IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-01-27

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|tbb|what drains the battery more, a constant lightend led  or a blinking one 1 p/second00:04
BugBluea constant normally00:06
Lurianicdepends on how much code is being used to turn it on and off :-)00:07
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BlafaselIs there documentation on the default led states of the N810 somewhere?00:18
|tbb|for example the mail arrived blinking led00:18
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|tbb|vi /etc/mce/mce.ini00:18
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|tbb|Blafasel there is some documented00:22
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bmidgleyis anyone able to use the current maemo mapper on hack edition?01:15
bmidgleyit can't connect to a bt gps01:15
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Faye_pGah, i've lost all boxes on my n80001:52
Faye_pAnd the arrows on menus01:52
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Faye_pHappened after rebooting to make videocenter work again01:54
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Faye_pAnyone had this?01:54
Faye_pNo boxes on keyboard, lines on menu,, dropdowns.. Like the widgets are gone01:55
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unique311why not restart.01:55
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unique311restart, take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning.01:56
Faye_pIt happened *after* a restart, and it doesn't fix it if I restart again01:56
Faye_pBound to be sth i've installed01:57
unique311what did you do prior to loosing all this, besides a restart.01:57
Faye_pShort for somethiing01:57
unique311try uninstalling the sth01:58
Faye_pYou're a genius01:58
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unique311i try01:59
Faye_pVideo center, rtcomm beta uupdate, map while I was at it.01:59
Faye_pDon't  tthink I can unninstall the last two01:59
unique311i uninstalled the map before02:01
unique311rtcomm beta, not sure.02:01
unique311video center, definitely02:01
unique311beta might be your problem.02:01
Faye_pSince they've replaced their  os counterparts02:01
unique311map comes installed with os200802:01
unique311so that might not be the cause.02:01
Faye_pYes iit does, and it's been buggiing me, sitting in updates all the time02:02
unique311rtcomm BETA might.02:02
Faye_pSomeone ellse has same u/g no prob.02:02
* fysa is still on pre-christmas beta :/02:02
Faye_pI installleed and uninstalled openntpd02:03
unique311uninstall all 3.02:03
unique311can't hurt your device anymore than it already is hurting.02:03
unique311hold on.02:04
unique311i had this problem before02:04
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unique311but it was with the browser only.02:04
unique311someone in here helped me out.02:04
Faye_pOk, what fixed it?02:04
unique311beats me.02:04
unique311they keep an irc log02:04
Faye_pRemembeer anytthing  you said?02:05
unique311browser missing scroll bar02:06
Faye_pOr whhen? So I can search?02:06
Faye_pK thanks02:06
unique311Faye_p, I just remember having a similar problem  and being helped.02:06
unique311when, i don't know02:07
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proteousman, that is deep02:11
unique311searching also.02:11
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unique311 <--- Faye_p02:13
unique311search unique31102:13
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Faye_pYes scrolling thru that atm02:13
Faye_pNot found yyet02:14
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Faye_pYou talk a lott unique31102:18
Faye_pStill not found it02:18
unique311looking also02:18
unique311i do talk lots.02:18
Faye_pEmulatorss and voip02:19
unique311but my problem was only with the browser, but it dealt with missing scrollbar.02:21
unique311Faye_p, yes.  I love the emus02:21
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Faye_pSearched the page for browser... Nothing02:25
Faye_pNothing related anywaay :/02:25
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unique311found it02:27
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unique311this is exactly what i said "which cuase the graphics on the webpage to be all fucked up on the right side.."02:27
unique311considering i did a search for unique311, i cannot see who responded. ;)02:28
Faye_pWhaat day?02:29
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Commander1Would you like to join a forum ??? Exotics Adult Forum ::: !!! Free membership !!! Come and enjoy the forum !!! It's new !!! It's free to share adult materials !!! Come on !02:29
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unique311nobody responded to my comment on that day02:33
lcuk_2unique311, sure they did, generalant answered you and then you got your scrollbart back:  ok, so my scroll bar is back..02:33
lcuk_2took about 9 minutes02:33
lcuk_2you just waited02:34
unique311so the search should be done for generalant02:34
lcuk_2faye, try what unique said originally and reboot device again, since you did installs and uninstalls and crap things might have been occuring post boot02:34
unique311i was going up instead of down.02:34
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unique311Faye_p, switch your theme02:35
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unique311reboot and switch it back.02:35
lcuk_2lol i think you can tell her that when she comes back02:35
lcuk_2her problem does appear to be global theme related02:36
unique311so which program you think is the culprit02:36
unique311video center, The RTcomm BETA02:36
unique311or the third which i forgot02:37
lcuk_2hows it goin over there mr unique?  did you get a look at the pixel doubling earlier?    i dunno, but ive heard lots of bad things about rtcomm02:37
unique311i suck at it02:37
unique311can't seem to get it workign with the emu i'm working on02:37
pupnik_what's it doing unique31102:37
unique311nothing really02:37
unique311it compiles02:37
pupnik_no doubling at all?02:37
lcuk_2even a developer who sucks is a devoloper :P02:37
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unique311but thats the thing, i'm not a developer02:38
pupnik_no warnings at link-time?02:38
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lcuk_2ok even someone who pretends they are a sucky developer ....02:38
lcuk_2hey faye, you back (rtcomm didnt go that badly then...)02:38
Faye_pReboot no go02:38
Faye_pNo fix rather02:39
unique311change themes02:39
lcuk_2ok, unique said try changing the theme02:39
pupnik_did the doubling work with the aliens demo program?02:39
unique311GeneralAntillesSwitch your theme06:1402:39
unique311GeneralAntillesswitch back02:39
lcuk_2since your problem appears to be all parts of the theme, something might have screwed up02:39
Faye_pHenrik, glasser & plankton no fix02:39
unique311that was the fix for my browser issues02:39
Faye_pWill try again02:39
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unique311pupnik_, yes02:40
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pupnik_unique311: ok if the emu is using sdl page_flip, that will break it02:41
unique311let me check02:41
pupnik_and there are a few other things will break the doubling.02:41
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unique311the SDL coding in it is different from what i'm seeing in aliens02:42
pupnik_i wrote the music in 1993 btw :P02:43
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unique31193, wtf was i doing in 9302:44
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unique311Now i feel old.  Thanks alot pupnik_02:44
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pupnik_better old than dead02:46
FayepNo, changed all 3 themes, rebooting  between each02:46
FayepReflash may be my onlyy option02:47
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FayepThanks for the help guys02:47
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lcuk_2faye, can you get a screenshot of where its going wrong02:48
unique311Fayep, apt-get dist-upgrade02:48
pupnik_        SDL_Flip(screen);02:48
pupnik_that's killing it02:48
unique311Fayep, hey, if reflash is your only option, you cannot go wrong.02:48
pupnik_wow it's using a straight memcpy to draw02:49
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unique311is that good or bad?02:49
unique311should i just remove that line, and see if it will work.02:50
jottpupnik_: i think, i have a working Fn key under SDL now.02:50
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jottnot sure about regressions yet02:50
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FayepUnique; some packages can't be authed02:51
unique311or call the pixel doubling after  sdl_flip(screen) is called02:51
pupnik_nah i think you're going to need to rewrite osd_gfx_put_image_normal(void)02:51
jottit's quite simple hack.. maybe this can be beautified.. hold on i'll prepare a patch02:52
jottdosbox additionaly needs the "usescancodes=false" and some tweaking of the mapper.txt02:53
jottbut this is straight forward02:53
unique311Fayep, SOL02:53
unique311you can alway use the GOOGLE before you flash.02:53
jottbut all apps using keysym should work.. scancodes can't really work by design .. if we do not make a REAL hack ;)02:53
pupnik_yes scancodes=false02:53
pupnik_did shifted keys work also jott?02:54
jottdosbox seems to work quite nice here now ;)02:54
FayepIf I don't coome bback....02:55
jotti suppose other sdl apps should work too.. but still i'm not sure about possible regressions..02:55
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pupnik_i can help test.02:56
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jottthat's the patch to the maemo sdl version02:57
jottit checks if Fn is pressed and then uses the right keysym lookup table index02:58
pupnik_wow nice job02:58
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jottit was educational as i learned more about xlib and it's event handling ;)02:59
jottanyway.. you can check the binary if you like and test it for regressions..02:59
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jotti suppose the only real problem are situations where the Fn (AltGr) key is bound to something exclusive03:00
jottbut even this should not be a big problem03:00
pupnik_will do right away.  i don't understand yet how it requires changes to dosbox keymapper.txt03:00
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jottoh.. only because of the usescancodes=false03:00
jottthe ö ä ü keys are not working.. (maybe it's even only a problem with a german layout)03:01
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jottso just tweaking ..03:01
pupnik_i also have a german layout.  those keys aren't top priority for dosbox, i think :)03:02
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jottoh i mapped them to the us keys ;)03:03
jottas : is missing .. and that's critical ;)03:04
jott(as shift . = >)03:04
jottbut anyway i suppose this might only be a problem for non-us layouts ;)03:04
pupnik_I'm a little unclear on this.  Doesn't X handle the keyboard layout localisation and pass correct keys to sdl?03:04
jottyes.. and dosbox makes it's own mapping..03:05
pupnik_ok right03:05
jottyou could probably write a keyboard tsr driver ;)03:05
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jottor find an old one ;)03:05
pupnik_that's what i was thinking we had to do anyway - just take SDL's keys verbatim and not remap03:06
dolskeIs there a way to bring up the onscreen keyboard on a N810?03:06
jottyeah well the mapping.txt works quite nice. even tought it might not be generic03:06
jott that's what i got atm.. (derived from your mapper.txt)03:07
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pupnik_argh.  we are going to need to write mapper.txt for every language?03:09
jottpossibly.. but i have similar problems on my desktop with dosbox and non us layouts03:10
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jottpupnik_: hm anyway, i think my patch should fix other SDL apps using the keysym stuff for event handling...03:14
jottthere where some others having problems, right?03:14
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pupnik_jott: at dosbox prompt type keyb gr03:31
jottaah yeah.. now i remember this one ;)03:32
pupnik_well it fixes the . :  but the fn combos are broken03:32
pupnik_i'm getting some problems with 'stuck key' and repeats03:33
pupnik_ok problem happens when fn key is pressed, then number key, then fn released before the number key is released03:33
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pupnik_not sure if this is something that can be 'fixed' cleanly03:34
pupnik_maybe a 'release all keydowns when fn key is released'03:35
jotthmm yeah.. wonder if it is dosbox specific03:35
jotthmm i'll test it with my simple test app ;)03:35
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jottatleast in a regular sdl event loop this does not happen..03:37
jottanyway.. maybe we can fix this03:37
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jotthmm yeah i suppose a fix in the libsdl layer is not that trivial..03:43
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pupnik_it would be something like 1) detect FN keydown 2) store next keydown if FN is still down 3) if FN key is released, release the stored key03:45
lcddcool. i didn't expect video from mit world to work on the tablet03:45
pupnik_because otherwise you will not detect a keyup event on that key03:46
jottsomething like that.. but there are a couple of abstraction layers inbetween ..03:46
jott(my patch currently sits in X11_TranslateKey)03:46
pupnik_yes.  it's not crucial.  users can learn to release key before releasing fn.03:47
jottmaybe the X11_TranslateKey could be enhanced such that it remembers the Fn key..03:47
jottpupnik_: yeah i also think its more important to have the keys at all for now ;)03:47
jottbut still it's something one will see sooner or later and depending on the application based event handling it can have ugly side effects03:47
pupnik_maybe there are other solutions, but afaict one needs to store state of FN key and last-key-pressed-while-fn-key-depressed somewhere03:51
jottyeah something like that would also be my first idea.03:51
jottand you can also trigger more than one key-down event at once ;/03:53
jottlike press 1-2-3-4 at the same time ..03:53
pupnik_ok true03:54
jottthose things are a bit more sophisticated to do right i guess ;)03:54
pupnik_dosbox only cares about last one pressed, but other apps might care about them all03:54
jottyeah.. well it's clearly a hack for now.. but i think there is no really good solution without changing quite a few parts in the SDL X11 part..03:56
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xmentbtw any way how to change os2008's xterm fg/bg color? (not only bg)03:59
jottxment: go to the font settings03:59
pupnik_jott i think it's important to implement your patch *now* in the official OS2008 libSDL03:59
jott(in the xterm)03:59
xmentoh, that's nasty04:00
xmentjott: thanks04:00
jottpupnik_: yeah.. well maybe in a bit less hacky way? ;)...04:01
jottmaybe there is even a real clean and trivial solution ;)04:01
pupnik_you would know better than me.  maybe a post to the maemo-dev mailling list is in order04:01
pupnik_or bugs.maemo.org04:02
jottyeah.. i guess is the appropiate place04:02
jottor check with the sdl guys..04:02
jottdon't really know whom to blame for this..04:02
spirytusickpupnik_: jott: Guys, you seem to know what you are talking about. Do you think we will ever see povervr on n8x0 ?04:04
jottspirytusick: i doubt there will be an official driver..04:05
spirytusickjott: pitty :( such a waste of core space :(04:05
jottbut it's not entirely impossible to hack some foreign driver to use the n8x0 lcd...04:06
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spirytusickjott: is the lcd controller that bad ?04:06
jottdepends what you call bad.. but it has serious bandwith problems..04:07
lcuk_2jott, the lcd controller is the only part which has direct access to the screen, coupled with the (summised) limited resolution of powervr (640*480) makes for anything built using a cludge04:07
jottlcuk_2: that's the reason why i doubt an official driver..04:08
lcuk_2you would have to render to the internal framebuffer on the 2420 then copy out of there onto the lcd04:08
lcuk_2yer same here04:08
jottbut still there would be ways to push the framebuffer from the powervr to the lcd controller..04:08
jottthat's what i was thinking about ..04:08
spirytusickjott: wouldn't it be slower anyway ?04:08
lcuk_2its not like nokia (a) cant afford drivers,  (b) doesnt have skill to do it - its already in symbian devices on other nseries devices.04:08
pupnik_nokia might not want to have open-source emus and games compete with n-gage04:09
jottlcuk_2: but all the nseries devices have no intermediate lcd controller..04:09
spirytusickpupnik_: I suppose you might be right with this one04:10
spirytusickpupnik_: however as of this moment n-gage platform is sort of non-existent yet04:10
lcuk_2spiry, depends on how hard you are working the 3d.  for every frame you would have a time delta N ontop of any hardware 3d rendering.  software rendering can allow so many operations in same timeframe, if the 3d part can do more then its a winner04:10
lcuk_2jott thats because they are lower resultion04:10
jottlcuk_2: i know.04:11
spirytusickpupnik_: and judging by the quality of games available as demos, I would rather play the 3rd party emus04:11
pupnik_powervr would be a godsend for a psx emulator04:11
jottanyway.. the powervr is quite fast..04:11
jottand it would definitely bring a perfomance boost to anything 3d related..04:11
spirytusicklcuk_2: I suppose it would still be possible to use it for quick scaling/flitering04:11
lcuk_2yer if you can fill it up and make use of it it will be beneficial04:11
jottso it would run with with pixel doubleing enabled etc..04:12
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lcuk_2i would be happy running in 640*480 no doubling04:12
jottlcuk_2: yeah.. but then again this might cause bandwith trouble...04:12
jottTI took the driver from their page :(04:13
|tbb|what does that mean -> Requested IAP is not connected and timed flag is set04:13
spirytusickwell even 400x240 with doubling would not be so bad as long as it was accelerated04:13
jottspirytusick: i totally agree..04:13
lcuk_2how about *ANYTHING* would be good so long as we used the hardware on the device which we paid for...04:13
jottwell given some effort there have to be ways to do this i suppose..04:13
spirytusickand if we could get accelerated composite extension, then some os2008 home applets might even become usable04:14
lcuk_2to be honest i wouldnt care if it was slower, i just want to see it working04:14
jottyeah any us citizen want to file a class action lawsuite? ;)04:14
smackpotatodoes the n810 have any hidden hardware. like an accelerometer for example04:14
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lcuk_2lol jott04:14
spirytusickjott: agree04:14
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pupnik_i am betting that the n9x0 will have no choice in the market but to provide opengl es04:15
lcuk_2you mean like this...04:15
spirytusicklcuk_2: btw, it would also make it nice and easy to build future plus opengl es apps which would then fly on some not yet revealed beast of a tablet in the future04:15
jott they even have a webpage ;)04:15
jottlets register ;)04:16
lcuk_2jott i know, i immediately saw the parallels04:16
pupnik_i think legally, you only paid for the functionality advertised04:16
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jottpupnik_: hey an omap2420 was advertised ;P04:17
lcuk_2but since i am in uk i should sit back with a cup of tea and play golf or something and not care that the hardware in front of me is in the stone ages04:17
spirytusickpupnik_: everything is relative :) especialy with lawyers :)04:17
lcuk_2no, i paid for a nokia n series device which runs on the omap 2420 mobile chipset which incororates powervr graphics (*like the rest of the nokia n series*)04:18
smackpotatoit's not a 2420?04:18
pupnik_anyway with the pandora coming out, i think the market will heat up... http://openpandora.ca04:18
lcuk_22420 contains the powervr rendering unit04:18
lcuk_2which is what i have04:18
lcuk_2*pet peeve...*04:19
spirytusickpupnik_: one ugly brick, but featurewise looks good...04:19
jottpupnik_: is this a real planned project or just some geek fantasy? ;)04:20
pupnik_and a geek fantasy04:20
lcuk_2arghhhhh - pandora still doesnt have single press tab key or pipe ;)04:21
lcuk_2specs are amazing tho..04:21
spirytusickpupnik_: the pages about it are extremely vague and look unfinished. Is there a release date ?04:21
jottlcuk_2: write a mail before its too late ;)04:21
jottthey still have time to edit the 3d model ;)04:21
czrhey all04:22
lcuk_2and esc should be on its own04:22
lcuk_2hi cz04:22
jottand a big red button is missing!04:22
czrlcuk_2, how's the fur thing coming along?04:22
spirytusicklcuk_2: and it does not have 'any' key too...04:22
pupnik_  there's one of the analog controllers jott04:23
lcuk_2i think the big buttons cater for press me now04:23
jotti wonder if they really plan to put all the extension ports on the front ;)04:23
lcuk_2why "power" and "dc-in"?04:24
pupnik_that's being debated.  they will probably put the dual-sd slots in front and connectors in the rear now04:24
spirytusickpupnik_: and a toaster on the side ? :)04:24
spirytusicktoo good to be true...04:25
spirytusickbut if it happens I will gladly swap...04:25
lcuk_2its fantasy, but the analog looks like04:25
lcuk_2i wonder if you could hack it onto 81004:26
pupnik_they're at the prototyping stage now04:26
pupnik_have dev boards already04:26
spirytusickpupnik_: so we looking at at least 5-7 months minimum04:26
pupnik_i'm betting on may04:27
spirytusickguys been wondering about it for some time now04:27
jottpupnik_: who is funding this?04:27
spirytusickis there possible to write a library that will ease up porting the stuff from gp2x community ?04:28
spirytusickwhat are the main obstacles there ?\04:28
lcuk_2touchscreen on a laptop like unsupported screen doesnt work too well, people expect a slate or something.  the 810 has a problem when lay flat and using touch - it rocks backwards when you press top of screen04:29
pupnik_worked ok on my psion 5mx04:29
jottspirytusick: i suppose nobody really tried it hard enough yet..04:30
lcuk_2fair enough, its just annoying when it moves cos cursor slips04:30
pupnik_jott i don't know much more, and some of what i know is NDA04:30
spirytusickjott: thanks, pitty I am not a coder...04:30
pupnik_jott, want to work on drpocketsnes next?04:31
shackanpupnik_: WOW, that's awesome04:31
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jottpupnik_: write a gp2x emulator?! ;)04:31
jottor gp2x compatible chroot ;)04:32
pupnik_jott: well i started mashing drpocketsnes core into snes9x frontend04:32
shackanpupnik_: is it meant for gaming (like the gp2x) or browsing (like the NITs) ? I see a lot of estate wasted on game controls.. :(04:33
jottoh gp2x is kernel 2.4? yieks..04:33
pupnik_and like 80 hours later i have
pupnik_shackan: gaming.  other linux stuff is an afterthought, but hopefully they'll run debian armel04:33
shackanpupnik_: oh, shame04:34
pupnik_   jott04:34
jottis this drpocketsnes the best snes oss emulator at the moment?04:34
pupnik_for ARM yes04:34
pupnik_  there's the stock snes9x04:35
jotta shame the n810 dpad sucks for gaming :(04:36
pupnik_can be good enough for RPGs04:36
shackanwho cares about games anyway :P04:36
jottshackan: hey it's about porting games not about playing them ;>04:36
johnxshackan, pupnik cares about games :P04:36
pupnik_so true04:36
shackanpupnik_: that analog controller, doesn't look very durable :D04:37
spirytusickpupnik_: are you still working on GemRB ?04:37
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pupnik_it's not on the short list of things to do spirytusick04:38
pupnik_give it a try on the PC first04:38
spirytusickwell most action games do not play well on the tablets, but the turn based strategies, and I supporse the rts should play quite well, rpg also should work out nicely04:38
johnxtetris is ok04:38
spirytusickpupnik_: I will, although it's a little beside the point as I could probably run the games natively04:38
jottopenttd runs nice too ;)04:39
johnxif I could get the bindings better for ltris I'd be happy with it04:39
spirytusickjott: it runs superb, true true true...04:39
spirytusickwesnoth is also excellent albeit a little slow04:39
spirytusickbut it is a wonder it works on the tablet anyway04:39
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spirytusickall: guys (and perhaps some ladies) have a good night... going to hit the bed...04:45
pupnik_jott: did you build dosbox?  i'm getting segfaults on exit04:45
lcuk_2whats it done to you?04:45
pupnik_cu spirytusick04:45
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jottpupnik_: hmm not seen them yet.. (and yes i've my own build from todays cvs)04:46
pupnik_sheez.  it's only 3:46 AM here04:46
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pupnik_jott, you might get better performance with flags -03 -mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp04:47
jottaye.. thanks04:47
jotthave you done benchmarks with -O2 vs your options?04:48
jott (considering those thoughts)04:48
pupnik_well... i haven't found much maths04:50
pupnik_there is some dodgy floating-poitn in the sample-rate conversion04:50
pupnik_and the speaker emulation is messed up - at the buffer boundaries there are clicks04:50
pupnik_i think that doom -timedemo can yield a good benchmark, if you make the screen smaller than default04:51
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pupnik_also using and norton si and pc 'checkit' for core/memory tests, but i don't know how good those are04:52
jottyeah synthetic but should give some coarse approximation04:52
pupnik_dosbox guys suggest setting the cpu cycles to 'max' and then printf-ing/cout-ing the cycles chosen04:52
pupnik_  also jott, if you have any success with gcc's -fprofile-generate please let me know - haven't gotten profile-use to accept the results yet04:58
jottyou could also use valgrind (cachegrind)04:58
pupnik_and then there's this04:59
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fysaThat is an amazing piece of work.05:00
pupnik_yes, the 'state saving' could be super-useful for dosbox :P05:00
fysalots of good things there.05:01
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jottpupnik_: did you have any mouse issues with dosbox?05:02
pupnik_yes, dosbox mouse needs to be tweaked to use the screen like a laptop touchpad05:03
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pupnik_only relative motion is possible with DOS mouse drivers, afaik05:03
pupnik_unlike say, macintosh which can accept an absolute poitner position05:03
jottas you say it.. this sounds familiar05:03
jotthaven't really used dos for ages ;)05:04
pupnik_the problem then is how to implement mouse clicks05:06
pupnik_either tap-and-hold, or a button press05:06
pupnik_however, one 'good' thing is that most mouse-driven games run too slow anyway05:07
fysaI'm trying to install libsdl-ttf in a SB2, but sb2 apt-get -f install complains about x11 dependencies.  What am I missing?  Or do I need to apt-get source it?05:07
jotthehe i wanted to use deluxepaint ii ;)05:07
fysajott: UAE works05:07
fysaand DeluxePaint for it is very nice.05:07
jottah yeah wort a try05:08
fysa(is the mouse fixed?)05:08
johnxfysa, does it depend on X11 or recommend it?05:08
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fysaactually, there's an entire slew -  "Depends: linux-kernel-headers but it is not going to be installed"05:10
johnxthat's really unfortunate :/05:10
fysawhat is something that should certainly install that I could test?05:10
johnxor helloworld05:11
fysasomething must not be setup right.05:11
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pupnik_you can install ignoring dependencies by downloading the file and using dpkg -i <package>.deb05:13
fysait's basically complaining about everything in the system.05:14
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ywwgwhere's the API docs for the maemo online/offline pop-up-dialog-to-get-me-online stuff?05:18
ywwgI forget what it's called and I can't find it on the site05:18
johnxfysa, what happens if you run apt-get -f install as it suggests?05:18
johnxor also: apt-cache policy libc605:19
fysasame thing.  this is from: sb2 apt-get -f install nano05:21
johnxso apt-get -f install with no packages basically says it can't install anything?05:22
johnxyeah, your package system is probably very broken05:22
johnxcan I have a link to the guide you followed?05:23
fysathere we go.  "sb2 apt-get -f install" alone -- they're all downloading now.05:23
pupnik_bbbl.  it's beertime.  huge thanks johnx.05:25
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johnxhave fun05:25
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smackpotatois there any extra hardware devices on the n81005:44
johnxextra with regards to what?05:46
johnxfor example, compared to a toaster the N810 has one (1) extra OMAP2420 with vector floating point but lacks two (2) bread slots05:47
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db48xsmackpotato: I'm not sure if this is what you're interested in, but the OMAP2420 chip has a PowerVR core that isn't used by the n81006:21
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kupesoftAny good tutorials for USB/OTG for the n800?07:20
kupesoftre: I have aircrack-ng and a usb wifi dongle in mind07:20
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bmidgleyare there apps out there to use gps and wifi signal strengths to create a wifi ap map?07:25
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johnxbmidgley, kismet should do it07:34
bmidgleyjohnx ok that looked promising except finding a package07:35
johnxthe bora package should work I've heard07:36
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kupesoftWhat cable to I need for OTG, I'm in Canada (re: shipping)07:52
johnxkupesoft, n800 or n810?07:52
kupesoftjohnx: ^^07:53
johnxhmm, and you want it to automatically enable host mode or you don't care?07:53
kupesoftI can manually enable it via  command, doesn't make a difference07:54
kupesofts/via  command/via command line/07:54
infobotkupesoft meant: I can manually enable it via command line, doesn't make a difference07:54
kupesoftinfobot: ^^ (:07:54
johnxthen you can get a mini-b to a, then a female to female adapter07:56
johnxsomeone on here found one that automagically enabled host mode though07:56
johnxlet me dig through the logs07:56
kupesoftIt has to do with shorting some wires or something07:57
kupesoftjohnx: Have you got aircrack-ng compiled for OS2008?07:57
pupnikafkwell i have to say arm and omap are wonderful things07:58
johnxkupesoft, never tried07:58
pupnikafkand may every employee of Intel rot in the pits of hell for all eternity07:58
pupnikafkgood morning!07:58
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jga23how do i flush dns? my hosts changes arnt working08:07
zoranu mean arp?08:08
johnxkupesoft, Cptnodegard apparently found something that worked08:08
kupesoftjohnx: For a automagic OTG cable or for compiling aircrack-ng?08:09
johnxfor auto-OTG cable08:09
kupesofts/a /an /08:09
infobotkupesoft meant: johnx: For an automagic OTG cable or for compiling aircrack-ng?08:09
kupesoftI love that!08:09
johnxI think it was a 5-pin mini-b08:09
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jga23zoran: how do i flush arp?08:10
zoranunpower the router08:10
johnxand then you use a female-A to female-A adapter with it08:10
johnxjga23, specifically what is not reacting to the changes in your hosts file?08:10
johnxjga23, if it's a web browser you might need to restart it08:11
jga23just added an entry and when i ping it, its not showing the correct ip08:11
zoranmore details?08:11
zoranwhat is you net?08:11
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jga23nm, got it08:12
johnxwhat was the problem?08:12
jga23closed the webbrowser08:12
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johnx:) that's what I figured08:14
Savagois there a Python guy out there?08:15
SavagoI have 1 question about BlueZ.08:15
SavagoMore specifically, on bluetooth.lookup_name.08:16
SavagoI got 1 piece of code that works fine in my notebook, but fails when running in N810.08:17
zoranu have all modules added?08:17
Savagozoran, could you explain what you mean by 'modules'? I don't get it.08:19
zoransome added libs to have your ported script work08:20
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Savagozoran, I only use 'bluetooth' library.08:21
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zoranprobably maemo port is not so extensive as on your desktop08:21
SavagoCan I post the code here? Its only 7 LOCs.08:21
zoranI had to add some libs for getmail and some other simple scripts08:21
zoranhave some error message?08:21
Savagolookup_name returns None.08:22
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SavagoWhere I was expecting to return the 'human readable' device name.08:22
zoranso, no python problem?08:22
zoranlook_up means $HOST  ?08:23
SavagoMaybe I forgot something, but it seem rather strange that all calls to lookup_name return None.08:23
Savagozoran, yep.08:23
zoranI found it strangely done on my 77008:23
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zoranand I didn't make succes changing some variables08:24
SavagoSay you have a computer (named 'foobie') that has a BT address (00:xx:xx:xx:xx), the lookup_name returns 'foobie' when you supply the address.08:24
zoranprobably busybox problem08:24
SavagoThis is the code:08:24
Savagoimport bluetooth08:25
Savagodevices = bluetooth.find_service(name = 'Audio Source')08:25
Savagodef print_name(mac):08:25
Savago    for i in range(10):08:25
Savago        name = bluetooth.lookup_name(mac)08:25
Savago        print u'i = ' + str(i) + ' res = ' + str(name)08:25
SavagoIf you have a Linux box near (say, Ubuntu) and run this code, it was supposed to print your box name.08:25
zoranfound function of the same name on maemo?08:26
Savagozoran, yeps.08:26
zoranmaybe it should be tweaked to match maemo $HOST08:26
Savagozoran, what do you mean by tweaked?08:27
zoranI also got blank on that call08:27
SavagoDo you mean that maemo python binding for bluez is incomplete?08:27
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zoranwhat if you try it with bash?08:27
SavagoThis is what I got running it in my notebook:08:28
zoranI meanth on maemo08:28
Savago python t.py08:28
Savagoi = 0 res = zv64-008:28
zoranthere was a port of bash, called bash-m08:29
SavagoI'm running it over ssh.08:29
zoranafter simple "bash" it should read variables08:29
zoranSavago, you use ash over ssh08:29
zoranbuilt in shell for busybox08:30
SavagoDo you mean that the code will not run correctly If I try to execute it logged in my N810 using ssh?08:30
zoranSavago, the very shell could be the problem08:31
zoranon maemo08:31
Savagothis doesn't make sense.08:31
zoranculd you try to install bash and try out?08:31
zoranor tcsh if possible08:31
Savagoyeah, why not... At this late night, what can I miss? :-)08:32
zoranSavago, as I see, the device was not intended for you and me and all those folks on the channel, but for multimedia kids08:32
zoranso, don't be surprised08:33
johnxzoran, maybe I'm missing something, but what does $HOST have to do with the bluetooth device name?08:33
zoranu mean mac address?08:34
zorandunno how the variable is set08:34
johnxthe name that you set in the bluetooth control panel applet08:34
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Savagocould anyone else try to run the code in your device? Maybe its a caveat in my Python install.08:35
johnxsure, in a sec08:35
Savagojohnx, just make sure that you have 1 linux box with bluetooth plugged in.08:35
Savagoand also, make it visible to other devices.08:36
truentSavago, this is the 810?08:36
Savagotruent, yep. I'm trying to run it in N810.08:36
truentdunno of any bluetooth library like that.. i've used 'bluez' library08:36
truentyou can get remote devices, set device name, make discoverable/connectable etc.. by way of dbus08:37
truentand python (though i use ruby) has a good dbus implementation08:37
Savagotruent, to make use of sockets to exchange data between BT devices, you need to use BlueZ.08:38
truentahh you mean bluetooth?08:38
truenthavent done that08:39
truentwhatcha tryin to do? not that i can be of any help at this point, im just curious ;)08:39
SavagoAh... nothing... (wink, wink).08:39
truentvery well then08:40
pupnik_  [ YouTube - GemRB Baldur's Gate 2 on on Nokia N810 ]08:40
SavagoActually, I'm trying to port one soft to Maemo.08:40
johnxSavago, it disconnects my bluetooth headphones then says: list index out of range08:41
Savagojohnx, are you using a bluetooth headphones?08:41
johnxmaybe I copied it wrong08:42
SavagoIt was supposed to run when both devices (computer + n810) are not using headphones.08:42
SavagoI forgot to tell you, sorry.08:42
johnxSavago, well I tested it on my ubuntu box actually08:42
johnxmy tablet isn't booted into ITOS right now08:42
Savagoah, ok.08:43
SavagoBut this code was supposed to run in the device.08:43
SavagoFor my test in my Ubuntu box, I used another bluetooth service running in another box.08:43
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johnxrebooting tablet anyways, so I'll give it a shot08:44
Savagothanks a lot, dude!08:45
johnxcan I have a *little* clue about what your trying to do overall or is it a secret?08:45
Savagojohnx, no secret at all.08:46
SavagoI wish to being able to list the nearby BT devices using the 'human readable' name.08:46
SavagoInstead of using 'xx:xx:xx:xx' addresses to represent each external device.08:46
SavagoAnd the soft I'm trying to port has nothing to do with sound at all (I just choose this BT service because is available in any Ubuntu box).08:49
johnxgot my hopes up :P08:50
johnxanyways, I ran it on my tablet08:50
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johnxI could put the results on pastebin but they're all: i = 0 res = None08:50
johnxonly thing that changes is i = 0-908:50
Savagohum... so it seems that it fails on your device too.08:51
johnxyup. that's with a fresh install of python2.5-runtime08:52
SavagoAre you are of any python app that makes uses of BT and run in the maemo device?08:52
SavagoMaybe I can have a glimpse in the source code and have a clue of what I'm missing.08:53
johnxI really can't think of anything off the top of my head08:54
SavagoWell, I will try to google it. Anyway, thanks a lot! :-)08:54
johnxgood luck08:54
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* Savago checking...08:58
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Savagofysa, this seems to be good: grep -uR "lookup_name" . | wc -l09:02
Savagorunning on the svn trunk directory of pyaxelwii.09:03
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pupnik_where am i09:15
Luriaonly you can tell us that09:16
johnxyou're in "Internic Network" obviously. Is that in Europe?09:17
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Luriai would bet berlin09:18
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Luriaif im right, do i win a prize?09:19
pupnik_somewhere between heaven and hell i think09:20
Luriaswitzerland then?09:21
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Savagojohnx, fysa pyaxelwii has some interesting bit. I will read it tomorrow (its 3:21AM here). Thanks a lot for your help, seeya guys. :-)09:22
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johnxscratchbox2 is like the coolest thing ever09:41
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zetherooThe FM Radio program does not work for me... all I hear is fuzz10:46
johnxdo you have headphones plugged in?10:48
Tama^2have you plugged in the headphones?10:48
Tama^2eh eh10:48
Tama^2the headphones work as an antenna, no antenna -> fzfzfzfzf10:49
zetheroothere are speakers10:49
zetheroooh really?10:49
johnxthe headphone wire is used as an antenna10:49
johnxyeah, confused me at first too10:50
Tama^2I went: mmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhh!10:50
zetherooso there is no way to listen to radio via the speakers?10:51
johnxthere's a way to plug in headphones and switch it back to speakers10:51
zetherooknow how?10:52
johnxer no10:52
johnxI don't use the fm radio app10:52
johnxmaybe look in preferences in the radio app itself?10:52
Tama^2there is an headphone/redio icon10:53
zetherooI see it10:53
Tama^2when you tap it it switches10:54
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johnxhi Cptnodegard, could you give me a link to the 5-pin mini-usb cable you found?11:03
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Cptnodegardbad new on that front... its not a real 5 pin. it has 5 connected wires, but the 5th pin is copnnected to the metal housing of the mini usb b cable, not the 5th pin of the mini b connector!11:05
Cptnodegardi was pissed as hell11:05
Cptnodegardi ohmed the thing to find out what wires went where and it made no freaking sense, so opened the mini b connector and realized why :/11:06
Cptnodegardmy initial plan was to use it to make a how to. gonna try some more cables from that place to see if i can find one that does work. the guide is pointless if the people reading it arent able to get the exact same cable, so has to be from DX which ships worldwide11:07 might be hard to find11:08
johnxif you plug a mini-b wired like a mini-a into a non-otg device, I wonder if it would end up fried11:09
johnxand that aside it's really against the usb specification11:09
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Cptnodegardjohnx, wont fry anything... normally the last pin simply isnt connected to the usb a11:11
Cptnodegardi have a link to a cable that i myself used, one that is extremely easy to work with, but its expensive11:12
johnxthe problem is the world wide shipping11:12
Cptnodegardthey have11:12
johnxso worldwide shipping + cheap = not so much ?11:12
Cptnodegardnah the cable i used was expensive11:13
Cptnodegard30 bucks shipped type expensive11:13
Cptnodegardbut it does have all 5 pins connected11:14
Tama^2Does anyone know (or is happy to speculate) about some aspects of the metalayer crawler design?11:14
johnxit's not that bad...still cheaper than a plain 3' USB cable at best buy11:14
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Cptnodegardwait a miute!11:16
Cptnodegardi read wrong11:16
Cptnodegardthe cable i used on mine is 13,5 USD shipped anywehere11:16
Cptnodegard - "Mini USB extenson cable" if its still the same type i got a while ago, that cable has all 5 pins connected11:17
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Cptnodegardordering one11:22
kykyu_Hi, this is Kenny. I'm a newbie to Maemo. I've just installed SDK 3.0. But I cannot find Application Installer in my emulated screen...11:22
kykyu_can you tell me why?11:22
johnxapplication manager isn't included11:23
kykyu_oh... any way to have it included? or there isn't a way?11:23
kykyu_actually I wanted to install MicroB for my research... but I don't know how to... after having built the .deb files.11:24
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melmothdpkg -i yourdebfile.deb11:27
Luriayou can build debs but dont know how to install them? weird.11:29
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|tbb|hi all11:54
|tbb|is there a possibility to kill a msgbox which for example appears when there is a network connect error while trying to connect to an ap12:01
Tama^2I very much doubt it, it's generated by the System UI12:02
Tama^2but I really don't know much sbout it ;-;12:02
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johnxif you knew the ID of it's window you could tell it to close12:11
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|tbb|how to find that out?12:13
keesjit would need to go via dbus i guess12:14
keesjthe dialogs should be nicely added one below the other12:15
Tama^2that is *if* it is published on dbus12:15
Tama^2yes, they should have. There are a lot of UI issues ;-(12:16
|tbb|what is "signal sender=:1.29" is that the id i need12:18
Tama^2|tbb|: I have no idea, where did you get that string?12:20
Tama^2keesj: also they should not show before finishing rendering, right now the effect is a bit clumsy12:20
keesjyes ,specialy with maemo-mapper because it shows/ed ad "waiting for fix" for a long time. while also trying to connect to the internet12:22
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ccookeHmm. IIRC, leaving the RSS app open can kill battery life, yes?12:26
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Tama^2it should not reduce it by much12:28
Tama^2of course rss active means wifi connection active12:28
Tama^2and it also depends how often you refresh your feeds12:28
Tama^2how many feeds etc12:29
Tama^2still I believe it should not make an enormous difference12:29
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* |tbb| got an idea for the designer of the keyboard, do some small hole on every character so if u just need to push less characters and u got you stylus in the hand, u can push the key easily12:44
keesjyes, and also add a m6 hole in on the rocker key so we can modify it to be a joystick12:53
keesjalso invent a 8 bit keyboard12:55
n0ob_has anyone used this vmware maemo sdk image correctly? how can i compile and run the hello world example?12:57
* keesj can not get vmware to work on his machine12:59
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|tbb|damn, i need to kill the dialog which tells me network error, try again? while trying to connect to an ap12:59
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n0ob_keesj: thats sad12:59
johnx|tbb|, maybe wmctrl?13:00
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johnxn0ob_, is the hello world a debian package or a .tar.gz?13:03
|tbb|johnx, maybe but then i need someone who compile it for chinook, i wonder if there is another way to do that13:03
johnxborrow their code?13:04
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n0ob_johnx: its the example in the esbox called eclipse13:05
johnxI don't have the vmware sdk, just the normal debian/scratchbox sdk, so I'm not sure...but eclipse is the name of IDE...13:06
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n0ob_ok johnx i will try to dig deeper13:10
crashanddiejohnx, I'm going to finish the gpsd proxy today :)13:11
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micheleis there any way to use the icons of the stock applications in my own?13:15
michelelike the folders, the arrows13:15
michelethey don't seem to be gtk stock icons13:15
michele(and this sucks, if I may)13:15
johnxare you trying to reference them by file name? or do something more clever/automatic?13:16
michelewell, I'd like to do it as nicely as possible13:16
michelebut just the file name would be a start13:17
johnxso which program shows these files that you're interested in?13:17
michelethe file manager, the pdf reader, notes13:17
K-Foxwhat is the a rapid pdf reader ?13:18
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crashanddiemichele, did you take a look at /usr/share/icons ?13:19
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michelelooking now13:20
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michelethat aside, am I the only one that actually likes the N810 pouch colors? :)13:21
crashanddiedefine pouch colors13:21
johnxwell here I was going to make a nice one-liner script with lsof and grep to show which icons are in use...but it pulls them from icon-theme.cache13:22
melmothawfull grey with worst blue inside13:22
lcukmichele, i would like the colors, but my missus lost the pouch on the first day she borrowed it13:22
zuhmichele: I wouldn't say that in public if I were you :P13:22
K-FoxFedora 8 now available for Nokia tablets!13:22
K-Foxthis is true?13:22
lcuki cant take 810 anywhere :(13:22
michelejohnx: so I'd say they actually are registered as stock icons, just with different names than gtk13:22
johnxK-Fox, link?13:23
johnxor do you just mean that there is a Fedora port to the ARM architecture?13:24
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K-Fox <-----13:24
lcukjohn, ive heard of ppl compiling it and running on 8x013:24
n0ob_is there any how to use the scratchbox?13:24
crashanddien0ob_, why would you need a how-to ?13:25
lcuknoob i have had probs using it13:25
crashanddieit's fairly self explanatory13:25
johnxn0ob_, lots of howtos on and a readme on the same site you got the vmware maemo sdk from13:25
lcukreadme glosses over lots of things and for a none linux ninja its heeavy going13:25
michelezuh: I don't really see the problem with the colors... better than always the same dull black or dark gray13:26
|tbb|if i cant kill the network connection,failed dialog is it possible to hit cancel by sending keystrokes to it via dbus or so?13:26
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lcukive got helloworld compiled and onto 810 but it was luck more than an ything and i cant get my own project running13:26
crashanddie|tbb|, you can't kill it ? Like in kill -9 PID ?13:27
* lcuk is evaluating other options which dont involve emulated zephyr testing, its not reqd for me 13:28
Luriakill -9 is fun13:28
Luriakillall on solaris is more fun13:28
Luriawow. im sorry, just a bit loopy at 6:30am13:28
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lcukdid luria kill himself?13:30
proteousso tragic13:33
n0ob_i think this is really hard for non coders with low experience13:33
michelejohnx: it sounds like they are way behind your work, and don't plan to improve very much unless somebody comes up to work on the tablets13:34
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johnxmichele, heh. and it turns out I was way behind someone else's work too13:35
michelejohnx: really?13:35
lcuknoob, you can get coding quickly with python.  dont lose heart13:35
targaryenmichele, did you ever find out what was causing those pkg-config errors compiling evince? I'm getting the same ones13:35
lcukits like methadone compared to full code, but you can get resultts  quickly13:35
johnxn0ob_, you might want to start out programming on something more straightforward13:35
michelen0ob_: have you read the tutorial?
michelen0ob_: that will give you some context, at least13:36
johnxn0ob_, start with some python, and then move onto python with gtk13:36
targaryento pickup on a coversation from 11 days ago, anyway..13:36
|tbb|johnx do you know how to send the escape character trough dbus?13:36
johnx|tbb|, no idea13:37
micheletargaryen: which errors? I found that most things are ok if you dpkg-buildpakage instead of using make13:37
johnxI don't know much about dbus...but I'll probably have to learn it soon13:37
lcukjohn/michele, i found the same problems, coding inside a foreign vmwar box, then within anotther magic scratchbox and it just gets overwhelming13:37
micheletargaryen: you need the right options to configure13:37
johnxcross development is not easy13:37
* michele off preparing lunch13:37
targaryenI'll give that a try, thanks a lot13:38
lcuki am in process offinding a simpler root and documenting as i go13:38
michelejohnx: who was ahead of you then?13:38
johnxmichele, yeah. The guys packaging the maemo stuff for debian have more things working, but its easy enough to just go with there stuff and add anything I can fix13:38
lcukjohn, for my pda it was simple.  same dev env as native and just run code.  it all workeeed.13:39
johnxthey've been really helpful13:39
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michelejohnx: that's great, now all we need is some easy way to install it13:39
micheleor some docs..13:39
johnxI have something up on the wiki...but don't bother with it right now13:39
lcukwooohooo luria is back from death13:39
lcukkill must be temporary ;)13:40
johnxin a couple days all the stuff on the wiki will be quite obsolete13:40
johnx(as far as debian goes)13:40
Luriano, just got sick of xfce13:40
michelejohnx: I won't right now, I just think it's a good job13:40
Luriai have a big apt-get going on right now13:40
johnxand as for install it will always be "untar this onto sd card, boot it"13:40
johnxuntil someone makes a nice boot from sd install script13:41
lcuknoob,  what devevlopment are you used to doing13:41
* michele *really* off to lunch13:42
Luriagood eating13:42
lcukenjoy it13:42
lcuknom nom nom nom13:42
* Luria looks forward to kde13:43
johnxKDE on a tablet? or KDE4 on desktop?13:43
lcuki like xfce - makes older computers run faster :)13:43
Luriaon an eee13:43
johnxxfce+wmaker rocks on old computers13:43
Luriaright now xfce+minimal gnome lib+compiz13:44
lcukisn t new kde4 cross platform?13:44
Luriaive seen the screenshots of kate under windows13:44
lcukmy boss might suddenly get interested if it looks good13:45
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lcukyer, there was an article from slash about it13:45
johnxit's nice to see open source software invading the windows desktop :)13:45
lcukopenoffice/firefox/gimp ??? its already there13:45
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Luriameh gimp13:45
johnxand pidgin13:45
lcukjust an example13:45
Luriapirate photoshop13:45
johnxI like gimp13:46
Luriaeclipse ugh13:46
johnxI actually prefer gimp to photoshop13:46
johnxbut I started on gimp13:46
lcukwe have agents everywhere, watching, waiting - preparing themselves13:46
Luriai like to be able to print13:46
Luriawhich gimp doesnt do13:46
johnxI was about to say "must have had some terribly vivid hallucinations..."13:47
Lurialast i checked, at least13:47
K-Foxit can use the gimp on n8xx?13:47
Luriawhats the point of my color calibrated lacie monitor, after all, if i cant go subtractive?13:47
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lcukim sure if you hold your arms the right way whilst looking north with your dog on your shoulders then you might be able to see a cups printer and save as directly to the printer memory, but of course noone thinks of these things when just pritning13:47
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Luriastill wouldnt help with the color correction13:48
johnxLuria, you're right. Gimp isn't a replacement for photoshop in high-end shops yet. It is a replacement for photoshop on a lot of end users desks who just want to touch something up and print it on their ink jet13:48
lcukhas anyone reported it13:48
Luriagimp is fine for photo -> web, tho.13:49
lcukits a FREE alternative for people who want to run software legally.13:49
lcukwho dont need it for work13:49
Luriaim not a high end shop, just an amateur photographer13:49
Veggenyah, isn't photoshop very much pirated?13:49
lcukyer, but thats the point, its pirated13:49
Luriayeah :-)13:50
Luriaprobably 2nd most after windows13:50
lcuki had a long discussion with a guy at work, he said @linux will never take off, the microsoft are great@   i stopped him in his tracks when i asked him how much he paid for office 200713:50
Luriabrb, kde time.13:50
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lcukopenoffice is free and legal without and hoops to jump through and for the few docs people do at home its enough13:51
johnxLinux also solves a couple vendor lock-in issues rather nicely13:51
johnxwhich is where people will get really interested I think13:51
lcukyes, with MS trying to shift away from their almost standard format its gonna get good13:52
johnxooxml is a mine field13:52
johnxthankfully people are actually realizing it13:52
lcuki think MS are shooting themselves in the foot changing everything (not for the better) people are in a mood for retraining, why put the extra money into MS at that point if there are OS alternatives which for the same training give complete openness13:53
johnxbut they're stuck between a rock and a hard place13:53
lcukthis nokia device has been good for me (no matter how difficult it has been to setup dev wise so far) because it means i can show them linux and run around all the stuff13:54
johnxdon't change things and mac os x and linux will outpace them, do change things and "retraining" and "backwards compatibility" start to even out WRT Linux and Mac13:54
lcukits no longer just a part time thing, i have paid out the money and am determined to get it working13:54
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|tbb|could anyone explain me how match expressions work on dbus-monitor?13:55
lcukdamn, lost my stylus13:55
johnxI never had one :/13:55
* lcuk has wires all around from usb keyboard13:55
lcuk:( john13:55
johnxfloor model13:55
crashanddieI have no wires on my bluetooth keyboard :D13:56
lcukany response from nokia or have you not sent yet13:56
lcukcrash, its a good reason to get one i think13:56
crashanddieyeah, it definitely is13:56
crashanddieI never got around hooking it up on my n810 though13:56
lcuki may just consider it, i just wanted to see how usb worked on 81013:56
crashanddieI just can't be arsed13:56
johnxnot sent yet, it's workable for now13:56
crashanddieyou using a usb keyboard on the 810 ?13:57
lcukjust give it a light touch john13:57
lcukstroke it gently :P13:57
crashanddiesending what to nokia ?13:57
crashanddieDo you guys actually get answers from them?13:57
lcuk with bt keyboard on your knee, do you have pda above it or below it?13:59
lcukcrash, ive not needed to speak to them yet13:59
johnxcrashanddie, my digitizer has gone spastic...haven't contacted them yet13:59
crashanddielcuk, like I said, never hooked the bt keyboard to the n810 yet14:00
crashanddiedon't see the point14:00
crashanddieat least, for now14:00
lcukbut what do you use your bt keyboard on?14:00
crashanddiemy laptop is my transportable desktop, basically14:00
lcuki like the 810 keyboard, but when im doing major work a full board is best14:01
crashanddieI like to have my screen quite far away, and have an uncluttered desktop, so I hooked up bt keyboard to it14:01
lcukwith full linux on nokia, it should replace everything :)14:01
crashanddiewhat I miss in the tablet14:01
lcuknokia isnt possible, my eyes need zoom functionality and the only way i can do that is moving it closer14:02
crashanddieis a stock fullgrown agenda software14:02
lcukis there one for your fav linux distro?14:02
crashanddieI dunno14:02
crashanddiemight write one in fact, if I get around it14:02
crashanddieossogenda :)14:02
lcukhave a look if there is a gtk one and it shouldnt take too much shoehorning to get it in14:03
crashanddieyeah, I will14:03
lcukim gonna do a small shared tasks/notes system between my desktop and device14:03
crashanddiebut well, stock one on the OS would've been nice, well integrated in stuff14:03
crashanddielike integrated with the contact list etc14:03
lcukive had enough of needing links on one or the other14:03
Luriayay kde14:04
lcukon tablet?14:04
crashanddieso you can just say, that day, that hour, with those persons, and if you need to share something, just hit the email button, and it opens a new draft with the emails of all people you had a meeting with14:04
Lurialcuk, on my eee. we discussed this. keep up :-)14:04
lcuklol you are right14:05
lcukhave you done any hardhacks with it yet?14:05
lcukive heard people are really doing lots with them14:05
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Luriathey are14:05
lcukand ive also heard the next gen eee should have a bit bigger *touchscreen*14:05
Luriaim deciding what too do14:05
lcukit might then become dreamy14:06
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Luriabt, touchscreen, hdd, i think is what im going to doo14:06
Luriaor more likely, internal cf14:06
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lcukive got an old windows laptop under the bed with a hacked on touchpanel under its screen14:06
Luriai could never get my panasonic cf-m3414:07
Luria's touchscreen to work under linux14:07
lcukmine was all hacked under windows and worked quite well.  only problem was, panel was smaller than screen so i had to customise the front end programs14:08
Luriaomg does 3.5 look better than xfce14:08
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lcukit gave me enough incentive to spend some money on a real device14:08
Luriapick up a cf-m34 off ebay14:08
Luriagreat machines14:08
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Luriacf-19 new if you have the cash :-)14:09
lcukoh crap14:09
lcukinternet just died!first crash ive14:10
lcukhad with it14:10
Luriainternet didnt die, it just beat you.14:10
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Luriathe boss levels are hard, i admit.14:10
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lcukdamn, i know what it was - its the Resize to width of page.  it makes NIT freeze14:11
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johnxhmm...I think that's my power supply's way of telling me it doesn't love me anymore14:12
Luriabtw, compiz is really handy on small form factors14:12
lcukcompiz would be nice on NIT but for lack of 3d14:12
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johnxshort on RAM, CPU and GPU power really...even if the powerVR it has could work14:14
Luriai dunno, xfce+compiz and a couple of lightweight apps = 64mb ram14:15
Luriamore a vram issue and cpu issue14:15
lcukluria,luria, those toughbooks = old touchscreen laptops arent they14:15
Luriamost, yes14:15
johnxthose things are awesome14:15
johnxI really want one to play with14:16
Luriacf-m34 = 400-933mhz (depends on model) 8.4" touchscreen14:16
lcukhmmm and for the price they look on ebay that looks nice14:16
Luriai have used it in the rain (i bought a sealed backlit membrane keyboard)14:16
lcuki only ever saw touchscreen laps in the 100s of pounds range14:16
lcukguess my foo wasnt on14:16
Luriaif you can -14:16
lcukthanks for the tip14:16
Luriafind one with dual minipci14:17
Luriathey are rare14:17
oiluh. I managed to get the maemo-mapper -> mysql -> other maemo-mapper POI sync working.
Luriathere are also very rare pentium m models14:17
lcukthe touch i have below me was all for free, at the time money was tight and it was just confirming that it was wanted14:17
oilnice part of the mm is that it will read the poi-database when the map moves.14:17
lcukoil, nice one!14:18
lcukis this from an onboard sql database or from a central server?14:18
oillcuk: thanks. if you try it, it might be better to backup the poi first :)14:18
oilit's running on my wlan router14:19
lcukoil, its rare i take this out, so the chances of me getting it running myself is low but its always good to see improvements to our common app source :)14:19
oillcuk: some day someone could make this work with wget-post and make an central server where to store the pois14:20
Luriafrom iraq :-)14:20
lcukluria, it looks tough ;) i gather apart from the cosmetic it will still work14:21
Luriathe lcd part held the bullet14:21
Luriait passed through an unarmored hummer door14:22
Luriathe guy had the laptop wedged between his thigh and the gear shifter14:22
lcukthats the definition of wardriving14:22
Luriaand the bullet hit the computer14:22
darkipquick question, is there any easy way to download all the UK maps for maemo mapper?14:23
crashanddieLuria, lucky guy14:24
lcukdark, i think there is a program to grab them all, but usually you get a smaller segment, it will take a long time and take a large amount of space to get such a large range14:24
lcuki think you can get them for specific routes simpler (from what i read in here)14:24
Luriastill, he took one shot to the shoulder, it was a two pronged ambush14:24
Luriabut he survived14:25
lcukhe should have forked the process14:25
crashanddieI'd rather take one in the shoulder than in the leg, if you ask me14:25
lcuklcd on one side keyboard on the other14:25
darkipah ok14:25
darkipand also, it's not possible to plan a route without an internet connection is it?14:26
Luriayeah, me too. no femural artery in the shoulder.14:26
crashanddieI can live with only one arm, I doubt I'd be as happy with only one leg14:26
lcukim not sure dark, have you had a look on internettablettalk forum - they have discussions about mapping etc all the time14:26
lcuki couldnt live without my ARM now14:26
johnxdarkip, yes, maemo mapper needs to be able to access the internet to do routing14:27
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Luriathe other thing about it is, it was designed to go in dashboard mounts, so the lcd goes all the way back, which can be more useful than you think14:27
lcukhave you read about the soldier who lost both legs below the knee and now has a pair of bluetooth feet which communicate and help to keep him upright14:27
darkipare there any free alternatives which do?14:28
Luriayeah, we all read /.14:28
crashanddiedarkip, maemo mapper uses web servers in order to create routes, hence the required internet connectivity14:28
crashanddiedarkip, I don't think there are any free alternatives that do a good job , honnestly14:29
darkipah, well cheers anyway :)14:29
johnxdarkip, navit.sf.net14:30
johnxhaven't looked at it recently though14:30
darkipi didn't think there was a port available yet?14:30
johnxah, maybe not14:30
lcukhas anyone got the full paid for mapper, and if so is it worth it14:32
darkipwell, i've tried the trial...14:32
lcukwhat did you think14:32
darkipi was working on reverse engineering the registration process but didn't get far14:33
Luriawayfinder is embarrasingly bad14:33
darkipit was ok, i was using the built in GPS in my n81014:33
darkipwhich takes FOREVER to aquire a signal14:33
darkipbut on more positive notes, apparently you can compile navit for n800 -
lcukdark, 810 is bad at getting signal for us if we sit it in cradle, if its on girlfriends lap it aquires much quicker14:34
lcuki think orientation helps14:34
darkipi only had my grandpa in the car14:34
johnxmaybe it just likes your girlfriend?14:34
|tbb|hats the difference between dbus-send or dbus-send alone14:34
darkipi was at a disadvantage obviously14:34
lcuklol thinking that14:35
Luriaoh wow14:35
johnxbetter watch out in case it starts making any moves. I mean do you have a slick metal finish or a pull-out keyboard?14:35
lcuktry it with a nubile young lady and it will ping instantly14:35
Luriaive been looking for something just like that14:35
lcukhey she threatened me yesterday14:35
Lurianav for x86 linux14:35
darkipi might have a try and compiling it14:36
infobot|tbb| meant: whats the difference between dbus-send or dbus-send alone14:36
lcukrun standalone is intended only for the scratchbox environment i think tbb14:37
|tbb|ah k14:37
lcukif you are running on the device itself you dont need it14:37
lcuki know for gtk apps if you dont run standalone it doesnt hildonize it and it looks crap14:37
lcukif you run-standalone then it does the extra i think14:38
lcukbut i hate scratchpox with a passion now (i might learn to love it eventually) so try to not run in emulated14:38
|tbb|lcuk: have you noticed for what im looking for about two-three hours -> a way to close the network connection failed dialog, do you know how i can send an escape to this modal dialog or how to close it in another case14:39
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lcuktbb, i hope you cannot interupt the network dialogs - it should be under the entire control of the human user.  not even root should be able to manage them.   but thats personal opinion and i just dont know14:40
lcuki have a bugbear at the moment that i think 810 is re-starting a network connection without permission from me, so anything trying to circumvent the network dialogs is bad14:41
lcukdoes this dialog only come up if the user has actually selected a network14:41
crashanddieI've had my battery drained a few times because some app tried to access the interwebs, and it kept searching for wifi for a few hours in my jacket14:42
|tbb|lcuk: likely yes14:42
lcukcrash, exactly - i have mine set to @always ask@14:42
lcuktbb, if thats the case and the network fails just let the user handle it14:43
crashanddieyeah, I guess I should set it to that too14:43
Luriaok, bed time14:43
Luriabye all14:43
|tbb|oh sorry, wrong understand14:43
lcuki let the connection run forever because it doesnt seem to drain the battery too much, but when i disconnect it it should stay disconnected.14:43
|tbb|the connection is started automaticly14:43
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|tbb|and i want stop it if it fails14:43
lcukthe nokia tablet cannot be sure how much it costs me to use network, so it should NEVER connect automatically (for me at least)14:43
|tbb|or try again14:43
lcukhow do you mean automatically tbb?14:44
johnxlcuk, I forgot if I asked this...were you in offline mode?14:44
lcuksurely its down to user preferences whether automatic is allowed14:44
lcukno john, but im set to always ask14:44
lcuktbb, you mean you say @please connect to a network@14:44
lcukdamn these @@@ quote keys14:45
crashanddieI didn't use the phone connection yet, should try to see if it's worth anything...14:45
crashanddieYou guys know it's possible to have IP over BT right ?14:45
lcukyes john, but its slower and i dont like the extra BT crap[ running on my windows box14:45
crashanddieI know it's feasible with a cellphone, so I'm pretty sure it's doable with the tablet... I should write something about that though14:46
lcukusing wifi is simple as the rest of my system is geared up for it14:46
crashanddiein other words, computer is connected to an ethernet network, and 810 surfs through BT on the laptop14:46
lcuk810 ---BT---> BTDongle->desktop ----> internet14:47
lcuk810 ---wifi---> router ---->internet14:47
crashanddielcuk, I'm talking if wifi isn't available14:48
lcuk810 ---BT---> BTDongle->desktop ----> router -----> internet14:48
|tbb|is it possible to send keystrokes to the maemo desktop14:48
lcukcrash, i agree it can work if thats whats available14:48
crashanddiealso, I might get myself an ethernet to usb adapter and try to get that to work with the 81014:48
crashanddiewould be nice though14:48
johnx|tbb|, look for "fake keystroke x11"14:49
lcukwifi USB dongle works great - thats what i use here, the router is work connection.14:49
lcukset the computer to use ad-hoc mode14:49
johnxbut something like wmctrl would be better I think14:49
lcukits nice and quick :)14:49
crashanddielcuk, agreed14:50
lcukthe only one i couldnt get working was my phone connection - its got 3g super data stream or something, but the phone isnt exposing the connection14:51
johnxmaybe the phone doesn't do BT DUN, but BT PAN instead?14:51
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lcuki dunno its only a cheapy and i pay as go, so its likely just not exposing anything.  it doesnt bother me so much, if i neededdd it i would go back to phone shop and get a nokia 3g phone and tell them to make sure it connects before i leave store14:52
johnxit's sure nice being in a position to make a vendor *do something* isn't it? :)14:53
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lcuknokia to nokia with bluetooth should just work, its the phone peoples jobs to know how to connect their data devices together if thats what they are selling.  if they cant do that they cant get a sale out of me14:54
lcuki can help with the specifics of this device but they need to know what settings i need to put in etc14:55
crashanddielcuk, like Johnx said, the n810 uses BT DUN, which is quite old and deprecated, most phones use BT PAN now, there are a few apps that allow phones to simulate BT DUN though14:55
alteregoMine works out-of-the-box.14:55
alteregoJust worked, was expecting something to need to be hacked but it was really easy.14:55
johnxmy phone does IR, not BT :/14:55
johnxwhich is good because otherwise I'd run up a terrifying data bill14:56
crashanddieanyone seen the real hustlers video about cell phone hacking?14:56
lcukalterego, it works on my girlfriends nokia as well, but im not gonna rely on her connection14:56
crashanddieI swear I thought it was a n770 or n800 he was using to phreak the cell phones14:56
lcuklike i said, i bought the phone to make calls not for data - when i need one ill just go and make sure it works14:56
sxpertcrashanddie, put cell phone in plastic baggie, set to "vibrate" ?14:56
proteousmy pantech c150 works with bluetooth DUN to my 77014:56
crashanddiesxpert, ?14:57
sxpertah... sorry. "Hustler" for me was erh, something else :-)14:58
crashanddieyup, it's a n77014:58
crashanddie36 seconds in the video, you'll see it14:58
sxperthah... 770 spotted14:59
lcukwhy doesnt this work? :
lcukit finds the video but the codec is not supported14:59
lcukits same video and tries to play in media player14:59
alteregoI'm making a new soft case for my N810, out of neoprene.15:00
lcukalterego, could you make me one as well, my missus lost mine and keeps threatening to make a furry pink one15:00
alteregoI'll swap you!15:00
lcukit would be self cleaning i suppose but i lose all coolness15:01
lcuki actually liked the nokia default case but i cant buy one15:01
alteregoI'm also going to make a Nokia USB charger.15:01
alteregoI didn't the grey fake leather I thought was very cheap and tacky ..15:01
lcukhack a charger cable and put a usb plug on end15:02
alteregoThe snug fit was great though.15:02
alteregoThat's the idea yeah.15:02
alteregoI've got quite a few broken chargers I can strip.15:02
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lcukyer - the thing i miss most about 810 is my old pda had a cradle15:02
lcuki could quickly just drop it in15:02
lcukmind you, it prefered usb syncing15:03
alteregoYeah, not the only quick drops are when it's meandering to the pavement. 8O15:03
infobotalterego meant: Yeah, now the only quick drops are when it's meandering to the pavement. 8O15:04
* alterego kicks infobot up it's virtual ass.15:04
lcukOuch, i dont think this nokia would survive a drop, my old pda was rugged, it took a drop down the stairs the other day - thought it was completely gone but it just fired back up15:05
jkulcuk, then again the n800 doesn't look too sturdy either, but it's survived my abuse pretty well...15:06
lcukthis 810 was too slippery when i got it, but ive cured that now with a big rubber stickon patch on the back15:06
jkuof course, no moving parts like n81015:06
|tbb|is there a source available -> osso-connectivity-ui-conndlgs15:07
lcuk800 looks better than 810 for sturdyness15:07
b0unc3guys, there is a 3gp support for ITOS2008 ?15:07
lcukb0unc3,  yes, i can play 3pg videos from my phone, but i cant seem to play them from
lcukits a shame because youtube would be much better from the mobile version15:08
b0unc3lcuk: with mplayer ?15:08
lcuki hope its just a codec issue and can be rectified15:08
lcukdunno, use standard media player15:08
lcukdoes mplayer take over playback of mime types - it didnt seem to when i installed it before15:09
lcuktapping from file manager still opened in default mediaplayer15:09
lcuki had to use the mplayer interface to run mplayer stuff15:09
johnxah mime-types...we could have been having this conversation in 1993 and it wouldn't be much different :)15:10
lcuklol yer15:10
lcukactually, in 1993 we would be talking about the library folder in amiga wouldnt we ;)15:11
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johnxI was thinking win3.115:11
lcukthankfully i missed that one :P15:11
* johnx is hideously uncultured in terms of computing history15:11
lcuki had to use it for college stuff but never indepth - clait15:12
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* lcuk puts his fingers on his homekeys. then takes them off again and types faster than his teachers ;)15:12
alteregoI was running Risc OS 3.1 back then.15:13
johnxI was never any good at typing until I installed Linux15:13
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johnxI still try to use tab completion in word processors if I'm tired enough15:13
alteregoI got a lot of practise from C programming on my RISC PC.15:13
alteregoEverything should have lazy button support.15:14
lcuki saw first high color graphics on an archemedes computer15:14
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BlafaselHmm.. Is there an easy way to compile a package for maemo as an update? Like - how long do you think does it need to get a compilation setup?15:14
Blafasel(Or who can I bribe to compile iodine in a current version? Beer anyone? ;) )15:15
alteregoA local pub is holding retro gaming nights. I'm thinking of dusting off a BBC Electron and getting Repton, Chucky Egg et all down there :)15:15
johnxshipping included?15:15
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lcukBlafasel, if you have a scratchbox environment setup recompiling a program is simple, if not you need to get one setup15:15
Blafasellcuk: That's my point: Is that a task for a day or two or more something for 1-2 hours?15:16
johnxBlafasel, .deb packages handle updates seemlessly. no need to do anything special.15:16
johnxBlafasel, are you on debian/ubuntu or other linux or windows?15:16
lcukblaf, whats your desktop running? are you linux or windows15:16
Blafaseljohnx: There doesn't seem to exist a .deb for the current iodine version.. ;)15:16
johnxand how much experience do you have compiling things15:16
jkuBlafasel, depends on your experience15:16
Blafaseljohnx: I have linux and windows machines, no .deb based though15:16
jkucould be a day or two...15:16
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johnxBlafasel, is this it:
lcukblaf, its simplest if you get the prebuilt vmware development environment, but will take time to download - its about 2GB15:17
Blafaseljohnx: Yes. The maemo repos that I found don't include 0.4.1 yet15:17
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Blafasellcuk: Let me search for that. DL speed is not an issue. ;)15:18
johnxBlafasel, this is just CLI, right?15:18
Blafaseljohnx: Yes15:18
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lcukjku, ive been trying for almost a month now to get something workable and reproducable up and running, but then again i had no real linux experience (beyond running a few livecds and a couple of basic installs)15:18
BlafaselJust a DNS tunnel tool15:18
johnxand what rep has the package? any special build instructions?15:18
johnxI'll give it a shot...but if it doesn't compile up first time I'm not going to do much fidgeting15:18
* alterego thinks the N810 may be the last device that is part of a "device program".15:19
BlafaselThat's awesome, thanks a lot. I'm looking into that vmware image as well.15:19
alteregoI doubt they'll offer the N810+WiMAX in a program.15:19
jkulcuk, I an imagine... scratchbox + debian packaging on top of a new OS is pretty daunting15:19
jku"I can", even15:19
lcukalter, you mean we should be able to get things from the default trunk15:19
lcukjku, yer - but i am documenting everything as i go along and hope to have some docs together @from a windows perspective@15:20
alteregoNo, that's not at all what I'm saying :P15:20
Blafaseljohnx: The current package (0.4.0) is from - no idea if that guy is present here or something.15:20
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Sho_hm, too bad that the StarDict guy seems to have disappeared; StarDict was a lot nicer than sdictviewer15:23
|tbb|blasfasel normally not15:23
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johnxBlafasel, failing on dependencies15:25
johnxI might look at it later15:25
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lcukhas anyone looked at mono properly.  iis it worth trying or is it not ready/too slow/unsupported?15:26
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lcukholy crap!!!!! my kylie tickets arrived yesterday and i didnt open the mail15:28
Blafaseljohnx: Thanks a lot for trying15:28
* lcuk almost threw it away. i thought it was junk :S15:28
johnxsure, it might not be that hard15:28
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johnxbut I'm having a fight with sb2 and I want to get it working before I have to sleep15:29
lcukscratchbox is a total environemt that sits within a normal linux install isnt it15:30
LoCusFlcuk: Miguel de Icaza ran mono on an n800 that had debian installed15:30
lcukLoCusF, but thats running monno on debian, not running mono on default maemo install15:31
LoCusFlcuk: yep, but still some progress :)15:31
lcukyer i agree - at least we know it *can* work on devices15:32
johnxwell anything that's not too hardware dependent will's just a question of how well and whether it's worth it15:32
lcukim gonna follow a simpler environment first and hope others get mono up,15:32
lcuk... cool ill have a look15:33
lcuki think though first its dinner time15:34
lcukapt-get food15:34
jkuBlafasel, I was building stuff and run dpkg-buildpackage on iodine (debian version). No guarantees, haven't even tested installing.
lcukcyas later15:34
BlafaselThanks! Let me check that15:34
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BlafaselDepends on adduser. Hmm..15:40
johnxBlafasel, take it apart and remove the dep and fix the postinst15:41
BlafaselYep, will try. But I'm now going for the VMWare dev environment first.15:42
johnxfair enough15:43
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liriuhmm, is there a vmware image ready with the sdk configured and stuff?15:50
johnxis there a way to add notes to infobot?15:51
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BlafaselYay for vagalume, btw. Nice.15:55
johnxyeah, it finally feels like I'm in the future15:56
BlafaselHm? Future?15:56
johnxa radio station that plays whatever music I want wirelessly15:56
johnxand it "just works"15:56
johnxwhen the kind of thing that was in sci-fi at some point comes true I tend to think that the "future" has finally arrived15:57
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BlafaselAh.. Good point. ;) I really like their service, I even subscribed to it.15:58
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lirido you know if it's possible to grab the n800 in europe as well?16:03
johnxit depends on what part of Europe I guess, but yes it is possible in many countries16:03
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JaffaLast I heard, ha[sd] them fairly cheap.16:04
johnxI guess you could poke at Nokia's online store to see which countries16:04
liriwell I only know of the popular amazon/buy/ which are kinda US terrirtory16:04
* Jaffa 's never played with Is it really any music you want, for free, on demand? Seems a little... risky, as business models go.16:04
liriumm, I'll check thanks16:04 had 'em too16:05
johnxJaffa, I guess they have ads on the site16:05
liriI'll check that too16:05
liri"Temporarily out of stock. This item will be dispatched as soon as it arrives." on play.copm16:05
johnxand to comply with copyright law and licensing it acts more like a radio than an mp3 player16:06
JaffaAha, iPod Touch's location technology is using a third-party service based on ESSID strengths. - would be very cool to use in N8x016:07
BlafaselUp till now it doesn't play what you want, just something like what you want.16:07
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JaffaBlafasel: ah, much like Pandora, then16:07
BlafaselYou couldn't choose "Artist - Track" and just listen to it, but you could tune in to "Artist" as a radio station16:07
BlafaselBut they are changing that model right now and now offer direct access to at least some tracks so far in a "beta".16:08
|tbb|johnx could you compile the window control thing for chinook?16:09
johnxis that a question of theory or a request to build it?16:10
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johnxwhere do you want the deb?16:11
|tbb|you can email it to me16:12
johnxyou'd have to tell me your email address :P16:13
|tbb|r u serious ;)16:13
johnxI just built it16:13
johnxI'll put it on my server if you want16:13
johnxit took like 30 seconds to build16:14
|tbb|see pm16:14
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alteregoI think this neoprene pouch is gonna suit my N810 a lot.18:27
alteregoNokia will be happy, it has the same blue on the inside. But black on the outside :)18:28
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fysaanyone here using sb2 with ubuntu?  (the maemo-sdk package in their repo)18:31
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fysasb2 apt-get -f install is giving me issues: debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied18:33
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fysaalmost seems like it's complaining about access outside of the rootstrap18:35
lcukfysam you in as root on your sb2?18:36
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lcuknot that i know anything about it18:36
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fysaI'm not certain how I would do that.  I run "sb2", and then if I "su" it puts me as root -- but outside the scratchbox.  i.e., apt-get update refreshes gutsy.18:38
fysaI am going to ditch this and just do the old sb in a minute.18:39
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lcukthe only way i have had any of this working was in the vmware image18:40
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fysatrying ttp://
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jga23is there a python library for accessing the address book?19:15
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jkujga23, take a look at evolution-python, I think has libebook bindings19:21
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jku(i don't know of osso-abook bindings specifically)19:22
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jkujga23, actually there are: pymaemo has python-abook19:23
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trevarthanhey, anyone from the canola dev team awake? Got a question for ya.19:28
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trevarthanAre the kinetik scrolling menu widgets open source? Can I re-use them in another application? Or are those proprietary. I really dig them.19:29
zerojayThat sentence makes baby Jesus cry.19:30
trevarthansigh. passive agressive. what? why?19:31
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alteregoNeoprene N810 sleeve complete!19:33
alteregoAnd it's nice :)19:33
alteregoJust need two bendy metal rods.19:33
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jga23jku: have you tried python-abook?19:35
lcukalterego, what have you written your case in, and is it under an open source license?19:36
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unique311trevarthan, try #mamona19:39
trevarthanunique311: why?19:40
trevarthanthat's a separate SDK site, right?19:41
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unique311the canola guys are always in there.19:41
trevarthanoh. ok. cool. thanks.19:41
alteregoIt's written in "Ye Ole Wetsuit ++"  using the needle and thread libraries.19:43
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alteregoOh, and it's proprietary.19:44
alteregoIt's nice though, makes my N810 bouncy.19:45
alteregoI think my next model will have a zip.19:46
lcukit was suggested i grab a patch from a wetsuit to use as a backing for my 81019:46
lcuki wanted a sticky rubber back on it19:46
lcuki got one in the end from the only shop in the world guaranteed to stock these things: my dads garage...19:47
lcukdoes your case hold the device - like the original grips it19:48
alteregoIt keeps it inside.19:48
alteregoNo slide out like with the N800.19:48
lcuki bet you havent clipped a corner like the original have you :P19:49
lcuk(and thats dual purpose, for you to see the throbbing, and to allow pushing it in easier19:49
alteregoNo, but I'm thinking about it.19:49
alteregoMeh, it goes in and out easy enough.19:49
lcuk...and if it doesnt you can always lube it up...19:50
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alteregoI'm thinking of adding a little pouch for mini SD cards :D19:52
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lcukhow many are you expecting to take?19:52
alteregoJust one spare really.19:53
alterego4G for maemo mapper and 4G for music.19:53
lcukwow - have you got entire globe maps19:54
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GeneralAntillesThat's, like, 72TB, lcuk. :P19:55
lcukwhats a few Tb between devices19:55
alteregoYeah, 4G is barely my region ..19:55
lcuki ask because for uk maps its not even 1g19:56
alteregoIn 2-4 years. We'll probably be able to get 1T SD cards.19:57
alteregoThat's going to be somewhat insane.19:57
alteregolcuk, You obviously don't live in the same UK I live in.19:57
alteregoEither that or you're talking about the inbuild "Map" application ..19:57
lcukim sure i backed it up at less than a gig19:57
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alteregoI'm talking about Maemo Mapper, with satellite images.19:58
lcukahhh well, thats a lot of extra data19:58
alteregoI might make a different version of this case. That actually has a flap, that exposes the screen and allows the keyboard to slide out.20:00
alteregoMight do that next weekend.20:00
lcuki think thats gonna be tough to do20:01
pupnik_is there a maemo app that lets me see satellite pics with gps location?20:01
lcukgood luck with it thou - if you make it, ill post you a pint of beer if you post me the original v1 case ;)20:01
alteregopupnik_, maemo mapper ..20:01
alteregoLike I've been saying for the last 20 minutes :P20:02
pupnik_mmk.  i just have default gps app20:02
pupnik_sorry i'm fighting vmware20:02
* lcuk is as well20:02
* lcuk is trying to make anjuta stop being his bitch20:02
fysaI think there's a race going on between ubiquitous connectivity and personal storage capacity.  Eventually all digital cameras will have the option to instantly store images online and we will have pocketable devices that can mount networked shares as fast as they could an SD.20:03
lcukSD will just become buffer memory20:03
nabalcuk: I might be able to help you.20:04
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spirytusickfysa: I suppose at that time the distinction between networking and local storage will loose its meaning20:04
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spirytusickfysa: 2-4 years is a bit optimistic though. I suppose 10-12 will be more like it20:05
lcukhmmm naba.  i'll tell you where i am at.  i have the maemo vmware image.  i have installed anjuta, it looks great and reminds me of days gone by :) ..   i see the anjuta plugin but i cant get it installed.
GeneralAntillesBut data's just gonna get bigger, too.20:05
fysaon the longest timeline, networked storage has one major thing going against it -- latency.20:06
fysathe speed of light.20:06
pupnik_am I silly for wanting to get bridged networking going in the vmware appliance?  what are you using?20:06
lcuki think its because the plugin expects anjuta 2.3, but from the install list on vmware only 2.2.0 is available20:06
alteregoThe government will keep all our storage, using our RFID identity cards we can access them through any device,20:06
nabalcuk: Make sure anjuta version you are installing is >= 2.3.0, because the maemo plugin requires that.20:06
GeneralAntilles5-years assuming doubling every year.20:06
fysayes, data is going to get bigger.  But if the network gets faster, data can get bigger and simultaneously less ubiquitous.20:06
alteregoOh, and they don't need permission to look through our files or even raid our homes for data seizure.20:06
spirytusickalterego: thank you, I would pass on that20:07
GeneralAntillesand that doesn't provide for big tech jumps which occur every so often.20:07
nabalcuk: Unfortunately, the plugin does not complain if you have lower version (I mentioned it to the author).20:07
fysai.e., if I had gigabit DSL/cablemodem..20:07
lcuknaba, will grab it from their site directly then, brb20:07
fysaI would open my RAID server up to friends.20:07
GeneralAntillesalterego, nah, it's all backed up to the <isn't government organization here> automatically.20:07
fysaand they could access it just as quickly as I could.20:07
spirytusickGeneralAntilles: Bit tech jumps will most likely be stalled by the big telco companies...20:07
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: alterego, nah, it's all backed up to the <insert government organization here> automatically.20:07
fysaPoint your 'BIOS' to and you're in.20:09
GeneralAntillesNo thanks.20:09
fysa$HOME mounted from Google Drive20:09
spirytusickfysa: all the mallware will have a single infection point20:10
alteregoWhen you think of those classic computer users, that all they do is browse the web and email. Well, that's already all on a server somewhere anyhow ..20:10
fysathat is a good thing.20:10
alteregoWhat do they need personal storage for?20:10
fysaI would prefer to have Canonical maintain my 'personal' Ubuntu installation.20:10
fysaand then I get to install 'packages' into $HOME20:10
fysathen I can be at any computer, anymore, and access my workplace desktop.20:11
fysaer, anywhere.20:11
spirytusickfysa: looks beautifuly, let's wait to see how much the bandwidth prices will fall down20:12
fysahardware manufacturers sell 'form factors' of open-ended designs that you turn into appliances by pointing them at a web site.20:12
alteregoI might make a new home on an 8G mini SD when they eventually appear.20:12
fysayes, bandwidth is the key. :)20:13
JaffaAnd ubiquity20:13
spirytusickfysa: bandwidth and latency20:13
alteregoI still think capacity is important.20:13
fysaI threw together a quick nzbfs ("usenet" filesystem)20:13
JaffaDon't want to not be able to boot my device in the Channel Tunnel20:13
alteregoI'm not _always_ connected right now.20:13
alteregoMaybe in the future if that becomes more plausible ..20:14
fysausing FUSE..20:14
JaffaIndeed. Which is why online PIMs suck.20:14
JaffaThey're also crap for alarms20:14
fysaI could mount every binary newsgroup and stream anything I wanted.20:14
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fysaThere was no longer a need to 'download' -- except if your connection is lower than the bitrate+overhead20:14
lcuknaba, i need to download the unstable .deb version 2.3 rather than add/remove20:15
lcukive just tried updating my sources and its not changed whats available20:16
fysaanyway.  exciting stuff. :)20:16
nabalcuk: I am not sure what you meant, but yes, 2.3.x is not available widely. You can get the deb packages from
nabalcuk: for gusty, that is. I suppose you are installing ubuntu.20:18
lcukyes, ive just got the debs directly. i tried adding the repo they list thinking it would have the later version than the official repo.  its ok, ive started getting direct20:18
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skiburIs there a Dictionary App for the N800?20:57
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skiburanybody alive?20:59
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tank-manyea there is, sdict, but i havent got it installed, had some problems before installing and i'm not familiar with debs/repos21:01
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tank-mananother one could be using noah pro with the garnet vm21:02
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|tbb|anyone knows fnmatch?21:08
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Sho_skibur: There's sdictviewer21:09
Sho_skibur: For OS2007 there used to be a second nice one, StarDict, but that hasn't been ported to OS2008 so far21:09
skiburyeah, installing it right now. :)21:09
skiburI do see it on 2008 link on maemo21:10
* Sho_ doesn't21:11
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|tbb|# Filters are matched like shell wildcards (using fnmatch(3)). # If a filter is specified (even if it is *), the corresponding argument # must be present in order to get a match.21:15
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|tbb|the argument i need is sometimes empty sometimes not , how can i define a filter  which tells the argument (string)  must be empty, something like NULL21:17
|tbb|for example: 1arg=one 2arg=two 3arg= 4arg=fourth21:19
|tbb|sometimes the third argument isnt empty then i dont want  it to match21:20
|tbb|anyone understand what im trying to say21:20
pupnik_jott: around?21:21
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skiburwhere will I download a dictionary file?21:23
skiburFor the use of SDicViewer?21:23
Sho_skibur: sdict.com21:23
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* pupnik 's fans are intune with nowplaying music21:39
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maddlerhey all!21:49
pupnikbattery tip, don't leave your tablet on charger and on full charge21:51
skiburSdictviewer is pretty neat. :)21:51
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fysathere we go.  scratchbox setup.21:55
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BlafaselCanola2's interface is really, really slick and nice21:56
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Jaffapupnik: that shouldn't damage the battery - if it does, it's a s/w bug in the firmware22:02
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fysadoes the quetoo port use GL at all?22:04
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killfillshould the media player be able to connect to a ogg stream?...22:28
felipeckillfill: if you have the oggsupport package, yes22:28
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reinardhello. im wondering how could i make flv's perform better with mplayer in n77022:33
killfillogg-support                                    0.622:33
killfillit says "format not admitted"..22:33
skiburanybody using rapier?22:34
killfill(or something like that.. my device in in spanish.. im makeing the traduction:)22:34
reinardthose play perfectly with -nosound, but without it mplayer just hangs22:34
killfillfelipec, can you connect to
killfillcannot do it nor with media plary, neither with canola22:35
fysaif we had PyOpenGL, we could get Frets on Fire working. ;)22:36
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reinarddoes anyone have a good settings playing flv's in mplayer22:38
reinardi would appreciate it22:38
fysahaven't tried yet, but shouldn't be a problem.  what are you experiencing?22:38
reinard-framedrop -nosound makes video play good, but is there someway to make those play good with audio22:40
fysawhat resolution/bitrate are the flvs?22:40
fysa(where are they from?)22:40
felipeckillfill: it works here22:41
felipecwith the media player22:41
felipecdo you have the oggsupport package?22:42
killfillyup: ogg-support 0.622:42
killfilland i can play local .ogg files just fine..22:42
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killfillhm.. mplayer works fine...22:42
reinardflv's are something like 300-500*200-400... streaming tv-series mostly22:43
killfillfelipec: how did you add the stream?.. menu->clip->the second menu?22:43
felipeckillfill: I had to add it to my favorite internet radios22:43
reinardis there some setting to prevent mplayer to scale the file to fullscreen. so it would play it in 1:1 or 2:122:44
killfillweired.. it doesnt work here.. :S22:45
killfillfelipec: you added the stream in the second menu?.. you just entered http://....:800/...ogg?22:45
fysaare H264 flvs common-place yet?22:46
fysaif so, that could be an issue.  I dont22:46
fysaI don't think h264 decoding is very optimized for our devices yet in mplayer core.22:46
fysa(very unoptimized)22:46
fysaBTW - Yabause, the Sega Saturn emulator, compiles cleanly. ;)22:46
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reinardthat might be it... still, is there that no fullscreen option?22:47
fysathe fullscreen button on top works for me22:47
reinardhmm, that just crashes my device22:48
fysayou likely need a better mplayer then ;)22:48
killfillfelipec: in here, it says with  "Processing buffer"22:48
killfilldoesnt start playing22:48
felipeckillfill: it takes a long while here, and doesn't play too well22:48
felipecbut it does22:49
reinardmy device is very unstable in everything though.. opera crashes every 2min (hangs and boots the device)22:49
reinardthis happens in every it os i have tried22:49
killfilloh.. there it is.. i guess the buffer is hudge.. :P22:49
* pupnik relegates another evening to dosbox22:50
fysaHave you tried Yabause yet, pupnik?22:50
killfillhm.. i hear strange things in the stream.. i thought it was my PC player.. seems to be the server..22:50
fysait will certainly be slow ;)22:50
pupnikhaha no :)22:50
fysacompiling everything I can to play with later.22:50
fysastarting here22:51
pupnikif you work on something, please let me know - i might have already solved some problems without releasing22:52
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fysasounds good22:53
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pupnikthat one has been worked on by no less than fanoush, iirc22:56
pupnikor maybe ssvb22:56
fysaor Vulture?22:56
fysait looks like bits of sdlquake/quetoo need to be shoehorned in.22:56
pupnikcheck itt forums22:56
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pupnikoh sorry, it's a different UFO23:00
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fysaah.  this is that old X-Com game.. ported to Q2 engine.23:02
fysaturn-based strategy23:02
fysaor, turn-based tactical maybe23:02
fysadoesn't need a high framerate, but should look nice.. anyway.23:03
fysathat's for later.23:03
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maddlerwoah! truecrypt ported to N800! :D23:08
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EruditeHermithi, where can I find a list of the default packages for OS200823:29
EruditeHermitalso is there a repository with these packages?23:29
hendryEruditeHermit: i think is what you need23:30
EruditeHermithendry: yes I have those things installed23:30
EruditeHermiterr those repositories23:30
EruditeHermitmy problem is that I tried to install rtcom beta23:30
EruditeHermitbut I realised that I didn't want to use beta stuff23:31
EruditeHermitso I tried removing the beta installer23:31
EruditeHermitbut it left an item in my menu23:31
EruditeHermitand I am not sure if it left behind some packages that I don't need23:31
hendrydebian packages are usually pretty good with removing things like menu items23:32
hendrycan't really help you i'm afraid23:32
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EruditeHermithendry: do you know where the default package list for OS2008 is?23:32
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hendryumm, i think it's all the packages in the repo with "Essential" or "Important"23:33
hendrya carefully craft apt-cache search or something will give you a list23:33
hendrya carefully craftED apt-cache search or something will give you a list23:34
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EruditeHermithendry: the package osso-rtcom-oma has a "pi" in the information column of dpkg -l23:38
EruditeHermitwhat does the p mean?23:38
* pupnik shakes a bony fist at the sky23:39
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fysadoes battledrome run? :)23:43
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Tama^2like the icecream... it must be yummy game23:52
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EruditeHermitdoes anyone know where I can find the package osso-rtcom-oma?23:52
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pH5fysa: 'straciatella' should run. I got it to run on an old ipaq hx4700.23:53
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fysaseems to build fine :)23:56
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fysathey say source available, but I can't find it.23:57
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