IRC log of #maemo-devel for Tuesday, 2010-01-12

ruskiehmm 5 more threads in general and it'll hit 500000:03
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niekt0jebba> I was able to install cryptsetup from repository for n800, only missing things are kernel modules00:20
niekt0I should be possible to make them in scratchbox without creating whole package00:21
niekt0~I should be able ;)00:21
* asj_ grumbles, why do simple things always take so long?00:22
jebbaniekt0: what kernel modules do you need?00:24
jebbaasj_: like webstats? ;)00:24
jebbaniekt0: if you let me know RSN i may be able to crank something out00:25
niekt0jebba> aes_generic probably00:25
niekt0maybe some hash function too00:26
woglindewhy Wes Hardaker didnt use original-maintainer field for gut00:26
woglindeargs git00:26
woglindehm anyway00:26
woglindeI will upload git-buildpackage in few minutes00:26
jebbaniekt0: i think aes is there already00:26
niekt0in package?00:26
jebbaniekt0: CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES  is there already00:27
jebbaniekt0: it's in the kernel already00:28
woglindehms sid's git-buildpackage is already at debformat300:30
woglindeI hope with harmattan we will have debformat 3 support too00:31
* jebba looks00:32
ruskiewould have been nice if the n900 had a crypto unit00:33
woglinderuskie maybe you misuse the dsp00:33
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ruskiedoubt it would help00:35
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jebbaniekt0: you may need to load some modules00:36
jebbai'll statically include a few which would be needed for crypto root (not that we'll have that anytime soon)00:36
jebbaif you find hints of which modules exactly, it'll help00:36
jebbaand my connection *sucks* right now, so not sure i'll be able to do all this00:37
juke__how can i install *-dev package ?00:38
niekt0jebba> on laptop I need dm_crypt,twofish,twofish_common,sha256_generic,00:39
jebbawhoops almost did blowfish not twofish ;)00:43
SpeedEvilcryptoloop! :)00:44
SpeedEvilwould be a good module to add for old-timers that haven't gotten with dm yet.00:44
SpeedEvilAlso needs less setup tools AIUI00:44
jebbaSpeedEvil: i think i added that already, if not i'll do it now00:45
jebbaniekt0: ah the kernel has no dm_* support at all....00:47
jebbaslightly OT, but related:
jebbaprobably just need dm_crypto, can't see the others as useful.  Maybe RAID the two memory cards together heh.00:48
jebbathat would actually be quite cool00:48
* jebba adds RAID to kernel :)00:48
* SpeedEvil ponders.00:49
SpeedEvilare there any union FSs in kernel?00:49
SpeedEvilI know there's been drama.00:50
jebbaniekt0: any clue if CONFIG_DM_UEVENT: is needed?  i'll add00:51
SpeedEvilboost kernel ring buffer?00:51
jebbaerr, rather not00:51
SpeedEvilUSB gadget support?00:52
jebbathere already in nokia.c00:52
niekt0jebba> making own kernel?00:52
SpeedEviljebba: I mean any unincluded ones00:53
jebbaniekt0: ya00:53
jebbaniekt0: i've pushed out quite a few already:
jebbaSpeedEvil: well if there are particular ones, let me know00:54
SpeedEviljebba: log panic/oops to MTD buffer? CONFIG_MTD_OOPS00:56
jebbaSpeedEvil: ok as module?00:57
jebbaSpeedEvil: there isn't even MTD support right now00:57
SpeedEvilYeah - no reason not to00:58
jebbaerr me shuts up should htink f1rst00:58
SpeedEvilisn't the rootfs mtd?00:59
jebbaah, this is painfully slow01:00
jebbai gotta run now too, wish i was on a faster connection so it wouldnt be like 45 seconds each time i select a kernel config01:00
woglindejebba args I found the setuptools error in python01:02
woglindepyhton2.3 vs pyhton2.501:02
jebbawoglinde: but i did python2.501:02
jebbacp -a my dir and see if you have any luck   d-feet in my scratchbox01:03
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woglindehm problem is cdbs runs python01:04
woglindelets see if update-alt helps01:04
jebbai did #!/usr/bin/python2.5 at top of Perhaps need to add it elsewhere too01:05
SpeedEvilor maybe not.01:05
SpeedEvilyeah - seems onenand is mtd - unless I'm confused.01:05
woglindepython is link to python2.501:05
SpeedEvilNAT/... I assume is in01:05
SpeedEviland iptables and friends01:05
jebbaCONFIG_MTD_OOPS is already Y  SpeedEvil01:06
woglindehm hm01:06
jebbaMTD is there, ignore what i said above01:06
jebbaSpeedEvil: i've already added NAT to my kernels01:06
woglindewtf is going on in sratchbox01:07
woglindejebba lets see01:07
jebbaold cruft?01:07
woglindeI think we need to set PYTHON=python2.5 in rules file01:07
woglindelets see if it works01:07
woglindehm okay01:08
* jebba adding IPv601:09
woglindehm its DEB_PYTHON_COMPILE_VERSION01:10
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jebbaSupport for IPv6 Mobility described in RFC 3775.01:12
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jebbaok, if you want any other kernel options, speak now!01:14
jebbaI already have BLK_DEV_CRYPTOLOOP=m01:15
woglindejebba hm hm01:16
woglindesratchbox sucks01:16
woglindeat this point01:17
woglindejebba you can upload it01:17
woglindethe builder will use pyhton2.5 instead of 2.601:17
woglindeargs 2.301:17
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woglindewill not work01:18
jebbai'll test it once i get this kernel started 1 min01:18
woglindetested here01:18
woglindeand looked up in the cdbs file01:18
woglindeit should work01:21
woglindeafter inspecting it01:21
woglindeDEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM = pysupport01:21
woglindeis set here01:21
asj_is supposed to work for arm in sb?01:21
asj_oh, no "Armel target does not bring up the UI framework"01:24
jebbawoglinde: i changed the python install line in rules to python2.5, and it's giving me a new error (which i also saw yesterday):
woglindecd . && python build --build-base="/home/woglinde/python-dateutil-1.4.1/./build"01:25
woglindepython is sratchbox python01:25
woglindewich is version 2.3 and setuptools has no pymodules for 2.301:26
woglindeonyl 2.501:26
woglindeand I am puzzled why DEB_PYTHON_COMPILE_VERSION = 2.5 dont work01:26
jebbaok, but howtounfuck new error?01:26
woglindeonly line in cdbs is ifndef DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM01:27
woglindewhere it will be unset01:27
woglindebut we have DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM defined01:27
woglindejebba try upload it to autobuilder01:27
woglindeas I said01:27
woglindethe autobuilder will use python2.501:27
woglindeand will have setuptools right01:27
woglindehms what was buildpackage debug entry01:28
jebbadude just sent me a pm on talk.m.o asking for dm_crypt modules  ;)01:28
woglindelets see01:28
woglindein the cdbs doku01:28
jebbawell, i'm gonna make it build locally first cuz i'm stubborn. Any clue about that new error? At least it's finding it now ;)  seems to be scrollkeeper stuff which we may be able to punt anyway since AFAIK that's docs stuff which will get tossed anyway.01:29
woglindewhy its working on your side01:31
woglindewith DEB_PYTHON_COMPILE_VERSION =01:32
woglindeno sorry01:32
woglindeseem scrollkeeper dosent work so fine with qemu01:32
jebbai didn't do DEB_PYTHON_COMPILE_VERSION  I just changed the python install in rules to python2.5.  I'm punting scrollkeeper to hell now01:34
woglindeah right01:34
woglindeits not using cdbs01:34
jebbaok, it built01:35
jebbaquite a messy pile of crap right now i need to patch correctly. I have quilt set up, but i'm working with what feels like a 1200 baud modem01:35
woglindethese fookers01:38
woglindedamn it01:38
woglinde# common variables01:38
woglindeDEB_PYTHON_SETUP_CMD = setup.py01:38
woglindethey have there own cdbs file01:39
woglindein devkits01:39
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woglindejebba is is possible for normal sdk to setup lenny as devkit?01:42
jebba? i dont get the q01:43
jebbawoglinde: ok d-feet building now01:43
jebbaall ok01:43
woglindehm forget it01:45
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jebbaok, d-feet is in my repo now01:47
jebbagonna take a month for me to install though, can you take a peek to see if it's remotely usable? If so i'll upload to the builder01:48
woglindehm not yet01:48
woglindehm xport DH_VERBOSE=101:49
woglindewas what I searched01:49
juke__how can i install libgtk2.0-dev package ? what is the repository ?01:54
jebbaniekt0 SpeedEvil:  kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m14_armel.deb    is in my repo now.01:56
* SpeedEvil has gone to sleep. 01:58
jebbaperfect time to try a new kernel!01:58
SpeedEvilNot really - as I want the alarm to wake me up in the morning.02:01
jebbathen you can sleep in, all thanks to me!02:02
jebbaplus i need someone to test it  ;)02:03
SpeedEvilsorry - at this point I'd screw up - not logical. Goodnight.02:03
jebba(actually guy from china (or at least whose name is chinese characters) is gonna test it now)02:03
niekt0jebba> to try cryptsetup?02:04
jebbaya, i built in all the DM_CRYPT stuff02:04
niekt0cool, I will test02:04
jebbacheck my kernel page to see how to install it (e.g. back up & restore stock modules)02:05
niekt0just, when a flash this kernel, all other data remain intact, right?02:05
niekt0jj, already done;)02:05
jebbaya, just flashes kernel and blows out your old /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1 or whatever02:05
jebbai've done quite a few and there havent been probs, so nothing to hairy should happen  ;)02:06
jebbai still got 53 minutes til python2.5 downloads...02:06
jebbawas cryptsetup in the repo or you build it or what?02:10
niekt0I found it here:
niekt0seems to work, but I am building my own right now, crappy scratchbox02:14
jebba ah, that's for chinook too02:22
jebbabuilding for maemo5/fremantle/n900 right??!02:22
niekt0;) yop, but chinok version seem to be same02:26
niekt0flashed, rebooting02:26
niekt0maybe not02:30
niekt0n900 rebooted02:30
jebbaok, cool. dude in china booted up fine too02:31
niekt0booted yes, but something is bad02:31
jebbaoh, well that's not good!02:31
niekt0any idea on some more verobse logging?02:31
jebbano, not really02:31
jebbawhere's it at?02:31
woglindeI found the damn mapping file for sb202:32
niekt0jebba> ?02:33
jebbaniekt0: ?  what02:33
niekt001:31 < jebba> where's it at?02:34
jebbai mean, did it boot up to the desktop? Is it powered off? Is it hung at the dots? wha?02:34
jebba"something is bad"  is quite vague02:34
niekt0device booted fine, but after cryptsetup /dev/loop0 whole system just rebooted. (and is running fine, only strange thing that didn't prompt for SIM code). I experienced same thing when trying to port my fmem module to n90002:36
jebbaah, ok.02:37
jebbaso the kernel is fine, that was first concern ;)02:37
jebbabut a recent cryptsetup would likely be good.02:38
jebbai'll grab one from etch (well, not recent, but similar to what's on the device=02:38
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niekt0kernel itself yes, new module... well, I am not sure, I will try to cimple own cryptsetup to test it better02:38
niekt0cimple ~ compile02:39
niekt0after some sleep, gn02:40
niekt0btw, some experienced problem with /proc/sys/kernel/pty/max ?02:42
niekt0sometimes, i need to do echo "32" > /proc/......../max, to be able to n90002:43
jebbaya, i've seen that bug mentioned02:45
jebbathey decreased it for some braindead reason at somepoint02:45
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scooprlibosso has some functions to do rpc.. is there some reference to what rpc stuff is available by default?08:10
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scooprhow do I get the accelometer values?10:44
flux<guess>via dbus?</guess>10:44
fluxI'm thinking the documentation exists, but actual real-world (python) examples would be AccDisplay..10:44
scooprright, is there a reference to what dbus services are provided?10:44
fluxapparently this covers that pretty well, or atleast it has links:
fluxit also mentions a more direct (but still virtual fs-based) access10:45
fluxhappy n900-tossing10:47
scooprI find the documentation a little lacking :/10:48
scooprlike, looking at the games in ovistore, they themselves draw buttons for taskmanager and close, but can't find a mention, how to request the taskmanager.. I'm guessing via dbus/osso-rpc ..10:49
lcukyes scoopr, cant recall though10:52
lcukits called dashboard (which might help searches)10:52
fluxI recall reading about a DBus-call for 'minimizing', ie. activating taskmanager10:54
scooprahh, thanks11:09
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svanheulenI just installed the maemo 5 sdk and I don't have the script that the developer guide mentions.... any ideas?11:24
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scooprare you inside the scratchbox?11:36
svanheuleni skipped installing the nokia binaries though, are those required?11:40
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asj_good evening hrw12:22
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jebbaany maemo audio wizards around? Would be great if someone could thoroughly answer the maemo-devel thread "Query about audio management inside Maemo" because I think this guy wants to know this so he can further advance ofono on n900.15:39
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scooprhm, can I make web browser to understand a .install file? should it be provided with some specific mime-type?15:59
ph1l_hy all16:02
ph1l_does anybody know where the phonebook ist stored and how? sqlite?16:03
ph1l_great, thanx, Jaffa16:04
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scoopr(answering myself: application/x-install-instructions)16:20
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v13hello. I've the following issue: I create a gtk.Dialog() (python) and I add a TouchSelector() in it. However, the TouchSelector is only 1-entry height. I just managed to increase the height of the dialog by using dialog.set_size_request(-1,XXX) but I don't think this is the right way. Any hints?20:20
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woglindehm sorry I dont know much about ui programming with gtk20:34
V13thanks anyway :)20:40
Noeskidoes anyone know of a good audio decoder library? particularly mp3/m4a/wav20:44
fralsV13: I *think* its because of adding it to a dialog (I'm far from an expert on gtk :P), in my app I'm doing like in and it works - but then that's without adding it in a dialog20:47
V13you add it in a window right ?20:48
ruskieNoeski, erm.. define good... and is it supposed to do all those in one?20:48
fralsI add a picker button and then set_selector on that, and it opens up nicely (the picker button could be added in a dialog or whatever) when the button is clicked20:49
V13Oh.. that works for me too yes...20:49
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fralsNot sure if it fits your use-case though, just throwing it out there :)20:49
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V13Regarding TouchSelector, is it possible to get results by index or any other ID instead of just the string ?20:50
V13Did you happen to use something like this?20:50
NoeskiI don't need ALL in one, but something that can easily decode a file and give me back the raw data and format easily enough20:50
ruskieNoeski, and gstreamer that's on the device doesn't do it for you?20:51
fralsV13: I'm just using the string, but check on
Noeskiit does, but playing sounds with gstreamer seems to be really slow for me20:52
Noeskiand it's causing noticeable pauses every time I play a sound20:52
ruskiehm not sure if there is any framework other than maybe sdl that could do it as well20:55
ruskiemaybe ffmpeg as well20:55
ruskieor you could just use the libs directly I guess20:56
Noeskiwell I was going to try to just decode the sounds and use pulse-audio20:57
V13frals: thanks! i'm still trying...21:02
V13frals: I see that the documentations mentions TouchSelector.set_print_func but that doesn't exist in my pymaemo21:02
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V13Anyone here being using TouchSelector from python ?21:22
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lardman|homedragly: ah, here you are22:54
lardman|homedragly: ah, been summoned for the new series of CSI, bbiam to discuss mbarcode-qt :)23:00
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korbatitOn n900 using basic pulseaudio API global volume control works, however using cached sounds is not effected by global volume control, eg. pa_context_play_sample(). These play at full volume no matter what you adjust the volume too? Is this a policy issue or something else? Any ideas?23:52
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jeremiahWhy the heck is it called a 'fiasco' image?23:57
ruskiecause it causes mayhem?23:57
jeremiahI feel that is a little confusing23:57

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