IRC log of #maemo-devel for Monday, 2010-01-11

villagercan't seem to get python-conic to work00:03
woglindewhat is python-conic?00:04
villagerpython bindings for libconic00:04
woglindeand whats libconic good for?00:04
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villagerconnecting to the internet and getting proxy settings00:05
woglindejo re lcuk00:05
woglindeyou want bypass icd2?00:05
villagerconic is the client interface to icd2, isn't it?00:05
lcuklol woglinde hi im still in #maemo on the proper computer00:05
lcukerrr laptop00:06
woglindevillager oh hm00:06
villagerI hoped I wouldn't have to do the messy icd dbus stuff directly instead of using the friendly conic api00:07
villagersays here "Applications requesting network connections do not interact directly with ICd2, but instead use the shared libconic library API."00:09
woglindeah cool00:10
woglindehm why is python-conic not working?00:11
villagerthe python-conic examples don't work... never receive signals00:11
woglindeyou could use dbus-monitor I think to look if it sends somehing00:11
villagerdoesn't seem to00:14
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NoeskiDoes anyone know how to get the device id for an n900 in code?00:27
SpeedEvildevice ID?00:32
SpeedEvilyou mean IMSI?00:32
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DocScrutinizer51darn. how is LP5521 supposed to controll a RGB 3color signal LED and *concurrently* (via engine3) the kbd-backlight?? o.O00:36
DocScrutinizer51either that's incorrect info in wiki, or I missed something really basic00:37
SpeedEvilit's 3 channel00:37
SpeedEvilI'm unsure though00:37
DocScrutinizer51R chan, G chan + B cahn00:37
DocScrutinizer51where's kbd chan??00:38
Noeskidoesn't every device have a unique ID?00:38
SpeedEvilNoeski: ask user to type in serial number.00:38
SpeedEvilIt should be possible to read imsi somehow00:38
DocScrutinizer51not IMSI00:39
SpeedEvilerr - yes00:39
SpeedEvilI was confusing myself.00:39
Noeskiahh okay00:40
Noeskithank you00:40
DocScrutinizer51well I never seen indicator LED to shine Red.But I definitely seen blue, green, yellow, and *white*. You can't do this with a Wchan/color LED00:41
V13DocScrutinizer51: That's what I'm working at right now00:41
SpeedEvil /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:bfa2/serial - perpahs00:41
V13There are three colors and three channels00:41
DocScrutinizer51so I guess the indicator LED will *need* THREE channels00:41
V13the three channels are three programmable "channels"00:41
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer51: however - you can do white if you poke the - I think - battery charger chip00:41
V13you map leds to channes00:41
V13but channel 3 is the keyboard00:41
V13so you have 1 and 2 for the leds00:42
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer51: or maybe not00:42
V13there is a bitmap to map leds to channels00:42
V13it works very well as long as you don't map the same led to both channels00:42
SpeedEvilhow many hardware LED channels does it have?00:42
V13I've added a "Low level" section in the wiki.00:42
SpeedEvilnot engines00:42
DocScrutinizer51that's mere driver madness then. the chip doewn't support that nonsense00:42
V13there are three engines00:42
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: THREE00:43
SpeedEvilthat's what Ithought00:43
V13what is the difference between "leds", channels and engines ?00:43
SpeedEvilthe l3/l4 manual may have info00:43
V13i only understand "leds" and "engines"00:43
DocScrutinizer513 engines 3 drivers 3 chargepumps 3 pins00:43
V13well.. in /sys there are 6 subdors with leds: preffix00:44
SpeedEvilV13: look at the category n900_hardware - look at the hardware hacking page - dl l3/l4 manual from links at bottom00:44
V133 for rgb leds and 6 for keyboard00:44
SpeedEvilone for vibrator00:44
V13the vibrator is not in lp5523... no ?00:45
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: also I seem to have learnt there are 4 (6?) independently controlable LEDs for kbd-bl00:45
SpeedEvilThere are I think 4 differnet chips controlling LEDs00:45
V13i believe there are 6 for keyboard00:45
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer51: yeah - I posted way back a little 'knight rider' effect in awk for the kbd.00:45
SpeedEvilvery silly00:45
V13so, what are you trying to do ?00:45
DocScrutinizer51how do THAT then with e.g. the one chan of LP5521 sacrificed for kbd?00:46
V13ok.. for sure there are 6 channels for keyboard00:46
V13DocScrutinizer51 go to /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-003200:46
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer51: there is some wackyness00:46
V13and do: echo "load" > engine3_mode00:46
V13then do: cat engine3_leds00:47
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer51: in that something I wasn't sure of turns off the keyboard LEDs00:47
V13finally: echo "run" > engine3_mode00:47
V13to restore it00:47
V13the engine3_leds is a bitmap00:47
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V13there are 9 bits and it maps the 6 (keyboard) channels (?) to the 3rd engine00:47
DocScrutinizer51V13: yeah. I don't say you're lying. I just say the *hardware* looks different than the driver interface in sys00:48
V13I show a picture of 3 chips00:49
V13somewhere... don't remember where00:51
DocScrutinizer51I could imagine they actually use *3* LP5521, 1 for indicator and 2 for kbd = 6pcs white LED. and somehow they really managed to mess up with the driver in sys ("err huh? 3 engines. 3 chips? what now?...")00:53
V13look at this:
V13page 600:53
V13but i believe that they work as one00:54
V13i.e. you can map any led anywhere00:54
V13but I may be totally wrong00:54
V13well.. the engines are common00:55
V13one engine controls 6 leds00:55
V13(the keyboard engine)00:55
V13unless this is another chip, it works as one00:55
V13just tested it :)00:56
V13do this:00:56
DocScrutinizer51for sure not (my EE hat on)00:56
V13echo "load" > engine3_mode ; echo 111111111 > engine3_leds ; echo "run" > engine3_mode00:56
V13and see the led light-up because the keyboard is lighted00:57
V13but doit while keyboard is open and lighted00:57
DocScrutinizer51that,s driver madness once again00:57
V13because mce seems to reset it00:57
V13oh.. maybe you're write00:57
V13one sec00:58
DocScrutinizer51on that p.6 every chip has a different address set00:58
V13sorry.. I'm not any good in electr. engineering :)00:59
DocScrutinizer51you can talk to each of those 3 chips individually00:59
V13the driver seems to act only on one hardware thing00:59
DocScrutinizer51seems nokia/maemo had exactly same thoughts as you had ;-D01:00
DocScrutinizer51as I mentioned above' they confused the 3 chips with the 3 engines per chip01:00
DocScrutinizer51just kidding. but really?01:01
V13well.. the driver exposes 3 engines01:01
DocScrutinizer51may be I'm even right01:01
V13and handles 9 leds01:01
V13that's for sure01:01
V13and somehow, the order is messed01:01
V13anyway, we know now how it works01:02
DocScrutinizer51lemme get a beer and study the datasheet once more. maybe I forgot sth as it's quite some time ago I scrutinized that chip for OM01:02
V13do you have any thoughts on what are safe values for led_current ?01:02
SpeedEvilobserve the brightness of the LEDs01:03
SpeedEvilnormally - maximum01:03
SpeedEvildon't go over that01:03
V13using eye you mean ?01:03
SpeedEvilhowever - they will generally be setup so they can't be damaged01:03
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: muhaha01:03
V13i've found top values of 20 for red01:03
DocScrutinizer51lets hope so01:03
V13and 8 for b/g01:03
V13using ff makes the led really bright01:03
V13you hardly can look at it01:04
DocScrutinizer51don't do that!01:04
V13i know that leds are damages by heat01:04
DocScrutinizer51might burn your led01:04
DocScrutinizer51also by mere overcurrent01:04
V13yes.. that's what i'm conserned for01:04
DocScrutinizer51wait a hour. I'll get my beer and read the ds01:05
V13well.. i didn't try full brightness for all of them at the same tim e:)01:05
V13i need to go to sleep...01:05
DocScrutinizer518mll come back later with better answers01:05
V13to wake in 5h01:05
V13thanks for the info&hints01:06
V13bb && gn01:06
DocScrutinizer51anyway if thats mA then 8 and 20 make sense01:06
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DocScrutinizer51k, now it's pretty clear01:24
shinkamuiI want to build a new gui app from scratch with C++, I don't know QT or GTK, which kit is recommended01:25
shinkamuiand which is easier to work with01:25
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DocScrutinizer51darn roaming01:46
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: max driver output is 25mA / chan01:46
DocScrutinizer51looks rather safe for almost all types of LED01:46
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woglindejo jebba01:47
DocScrutinizer51also there's separate setup of brightness (0..100) and LED max I. To me it seems natural the driver coders used a sane value for max I and maybe not even crrated a API to change01:48
DocScrutinizer51woglinde: o/ :-)01:48
jebbahey woglinde01:48
DocScrutinizer51jebba: hi01:50
SpeedEvilalso - modern LEDs tend to be stupidly bright.01:52
SpeedEvilwhen used as indicators.01:52
SpeedEvilplus - it's got to be visible in the sun01:52
SpeedEviloh - he left.01:52
SpeedEvilor she01:52
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: no problem01:55
DocScrutinizer51I'm here01:55
jebbahey doc01:55
DocScrutinizer51yes, modern low current LED may well be designed to operate with 1mA and have a max I of 1001:56
SpeedEvilI was meaning V1301:56
DocScrutinizer51and still same brightness as old crap with 20mA or even much more01:56
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: me too ;-)01:57
SpeedEvilI haven't seen much stuff with uinder 20mA01:57
SpeedEvilhmm - 10% of LEDs at digikey have a test current of 5mA or under01:59
SpeedEvilI suspect that's not Imax though01:59
DocScrutinizer51nah, that's kinda 'recommended'02:00
DocScrutinizer51probably also sweet spot for efficiency02:01
DocScrutinizer51(the days of LEDs performing best when pulsed at 30* Imax are gone long time)02:01
SpeedEvilthe first 5 I saw are all at 20mA02:02
SpeedEvil20mA max forward02:02
SpeedEvilthough specced at 602:02
SpeedEvilregrettably so.02:02
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SpeedEvilall? modern chemistries are most efficient somewhat under max.02:02
DocScrutinizer51so that's what Imeant. Most will not die instantly at 25mA02:03
SpeedEvilI hadn't seen the ones explicitly specced at 5mA before.02:03
DocScrutinizer51the pulsing thing was very specific for a particular type of LED and it's physics02:03
DocScrutinizer51modern designs obsoleted that mostly02:04
SpeedEvilyes, and has lead to a misconception that it was the eye doing it02:04
SpeedEvilOn a related matter - the backlight pwm freq is annoyingly low.02:04
SpeedEvilat least at night when reading at low illuminations - for me02:05
DocScrutinizer51LCD PWM?02:05
DocScrutinizer51hmm lemme see....02:05
SpeedEvilI need to see if that can be tweaked02:05
SpeedEvilnot up to reading code ATM02:05
DocScrutinizer51aah yes. some 150..50002:06
SpeedEvilIt looks something like 40Hz or so02:06
DocScrutinizer51nah a lil more02:06
DocScrutinizer51I'd guess02:06
SpeedEvilI read ebooks on it - and find it a little unrestful.02:06
DocScrutinizer51hmm I'm going to continue reading pdf ds now ;-)02:07
DocScrutinizer51still not found how to speak to R G and B exactly02:08
DocScrutinizer51thought I remember E dedicated engines02:08
SpeedEvilit's annoyingly complex.02:08
SpeedEvilI mean - yes, it avoids waking the CPU02:08
DocScrutinizer51just right :)02:09
SpeedEvilI'd be tempted to jam in a  little micro.02:09
DocScrutinizer51actually I fell in love with that chip when I learnt about it02:09
SpeedEvilThough that of course raises its own issues.02:09
DocScrutinizer51duh. you bet02:10
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: yep was right. 3 engines. Each separately with "reset, load, run, direct" (0x01 OP_MODE)02:14
DocScrutinizer51so obviously the API is kinda braindamaed02:15
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: 138         ret |= lp5521_write(client, LP5521_REG_OP_MODE, 0x15); /* 0001 0101 */02:24
DocScrutinizer51they switch all three machines to state "load" simultaneously02:24
SpeedEvilI seemed to spot a hell of a lot of dodgy code in the battery code.02:25
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SpeedEvilbyt I'm unsure how much of that is from not having read code for a few years02:26
SpeedEvilthere are clear boneheads  like if(bat_volt_uV>3600)charge_percent=40;02:26
SpeedEvilbut that's not serious02:26
DocScrutinizer51hmm I still try to understand how TF this driver for 5521 is supposed to work02:31
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DocScrutinizer51ok there's definitely one bug I spotted yet: there's funny #ifdef LED_CONNECTED_WRONG which is supposed to handle a hw rev where R and B are swapped. Nevertheless they switch R driver to direct bat powered mode unconditionally. For blue LED connected to Red output that should fail02:35
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DocScrutinizer51hmm that driver seems missing a few features. I think I could fix it without breaking API, even rather easily02:57
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lambchop27Is there any way to use the Google Android app, Star Map, on the N810? thanks05:27
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ruskiejebba, checked out the latest kernel update on the n900 yet?09:08
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scooprdamn. 4xmultisampling + n900 high dpi = looks really nice :P10:51
fluxgetting decent FPS?11:04
scooprjust rotating a single model so far, that's runs fine11:04
fluxis there 'sync on vblank'-capability?11:05
scooprhaven't yet looked in to it, but I certainly hope so11:06
fluxI wonder if anyone's going to release an n900-demo for asm2010 :)11:07
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lcukflux, doesnt that have to be written in asm11:35
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fluxlcuk, vblank syncing/11:47
fluxlcuk, that would be provided probably by the X-server, with the assistance of the display driver11:48
lcukwhats that got to do with asm2010 which you mentioned?11:48
* lcuk also doesnt see many rendering glitches :)11:48
lcuki see now above, previous topic!11:49
fluxoh, I meant assembly 2010, a large demo party in Finland, definitely only the <4k ones are written in assembly :)11:49
lcukwith the 4k ones can you link tolarger library?11:49
lcukor it it entirely 4k max11:49
fluxusing system-installed libraries is ok, AFAIK11:50
* lcuk likes the demoscene11:50
* lcuk does inventive things ;)
lcuknow, about your vsync thing11:50
lcukf you are running standalone stuff afaik there is, just look @bounce and stuff for example11:50
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lcukflux, when is compo12:13
fluxsome time next summer12:17
lcukthis summer dont you mean?12:40
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niekt0hi, is there any special reason, why there is no cryptsetup package in maemo? (not even in extra repositories, as far as I check). Or just no one need it?17:38
ruskieniekt0, nobody needed it yet17:41
Noeskiis calling a signal by dbus the same as calling a method?17:53
jebbaruskie: ping17:57
jebbathe only change to the kernel was some LZO (compression) stuff. It shouldn't affect fbdev17:57
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ruskiejebba, well supposedly HAM makes use of it19:00
ruskiefor higher compression on ubifs19:01
jebbaya, looks like it19:01
jebbanot just HAM19:01
jebbawell, actually i'm not sure what *all* uses it, but i would assume all new files added to NAND.19:01
ruskiewell HAM supposedly has a signal for it19:01
ruskieor something19:02
jebbaare you running my kernel? You may be able to update before me.  I'm on a wifi link and it's pouring today.  ;)  My laptop has a good enough antenna, but the n900 doesn't so huge packet loss.19:03
jebbaI could probably do some USB networking of some sort i suppose. Just havent set that up yet.19:03
ruskiewell atm running the one from the update19:03
ruskiebut yeah generally I do run yours19:03
ruskiethe one without the logo19:04
jebbaah, well, i think the logo is staying.  ;)  -jebba8 will have logo19:06
jebbai can't believe you don't want tux!19:06
jebbamaybe there's a kernel option that you can feed it so it doesnt show on boot even if it's built in.19:06
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ruskieand how exactly am I supposed to feed it this?19:07
jebbanot sure, that's excercise for you  ;)19:08
jebbagotta be there *some* where19:09
ruskieyeah... in the flasher :)19:09
ruskieyou can pass custom kernel cmd line params19:09
ruskiewell if you have a deb-src for your kernel can always rebuild it myself19:10
jebbaruskie: ok  kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m12_armel.deb   up there. Building src now19:10
ruskieand of course hoping of not breaking anything19:11
jebbaniekt0: cryptsetup would be great. Would likely need other supporting packages. It is something i would really like to spend a weekend on at some point.  Basically, if your fone gets stolen now, you are *screwed*.19:12
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jebbaruskie: ok the source is apt-gettable now too19:23
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ruskiedid you regenerate your sources and packages lists?19:39
ruskieI can't seem to be able to get it19:39
jebbai'm getting it right now from a total crap connection  (GPRS in the mountains)19:39
jebbayou trying to get the source or the binary?19:40
ruskieis it a diff url from the normal deb one?19:40
ruskiedeb-src unstable main19:41
ruskieapt-get source kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m1219:41
ruskieE: Unable to find a source package for kernel_2.6.28-20094102.6+0m1219:41
jebbadeb-src unstable main19:41
ruskieand I did update19:41
jebbajust enable that repo only and `apt-get source kernel`19:41
jebbaif you really really can't get it for some reason, you can just grab it manually from here:
ruskiebtw is the kernel package now auto installable along with the backup?19:43
jebbathe kernel auto installs via apt-get upgrade, but it does *not* backup your old kernel19:44
ruskiemeant the modules19:44
ruskieI guess I'll have to do that manually19:44
ruskiefinally have it19:45
ruskieI take it I can just modify a kernel config manually to disable tux and then dpkg-buildpackage it?19:46
jebbaya, take a look here at my scripts19:46
ruskiehave a lot of extra there19:48
jebbai dont really like how i did the version number here, I should have dropped back down to 0 but oh well.19:48
jebbaruskie: well for 2.6.32 kernels and git kernels, neither of which work yet.  (there is no touchscreen driver for the device after 2.6.29)19:48
jebbaplus scripts to build just modules based on stock kernel etc19:49
jebbai should add IPv6 too19:49
jebba....but since i don't use it myself...19:49
ruskieI don't use it as well19:51
ruskieapparently modified and now building19:55
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ruskiebtw jebba got my PM about https apt transport?19:58
jebbabut you need more than just that file19:58
jebbathough stskeeps has been able to build one recently for mer that works19:58
jebba(if i read him correctly).19:59
jebbathey patched up the apt binary funky too19:59
ruskiehmm the git one doesn't work?19:59
jebbaah didnt try that. Git with apt?19:59
ruskieno the apt from git for maemo20:00
ruskiewget ""20:00
ruskiethis one20:00
jebba"The archive is currently being generated, try again later"20:00
ruskieyeah try it after a few seconds20:01
ruskieor use a browser20:01
jebbaok, will keep it in mind. dont need it at the moment20:01
jebbado you know anything about packaging python apps?20:02
ruskienot really20:02
jebbaI keep getting "ImportError: No module named setuptools"  no matter how i kludge it, when trying to build a deb.  python-setuptools is there too...20:03
ruskieare you using the right python?20:03
ruskieI had a problem with it using the scratchbox one instead of the one I wanted20:03
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jebba python2.520:17
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* ruskie hopes he won't break his n900 with the kernel20:48
jebbadid you just rebuild mine without logos?20:49
ruskiejust turned off both logo bits20:50
ruskiestill building20:53
jebbai'm still downloading over gprs.....20:53
ruskiethough it seems to be nearig the end20:53
ruskieran out of disk space20:53
ruskieso had to move it over to a nfs share20:53
jebbaii dont know how to do it offhand, but if you don't build the -dbg (debug) package it'll probably build a lot faster20:54
jebbai built it in 13m40s20:54
jebba(the binary).  And the source package in 5m35s20:55
ruskiebtw planing on making an initramfs eventually?21:04
jebbafor what? like a rescue one or something?21:05
ruskiesomething that could get used to fixup a system21:05
jebbaboot into Mer ;)21:06
ruskieneeds to be before bootmenu :)21:06
ruskiesince iirc that just does a pivot_root after the kernel gets to init21:06
ruskieor something along those lines21:07
ruskiean initramfs that waits for a second or two for you to hit a key to enter it would probably be better21:07
jebbaah, i was thinking something that would work with bootmenu21:07
ruskienaahh initramfs directly in the kernel21:08
jebbaah gotcha. hmm.21:08
jebbahonestly, it's not on my shortlist unless some day i really need it!21:09
ruskieI'll probably need to look into that... but it would need to be built into the kernel not separate21:09
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ruskieok built21:13
ruskiehmm time for a break repo for me21:15
ruskieto put stuff that might break things for other people21:15
ruskiecustom kernel, custom theme :)21:16
ruskieI so wish nolo could be replaced by uboot21:17
ruskiehmm what basic stuff from a regular would be needed to get into a working fbconsole on the device?21:18
jebbajust run the getty on tty3 and chvt 3  and you have a console on the device.  X paints over it every once in awhile though21:20
jebbagot kernel installed21:20
ruskieerm... how do you run it?21:20
jebbalook at the sample getty lines in /etc/inittab, then as root, run one of them. Then to switch to it, run `chvt 3` to get console and `chvt 7` to go back to X. Need to have passwords set to log in (i suggest setting root password to something all alpha or you won't be able to log in!)21:23
ruskiethat sucks21:23
jebbawell, the keymap in the console is hosed21:23
ruskieit is possible to build a custom keymap into the kernel21:24
ruskiemaybe look into that :)21:24
ruskieok kernel installed21:24
jebbaok, my kernel worked21:24
jebbagot -dirty tag though, i think cuz of some quilting21:24
ruskiewhat's that tag?21:25
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ruskieand running21:27
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jebbaya works here too21:32
ruskieseriously need a boot loader we can use on this thing21:32
ruskieI don't want to nearly have a heart attack each time I update my system21:32
jebbathe boot_menu thing is ok21:36
jebbathough its not that hard to revert if you screw the kernel as long as you have backed up the modules21:36
ruskiebut a proper boot manager would be more relaxing21:37
ruskieI mean it's easy if you can boot a known working kernel21:38
jebbaya, certainly. First couple times i was a bit sketched out.  But now that i have a working /lib/modules backup and a zImage I can grab, it's not that big of a deal21:39
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ruskie <-- I hope this gets to a usable state sometime soon :)21:44
jebbaya looks cool21:44
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jebbaany clue of a good common webstats program? I havent done webstats in like 10 years but i'm curious how many folks are hitting the kernel.21:45
ruskieatm looking through the ovi repository21:45
ruskieI just scripted something quickly to grab all the ips and uniq them21:45
fralsjebba: awstats is pretty decent21:45
jebbagrep shows 73 downloads of the kernel.deb (excluding modules/flasher) in the last 8 days. That surprises me. I thought it was going to be like 5  ;)21:46
jebbamore people are using it than burgerspace from extras  ;)21:46
* jebba installing awstats and hoping it's a zero config thing21:47
fralsmost likely not ;)21:47
ruskiegrep "" /var/log/freya/lighttpd/current | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq <-- this is what I use :)21:47
ruskie37 unique hits... though some are obvious patterns21:48
jebbaya, i do that sometimes, but some real thing running in cron.. then feed that to `host` or someshit too.21:49
ruskie62.140.137.XXX 120.156.XXX.YYY 77.112.XXX.YYY 79.102.XXX.YYY 80.95.XXX.YYY 91.33.XXX.YYY 92.XXX.YYY.ZZZ21:49
jebbamost of the server i've run for so long we just /dev/null'd the logs.21:49
ruskieall my logs are in tmpfs21:49
jebbaah looks like awstats will just run :)21:49
ruskiedepends on what web server you use and how you have logging setup :)21:50
jebbajust stock lenny stuff21:51
ruskieahh most of that crap is pre-configured on debian21:51
ruskieone of the reasons I don't like debian systems21:51
ruskiehm mI wonder if sharing-service-ftp is Free Software or not21:52
ruskieDisruptive Publishers have an ovi package named alpine... which is the same as alpine MUA... grumbl21:54
jebba had to set sitedomain and did access.log* for files processing since logrotate has moved a few already. So at every 10 min it gets updated21:55
ruskieok disabeling ovi repo that the update installed21:55
ruskienot impressed21:56
jebbai went to their website and it was like wallpaper of half naked women.  I thought nokia would at least be tasteful (being finns and all)21:56
ruskieoptimist :)21:57
ruskieand disabled ovi21:58
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ruskie <-- youch22:26
SpeedEviljebba: I think most finnish women are naked at least some of the time.22:35
jebba  well here's some crappy stats.22:37
jebbai still dont have awstats going but a bit too tired to figure it otu22:37
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juke_how can i display a webpage or a text file in a desktop widget ?22:45
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