IRC log of #maemo-devel for Sunday, 2010-05-30

lcukbut gles2 is trickier00:00
lcukcos of the pixel shader requirement00:00
joorinlcuk, yes. but "its just another programming language", fun. ;)00:00
lcuktechnically you can do some nice things iwth the shaders if you arent trying to overload them with bitmaps00:00
joorinlcuk, im planning to use only pixel and fragment shaders working on colour maps with no texture work at all. that'd give me some space to work.00:01
joorinlcuk, the 55 FPS i get from a simple example is promising.00:02
SpeedEvilIt's mytube.00:02
SpeedEvilGetting very confused if it can't open its tempdir00:03
lcukjoorin, sure tis00:04
lcukbut you need to add on the fft and sound processing time to that00:05
joorinlcuk, it it at least stays over 20 with somw swirly bits, it might be ok.00:05
joorin"if it"00:05
joorinjust handling the spotify stream crypto and vorbis encoding is work enough. but if its used by an ordinary mp3 player it might be ok.00:06
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ToJa92_Hi guys00:07
ToJa92_anyone knows what fonts are available in MicroB?00:07
joorintoja92, "available" defined as "renderable" or "what i can put in a webpage?"?00:11
ToJa92_fonts available for webpages00:11
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SpeedEvilBusybox lol.00:48
SpeedEvilNokia-N900-02-8:~# kill00:48
SpeedEvilsh: you need to specify whom to kill00:48
joorinspeebox, get make and try "make war"...00:49
joorinand now im getting a tad tired.00:49
lcukmake war00:49
lcukmake: *** No rule to make target `war'. Stop.00:49
lcukdepresingly normal00:50
joorinlcuk, at least one older version responded "Why not make peace?"00:50
SpeedEvilNokia-N900-02-8:~# make war00:50
SpeedEvilmake: *** No rule to make target `war'.  Stop.00:50
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joorindoes anyone know if OTA upgrade will clean out the already downloaded files or try to restart the download and take it from there?01:05
joorinmy OTA upgrade stopped on 4 or 5 packages not getting downloaded.01:06
joorinso, restarting it is either a pain or very easy...01:06
* joorin would like to see PR1.2 working but is a bit uncertain as to if it will ever be without problems to upgrade more complicated things that toasters.01:10
SpeedEvilFlash a clean 1.1.1 first, then you can upgrade cleanly to 1.201:12
joorinspeedevil, well, not being able to download comes across as not very related to the state of my device.01:18
joorinUpgrading mp-fremantle-generic-pr 3.2010.02-8 to 10.2010.19-101:19
joorinapt-worker: free space (/) = 6630604801:19
joorinapt-worker: free space (/home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache/) = 2834490982401:19
joorinFailed to fetch Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 120 seconds01:19
joorinFailed to fetch Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 120 seconds01:19
joorinFailed to fetch Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 120 seconds01:19
joorinFailed to fetch Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 120 seconds01:19
joorinFailed to fetch Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 120 seconds01:19
joorinrequired disk space: 11803641201:19
joorinthis looks more like ... more of the same that has been reported.01:19
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SpeedEvilI'm unsure if they retry or restart01:27
joorinmeh. to both apply for a garage project and upload privs on a saturday must have been stupid.01:35
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joorinthread programming, the headache inducing mother of all fuckups.12:15
joorinit looks like i fixed one serious bug and was left with one smaller, but harder to debug, one.12:15
SpeedEvilYou could always take the Pern approach to thread.12:16
SpeedEvilBurn it out with dragons.12:16
joorinspeedevil, dragons ey?12:16
joorinspeedevil, ill see if i can get a dragon at the local minimart.12:17
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fralshmm ive had two people join fmms project stating they can do all kinds of black magic related to fmms, but they never replied to my email :(13:43
SpeedEvilblack magic/13:47
fralsoperator insight on how mms really is handled and why shit isnt working for everyone :)13:55
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joorinfrals, black magic workers are far apart indeed.13:58
joorinis it possible to get to see some kind of status for garage applications?14:00
joorinas in "Arrived", "Looking at it" or something similar.14:00
joorini saw the notice about weekends being slow periods but now im ready to actually put out debian packages.14:01
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SpeedEvilWhat packages?14:01
joorinspeedevil, debian package for my despotify hack, footify.14:01
joorinspeedevil, releasing updates via thread on the forum works but its not too much fun to have to look there to get updates.14:02
joorinspeedevil, getting it into Extras-devel would be a nice way to handle that.14:04
joorinspeedevil, and i *think* its stable enough to handle a few more testers now.14:05
SpeedEvilIt requires a premium license?14:06
joorinspeedevil, despotify requires that, so i have to follow suit.14:06
SpeedEvilI wasn't critisizing - just idly wondering.14:07
joorinspeedevil, and my premium account ends on the fourth of june so ill see what happens then.14:07
SpeedEvilOf course means your pool of testerrs is regrettably smaller.14:07
joorinspeedevil, and i read it as just that, a question. ;)14:07
joorinhopefull enough people will want to use it to actually give it a good run for the money. ive gotten some good feedback from readers of the thread already.14:08
joorinand even implemented a feature request. ;)14:08
joorinand since building debian packages wasnt that hard (if i ignore the finer details) it was easy to get to where i am now: ready for Extras-devel.14:09
SpeedEvilI'm sort of idly pondering making an iplayer 'client'.14:10
SpeedEvilWhich is sort-of-related14:10
SpeedEvilget_iplayer + scripts + basic UI14:10
joorinthe biggest problem for me has been making things behaving well on thread level. the rest is just a SMOP.14:11
joorincallback driven GUI programming is more of a state machine exercise than proper problem solving. ;)14:11
joorin"Ok, button x has been clicked, then i have to invalidate this field, clear that counter and update that display."14:12
joorinoh, iplayer, UK based web TV?14:14
joorinit wont let me sneek a peek. :(14:16
joorinthe webpage looks full of funnity.14:16
SpeedEvilIt's basically all the BBCs output in the last 7 days - but only in flash.14:16
joorinand your idea is to stream the flash content in your own GUI?14:17
SpeedEvilIt - mostly - works OKish - but with a much, much higher CPU than sumply playing the flash content using the media player14:17
joorinwith some scraping to get the channel and program info?14:17
SpeedEvilAlso - you can't store programs to watch later14:17
SpeedEvilWhich means that stuff stalls if you wander out of network connectivity14:17
SpeedEvilwhich isn't really ideal14:18
joorinoffline storage is always interesting.14:18
joorinthe solution here in sweden, in the shape of svtplay for example, is to let mobile devices play 3gp content (which the N900 for some reason wont). at least mine wont.14:20
joorinSVT being the state financed TV production company.14:21
joorinif i access the service without fiddling with user agent, i get ordinary flash content.14:21
SpeedEvilHere they've special-cased the iphone14:27
SpeedEvilwhich ...14:27
joorinwhich makes life hard for non-iphone users?14:30
SpeedEvilI'm somewhat pissed off as it's basically giveing corporate advantage - to a supposedly unrelated company14:32
joorinviewed from the "Public Service" angle, it makes sense though. but i agree on your point.14:35
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martin900_Hi! Did anyone tried to restore ~./bookmarks/MyBookmarks.xml  from Backup (created via rsync) sycessfully?15:11
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joorinits amazing. thread after thread with "I upgraded to PR1.2 and this third party app stopped working. i hatez u NOKIA!11!!!"17:49
SpeedEvilAnyone having issues with gnuplot?17:50
lcukjoorin, so pull on your spandex underpants and cape and go save the forum!17:50
joorinspeedevil, the bling generation dont want plots, they wants bling!17:51
joorinlcuk, spandex? underpants? i wear them, proudly, on my head!17:51
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lcukjoorin, did you ever play with liqflow - since you like nice fast things17:51
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joorinlcuk, i happened to browse past in the app manager today but didnt give it a spin. i get sick to my nerd stomach when i see programs wanting to install >6MBytes to display a silly picture...17:52
lcuka whole 6mb17:52
joorinlcuk, but liqflow seems to be a lot of fun.17:52
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joorinlcuk, yes, im special that way: i care about what i install and how its packaged (if i get the option to care).17:53
lcukjoorin, it was comments like that that got me started wanting to optify certain things17:53
lcuk:) which is how maemo-optify-boottime came about17:53
lcukwhich is the reason pr1.2 has over 100mb free after flashing17:54
joorinlcuk, ah. ;)17:54
joorinlcuk, im just a bit stunned by simple applications that are just showing a window need 6MBytes when the MSX emulator takes 356KBytes...17:55
lcukwhich need 6mb?17:55
lcukthe qt things are about 20 first time i believe17:55
SpeedEviljoorin: Some of that 6Mbytes is because they drag in libraries not used elsewhere on hte phone.17:55
joorinlcuk, hang on and ill back it up with names.17:55
joorinspeedevil, so its the curse of special dependencies?17:56
SpeedEviljoorin: Pretty much17:56
SpeedEviljoorin: Problem is - developer develops foo on ubuntu.17:56
joorinlcuk, then i have to say i was wrong: Qt is the evil! Qt should burn! ;)17:56
SpeedEvilWith eleventy-billion libs on their desktop.17:56
lcuknahhh joorin17:56
SpeedEvilSomeone comes to port it to the n900 - and they simply compile all those libs for the n90017:56
SpeedEvileven though nothing else uses them17:57
lcukonce we had optify-boottime we could make sure qt was available on the flashable image and be optified17:57
SpeedEviland it's a 500K library that is used instead of writing a 10 line function17:57
joorinlcuk, if this is all about some dependency to some weird Qt lib, i can understand it better.17:57
* joorin stumbles into the app manager.17:57
lcukhell, i can install build-essential now on the default image :)17:57
lcuktheres that much space17:57
lcuki used to have to do some pretty weird stuff before17:58
lcukliqflow builds in 10 seconds on the n90017:58
joorinFM Radio Player, 7.3MBytes!?!?!?17:58
SpeedEvillcuk: It's probably more sane to jam it in a chroot tho17:58
lcuksure SpeedEvil17:58
SpeedEvilfmradio could be somewhat better.17:58
lcukfmradio has to fit all those stations in!17:58
SpeedEvilI mean - how the hell can I not simply enter '94.3'17:58
lcukand the presenters17:58
lcukand the studios17:58
lcukand those antennas arent small17:59
SpeedEvilI have to scroll _slowly_ to 94.317:59
joorinthats just insane. ten calls, tops, to the libs that control the hardware, a simple GUI, 20-30KBytes.17:59
lcukSpeedEvil, i had a thought about sensitive panning17:59
SpeedEviland then try really hard to scroll to 94.3, not 94.35 or 94.417:59
SpeedEvilAlso - it lacks 'scan'17:59
joorinlcuk, can you, with a serious face, claim that thats ok?17:59
lcukSpeedEvil, that is the color select, but if you use it at the top of the screen its very sensitive, at the bottom its very granular18:00
lcuksame effect could work on fmradio dial18:00
SpeedEvilfmradio - Depends: n900-fmrx-enabler (>= 1.5), python2.5, python-gtk2, python-gobject, python-osso, python-hildon, python-gconf, python-dbus, python-gst0.1018:00
lcuknear the top your scrolls barely move it18:00
lcuknear the bottom it moves fast18:00
joorinspeedevil, oooooh...18:01
lcukjoorin, without examples i cant help18:01
lcukbut in that case18:01
lcukpython is needed18:01
lcukyou cant cherry pick18:01
joorinlcuk, and, all of a sudden, im looking at liqflow in the app manager. ;)18:01
lcukwhats the size18:02
joorin307KBytes, not too bad.18:02
SpeedEvilliqflow may be a lie.18:02
joorinthe cake? a lie?18:02
lcuksure, the library binary is 315kb18:02
SpeedEvilIf you installed some application that used all the same libs as liqflow before - then liqflow will look artificially small18:02
lcuknow anyway18:02
lcukSpeedEvil, not artificially18:03
SpeedEvil(assuming for the moment it uses libs)18:03
lcukliqcalendar is about 100k18:03
lcukand thats similar for most liq* apps18:03
lirtexHi. Has anyone here managed to setup a maemo development environment on debian amd64? I'm following the outdated HOWTO, and currently have a problem with the maemo-sdk package (it lists old, non-existant rootstraps which do not exists on the server).18:03
SpeedEvilI mean artificially small - compared to the first application you installed that uses the same libs18:03
lcukmeh the lib is 500kb18:03
SpeedEvilAh - ok - I was assuming it depended on other stuff - it doesn't18:04
lcukby far the biggest effect on my packages are bitmap assets for the specifics18:04
lcukits very low level18:04
lcukdoesnt use too much18:04
joorinspeedevil, im used to see packets, alone, with a dependency list telling me what i need to get.18:04
lcukjoorin, you have the app manager there18:04
lcukwhats the dependencies18:04
lcuklibc6 (>= 2.5.0-1), libcurl3 (>= 7.15.5-1), libdbus-1-3 (>= 0.94), libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.74), libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.5), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.12.12-1osso10), libgstreamer0.10-0 (>= 0.10.9), libjpeg62, libosso1 (>= 2.16), libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.8rel), libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.4.1), libx11-6, libxext6, libxml2 (>= 2.6.27), libxv1, zlib1g (>= 1.2.1), wget18:05
lcukwget should be removed <o>18:05
joorinlcuk, liqflow (0.1.1), libliqbase1 (0.3.45)18:05
lcuksure, and those ^^^ ar ethe dependencies for the library18:06
lcukthose components are mostly pre installed on n90018:06
joorinlcuk, if i use ldd to look at footify, i get some 25 needed libraries of which 20 are already installed. so i know how it can look.18:06
SpeedEvilAn interesting app would be that said 'this application uses 345K for the base package, and 3418K for packages which it has installed as a required dependancy, and proportionally shares 458K of base system libraries'18:07
SpeedEvilSo for example - the last figure would be incremented by - say - 3K for libc18:07
lcuksure SpeedEvil but then also break that to show which of those are on opt and which are on rootfs too18:07
SpeedEvilas _everything uses it18:07
joorinlcuk, so im quietly assuming that i dont need to include those "already installed" ones in my dependency list.18:07
lcukjoorin, you ALWAYS include those preinstalled ones on your dependency chain18:07
lcukbecause the autobuilder starts from essentially nothing18:08
joorinlcuk, i see. then ill have to tackle that when i start using autobuilder. thanks for the heads up.18:08
lcukso make no assumptions and declare everything used18:08
joorinlcuk, i even need to list libX11?18:08
joorinoh my.18:08
lcukif you need it in your app list it18:09
joorinlcuk, i dont need as much as hildon needs it.18:09
lcukif YOU explicitely expect to link against it18:09
joorinlcuk, hence my assumation that its ok to leave such things out.18:09
lcukor have to use its -dev libraries18:09
lcukthen, YES list it18:09
lcukno, its never ok18:09
lcukhildon might use it at this time18:09
lcukbut it might personally refactor it out18:10
lcukin a future version18:10
lcukthen you are SOL18:10
joorinlcuk, i see. when i link, i rely on -rlink-path to give the linker all secondary dependencies.18:10
joorinlcuk, if i need to supply *everything* that is linked in as dependencies of, say, hildon, its going to be a long list. ;)18:11
lcukso, if everyone assumed his dependencies were declared by something else nothing would work18:11
joorinlcuk, ill have a look see at some available packages.18:11
lcukif you link directly with hildon18:11
lcukbut not directly with x1118:11
lcukthen list only hildon18:11
lcukbut if you need to directly call x11 functions18:11
lcukthen link with it18:11
joorinlcuk, ok, so this is just a case of me not being clear enough. i misunderstood you a few lines earlier.18:12
* lcuk nods18:12
joorinlcuk, then all is well again.18:12
lcuknow, if only i could get rotated xv working18:12
joorinlcuk, this autobuilder thing looks like fun.18:12
lcukautobuilder is a baby ;)18:13
joorinlcuk, rotated xv? thats blasphemy!18:13
lcukyeah i know its never worked right18:13
lcukmplayer cant play videos 480*800 in rotated mode at fullscreen18:13
joorinlcuk, is that a bad thing?18:14
* joorin looks a tad ill by the thought of full screen mplauer in portrait mode.18:14
lcukwell joorin mplayer maybe not so, but i have some 480*800 layouts i'd like to lookat ;)18:14
lcukill debug it next week18:15
joorinand im a bit curious about portrait mode for Everyone!11!!18:15
lcukjoorin, for something a little different18:15
joorinhow will widgets be re-arranged according to which heuristics?18:16
joorinlcuk, oh, nice!18:17
lcukyeah widgets with variable sizes are a bit more troublesome18:18
lcukjoorin, :)18:18
joorinmy widgets are pretty static in size but ordered using vbox and hbox connecting them in ways that arent obvious to change to fit portrait mode on the fly.18:19
lcukshift + ctrl + p18:19
lcukkeep the buttons where they are, rotate the glyps inside, rotate the picture, rotate the qsquareiish text18:20
lcukmaybe a tweak to the layout to make the text area square so thats feasible18:20
joorinlcuk, but its up to me to supply the modified bitmaps that are to be used and, in some splendid way, on the fly change the layout?18:21
lcukwell thats where it gets tricky based on whats used and whats feasible, i'd like to have widget level rotation (like i do with my sketches) because it works in many ways and is less disorienting.  however not all layouts are easy to change like that18:22
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joorinin this case, it might actually be best to rotate the cover art, rotate the "box" with labels and buttons and keep the progressa bar where it is.18:23
lcukbut if your ux is based around squarish regions anyway with toolbars it should be feasible18:23
lcukyeah thats what i said :P18:23
lcuki wouldnt move the buttons personally18:24
joorinlcuk, am i supposed to listen too? ;)18:24
lcukbecause when rotating the biggest annoyance on the phone is aiming for one place18:24
lcukthen the rotation occuring and it moving somewhere else18:24
lcukdunno joorin ;) just waffling as i see it18:25
joorinsince i find GUI design to be incredibly boring, i havent made any attempts to place things with care. all i care about is some borders.18:25
lcukyeah same here ;)18:26
joorinso if its possible to, dynamically, swap the "box" with labels and buttons into another "box" with another ordering, im game.18:26
lcukbut since ive been rotating things and seeing the effect many people have it gets me18:26
lcukit should be18:26
lcukyou can listen for the dbus orientation change18:26
lcukand do what you like18:26
joorinor be old skool and ignore it...18:28
joorinlcuk, thank you for valuable input and pointers. ill have to think about this a bit.18:28
joorinand if i ever upgrade my device to PR1.2, ill give it a go.18:28
lcukshout when you need tome testers for milky clone joorin18:29
joorinill do that. if i ever get my garage account up and running, ill see if its interesting enough to start as a project.18:30
lcukif its in c ill have a play18:31
joorini see no reason to stick to icky c++.18:31
lcukheh i dont mind c++ but its not easily integratable into non c++ projects18:32
joorinand i do mind c++, so i try to not get stuck in it.18:34
joorinbut ive lost a little of my gumption after finally producing a working debian package and now just having to wait for someone to read my application and, potentially, say "Nah, not interesting.".18:35
SpeedEvilYou mean the competition?18:49
joorinspeedevil, no, the basic application for garage project and upload privileges.18:50
SpeedEvili think it's supposed to be essentially automatic.18:50
SpeedEvilThey're checking you're not a bot or something.18:50
* SpeedEvil points his turing-ometer at joorin.18:51
joorinspeedevil, then that check has failed or someone forgot to get the check for bots bot working...18:51
SpeedEvilHow long ago was it?18:51
SpeedEvilI mean - it's not automatic in the sense - as far as I know - that it's automated.18:52
joorinaround 4 in the afternoon my time yesterday, and im in GMT+2, so 23 hours ago.18:52
SpeedEvilThere is still someone there pressing a button18:52
lcukno, its manual18:52
SpeedEvilSo the someone may not be there.18:52
lcukjoorin, you caught it on a weekend is all18:52
joorinlcuk, yes, i saw the note about weekends being slow.18:53
lcukping x-fade in #maemo tomorrow afternoon if you still havent heard18:53
joorin"ping x-fade", sounds like a new techno tune.18:53
joorinor konami conversin.18:53
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joorinoh well, now ive started "porting" the FFT code from the 1.04 milkdrop package, perhaps itll give something useful in a day or two.19:04
joorinand im using the mildrop code to preserve as much as possible of the milky-ness from the original. more recent FFT is not done in this way.19:05
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joorinok. now ive got the FFT function from Mildrop producing data. the question now is how to integrate it with playing music...22:35
joorinlcuk, posted the code to the milkdrop thread. enjoy.22:42
lcukjoorin, cool stuff23:05
joorinlcuk, its a start at least.23:05
lcukits based in floats and expects to get some data into it23:05
lcukyeah indeed23:05
joorinlcuk, i have no idea about license apart from a blurb about including the NullSoft name, kind of, so play nice. ;)23:06
lcukyou did not include license term in the snippet - that should be included in the tar.gz23:08
lcukand made clear if there is one23:08
joorinlcuk, since this is no longer the NullSoft code, i really dont know what to do.23:09
joorinlcuk, apart from clearly stating that i used the 1.04 version to get this.23:09
lcuksure joorin but licenses are important23:10
lcukill find a generic fft implementation23:10
joorinlcuk, they sure are, and i know almost nothing about how to handle this kind of situation.23:10
jooringeneric fft from today is easily available so youll have no problem.23:11
joorinthis was done to mimic the milkdrop as closely as possible.23:11
lcuksure, theres an example of another fft extrapolated from an app23:12
joorinlcuk, ive added the blurb to the "snippet", re-uploading now so you can have a look.23:13
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joorinlcuk, there.23:14
lcukjoorin, :) great, tis potentially usable now :D23:16
lcuki best go sleeping anyway, have a nice week joorin23:17
joorinlcuk, sleep well.23:17
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