you12:51
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timeless_mbpcynicism isn't strictly necessary12:53
timeless_mbpbut being totally ignorant and trying to read things under the assumption that nokia can get pigs flying instantaneously when nokia doesn't make any statements to that effect is not a good idea either12:54
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GeneralAntillesThey can't even get normal things to happen when they make announcements about it.12:54
timeless_mbpit takes a lot of work to get pigs flying12:54
timeless_mbpand ovi maps is a big pig12:54
timeless_mbp20mb :)12:54
timeless_mbp(actually i think for maemo it's larger, but hey)12:55
SpeedEviltimeless: Or two small rockets.12:55
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: do they have to go in the same direction?12:55
SpeedEvilOnly if you want the pig entire.12:55
timeless_mbpi'd just as soon ignore the pig12:55
timeless_mbpGoogle Maps, Maep, Maemo Mapper, what does a pig get me?12:56
SpeedEvilA fair numberof potential users like pigs.12:56
timeless_mbpother than more work trying to localize it12:56
timeless_mbpsheep like pigs, eh?12:56
timeless_mbpsorry to hear that12:56
SpeedEvilEspecially when they squeal.12:56
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tybolltdoes the latest ovi maps press release imply ovi maps will be one portable application for all platforms or?12:58
SpeedEvilit won't be12:59
tybolltAFAIU currently it is not the same on symb and lin?12:59
SpeedEvilit's not very trivial in general to make one portable app12:59
tybolltshrug :)12:59
tybolltit's like w/ USB12:59
auenfnot very trivial?13:00
spectre-i for one hope it happens13:00
spectre-it would be nice to have 3 on here13:00
SpeedEvilIf you just mean a port - then maybe - who knows13:00
tybollteveryone understood perfectly fine what the hell it was until the org tried to standardize on the names... all of a sudden you have all these names that noone grasps. :)13:01
auenf'the org' ?13:01
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alteregoSo, user-space service daemons, should I just use init.d? Or is there something else for maemo?13:08
jebbaalterego: upstart13:09
jebba /etc/event.d13:09
jebbathough init.d should work fine too13:10
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GeneralAntillesspectre-, you wont get it.13:15
GeneralAntillesspectre-, it's not the same program.13:15
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spectre-so whats the best gps util for this13:16
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meceI am having some seriously weird issues with my pygtk eventbox here..13:25
mecefor some reason it registers two clicks 2 times of three. In a pattern no less!13:25
tybolltugh bizarre sound issue is back13:26
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mecefirst click registers as 1 click, then the two next ones register as two clicks and then 1, 2, 2, 1... and so on.13:26
tybolltand what someone asks - yes it does termporarily "fix" it by raising or lowering the volume.13:26
tybolltnow I'm entirely stumped :)13:27
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Damion2google maps should be available soon13:31
nomismece: are you connectiong to "button-press-event"?13:32
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nomismece: have a look at
mecenomis, yes13:32
nomismece: (not sure if that explains what you're seeing)13:32
tybollthuh is google maps not available? I mean surely it is, but not as a standalone app perhaps?13:32
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spectre-had a stuttering sound issue yesterday that forced me to shut down alsa13:32
spectre-restarting didn't fix it13:33
mecenomis, yes it does acutally :D13:33
spectre-so prolly a lockup somewhere else13:33
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mecenomis, thank you very much13:33
spectre-was in the default interface13:33
nomismece: you're welcome.13:33
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spectre-multitasking locked and the click sound repeated at high speed indefinitely13:33
spectre-then freed up again but sound was still whacked13:33
Damion2I can can already run the native linux compile of the s60 one over x fwding13:35
Damion2cross compiling is awkward as this is in google's build environment13:35
Damion2I can only allocate a small amout of 20%  time13:35
n9000i am not able to install  libalarm-dev debian package due to dependency problem.can anybody help?13:35
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Stskeepsn9000: pastebin please13:37
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n9000Stskeeps:i am not able to compile code contaning #include <alarmd/alarm_event.h>13:40
Stskeepsn9000: right, and give me error for libalarm-dev apt-get13:40
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StskeepsX-Fade: ping13:44
RST38hmoo wazd13:44
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n9000Stskeeps: libalarm-dev package is dependent on package " Libtime0 0.0.36+0m5" but no file is there to install it.
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Stskeepsn9000: you need to get nokia-binaries repository13:45
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n9000Stskeeps: please give me the link.13:46
n9000Stskeeps: thanks13:47
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: You're a badass on versioning ;-)13:48
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, trying to keep up with the versions on at least one Extras product. ;)13:49
mecenomis, a simple "if not event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: return False" did the trick. Thank you very much for that :)13:49
GeneralAntillesJaffa, in the process of being super pedantic about bug details lately.13:49
hendryis there some reason why unionfs doesn't seem to have been looked at seriously according to ?13:49
GeneralAntilleshendry, unstable, not enough time to make it work well.13:50
hendryGeneralAntilles: how is it unstable?13:50
hendryGeneralAntilles: is there a bug I should track about it?13:51
hendryThe other 'optification' solutions are just plain insane imo13:51
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nomismece: yeah, you need to filter the event type. The nice thing about this event sequence is, that it is quite simple to set up the filters accordingly.13:52
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wazdhello everyone13:53
wazdRST38h: heya :)13:53
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wazdstolen bodies? :)13:55
JaffaGeneralAntilles: timeless: I'm going to have to re-open bug 8328 and possibly mark as WONTFIX13:55
povbot`Bug all isn't showing All applications (especially the former main screen apps)13:55
hrwJaffa: catorize?13:55
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lantiziaHey I'm after the latest version for my N900... but I can't use the Nokia updater as it doesn't work with Win7 and I can't get the flash image as a UK version hasn't been made available for download yet13:57
lardman~curse Ovi Maps routing13:57
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, Ovi Maps routing !13:57
lantiziaSo I've reflashed to 41-11 or whatever it is... can it get the rest via apt?13:57
GeneralAntilleslantizia, just update the repos in the Application Manager. . . .13:57
lardmanI foolishly trusted it and it took me a mile or two along a 1 track farmer's track13:57
jebbalantizia: the flasher doesnt work with windows 7??13:57
lantiziajebba: the flasher does... the nokia updater program doesn't13:58
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lantiziajebba: but the UK variant of the latest firmware isn't available for me to use the normal flasher13:58
* hrw wants gconf-editor...13:58
GeneralAntilleslantizia, just update through h-a-m like everybody else.13:58
GeneralAntillesThere's no need to flash.13:58
lantiziawhats the h mean?13:59
lantiziahilden application manager13:59
GeneralAntillesAh, freaking finally, Sygic replied.14:00
RST38hreplied what?14:01
n9000Stskeeps: i already have nokia-binaries repository14:01
GeneralAntillesRST38h, about chopping up the logo for their site.14:01
Stskeepsn9000: apt-get update14:01
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n9000Stskeeps: ok14:02
sgbirchHow do you create a desktop shortcut to start a text based python script?14:03
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RST38hGeneral: Oh.14:03
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* GeneralAntilles doesn't get why Nokia doesn't just put together a freaking logo for Maemo.14:05
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: how's things?14:05
lardmanGeneralAntilles: what did Sygic have to say for themselves then?14:05
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GeneralAntilleslardman, they're apparently talking to Jussi (which one, I don't know).14:06
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lardmanabout providing the sw?14:06
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GeneralAntillesAbout what imagery they can use to indicate they support the Maemo platform.14:06
GeneralAntillesApple's had great success with that whole "Made for OS X" thing14:07
lardmanoh right14:07
GeneralAntillesI dunno why Nokia doesn't have something similar. . . .14:07
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achipa_irssiare we still having DNS issues on the builders ? my fremantle package went through OK, but the diablo version failed miserably with DNS errors...14:10
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bidossessihi all14:16
bidossessijust got on the maemo bandwagon, and i'm sure this has been answered before, but i couldn't find it on google so...
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lardmanis the library present?14:21
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Stskeepslooks like openmax14:23
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bidossessii guessed openmax, but apt-cache search openmax gives gst-openmax, which is installed14:24
Stskeepsthis is under SDK i presume14:25
bidossessiyes it is14:25
bidossessiN900 not available in my country yet14:25
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Stskeepsopenmax doesn't work under sdk naturally14:26
Stskeepsit's not an emulator, so14:26
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bidossessiso no way to check if media playback actually works...14:26
Stskeepswhich sucks, obviously14:27
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bidossessiah well, i went into an install frenzy. suppose i had to hit a snag sometime.14:28
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TomaszDbidossessi, did you install subtitles support?14:32
bidossessino. i installed ogg-support and that's it14:32
TomaszDok, then I've no idea how that happened14:32
bidossessii was just testing gpodder actually14:32
StskeepsTomaszD: on SDK14:32
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wazdX-Fade: around? :)14:38
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tybollthuzzah, one crippled device to go, please!14:41
tybolltno cream, two lumps, please14:42
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RST38hAcer is also working on its own app store.14:44
* RST38h duly facepalms.14:44
lardmanfor what devices?14:44
RST38hWho knows? Who cares?14:45
FatalI'm guessing android, where it actually makes sense14:45
RST38hSome gadgets they intend to produce.14:45
tybolltemphasize ion "Who cares?" :)14:45
infobottybollt meant: emphasize on "Who cares?" :)14:45
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* lardman heads to get some lunch14:46
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* RST38h wonders if he should ever stop facepalming14:46
tybolltRST38h: missus almost knocked my front teeth out while facepalming once... so be carefull :)14:48
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cpscottihey.. I just realized that in my phone all apps that use pygtk (pygtkeditor, pyrecipe, n900fly....) are with the buttons style messed up (you can't see the bt itself, just the text inside).. is this a known issue of some kind? can anyone test this in their phone?14:49
cpscotti(changing themes/rebooting.. nothing solves the problem.. and all other apps (that are non-pygtk are ok)14:49
GeneralAntillesRST38h, . . .14:50
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jaskacrapp stores :(14:54
w00tcrapp stores! I love it :)14:55
kirmaI wonder if some of the total trolls on are actually serious14:56
bidossessiwhat repo are the telepathy plugins available from (haze, idle, salut, mission-control)?14:56
bidossessirunning maemo5 on SDK14:57
w00textras-dev, last time I looked14:57
infobotbidossessi meant: running maemo5 from SDK14:57
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bidossessideb fremantle/sdk free non-free dev ?15:01
alteregos/from/in the/?15:01
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bidossessialterego, something like that :)15:02
alteregonyargh, what we need is an open source community appstore ^.^15:03
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zaheermalterego, store implies money changing hands15:04
pupnikany discussion i should scroll back for?15:04
alteregogood moaning pupnik :)15:04
alteregozaheerm: exactly.15:04
pupnikbleh don't remind me of that15:04
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Damion2How can I get terminal in 80x24 fullscreen?  It nicks a pixel to the right by the WM as far as i can tell.  I wonder about compiling with the right X hints to tell it to be unmanaged fullscreen, but then the 80x25 font is using one pixel less than I want on the vertical.  I have been successful with xset +fp /home/user/fonts/ but I like the UTF-8 goodness of the android one.15:08
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Damion210x20 font gives 79x24 when I use gconftool-2 to undo the bottom bar (I lose escape then), and make it fullscreen15:09
Damion2or maybe it was x2315:09
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Damion2I also want some mouse gestures, essentially getting what I had in s2putty on the n97.  swipe up for Tab is sorely missed atm.  Also BlueArrow up/down etc should do PgUp and PgDown and home/end for l/r15:10
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hendrywhere can i find the stock maemo kernel configuration config.gz to study?15:14
SpeedEvilDamion2: you mean you need a slightly wider font?15:14
SpeedEvilI would check on another device.15:15
SpeedEvilDamion2: that is - export the display - and see if it's a 800x480 window15:15
Damion2if I use Xnest or start Xorg :1 I can display in 80x24 it's the window manager getting in the way15:16
Damion2the 80x24 xterm is definitely 800x48015:16
Damion210x20 10*80 by 24*2015:16
SpeedEvilI mean - neglecting the calculations - are you sure there isn't an off-by-one error in the underlying terminal15:17
SpeedEvilI mean - an 800x481 window will display just fine - in an unmanaged display15:17
pupnikDamion2: you can remove scrollbar and create total fullscreen, but i can't find the command in my notes or google search.15:19
Damion2SpeedEvil: oh I could try that15:19
Damion2pupnik: remove scrollbar is a gconftool-2 option I tried it unsuccessfully15:19
Damion2I've been trying to do this since I got the device in December15:20
SpeedEvilNeglecting that - is this a standard osso-term?15:20
Damion2I've not seen others so insistant on the requirement15:20
pupnikoh that - i think you may be right on n90015:20
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Damion2I'm using standard osso-term but X11 forwarding Xterm wasn't as useful as I'd have hoped15:21
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Damion2sorry, is it considered bad form to ignore pre n900 devices?15:21
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pupnikno, i just haven't had my coffee yet15:22
SpeedEvilIn theory yes.15:22
SpeedEvilIn practice - they're swamped15:22
SpeedEviland it's a lost cause - so ignore away15:22
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redAnyone know XML well and got a moment to help me?15:23
redhaving problems with Declarations15:23
* SpeedEvil declares these truths to be self-evident!15:23
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SpeedEvilPizza is tasty!15:23
pupnikmaybe the gconf / gconftool stuff needs a wiki, i am not finding stuff - please link if you have any notes Damion215:23
Damion2I'm been a UNIX user since about 1993 SunOS and Linux mainly, and I never considered a tablet as they seem to suck, but I'm loving this n900's unixness and I think there will be a mass of UNIX types using the n900 who didn't respect the tablets.  This is actually my phone too and saves carrying multiple devices around15:24
SpeedEvilDamion2: I meant - what are you doing so far that's let you make a 80x79 term15:24
mikhasDamion2, great.15:24
SpeedEvilthe other might be hard to read15:24
alteregopupnik: I think it does, found a nice location which specifies the location of desktop widgets the other day :)15:24
Damion2pupnik: I typed gconftool-2 -h and got a help param out, then ran that in full and output to a file it gave me a complete xml dump of all options for all apps15:24
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Damion2the osso-xterm options were about 15things, including removing scrollbar, but no sign of fixing backspace (I want ^H) and changing the bool for scrollbar didn't change15:25
SpeedEvilstty erase ?15:25
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Damion2SpeedEvil: sorry yes not 80x79 that would be bonkers :)15:25
Damion2that just fixes it locally to use ^? but when I attach to Nyear old screen(1) session over ssh it breaks stuff15:26
pupnikty Damion215:26
SpeedEvilIIRC screen can be told about backspace differences15:26
Damion2SpeedEvil: I could map ^? to send a ^H but I dont' really want that kludge seeing as I need to make osso-xterm (or another terminal) do what I want anyway15:26
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SpeedEvilPersonally, I'd love a fullscreen x-stroke recogniser15:27
Damion2there are a few fixes I would like, and Fn-Up sending PgUp is one of them, mouse gesture swipe to send Tab is anotherm both these I'd need help as my C/C++ is weak15:27
alterego"... Maybe you are confused because you fear no one will develop more useful apps for the N900 given that Nokia appears to be abandoning maemo5 already. ..." - Hahahaha15:27
alteregoPeople are hilarious :)15:27
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pupnikgconftool-2 --dump / > all_opts.xml  seems to be it15:28
Damion2alterego: I think people are saying that as they've been through similar situations.  I have to say, it doesn't look too good.15:28
Damion2pupnik: got it15:28
bidossessidoes telepathy allow xmpp voice calls? whaqt is needed to make it work15:29
jebbabidossessi: yes, it works. It's there by default. Just make a jabber or gtalk call.15:30
pupnikgconftool-2 --dump /apps/osso/xterm > xterm_opts.xml  to get just xterm gconf options15:30
bidossessijebba, thanks15:31
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Damion2pupnik: yup, that's where I got to a few weeks ago when my kids got to bed on time15:31
pupniknice, now i can -load different xterm profiles15:31
pupniki'd like that terminal icon to launch a new terminal and not bring up the old one15:32
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Damion2pupnik: that could be doable using one of those shortcuts to spawn apps on a per app basis15:33
Damion2spawning, in this case bash15:33
KegetysI'd like the terminal to have configurable "zones" on the screen where when you tap it will press a key... kind of like putting the button bar transparently in the background15:33
Damion2Kegetys: yes, that would suffice for my needs15:34
bidossession the SDK, the button below the avatar makes me think that it should be pressed to toggle the IM availability status of my account, but it does nothing. where can i switch my IM status?15:34
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pupnikheh yes /schemas/apps/osso/xterm/scrollbar/  value "false" is not being honored15:34
Damion2some of that might be possible in the mouse xterm control stuff with some patches to a cmdline thing like screen15:34
Damion2pupnik: exactly15:34
Damion2I ran it in a fresh and overlayed framebuffer, it got very messy on my screen but did go fullscreen.  So it is the window manager stopping me15:35
alteregopupnik, Damion2: One would assume that is because of the clutter integration.15:35
alteregoProbably only there from legacy ..15:35
alteregoI've read a few threads about peolpe not liking the N900, even though I'm a dev, I use it as a real phone and I think it's a cake load better than any other phone I've ever had, N95, N96 ..15:37
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alteregoThere's a few features missing maybe, but nothing that makes me think. Have I made a mistake here? ^.^15:37
alteregoI feel pretty powerful just carrying it around in my pocket tbh.15:38
Damion2it's perfecly acceptable, I do sometimes cut off calls when the proximity sensor detects it's out of my pocket but my finger is on the red cut off thing15:38
pupnik  whoah transparent overlay for xterm, possibly also usable for sdl;gaming15:38
GeneralAntillesalterego, too bad you don't own one. Ha!15:38
Damion2alterego: I've had pocket sized linux boxes before15:38
alteregoDamion2: sure, I've got an N810 an had an N800.15:38
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alteregoGeneralAntilles: hopefully that'll be resolved soon. This device goes back to my brother this week :(15:39
alteregoAlmost fnished my apps though! :D15:39
Damion2are they as small?15:39
GeneralAntillesalterego, you did add your name to the device queue, though, right?15:39
alteregoI did indeed. I might update that to include the apps I'm about to finish actually.15:40
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GeneralAntillesGood plan.15:40
alteregoAny news on that by-the-way?15:42
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GeneralAntillesalterego, apparently Quim got some devices.15:42
ArkenoiOOo is almost usable (despite slowness), but there is no way to switch to national keyboard and defaults are not handy ("print" page layout and all that toolbars)15:42
Damion2SpeedEvil, pupnik, others: where is a good place to start efforts to getting a terminal experience as good as could be had on the e90/n97* ?15:43
Damion2*N97 needs my patches for Tab swipe and 80x24 fonts15:43
alteregoDone .. :)15:43
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hrw|goneJaffa: nice progressbar in catorize ;D15:45
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Arkenoiis catorize something like mymenu? i asked already but no one answered15:47
hrwArkenoi: yes15:47
hrwJaffa: is there any changelog available?15:47
MohammadAGmymenu uses author defined menus, catorize uses the ham ones15:47
Arkenoiah. so i should probably remove mymenu and try catorize?15:48
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Damion2sweet.  pgup on Fn-Up works with a minor edit.15:51
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pupniki broke my device trying to add that Damion215:52
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pupnikyou editing rx-51 file?15:52
Damion2I edited it and ran setxkbmap, not rebooted though15:52
pupnikit would be nice to edit keymaps without risking a reflash15:53
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Damion2is there a risk on reboot that this won't come up?  I can't see why15:54
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Damion2let me paste the diff to you15:54
Damion2I don't know of what risk changing ONE_LEVEL to PC_FN_LEVEL2 will do15:55
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Damion2pupnik: I replaced the last block changing ONE_LEVEL to PC_FN_LEVEL2 and adding the Fnified action after a comma within the square rbackets15:57
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Mikholinux gurus needed16:01
Mikhohow can I permanently remove a recursive hardlink to a directory without destroying my filesystem?16:01
pupnikhallelujah, that was it Damion2 - thanks16:01
jebbaDamion2: would you have any idea how to fix the kernel keymap? It only does alpha (No Fn).16:02
timeless_mbpMikho: make a backup :)16:02
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Mikhotried to boot an ubuntu repair disk and from there delete the hard link, which it does ok, but when I boot up my ubuntu again, it's there16:02
Mikhofsck.ext3 says everything is ok on the disk16:03
timeless_mbpyou sure some script isn't making it for you? :)16:03
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sejodid anyone work with the syncml tool?16:03
Kegetyssounds like some initscript is recreating it16:03
MyrttiMikho: you are aware on which channel you are?16:03
Mikhono, I remember creating the link myself, but it was supposed to be a symlink16:03
MikhoMyrtti, offtopic?16:03
MyrttiMikho: just wondering if you were posting that question here by accident or purpose16:04
timeless_mbpMikho: since we're #maemo not #ubuntu ....16:04
Mikhoon purpose16:04
MikhoI have bad experiences of the other channels16:04
Mikhoit's not ubuntu related16:04
pupnikDamion2: i'd guess the cleanest way to make changes to terminal would be to make a customised osso-xterm package.  Making packages that twiddle system settings would be too scary for me.16:05
MikhoI figure you could have the same problem on N900 too16:05
timeless_mbpdepends who's creating the hardlinks in the first place :)16:05
timeless_mbpis the path something interesting?16:05
mgedminrecursive hardlink?16:05
Mikho/scratchbox/users/username/ there's a link back to /scratchbox16:05
pupniktunnel of goats16:05
mgedminit's not a hardlink, it's a bind-mount16:06
mgedminit's not stored anywhere on the filesystem16:06
mgedminand it is maemo related ;)16:06
mgedminthis is how scratchbox works16:06
mgedminit's normal16:06
Mikhoso, how can I remove the bind-mount?16:06
timeless_mbpMikho: why?16:06
timeless_mbpbtw, you might want to uninstall scratchbox and install sb216:06
Mikhowhy what?16:07
timeless_mbpif scratchbox is too confusing16:07
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mgedminMikho, you realize that if you "remove the bind-mount" then scratchbox will stop working, right?16:07
timeless_mbpwhy is the link bothering you?16:07
mikhasyou remove it by issuing "/etc/init.d/scratchbox-core stop" usually =p16:07
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Damion2jebba: by fn I meant that blue arrow that was called fn on the n9716:08
Mikhoit messes up every search method on my desktop pc16:08
mikhasrun sbox inside a virtual machine then, if that's what you want16:08
Mikhooutside of scratchbox, I can type /scratchbox/users/username/scratchbox/users/username/scratchbox/users ... forever16:09
Mikholooks awfully like a hardlink to me16:09
mgedminI doubt that; iirc it only goes one level deep16:09
jumpulajust bindmounts16:09
mgedmin/scratchbox/users/mg/scratchbox/users/mg/scratchbox/ is an empty directory16:10
Damion2I thought hardlink directories were kludged in to HPFS+ on MacOSX but otherwise, not a real unixy filesystem thing16:10
jumpuladepends if your scratchbox is running or not16:10
jumpulaie. are the bindmounts in place16:10
mgedminoriginal unix supported directory hardlinks; linux never did16:10
jumpulamount | grep scratchbox helps16:10
Mikhook, I'll look into that16:10
jumpulait's the way scratchbox is built16:11
mikhasmy sbox is running and it stops just as mgedmin said16:11
jumpulayou can have endless recursions with symlinking too16:11
Mikhosure you can, but this time there are no symlinks16:11
Damion2why does scratchbox need this, it shouldn't even need root to run qemu and some crosscompiling gcc surely?16:12
Damion2okay maybe qemu needs root actually16:12
jumpulaah, indeed. it stops. the recursion goes only one level deep, my bad.16:12
jumpula /scratchbox on /scratchbox/users/jhakala/scratchbox type none (rw,bind)16:12
Mikhoit worked! It was indeed a mount and not a hard link16:13
Mikhothanks for suggesting the correct solution :)16:14
Damion2mgedmin: I've never seen it in solaris, irix or aix, but that could simply be cos I wasn't looking16:14
Myrttiwith the different values of "correct"16:14
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Mikholooks like I was searching a solution to a wrong problem16:14
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Mikhoand this being the right channel anyway16:14
mgedminDamion2, I've never seen it anywhere, but I recall reading about it in some manpage somewhere -- and the original Unix meant exactly that, ancient AT&T stuff16:15
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Damion2I think you could always debugfs mount and _CREATE_ one if you wanted ;)16:16
Damion2I actually need to see if this is possible with some hexediting on a FAT32 block device16:16
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Mikhoso... scratchbox creates mounts out of symlinks behind my back?16:16
Damion2not sure where I'd ask about, that, not topic for maemo though16:16
jumpulaMikho: not behind your back. it's there to support multiple targets.16:17
jumpulathe symlinks are, that is16:17
jumpulathe bindmounts are for setting up the environment in general16:17
Mikhook, not behind my back, but anyway somewhere out of my sight :)16:17
mikhasit's confusing at first, but then you get used to it and see how it is actually useful16:18
Mikhoyes, but I managed to create a symlink that messed up the system16:18
mikhasjust dont ever remove a scratchbox installation with rm -fr16:18
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mikhas(at least not a running one, =p)16:18
Mikhoyes, I'm not saying scratchbox is confusing, but I don't really understand it yet16:19
jumpulait's pretty elegant design, actually16:19
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Rapphi everyone!16:19
MikhoI think in that case the best idea is to ask, which I did16:20
jumpulaand avoids a lot of problems elsewhere16:20
Rappjust unpacked a N900 and wondering: how do i input special characters in maemo, which are NOT printed on the keyboard? (e.g. "&")16:20
Mikhoin fact I actually tried rm -rf *blush*16:20
mikhasRapp, Fn + Ctrl16:20
mikhasbrings up the virtual keyboard, the third row from top consists of compose keys16:20
Mikhobut was smart enough to move my files out of the way first16:21
Rappmikhas: thanks!16:21
lantiziaHey I took a back up of "Communication and Calendar" and you'd think that would include SMS messages... but when I've restored - it didn't... what gives?16:21
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Mikhookay, it seems scratchbox recreates the mount every time I start the daemon. Anyone have idea where scratchbox stores the mount lists?16:26
SpeedEvilDamion2: put up a wiki page on osso-term about tweaks - and suggestions from others?16:27
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jumpulaMikho: the bindmounts are indeed created when scratchbox is started and umounted when stopped16:28
jumpulaMikho: the mount list is just coded inside the script and is done for each user added inside scratchbox16:29
jumpulawhatever you want to bindmount on top of that, you have to do manually16:29
MikhoI'd like to un-bindmount the offending bindmount16:30
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timeless_mbpandre__, GeneralAntilles, Jaffa : ping16:34
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timeless_mbpi got a private reply from one of the people to whom i sent a warning16:35
timeless_mbpit seems to indicate he doesn't understand bugzilla16:35
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timeless_mbpsince he doesn't seem to understand bugzilla, i'm wondering if we should disable his account :)16:35
andre__timeless_mbp, forward it to me and let me explain16:35
andre__I really prefer to explain stuff instead of kicking people out16:36
andre__even if it takes 15min a day16:36
tybollttimeless_mbp: what's there to understand? :)16:36
sp3000timeless_mbp: actually, 3 months, 5 days :)16:36
andre__tybollt, that it's not a forum.16:36
tybolltthat's one thing I hate16:36
tybolltpeople using bug submission tools as forums :-|16:36
timeless_mbpi got a reply from one of the people who got the warning letter under "What will happen to others and how do they know?"16:37
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sp3000pehaps there's a way to build in some sort of steam valve for the discussion16:38
lantiziaIs there a nice guide to repartitioning the N900?16:39
sp3000like, I dunno, autocreated threads somewhere linked from a notice near the comment form16:39
lantizialike perhaps swap around /home for /home/MyDocs16:39
lantiziawould rather only have 2gb for the usb mode than 27gb... would prefer 27gb always to be available for optified packages16:40
timeless_mbpLantizia: you clearly have no interest in playing music, recording videos or taking photos16:40
timeless_mbpbut there are enough descriptions in wikis, blogs, talk, and irc logs16:40
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timeless_mbpand of course, it's totally unsupported and subject to break anything or everything at any time16:41
timeless_mbpbut definitely when it's least convenient :)16:41
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timeless_mbpOops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#717)16:41
lantiziatimeless_mbp... I have interest in all that.. but I can access that partition using samba or nfs exports16:41
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: b.m.o?16:42
lantiziait's just as quick for me to rsync my music to the N900 over an NFS share with WiFi as it would be over USB16:42
sejosomeone put the sdk on a fedorabox?16:42
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jebbasejo: yes.
sejothx jebba16:43
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: gmail16:44
timeless_mbpLantizia: Maemo5 official apps might break16:44
timeless_mbpusing NFS will not help you there16:44
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* jebba building icecast16:45
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mikhasI still wonder why the mydocs partition wasnt made NTFS at least16:45
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timeless_mbpmikhas: not universally supported16:45
mikhasif it is made for windows, then I'd really really like to see the % of non-NTFS users out there =)16:45
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timeless_mbpmikhas: it's also used by OS X16:45
mikhasOS X cant read/write NTFS?16:45
timeless_mbpand it's supposed to be read/write16:45
Damion2lantizia: not tried but have you thought of 4GB ext3 block devices stored on MyDocs ?16:46
timeless_mbpout of the box i think ntfs support on os x is read only16:46
Damion2as an easy work around16:46
mikhasI can do that with my linux box since ... ages16:46
mikhaswow, didnt know that16:46
Damion2reliably ?16:46
Damion2ntfs write support is either via fuse and not great, or flakey and built in to the really old driver16:46
mikhasyou talk about reliability in comparision of vat?16:46
mikhasbut yes, never had a problem with that. I use it mainly for usb sticks though16:47
Damion2I went to uni with Richard Russon who wrote half the code16:47
Damion2also loads of stuff can't do ntfs16:47
Damion2like a PS316:47
Damion2I plug my camera in to loads of non ntfs talking stuff16:47
Damion2I'd still rather than a more even split and know how to do it but TBH 2GB is enough for the mo so I've not worried16:48
Damion2SpeedEvil: can a normal user easily create a wiki?  I couldn't see where16:48
timeless_mbpsp3000: it seems james got a ticket notification for work done in California16:49
Damion2maybe I should try and use a desktop more often16:49
SpeedEvilDamion2: open the page HowToMAEKossoTERMbettah! and click 'edit'16:49
sejojebba: your patch failed16:50
timeless_mbpandre__: message sent16:50
sejojebba: i'll try to create a new one16:50
timeless_mbpmikhas: the current status according to wikipedia is ntfs write support is not enabled as of 10.6.116:51
Damion2SpeedEvil: ahh :)16:51
timeless_mbpmikhas: since a significant portion of mac users (myself included) run 10.516:51
timeless_mbpor even 10.416:51
timeless_mbprequiring NTFS support16:51
timeless_mbpwhich might or might not have interesting patent issues (yet another story, let's skip that)16:51
timeless_mbpseems like an incredibly stupid idea16:52
mikhaswell, it's a high price regarding the notorious problems I have with vfat16:52
tybolltbtw, did they announce the jesus tablet yet?16:52
timeless_mbpthe reason that *EVERYONE* chooses FAT is because *EVERYONE* supports it16:52
threshi don't support it16:52
* thresh is against FAT16:52
timeless_mbpit's something called the Lowest Common Denominator16:52
mikhasfirst time I tried to copy a large file onto the n900 I had to repair the partition =)16:52
timeless_mbp(heck, it's actually the Greatest one, but who's counting)16:52
Damion2oh that's a point it's got a 4GB limit and it's the partition designed for large movies etc16:52
mikhasyup, it's not always the sanest solution that wins16:53
alteregoIT really pisses me off there's no dashboard button when starting maps ...16:53
timeless_mbpthresh: since you don't produce >100 devices distributed amongst our customers16:53
timeless_mbpyou are thankfully totally uninteresting. sorry.16:53
tybolltthen w/ vfat I can just plug my device into a windows computer by means of usb and voila - presto16:53
timeless_mbpalterego: you're confused16:53
threshtimeless_mbp: :)16:54
tybollttry that having JFS or reiser :P16:54
alteregoConstantly :P16:54
timeless_mbpthe problem is that the Maps app doesn't start fast enough16:54
timeless_mbpif it started in 1-2s, you wouldn't care16:54
timeless_mbphypothetically that might be fixed soon16:54
threshtimeless_mbp: easy. have a small partition in VFAT with drivers for common OSes and you're done.16:54
lantiziathis looks fun16:54
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alteregoOkay, I want it to appear whilst it's going through it's startup crap :P16:54
jebbasejo: perhaps it's been fixed. Let me know plz.16:54
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timeless_mbpthresh: you mean ask our customers to trust our binaries?16:55
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threshdon't they already?16:56
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timeless_mbpnot on windows16:56
timeless_mbpor OS X16:56
timeless_mbpor Linux16:56
timeless_mbpunless they're dumb enough to install the Flasher app16:56
timeless_mbp(or BeOS, or AIX, or Solaris, or ...)16:56
timeless_mbpthere's a difference between trusting a commodity component16:57
timeless_mbpand trusting it to give you software to install onto your corporate computer16:57
sejojebba: no the dpkg issue is still there16:57
SpeedEvilAnd trusting a vendor to write secure code. Even without bugs.16:57
timeless_mbpit's the difference between  me being willing to have a java enabled wrist watch16:57
timeless_mbpand trusting a device to run software on google's corporate network16:57
timeless_mbp(see current stories)16:57
threshtimeless_mbp: if you can plug USB flash into corporate computer, then your admin is incompetent16:58
sejojebba: and they changed the wizard for a big part16:58
timeless_mbpi doubt google would mind a non network enabled java supporting wrist watch16:58
threshor you can ask him to install something you need anyway16:58
timeless_mbpthresh: using usb flash for data16:58
timeless_mbpis distinct from allowing it to run a system component as system16:58
timeless_mbpwhich is what's necessary (generally) to load a file system driver16:58
tybolltthresh: so corporate users w/ laptops all have ... incompetent admins?16:58
jebbanow build server is speeding up  :)16:58
timeless_mbpvery very very different16:58
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threshtybollt: read my next sentence16:59
SpeedEviltimeless: a non-signed component16:59
jebbasejo: i use the non/gui wizard one.16:59
jebbabut i dont use it anymore on fedora....16:59
SpeedEvilIn that you can have system exes on USB users can insert - but signed so they can't screw with stuff.16:59
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timeless_mbpandre__: his message sucks17:00
timeless_mbphe dropped the part of the quoting portion17:00
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timeless_mbpi believe he's one of the warned people17:00
sejojebba: k17:00
mikhasgah, reading all the reasons pro-vfat is depressing17:00
andre__timeless_mbp, I don't think so, as there's no reason to warn him17:00
timeless_mbpandre__: i banned one person, and warned two17:00
andre__then I wonder why you warned him, actually17:01
alterego2hrs 15mins, then I can go home -_-17:01
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timeless_mbphe's responsible for two of the useless comments in the bug17:03
andre__timeless_mbp, ehm, no, he is not?17:04
tybolltare we going after him w/ pitchforks and pikes?17:04
timeless_mbpandre__: gimme a bit, reading other mail17:05
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andre__timeless_mbp, I only see 103 and 105. and they both make total sense.17:05
andre__avoid collateral damage and calm down a bit :)17:06
* timeless_mbp chuckles17:06
timeless_mbpwe spent 18 1/2 mins trying to explain to a ticket manager @nokia that someone in .US incorrectly claimed to have fixed a computer of someone in .FI17:06
SpeedEvilreally long arms?17:07
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w00ttimeless_mbp: *glazed over stare*17:08
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timeless_mbpw00t: the conversation w/ the ticket manager was... mind numbing17:12
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tybolltticket manager == someone non technical, more of an administrative duty?17:13
timeless_mbpwe couldn't find the ticket in a ticket system (or find the right ticket system) which is why we resorted to calling a ticket manager17:13
timeless_mbpticket manager = someone who answers calls at a call center17:13
timeless_mbpand has access to see tickets17:13
tybolltsorry =)17:13
timeless_mbpand presumably change them17:13
timeless_mbpyou might call him a paper shuffler17:13
tybolltI usually call them a whole slew of words not suited for this forum ;)17:14
timeless_mbpwe do to, aloud. no need for transcription :)17:14
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lopzhi ;)17:18
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Mikhook, now I think I understand the confusion. I had manually created a symlink from /scratchbox/users/username/scratchbox to /scratchbox without realizing there already was one, and that it was also supposed to be there17:19
Mikhonext time I'll remember to shut down scratchbox before running disk search programs17:19
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Arkenoifsck. after catorize i see two available shortcuts for any builtin app and only one of those is really working :-((17:20
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lardmanhmm, none of the shortcuts on one of my desktops is working, the applets do as do the shortcuts on a second deskeop17:22
* timeless_mbp grumbles17:25
timeless_mbpi was promised i could speak to someone for a customer satisfaction survey at the end of my call17:25
timeless_mbpbut i didn't get it!17:25
timeless_mbphow rude!17:25
lbt_ban someone else from bugzilla - it'll make you feel better ;)17:27
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t-tanhi, I need some beta testers for my texlive port. could you please  "apt-get install texlive-latex-base" from extras-devel and let me know whether it installs? thx17:34
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mikhast-tan, downloading ...17:38
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mikhashow can I test a successful installation? some simple tex test included?17:39
t-tanI there are no installation errors then it'd be already great success17:40
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t-tanyou could do "wget", then "pdflatex simple.tex"17:43
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Myrttiyou're seriously installing latex on N900? ew.17:43
mikhast-tan, got installation errors still ...17:43
t-tanmikhas: ok, thanks - could you report the error?17:44
mikhasMyrtti, why not? together with evince you can create presentations on the n900 then17:44
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Myrttimikhas: let's just say that the combination of maemo, latex and the ability to run latex on maemo device makes me shiver17:45
Myrttiit *scares* me17:45
t-tanMyrtti: are you scared by ooffice and gimp as well?17:46
_berto_for a moment I thought you were talking about latex, not LaTeX17:46
Myrttiooffice I just hate17:46
_berto_*that* scared me17:46
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mikhas_berto_, =)17:46
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Myrttithe idea is good. I just have personal issues17:47
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t-tana TeXLive port makes it easier to port stuff like LyX etc.17:48
mikhast-tan, hope this help:
mikhasthere is a lot of useful stuff on top of tex-live17:49
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jon1012an ooffice port for maemo would be really great17:50
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t-tanjon1012: you can already use it woth easydeb17:50
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t-tanmikhas: thx. the install scripts doesn't output anything useful. I'll enable debugging for now17:51
mikhasyeah, I feared so17:51
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cpscottit-tan: oh! I'm totally NOT idle.. but LaTeX on my phone deserves some attention17:53
* cpscotti trying texlive! =]17:53
t-tancpscotti: wait a moment and I'll upload the version with debugging...17:53
cpscottiahh ok17:54
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cpscottisay here when it's ready17:54
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t-tancpscotti: done. please enable extras-devel, update and try "apt-get install tex-common" as root first17:58
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bidossessihi all17:59
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t-tanit should install version tex-common 2.06maemo918:00
bidossessihow can i change my IM status to "online" on the SDK?18:00
hrwsame way as on device18:01
hrwif you run x86 in sbox18:01
bidossessihrw, i don't have the device and i do run x86 i sbox18:01
bidossessifirst time maemo user18:02
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t-tancpscotti: apparently it takes the new version a few minutes to hit the repository...18:02
hrwbidossessi: click on 'status area'18:03
cpscottiI was going to ask you that..18:03
hrwbidossessi: grab n900 usermanual from network18:03
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cpscottifor example.. sometimes mine take as long as 16hrs! (this night it took that long!)18:03
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bidossessihrw, i tried that. but it pops out an empty window.18:04
bidossessii've run " hildon-status-menu&" in case it depends on it... but no deal18:05
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kuriirihmm.. personal dataplan monitor widget went little bit crazy18:06
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kuriirii've downloaded -213285930!18:06
adalallol... uploads?18:07
kuriiriwell upload is 66.410MB :D18:07
t-tancpscotti: imports can take up to 30mins :(
kuriiriso perhaps i have to add that 66MB to my downloads so i get correct results :)18:08
cpscottit-tan: yep.. or more..18:08
cpscottit-tan: well.. I'll try it for sure when I have some time18:08
adalalkuriiri: maybe, that's a bug if that works then :P18:09
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Damion2kuriiri: using an int to store >32bits?18:14
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kuriiriDamion2: well.. it was something like 2.1XX GB today18:15
kuriiriand now when i checked it's gone wild :)18:15
kuriiriin extended mode downloaded: -2132859305.000 B :)18:16
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Damion2yeah that's unsigned int territory isn't it?18:16
Damion2I mean signed18:16
Damion2make it unsigned to check and see if it looks better, but you'll want long18:16
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kuriiriDamion2: ok, i'll have to check it out18:20
Caesiumunsigned int will make it work up to about 4GB, yeah, which probably isn't much better if you're hitting 2GB18:21
kuriiriare you saying that 2gb is a lot? :D18:22
Damion2we're saying using int is too small18:22
Damion2I've just had an issue here trying unsigned long long was still not enough and I just switched to perl instead ;)18:23
Damion2then tested in bc -l which is arbitrary up to a LOT18:23
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CaesiumDamion2: unsigned long would be many PB, assuming it's 64bit18:30
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SpeedEvilmore PB than you could possibly imagine!18:31
* SpeedEvil ponders a suitable icon for PB.18:31
tybolltSpeedEvil: here's perhaps a good one to make that icon of? ;-P
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t-tancpscotti: it's ready now18:37
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truso.. i hope we will see a better email client for the n900 soon. modest does really strange thing to me.18:42
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Myrtticlaws-mail ♥18:44
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bidossessii'm developping a pygtk application that i would like to port a "light" version of in maemo. could i add standard debian repositories to install python-sqlalchemy and python ldap?18:44
truMyrtti: is that decent?18:45
Myrttitru: I use it on my desktop as my main email client18:45
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Myrttiand I've used evolution and thunderbird before and have dispaired18:46
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truI have problems with modest, some emails doesnt show up, others never goes away :)18:47
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Damion2Caesium: fib(100) 91 fitted18:48
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timeless_mbphello world18:52
uhsfwhy do you use desktop email client instead of web client i'm curious because i'm thinking of abandoning gmail lately18:53
timeless_mbpwe  got a bluetooth  laser  projecting  keyboard18:53
lbt_timeless_mbp: cool :D18:54
timeless_mbpit works18:54
derfEnojying the complete lack of tactile feedback?18:54
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timeless_mbpand  i had no trouble  pairing it  with  my mac18:54
lbt_timeless_mbp: how does it compare to the n900 builtin keyb18:55
timeless_mbpthe keys are much bikgger18:55
lbt_*nod* but not tactile...18:55
lbt_+/- ?18:55
timeless_mbpit chirps18:55
lbt_uhsf: I have an imap server.... and my own web client... and seive .... and lots of other reasons18:56
timeless_mbp~ZA"QX `.,well, you need  s,.18:56
timeless_mbpso, it has a clever way of calculating the virtual plane18:57
lbt_timeless_mbp: does it have a | then ?18:57
timeless_mbpit sticks it at the level that is level with |18:57
lbt_how many $$$18:58
pupnikinteresting, all kinds of hildon libs in debian ...18:58
lbt_pupnik: *nod*18:59
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timeless_mbptech bluetooth virtual keyboard19:00
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matthew-How to find out which production series my device is?19:03
matthew-It was something about the numbers under the battery.. But cant seem to find it on talk.maemo.org19:04
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RST38h'Barack Obama "Uses the Internet Like a Normal Adult"'19:05
RST38h(what do they mean?)19:05
matthew-No one knows?19:05
lbt_RST38h: he dl's porn?19:05
RST38hlbt: That was my suspicion as well19:06
RST38hdownloading torrentz was the second suspicion19:06
derfMy suspicion is that whoever said that has no idea what a normal adult is like.19:07
lbt_virus infested Windows XP user WHO TYPES IN ALL CAPS coming 3rd?19:07
SpeedEvilderf: It's likely that he actually knows how to work basic computer applications.19:07
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SpeedEvilI would not - for example say that this was likely of Bush.19:08
mtnbkror that he clicks "OK" on all pop-ups19:08
SpeedEvilNeglecting the whole 'Bush is an ape-man' thing - simply generational.19:08
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mtnbkrthat's the "normal" adult I see in  supporting clients   :(19:08
SpeedEvilMany 'powerful' people of that generation basically don't.19:08
SpeedEvil'I have people to do that for me'19:08
derfAnd when you're the president, they don't let you do those things even if you _do_ know how to.19:09
RST38hderf: anonymous source.19:09
derfRST38h: So, some whitehouse staffer operating on instructions, then.19:09
SpeedEvilderf: You can always sneak in an underage intern in with a laptop under her shirt.19:09
RST38hderf: And the instructions were flawed.19:09
matthew-Yes, instead of helping people with n90019:09
derfCommunication is hard.19:09
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matthew-spam about stupid US president.19:09
RST38hderf: Especially for people with degrees in communication.19:10
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SpeedEvilIs there a standard for geotagging SMSs/19:11
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goodwillpeople geotag sms?19:11
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SpeedEvilI was wondering if it was possible.19:11
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SpeedEvilTo be able to relate content to a map without having to add the location manually19:12
unixSnobi can see why it would be useful... someone says "that's a dope looking statue".. you need the coordinates to know what they're talkign about19:12
SpeedEvilforex wandering around disaster areas with a sat-phone tagging stuff19:12
goodwillI see19:13
unixSnobor "hot chicks all over the place here".. you might want to remember that spot19:13
goodwillinteresting idea19:13
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pupnikwhat data do you want to associate with the sms?  wouldn't you just include lat,lon in the sms body?19:13
goodwillI am sure its possible to compile and sms with coords. Or do an MMS with a tiny jpg thats geotagged19:13
SpeedEvilpretty much.19:14
SpeedEvilI was wondering if they were.19:14
SpeedEvilthere was an extant standard.19:14
goodwillI never heard of a standard19:14
SpeedEvila shortcode would probably be a good idea19:14
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Jaffahrw|gone: Changelog inside the tarball; I'm hoping someone with PHP skills will offer to implement "show changelog on and /downloads/". I made a post on tmo saying "talk to X-Fade and jeremiah, here's the code"19:14
goodwillapparently its nto a enw idea ... googled19:14 forex19:15
unixSnobimo, it's also a safety matter... if you're hiking and need to text for help, you don't want to be bothered with getting the coords19:16
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SpeedEvilwell - that might be a useful app - but...19:16
goodwillthere is location api for emergency calls19:16
RST38hif you are hiking in the vicinity of a cell tower, they do not need explicit coordinates to locate you19:17
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goodwillone tower is not going to do that19:17
RST38hyour cellid is more or less sufficient19:17
unixSnobRST38h: doesn't that depend on the number of towers?19:17
RST38hIt does, but even one tower is enough19:17
RST38hJust less precision19:17
unixSnoba big perimeter?19:17
goodwillin a city such perimiter is a big problem19:18
lcukwell unixSnob a big perimeter is still better than no info at all19:18
unixSnoblcuk: a gps fix is better19:18
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lcuka roap to your house is even better still19:18
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unixSnobwhat's the furthest a tower can reach?19:19
unixSnobwe could be talking miles of wilderness19:19
lcukdont people report getting locks at 35000 feet19:19
lcukdoubt it on the ground19:19
avsGSM (900 at least) max distance is about 35 km19:19
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unixSnobwell, 35km squared doesn't narrow it down too much19:20
avsthen you run out of timing advance guard times in time-division multiplexing19:20
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unixSnober, 35*2pi19:20
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unixSnob219 km squared, no?  not a good resolution19:21
avsIf the cell network wants to locate you, they just triangulate you from different cells19:21
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unixSnobavs: i'm talking worst case.. you have one cell19:22
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avsright, then the base station knows your distance, so its actually a circle line19:22
goodwillits relative distance19:22
avsabsolute distance from the tower19:22
RST38havs: As wavelength shrinks so does the distance to the tower19:23
goodwillsignal strength does nto always correlate to distance given obstacles19:23
RST38havs: And in cities, you usually have plenty of towers to choose from, improving precision19:23
RST38hs/distance to the tower/maximal distance to the tower of course19:23
avsyes, multipath propagation is of course an issue, but I was thinking of this wilderness19:23
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avswithout reading what you guys were discussing earlier, so I'll shut up now :-)19:23
RST38havs: Were discussing if the explicitly geotagged SMSes are needed at all19:24
goodwillwhat helps in direction19:24
unixSnobbut if you're a hatian buried under earthquake rock, a cell fix won't be precise enough, I suspect19:24
RST38havs: after all, the company knows what tower you are bound to19:24
goodwillif there is a vector then it makes it so much easier19:24
unixSnobthe European satnav system will have a 1cm accuracy19:24
RST38hunixSnob: Having something of value helps in this case: the other haitians will have incentive to dig you out and rob you19:24
unixSnobwhich is ideal for someone buried under rubble19:25
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avsad hoc WLAN would probably be good for finding people under rubble19:25
unixSnobRST38h: probably easier to rob a dead person19:26
goodwillits kinda like crunchpad19:26
lcukunixSnob, if you are buried in the rubble, im guessing if there were rescue teams around, they might be checking for radio signals19:26
SpeedEvilIt's not - with many towers - a circle.19:26
lcukof any type19:26
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Cerkkuzis Devels-extras down?19:26
lcuknot using a cell, but more like a metal detector19:26
RST38hunixSnob: Yea, but I guess all the low-hanging fruit has already been harvested19:26
Cerkkuzi cant access it from my n90019:26
SpeedEvilIt's a segment of a circle - as they transmit in multiple segments19:26
unixSnobdidn't someone make an app to navigate purely w/ cell towers?  I seem to recall something like that.. not sure if it was a NIT app19:27
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Cerkkuznyone, whats wrong with Devels repo?19:27
avsPurely network cell (triangulation) based location was in use with at least one operator in Finland19:27
goodwillnice!!! Facebook has gone dictator19:27
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goodwilltaking away usernames from people using false pretenses and selling them19:28
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RST38hwhat is Facebook?19:29
RST38havs: Google Maps uses cell triangulation for ages19:29
unixSnobglad to hear facebook will lose some ground19:29
unixSnobfacebook is keeping track of who I'm friends with, and i'm not even a member!19:29
unixSnobthe fucking bastards19:29
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zashunixSnob: OMG19:29
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unixSnobsomeone tries to invite me, and I get a screen full of people I "might know"... and i know every single one of them19:30
RST38hthey are that good, ain't they?19:30
unixSnobTime to find out how to flood their database with garbage19:30
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avsRST38h, I meant purely network based. Google Maps, afaik, tells the server which cells it sees. The one I meant worked with any old phone and the phone did not need any extra sw.19:31
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unixSnobpresumeably, the "phone" doesn't need to even have a cellphone plan, I would think19:32
SpeedEvilunixSnob: Chuck Norris will save you!19:32
unixSnobSpeedEvil: how?19:32
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lantiziaWithout installing extra packages can the N900 tell you what IP it's obtained without going in to the terminal!?19:34
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unixSnoblantizia: there's an app for that19:34
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SpeedEvillantizia: don't think so19:35
SpeedEvillantizia: other than
SpeedEvilor friends19:35
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unixSnobthe IP the handheld obtains is not generally going to be the IP reported by what-is-my-ip19:36
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unixSnobalthough maybe it would work at a more professionally admin'd hotspot, like a mcdonalds one19:37
zashzenity --info --text="$(route -n | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $8}' | xargs ifconfig | grep inet\ addr | sed 's/^.*inet addr:\([.0-9]*\).*/\1/')"19:38
zashi think19:38
SpeedEvilwithout going in to the terminal!?19:38
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zashthat into a script somewhere + .desktop file19:38
SpeedEvilalso awk 'n=$8;END{print}'19:38
SpeedEvilprint n19:39
SpeedEvilawk 'END{print $8}'19:39
zashSpeedEvil: instead of tail -n 119:39
unixSnobif you tunnel, openvpn can be scripted to run zash's code on connect19:39
inzIs the default route guaranteed to be the last one?19:40
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unixSnoband if you don't tunnel... you should!19:40
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pupnik   FUCK t-online20:09
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konttoripupnik, do you know if javispedro used the compositor scaler, or if the perf was better for him using the non-composite mode and normal scaler?20:11
pupniki think he had somewhat better results with .24 and non-composite but that's 'hearsay'20:11
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konttoriyeah, would be interesting to know which is better for pure 2d view scaling.20:13
ph1lanybody have a "bootchart" of the n900?20:13
SpeedEvilbootchart would be interestging.20:14
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ph1lyes indeed :-)20:14
SpeedEvilI've thought about generating one - and put it on my stack. I should get to it 2089 at current rates.20:14
lcukkonttori, i suppose in part it will depend on which backend is being used20:15
ph1lor another question: is there a way to tell kernel not to use /sbin/init?20:15
lcukRST38h was saying he was using HAA and it was working but still didnt feel right20:15
lcukor that there were more changes for him perhaps20:15
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Damion2is there a guide to the n900 (especially boot up) ?  I havent stumbled across one yet20:17
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Damion2tbh TMO is mostly fully of ranters talking balls20:17
Damion2but I wasn't sure other than this channel where else to look and my google-fu is letting me down20:17
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jebbaDamion2: wiki has lots of info.20:18
ph1lDamion2, thats acctualy the reason why i would like to generate a bootchart for the n900: to bring some light into the boot process :-)20:18
Damion2I mean I work most stuff out by hand such as the gconftool-2 stuff, and found jaffa's wiki pages with dbus-send interesting, but what about the /sys structure ?20:18
RST38hWho is raising me from the void by mentioning my name in vain?20:19
RST38hlcuk: You? =)20:19
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Damion2jebba: randomly linked around like most tech wiki's are ?  I'm struggling to work out what to start to click on from
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Damion2I want an overview for unix experts20:20
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Damion2it would probably help if I'd had a tablet for years like many here.  Or more spare time to ssh in on a proper keyboard TBH, fscking kids!20:22
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konttorilcuk: yeah, well, to me it looks like it's using just some normal scaler. If it used compositor, I would expect to see a bit blurry result20:24
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ph1lis there a way to pass arguments to the kernel?20:28
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Scummeranyone being able to get recaller to be added to the desktop ?20:32
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lcukkonttori, ahhh yes nicely antialiased through there20:36
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konttorilcuk: how did you turn it on?20:38
lcuki didnt, just going off what you said20:39
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* GeneralAntilles wonders why he can't retrieve MMSes.20:43
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konttorilcuk: ah, you tested compositor zooming in some other app?20:44
lcukkonttori, no - you said that it would look fuzzy if using compositor it would be blurry, thats AA doing that isnt it?20:45
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lcukGeneralAntilles, have you checked the database/wiki recently to see if your provider is already there?20:46
lcukor are you in virgin territory20:46
konttoriwell, that's the effect of bilinear filtering caused by the 3d chip texture zoom. It results in blurryish screen.20:46
GeneralAntilleslcuk, nope, but I got the info off google.20:46
konttoriso, a bit AA-alike result20:46
lcukahh yes of course!  we should see what javis has been upto when he returns20:47
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wiretappedlol bugzilla bans20:49
wiretappedEVERYBODY STFU20:49
ifreqwiretapped: ?20:49
andre__wiretapped, like, where?20:49
xorAxAxbug 535720:50
povbot`Bug Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#20:50
andre__wiretapped, and the problem with that is...?20:50
wiretappedjust funny that it actually has happened; i've seen the threats before20:51
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andre__Well, folks have been warned several times20:51
andre__plus some people cannot distinguish between Bugzilla and a forum like talk.maemo.org20:51
andre__even after having been told20:51
wiretappedbut now seeing (ABUSED BUGZILLA; ACCOUNT SUSPENDED) above all of Sam's posts... I had to LOL20:51
andre__ah. hehe20:51
dproanyone knows of a repository where there is prebuilt package containing xhost (x11-xserver-utils) ?20:51
andre__wiretapped, problem is: if you want Nokians to be around in Bugzilla: Keep the noise factor low.20:51
andre__and for many users it's probably the first time that they see something like Bugzilla. Hence some tension from time to time20:52
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mikhasit is really wasteful if you get spammed with bugzilla mail because of some stupid kids, it cannot be emphasized enough20:53
xorAxAxdpro: i can send it to you20:53
wiretappedyeah, esepcially when there are 66 CC's it is advisible to lurk moar if you don't have new info to add20:53
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xorAxAxdpro: mail address?20:53
xorAxAxdpro: (just the xhost binary)20:53
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wiretappedbut, having "DO NOT COMMENT. Sam was BANNED for abuse." in the status field of a bug is hilarious20:54
mikhasyou could add a comment to that bug stating how funny it is20:54
mikhasI want to laugh, too20:54
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wiretappedtimeless_mbp: when you USE CAPS like that you LOOK CRAZY20:55
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GeneralAntillesEmphasis options are kinda limited in plaintext.20:55
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andre__Nah, I don't shoot on people directly. First warning is done by using a knife. :-P20:57
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mikhasno, not directly andre__ ... only in the back, eh?20:58
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dproxorAxAx: hrmmm ... x2x still says "can not open display" ...20:59
an0therb0xdoes the N900 work with Ovi Suite ?20:59
xorAxAxdpro: what does ssh -vvvv tell you?21:00
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timeless_mbpan0therb0x: probably not :)21:00
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kuriirii created account to bugzilla couple of hours ago but haven't received any mail about it yet :(21:00
dproxorAxAx: maybe this line is the problem: debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.21:01
pupnik_the USSD bug may be the cause of my calls forwarding to an unknown party21:01
timeless_mbpkuriiri: someone said bugmail was off21:01
kuriiritimeless_mbp: ah ok21:01
pupnik_the dude is seriously pissed at me21:01
andre__mikhas, you know my style :)21:01
timeless_mbppupnik_: there's a call forwarding applet21:01
xorAxAxdpro: ah, yeah. i am using xauth from debian21:01
timeless_mbpwhy not just use it?21:01
xorAxAxdpro: because it was so large to build21:02
dpromaybe I'll just package xserver-utils myself ...21:02
* GeneralAntilles wishes for wiki editors who could manage to create proper freaking lists.21:02
timeless_mbpcall forwarding is not really within the scope of ussd21:02
andre__yes, bugmail does not work currently21:02
xorAxAxxauth is not in xserver-utils21:02
andre__for some reasons I don't know21:02
Triztno more bugs? ;)21:02
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pupnik_timeless_mbp: the phone app includes it, and is broken for my provider21:02
an0therb0xtimeless_mbp:  thanks i thought i was doing something wrong21:02
pupnik_which do you mean?21:02
pupnik_call-forward - Manage call forwarding21:02
pupnik_callforwarding - Call forwarding settings applet21:02
dproah so I'll build the xauth deb then21:02
andre__Trizt, bugs continue to exist, unfortunately :-P21:02
seiflotfyhey guys21:03
timeless_mbpthe latter one i ithink21:03
seiflotfyi need the xdg lib to run a program on maemo21:03
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seiflotfy  File "./zeitgeist-daemon", line 63, in <module>21:03
seiflotfy    from _zeitgeist.engine.remote import RemoteInterface21:03
seiflotfy  File "/home/seif/zeitgeist/zeitgeist/../_zeitgeist/engine/", line 24, in <module>21:03
seiflotfy    from xdg import BaseDirectory21:03
seiflotfyImportError: No module named xdg21:03
mikhashi seif21:03
seiflotfywhere do i get it from21:03
timeless_mbpTrizt: people can use RSS instead of SMTP to track bugs :)21:03
seiflotfyhi mikhas21:03
* Trizt nods21:03
seiflotfyi can find it in apt-get cache search xdg21:04
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timeless_mbpan0therb0x: there's a download page for ovi suite21:04
timeless_mbpwhich iirc tries very clearly to tell you that it doesn't support the n90021:05
timeless_mbpwell, not very clearly21:05
timeless_mbpbut it doesn't list the n900 as a supported device21:05
timeless_mbpand the absence of support should be evidence of lack of support :)21:05
Triztit will tell you so if you try to use it with the n90021:05
dproxorAxAx: x2x now working ... ah cool ... now for the serious stuff :)21:06
xorAxAxdpro: what is x2x?21:06
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dproI can now use the kbd/mouse (sans cursor) on the n900 from my laptop21:07
xorAxAxah, synergy?21:07
Damion2oh.  I've just remembered I want sticky Ctrl.  there is a bug closed will not fix, cos the ctrl key, isn't one that should be.  although neither is shift and that does it.  So I want to make sure X has +accessx and try to enable it21:07
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andre__seiflotfy: probably because it does not exist?21:08
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Damion2x2x is the poor mans synergy21:08
RST38hHow the hell do I print to MSVC console?21:08
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seiflotfyso no way to get basedirectories21:08
Damion2so where is the X startup params?21:09
povbot`Bug 2724: Please provide xdg-utils21:09
* GeneralAntilles sighs at fMMS.21:09
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: why?21:09
timeless_mbpdoes it work?21:09
GeneralAntillesNot as far as I can tell.21:10
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: devel is broken as usual?21:11
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andre__seiflotfy: feel free to add your usecase in a comment to that report (keep managers in mind that ask "why is this needed?")21:11
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, probably.21:11
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, the past 10 days or so seems to be Moments in Competence at maemo.org21:12
seiflotfyandre__, well i read there might be an alternative way21:12
fralsGeneralAntilles: whats wrong with it?21:12
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GeneralAntillesfrals, no idea, is there a log somewhere? :)21:13
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fralsrun it from terminal and it will spit stuff out (/opt/fmms/
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dprohmm so how do I make the mouse cursor visible on an n900 ?21:14
timeless_mbpdpro: iirc it is visible21:15
timeless_mbpiirc it's just 100% transparent :)21:15
odin_yeah.... you can't see us, to shoot us !   ah transparency :)21:16
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pupnik_it would be nice to use synergy when using n900 at desk21:16
pupnik_i mean, it runs fine21:16
dprotimeless_mbp: ah .. so is there a quick hack to make it opaque or switch between transparent and actually visible ?21:16
timeless_mbpdpro: it should be pretty easy to do21:16
timeless_mbpdo note that if you're stupid enough to install KOffice Viewer (from Maemo Devices), you'll see a cursor at times21:17
timeless_mbp(Because they're idiots)21:17
GeneralAntillesAh, there it goes.21:17
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dprotimeless_mbp: that I didn't plan ...21:17
timeless_mbpanyway, it shouldn't be too hard to find the invisible cursor and do something about it21:18
timeless_mbpbut we're going to hunt dinner21:18
pupnik_so how do you get an X pointer to display21:18
timeless_mbpor food21:18
timeless_mbphappy hunting21:18
GeneralAntillesfrals, my only request is that some way is found to properly integrate it into Conversations.21:18
pupnik_bon appetit timeless_mbp21:18
timeless_mbppupnik_: set a non 100% transparent cursor :)21:18
konttoritotally out of topic, but I'm so going to have had time working next week...
GeneralAntilleskonttori, dude.21:19
Damion2xnest shows a mouse pointer21:19
GeneralAntilleskonttori, that game is probably going to kill me.21:19
GeneralAntilleskonttori, assuming that EA hasn't completely destroyed Bioware.21:19
timeless_mbpkonttori: hey, i need to complain about something :)21:19
konttoripupnik_: at least there was synergy for n81021:19
Damion2dpro: you seen the cursor in microB? drag from off the left of screen21:19
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konttoriGeneralAntilles: look at the review --> clearly EA has not killed bioware21:19
konttoritimeless_mbp: go ahead21:20
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timeless_mbpkonttori: sorry, my memory doesn't last that long21:20
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GeneralAntillespupnik_, just, FYI, Alps switches aint buckling spring. ;)21:21
timeless_mbpthere's definitely the "could you please get hildon-desktop to wrap labels which don't fit in the launcher"21:21
dproDamion2: only works for some apps21:21
Damion2dpro: true21:21
GeneralAntilleskonttori, we'lle see. ;) Dragon Age came out soon enough for them to not really get their claws into to.21:21
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konttoriI really trust EA to be very quality driven company. the only thing is that it's not been very developer friendly company. But I assume that has been changing since the public outrages about them21:23
GeneralAntillesQuality driven? EA?21:23
GeneralAntilleskonttori. . . .21:24
dprook now got  a pointer in the browser ... nice ...21:24
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konttoriGeneralAntilles: what? not the most innovative, but they know how to polish same thing again and again.21:24
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konttoriand they tend to get better (of the same) games out all the time21:25
GeneralAntilleskonttori, my experience with EA's products has always been very bad.21:25
GeneralAntillesThey've been marginally better lately21:25
GeneralAntillesbut still.21:25
Damion2has zeropunctuation guy done a review yet?21:26
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Damion2he's funny21:27
Damion2well used to be, a bit weak these days.  Maybe an issue that I've not played most of the games21:28
mikhashow about then?21:30
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pupnik_just use n800 synergy package btw - works fine21:31
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konttoripupnik_: perfect. thanks21:33
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Damion2ahha the wiki homepage link to power users tutorials is a close answer21:37
pupnik_btw i tried replacing X11 pointer and that didn't do the trick - it's hidden somewhere else21:37
Damion2the font it uses?21:38
Damion2I did the opposite years back to get quake2 gl working the way I needed21:39
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Damion2back when 3dfx was the most common and doing gl stuff defaul fullscreened.  when newer DRI stuff came: default fullscreen went and ugly midscreen boxes and mouse pointers remained21:41
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TriztN900sorry, had to add new nicks to my account, should have left the chan first21:51
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Damion2I wonder if was me years ago grabbing Damion.21:52
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GeneralAntillesSomebody needs to teach Venomrush how to search for dupes.21:53
lcukhe comes in irc doesnt he21:54
GeneralAntillesDon't think so.21:54
pupnik_"In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts." - Bruce Schnierer
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lcukwhere else have i seen him?21:54
lcukis it tmo21:54
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xorAxAxFailed to fetch  Size mismatch21:54
GeneralAntillesYes, of course.21:54
xorAxAxgah gah21:54
xorAxAxX-Fade: gah21:54
GeneralAntillesWhere else do all the people who make triaging fun come from?21:55
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lcukhey Stskeeps21:59
lcukyou having fun?21:59
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Stskeepslcuk: yeah, had a good day22:00
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lcukStskeeps, thats great then, did tero and sampo and stuff play gowala all day :D22:01
lcukhey Khertan22:01
Stskeepslcuk: you have no idea how often i've heard the word 'gowalla' today22:02
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Stskeepshey RevdKathy, frals22:03
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fralsello o/22:03
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lcukhaha have people taken the red bus out of the NRC yet22:05
Trizthas anyone here used an "USB TurboCharger 3400" to charge a N900?22:05
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StskeepsRevdKathy: ping22:08
RevdKathyStskeeps - am here. Sorry - struggling with the identify stuff22:08
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fralshmm, should probably have done the fsc before rebooting the sheevaplug, bastard hasnt come back online yet :<22:08
infobotfrals meant: hmm, should probably have done the fsck before rebooting the sheevaplug, bastard hasnt come back online yet :<22:08
StskeepsRevdKathy: ah - was pondering your view on
RevdKathyHow is everyone?22:09
StskeepsRevdKathy: from a 'new' community member point of view22:09
lcukRevdKathy, im alive!22:09
RevdKathySo I see, lcuk. How did work go?22:09
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lcuk:D it went great i think, felt comfortable22:10
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RevdKathylcuk - I'm so glad! You should be comfortable among your colleagues22:13
RevdKathyStskeeps - it's a bit complicated for me, and I took it to be mostly aimed at developers22:14
RevdKathybut anything that helps people to work together collaboratively must be a good thing Stskeeps22:14
StskeepsRevdKathy: right.. not really for developers as such, but i must adjust my explanation better i think22:14
StskeepsRevdKathy: curse of being a computer science professional at times, you think everyone speaks your language :)22:15
RevdKathyStskeeps: a more 'Mickey Mouse' explanation would be good.22:15
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RevdKathyStskeeps: more illustrations: show me how this would affect and apply to me22:16
Stskeepsbasically.. it's a way to organise small projects in the community. a project goes through different stages (waiting for another project to finish, boarding - people sign up, planning - people decide how it should be done, implementing - we do this!, completed - we're done.)22:16
RevdKathyStskeeps: I read it initially as being about how certain packages are dependent on others.22:16
RevdKathyRight now we have a situation where people stick their hand up and just 'go do it' or the complain that 'someone ought to do it'22:17
Stskeepswhereas sometimes we need to gang up and get something done, as one person can't do it on their own22:17
RevdKathyThis would fill that gap making a 'We do it' - much better22:17
lcukStskeeps, what might be an idea is to put those principles into context with a project currently ongoing which requires such level of support22:17
lcuklike sheepdog22:17
Stskeepslcuk: yeah.. we're implementing a demo site that uses it22:18
RevdKathyExcellent illustration!22:18
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lcukwell i was thinking more walk through it with brainfirst22:18
lcukand check how it fits with what we have so far22:18
lcukand write the site around how its working22:18
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lcukwith obvious tweaks22:18
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lcukcos i see obvious merit in having managed project, and i cant see any better example of overall community effort22:19
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RevdKathyCommunity effort on sheepdog is amazing. WE even had someone spend all weekend practicing 'Baas' at his g/f!22:20
lcukin the shower!22:21
lcuktracy looked at me like i was mental when i ran downstairs to let her listen22:21
RevdKathyLOL! I set the dog off barking when I played at full volume22:21
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RevdKathyAnd sheepdog has been an excellent project for using people with a range of skills (including me with none)22:23
RevdKathyAt each point, the lead dev (Hopbeat) has let us know what more he needs22:24
RevdKathygraphics, sounds, testers, etc22:25
Stskeepsit's basically a way to group together people for projects.. let people find eachother22:25
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LuserN800Could gforge-fusion be a good starting point for a tool?22:25
odin_nokia-binaries comes in version 5.0+1 and 5.0+0 how do those versions related to the 4 SDK versions and the N900 release timeline ?22:25
LuserN800It handles tasks, gant graphs, ..22:25
StskeepsLuserN800: the entry level shuld be very low too22:26
RevdKathywhatever you use has to be usable for the person who's at forum level of engagement: no more tools like brainstorm and bigzilla, please!22:27
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Kegetysanyone know if the 'temporary remap' instructions in is supposed to work with the newest firmware? The xkbcomp :0 command gives me a "could not load keyboard geometry for :0"..."insufficient resources for operation" error22:27
fralsanyone got a "morons guide how to use git on garage"?22:27
lcukproblem you are up against with complex tools (bugzilla,brainstorm,garage) is they are powerful for management but lack a certain something,  we managed sheepdog by just a few people getting together22:27
RevdKathyYeah - the main tools for sheepdog have been tmo and twitter!22:28
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RevdKathywith some IRC22:28
lcukthere has to be a way to let the creative juices flow22:28
RevdKathyoh, and a bus in Barcelona :p22:28
lcukwith a tool at the backend thats fitting to us22:28
lcukand no kathy, your rabbit is not that tool.22:28
RevdKathyDo we need to credit the bus company?22:28
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RevdKathyI don;t use the rabbit at my... no. Actually, I dont even have a rabbit. It was just a joke ;)22:29
lcukStskeeps if this tool were used by a strong advocate of the tool to discuss and liased with the members22:29
lcukie, the basic tool was human22:29
lcukbut plumbed that data into a database backend22:30
lcukit would work22:30
LuserN800problem is that there a too many interfaces talking to too many interfaces22:30
RevdKathysometimes I feel the interfaces get in the way of the people22:30
RevdKathyI know we need them because of the sheer numbers of people22:31
Stskeepslcuk: simple tool. maybe interfacing with wiki to make it fully freeform. and login. but that's t.22:31
lcukwell Stskeeps it can be more complex than that, you have defined some very important stages in project management22:31
lcukand note, once someone is comfortable with whatever tool it is22:32
lcukits power emerged22:32
lcuklook at vi or blender22:32
lcukboth excpetional in their field22:32
* timeless_mbp cries22:32
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lcukbut way overpowering for the first time user22:32
timeless_mbpwell, that's one way to store numbers or strings22:32
lcuklol ok timeless emacs22:32
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timeless_mbpi'm reading code which concerts numbers to hex22:33
lcukoh i thogut you were crying cos i said about vi :D22:33
timeless_mbpand stores the strings22:33
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lcukthats uqite common isnt it22:33
lcukbut it depends on use22:33
timeless_mbpnot particularly efficient speed wise22:33
fralsah, success, fmms pushed to garage gitthingy22:33
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lcuki need a secretary typist lol22:33
lcukfrals, great.  btw GeneralAntilles is having trouble with fmms22:34
RevdKathyStskeeps, looking at your outline of projects, I wonder if you need to find the people before you start22:34
ShadikkaI never understood what's so overpowering in vi even for a new user.22:34
StskeepsRevdKathy: no, that's the idea - let people find the projects22:34
* LuserN800 really thinks fusionforge might be an idea 22:34
RevdKathyYes, but you outline having the people in place before you start22:34
lcukShadikka, ANY of the console editors need accelerometer controlled quit command.  when i shake the keyboard in frustration they should exit22:34
RevdKathywhereas with sheepdog, we appealed for people when we needed them22:35
Shadikkalcuk: Haha, that would be awesome22:35
RevdKathyWe certainly didn't know in advance we needed a sheep-imitator!22:35
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RevdKathyShouldnt all apps close when you shake the device in frustration?22:36
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lcukit would be a reasonable addition :) i think sampo wrote shake2control which can be modified to provide quit command22:37
StskeepsRevdKathy: there's a step where you go back to planning process to get more people on..22:37
fralslcuk: I think he solved it, he didn't say anything after I asked him to launch it from xterm anyway :)22:37
StskeepsRevdKathy: so that might work that part22:37
fralsalso, the webfrontend for git on garage is :(22:37
pupnikRevdKathy: i wrote to the publisher of a popular sheep game but no answer22:38
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RevdKathyStskeeps, I think I'd keep it open for others to jump onboard when they feel they have something to offer22:38
RevdKathypupnik which sheep game? Whatever it is, our is going to be better. It will be Awesome!22:38
* red is looking for someone who knows a thing or two about XML & DTD22:38
* RevdKathy is interested in sheep games22:39
RevdKathyyou having garage problems, frals?22:39
fralsno, just disappointed in the webfrontend for scm on there, after looking at ;)22:40
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lcukred you tried maemo-devel22:41
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* RevdKathy is struggling with the acronyms again: scm = student christian movement22:41
fralsRevdKathy: software configuration management (I think) :P22:43
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RevdKathyahh thanks! you have a problem with it?22:43
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fralsRevdKathy: Just with the webbased front-end.. compare and
fralsshould probably just switch to instead... :P22:45
ShadowJKthe second already loaded... still waiting on the first one :)22:46
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RevdKathyI am looking, frals, and comparing. But I have absolutely NO idea what I am looking AT!22:47
fralsRevdKathy: :D22:48
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RevdKathyIt might as well be greek. No, come to think of it, I have a little greek (enough to read the New Testament)22:48
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lcukfrals, well since most of fremantle desktop is hanging around there..22:50
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dproanyone successfully running jackd on an n900 ?22:50
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fralslcuk: point was comparing gitbrowser and garage :)22:51
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fralseither way, gf demanding attention, must oblige, laters all :)22:51
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pupnikliked a cazt22:51
dpro... or willing to lend a hand to get jackd and pulseaudio-module-jack up and running and play nicely ?22:52
AndrewFBlackAnyone have any changes they want to minimalist theme while I´m working on it22:52
RevdKathyis that the standard orange and grey theme?22:52
pupnikdpro whatr lfor?22:52
RevdKathyCos if so, the ability to delete individual thread subscriptions in the control panel would be good. I have to change to 'classic' to do that22:53
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dpropupnik: to run real software ;)22:54
dmj726_n900_kamui__: how is the wrapper going?22:55
AndrewFBlackRevdKathy, minimalist is one designed for cellphone/tabets22:55
dpropupnik: there are a few things I'd like to compile for n900 and most depend on jack22:55
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RevdKathyahhh gotcha. I just use classic dark on n900, AndrewFBlack22:56
dpropupnik: I have it running on mine, but no sound and since rt mode doesn't work (so far) I get lot's of xruns22:56
ShadowJKit's kinda sad these audio daemons have regressed to a state where they no longer work without rt22:57
dprobut jackd, jack_metro and jack_lsp / jack_connect /look/ like they are working (silent though)22:57
pupnikfor music sw?22:58
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dpropupnik: among things yes22:59
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dpropupnik: I was thinking more along the lines of supercollider, csound, chuck, pd23:03
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lcukhey AndrewFBlack \o23:03
AndrewFBlackhey lcuk23:03
lcukhave you heard the sheep baas!23:03
lcukcan we add noises like that to themes?23:03
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SpeedEvilAlso - angrybirds theme. Where the  icons fly in in a flocking motion.23:06
AndrewFBlacklcuk, I havn´t looked a sheep herde in a while how is it coming?  Been so busy with about 10 other projects lol.  I havn´t looked into doing any sound themes I would think it would be posible I just havn´t really looked into repleacing sounds.  I think if you made one it would basiclly replace current sounds and would have to be uninstalled to get ride of it23:06
lcukRevdKathy, link the good andrew up with sheep audio please23:07
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lcukAndrewFBlack, set your speakers to awesome23:07
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dprowhat's the difference between the alsa default device and hw:0 on the n900 ?23:11
ShadowJKdefault device is probably pulseaudio23:12
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RevdKathylcuk - hang on!23:14
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RevdKathySheep and their baaas here:
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wirelessdreameranyone here have good experience with any of the vpn clients in the repos connecting to a cisco anyconnect vpn?23:18
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RevdKathydefinitely baaa sheepbat23:18
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ShadowJKWell openvpn certainly wont do it, it's for connecting to openvpn vpns, and it works great :)23:23
redthose sheep sounds rofl23:23
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SpeedEvilAre those sheep sounds for replacing the angrybirds mp3 files?23:24
RevdKathyNo, the sheep sounds are for the sheep game :)23:24
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lantiziaok so I just repartitioned mmcblk0 so that home is 27gb and mydocs is 2gb23:28
lantiziaand I don't mean "swapping them around" I mean literally sfdisk and change of start/end partition values23:29
lantiziaand the usb works and gives you a 2gb vfat23:29
lantiziaI'm sure I was told this was impossible23:29
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redhail lantizia23:30
redmaking the impossible possible!23:30
lantiziaI remember having this looong night on IRC where I was given a long lecture about why it couldn't be done23:31
lantiziaand tonight I just thought screw it and tried anyway23:31
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Stskeepslantizia: yeah, you're probably nuking your fs'es atm :P23:31
lantiziaStskeeps, eh!?23:31
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Stskeepslantizia: either way, it's not impossible, just noone did it sanely yet23:32
lantiziaeasy enough... copy home to home2... enter the new partition values into sfdisk... reboot... mkfs both vfat and ext3... mount home... move home2 contents back in home... mount mydocs23:33
lantiziaobviously backing up the (original) 27gb disk first over usb23:33
Stskeepslantizia: ah, yeah23:33
Stskeepslantizia: i would add a hook in / but that's me23:33
lantiziawhat for?23:33
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woglindehm lardman finished octave23:35
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lantiziaStskeeps, what did you mean by nuking my fs'es!?23:37
Stskeepslantizia: nm23:38
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lantiziaStskeeps, do you know (normally) what the 27gb volume name is?23:39
lantiziai.e. when mounted on linux/windows does it show up as NokiaN900 or something?23:40
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lantiziamkfs.vfat just gave it a random name23:40
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t-tanlantizia: all discussed here
lantiziat-tan, I've just done the partitioning - without needing to read any guide lol23:41
lantiziat-tan, I'm asking what the actual DOS Volume Label is (out of the box) for that partition23:41
t-tanlantizia: why does that matter? "N900"23:42
lantiziait's just N900?23:42
lantiziait matters because when I reformatted it with mkfs.vfat it gave it a random name :)23:42
pupnikTITS  In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access.23:42
LuserN800use gpg23:42
t-tanlantizia: you can use any name you want for the label23:43
lantiziayeah I KNOW but I wanted the "original" name23:43
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lantiziaactually I'll call it Pan :) thats what I name my device lol23:44
ScribbleJoriginally it was named bob23:44
lantiziadoes it build?23:44
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t-tanlantizia: Pan900 then :)23:45
DocScrutinizer51IroN900 here ;-)23:45
LuserN800does mount does not support -l option? it usually shows labels23:45
lantiziaall my pc's/handhelds/servers are named after greek gods/goddesses/deities/personifications/giants/etc23:45
RevdKathyG'Night all23:46
* ifreq is amazed.23:46
woglindenite kathy23:46
DocScrutinizer51better than the asian gods and goddesses we got for Openmoko23:46
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lantiziaaww openmoko... rip23:47
pupnikTITSgood effort, not enough money, i saw it coming23:48
* lantizia puts a flower on the zaurus grave too23:48
* lantizia sobs23:48
pupnikTITSwe *have* to make maemo a success23:48
lantiziait already is :D23:48
pupnikTITSwhat is market share?23:48
lantiziato me it is :)23:48
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DocScrutinizer51pupnik: money wasn't the point ever23:48
pupnikTITSwhat was then?23:49
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DocScrutinizer51lack of competence23:49
lantiziabuild something that didn't suck as much as symbian for nokia lol23:49
mikhasthat's honest, heh23:49
henkie-is this the right channel for questions about the n900?23:49
lantiziayeah shoot23:49
SpeedEvilhenkie-: some questions, yes.23:49
SpeedEvilhenkie-: If you're unsure what it means metaphysically - no.23:50
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henkie-ok, my repositories wont update anymore through the application manager (proxy connect error)23:50
TenkawaAnyone aware of a way to build a non X maemo install for a n80023:50
henkie-and ovi maps doesnt load any new map data anymore23:50
woglindehm sone tried -> ?23:50
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mikhashenkie-, the repo servers arent very reliable atm23:51
DocScrutinizer51seems you got a proxy configured in your internet conns setup?23:51
javispedrowoglinde: Map loader works23:51
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javispedroif that's what you're asking.23:51
* lantizia hugs Nokia... I knew you'd come through eventually23:52
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henkie-DocScrutinizer, no i haven't and the connection goes through https, so i do not think my provider is doing something funny23:52
henkie-too bad tcpdump also doesnt work with https  :)23:53
lantiziaUmm did anyone consider perhaps LVM would make sense on mmcblk0?  that way making it easy to resize whats for mountable access and whats for home?23:53
lantiziaeven though LVM is a bitch23:53
henkie-but if it's a common problem, I'll stop looking23:53
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javispedroin this case, lvm doesn't help much.23:53
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DocScrutinizer51hendry: tried to open the repo URL in browser?23:53
lantiziajavispedro, why wouldn't it help? saves me from repartitioning manually23:54
LuserN800click in browser23:54
javispedrosince you end up having to resize both filesystems either way23:54
woglindehi javis23:54
javispedrohi woglinde23:54
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t-tanlantizia: use loopback files,
lantiziat-tan, hell no... loopbacks won't exactly be accessible when mounted on the PC23:55
lantiziat-tan, I'm fine with my repartitioned mmcblk023:55
t-tanlantizia: yes, they are. that's what I'm using23:55
javispedrolantizia: instead of exporting a partition they export a single file23:55
lantizialoopbacks don't solve the issue23:55
LuserN800I guess ther's also a backdoor in skype23:56
javispedrolantizia: agreed.23:56
infoboti heard optification is a botch to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR23:56
t-tanlantizia: why not? what's your issue?23:56
javispedroDocScrutinizer: "partioning?"23:56
lantiziat-tan, want 27gb for home/opt (and I put usr and var in there too) and 2gb for USB mode.... and I've achieved that by altering the partition table and reformatting those partitions - works great23:57
javispedrothe 256 MiB are on a separate chip23:57
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henkie-I tried this URL, and it reports an 'access denied', but that could be a check on my user-agent
lantiziabut if you use a loopback then it still has to be in a partition big enough... and as default that partition is the one that dissapears when mounted on a pc23:57
henkie-the extra-repository is the only one that seems to work23:57
lantiziaso no loopbacks don't solve the issue23:57
javispedrolantizia: they patch ke-recv not to eport that partition but the file only.23:58
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t-tanlantizia: no. I mean have a single 29GB ext3 /home partition, and MyDocs as a loopback file23:58
lantiziajavispedro, oh I'm with you - export as in USB export?23:58
pupnik  i am still blown away by how beautiful that is23:58
lantiziaah! neat23:58
lantiziahmm bet that takes a bit of work23:58
t-tanlantizia: not very much. it's all described in my posts23:59

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