IRC log of #maemo-devel for Monday, 2009-12-14

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kulveruskie: I would guess the pulseaudio does some checks (or actions) related to that07:14
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ruskiekulve, hmm I would assume it would have a defined pulse sink to do so... not be overly smart about it... I guess I was wrong :(08:26
* ruskie wonders why his cron jobs sometime get run sometimes not...(while the device is active)08:26
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DocScrutinizer51ruskie: if this device had a suspend I had a story to explain this.09:04
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ruskieDocScrutinizer51, but?09:26
DocScrutinizer51all maemo devices never do suspend by default09:27
DocScrutinizer51so all cronjobs should run jst in time09:27
ruskieI need to get a syslog on it09:28
ruskieatleast I'd be able to see what went wrong then09:28
ruskiemight be something stupid like an absent dir or wrong perms someplace...09:28
ruskieand it is odd that it sometimes works sometimes doesn't09:29
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* ruskie wishes maemo would be a more normal linux distro09:31
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ruskieStskeeps, as soon as it supports all the functionality in a similar way sure09:38
ruskiehmm after a restart of fcron and editing an entry it seems to work again09:39
ruskiewill need to wait till 1500 to see if it actually does09:39
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ruskiehmm even with not having modest be always loaded if I open it once it'll stay in the process list even after I close it... annoying10:44
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jebba900heya. How long after i upload a package is it ready to be used by the builder for other packages.  I uploaded a dep of a package and it went fine, but i still cant build the main package because the builder is saying the dep isnt there.  good morning  :)14:29
woglindejebba900 there is something broken14:29
woglindepackages from fremantle builder arent copied to the repos14:29
BabelO_jebba, same for me14:49
VDVsxplease contact X-fade at #maemo ^14:56
VDVsxplease note that it takes some time to the packages appear in the repos, + 2h14:56
woglindeVDVsx hm x-fade istn answering14:57
woglindedef is waiting for two days14:57
woglindebut this can intefere with he downtime14:57
woglindeargs derf14:57
VDVsxI think he's at the mothership this weekend, so perhaps he's only available later14:58
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jebbaVDVsx: ya, this has been hours+ already. The builds themselves built in a reasonable amount of time though, which was nice.15:12
jebbaabout 6.5 hours fwiw15:13
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hrwquestion: where I can find out which exactly GCC/Glibc/binutils combo is used for maemo5?16:23
hrwhere should it be asked rather then #maemo16:23
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woglindehrw should I paste it?16:24
xorAxAxhrw: by looking at the package versions?16:25
hrwwoglinde: yes, please16:25
hrwxorAxAx: of ubuntu system used in sdk or maemo5sdk x86 rootfs or yet-another-source?16:25
woglinde  binutils                    
woglindegcc-4.2-base                          4.2.1-4maemo9+0m5                The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)16:26
hrwxorAxAx: it is scratchbox and I am not aware of how it works internally (except 'use lot of symlinks and fakes')16:26
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woglindelibc6                                 2.5.1-1eglibc19+0m516:26
hrwwoglinde: that part I have too... but is it CSL toolchain or normal is missing from it16:26
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woglindecsl I think16:28
hrwwoglinde: csl2007q316:31
woglindehrw jupp16:31
woglindesdk+ shows it16:31
hrwwe have this gcc in OE16:33
woglindehm are you doing rkriti works?16:34
hrwwoglinde: I have no idea how far rkriti is16:34
hrwwoglinde: have any status info?16:35
woglindehrw sorry16:35
hrwI would like to be able to build some updates before nokia release firmware16:35
woglindehe didnt say much as I asked last week16:35
hrwbut anyway - I am sending my n900 back to DDP tomorrow16:36
woglindejupp saw the pixel errors16:37
hrwhope that they will send me new/repair in less then 4 weeks16:39
hrwwoglinde: I just wonder how will it work when some packages will be from nokia/maemo and system components will get built with OE16:42
hrwmaemo.gitorius shows changes in many components and nokia do release just from time to time (when 'from time to time' is quite long)16:43
woglindehrw you have to replace some stuff with freesoftware16:43
hrwwoglinde: most of system on maemo5 is already FS16:43
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InsyteI'm going to be dipping my toe into Maemo 5 development with a simple Python app.  Does it make more sense to use GTK or should I go with QT as that is the future of the platform?18:57
InsyteMy research has also left me unclear as to the current status of Hildon on QT...18:57
Stskeepsup to you.. pyside exists for qt19:11
woglindeor pyqt19:12
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InsytePyGTK makes it pretty straightforward to follow the Hildon interface guidelines.  Is that the case with PySide/PyQT?19:31
jebbapyside is developed (primarily?) by nokia, so i'm guessing that would be a very good route to go for n900/maemo apps.19:47
woglindepyside is to buggy at the moment19:49
VDVsxI'm not sure if pyside has already the maemo5 changes19:52
VDVsxeven Qt 4.6 doesn't have all widgets/styles available in maemo519:52
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InsyteThat's disappointing.20:40
VDVsxInsyte, note that I'm not sure about that, better ask in the pyside ML or maybe at #qt-maemo20:43
InsyteVDVsx: I'll try that.  The information available online is confusing and contradictory.20:44
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ruskiehow's it going21:42
BabelOruskie: still fighting with the gdal build21:43
BabelOthis evening i ve time21:43
BabelOand i m playing with my FM RDS application21:43
BabelOi ve to ask fora garage for it21:44
BabelOlooking for a good name :)21:44
ruskiehmm who was playing with the kernel around here?21:44
jebbauh, so i added an icon to my package in debian/foo-48x48.png   But when I dpkg-buildpackage -S it doesnt get included. Where do I list this file so it makes it into the source for distribution?   sry for noobing21:45
jebbaruskie: i was21:45
jebbathe kernel and icons  hahaah21:45
jebbaSource3: foo.png   in foo.spec in fedora...21:45
ruskieI'm looking for an iptables package and iptables kernel modules21:45
ruskiespecifically nat related21:45
jebbajust havent fully wrapped my head around .deb packaging yet.21:45
jebbaruskie: ya, those don't work with existing kernel unfortunately. Rambo was saying some parts were stripped out of the binary so you can't just plonk in nat.ko or whatever. Needs a whole kernel rebuild.21:46
ruskiethat sucks21:46
ruskiehow the f... can one setup a decent openvpn setup without that21:47
jebbaone does their own kernel i guess...21:47
jebbai could build a kernel with NAT easily enough.  I just want to get this stupid fucking icon in burgerspace first ahahah21:48
ruskiehmm should look at a bridging config21:48
jebbai mean, i could just do a new tarball, but that seems less than ideal too, cuz i would thing .orig.tar.gz should be pristine upstream.21:48
jebbaif you toss me a .config i can build it for you.21:49
ruskieI'll try to solve it without first21:49
ruskiewould like to avoid reflashing21:49
jebbai guess i gotta rtfm a bit more21:50
BabelOabout kernel, i m curious why CONFIG_NOHZ is not enabled21:52
BabelOI ve used powertop to check some settings21:52
BabelOand removed widget from desktop :)21:52
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jebbaBabelO: I see "CONFIG_NO_HZ=y"21:53
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woglindejebba does it work?21:54
ruskiehmm I'll try it with tinc first21:54
jebbawoglinde: i havent tried anything with NO_HZ, i just see that from the .config21:55
jebbawoglinde: oh, you referring to NX?  I didnt get that going.21:55
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woglindejebba nx I meant21:56
woglindehm tomorrow I will have acess to a n90021:56
jebbaqtnx and all that launches--presumably it works, but user fail there. I read some NX fedora docs, but they didn't conform with what i saw on n900 (seemed more antiquated talking about nomachines version=21:56
woglindejebba hm yes I uses the latest nx library version21:58
ruskiehmm something odd with the repos22:00
ruskieFailed to fetch  Size mismatch22:00
jebbawoglinde: is nx on n900 just client, not server?22:00
ruskieW: GPG error: fremantle Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E40DC434616730BD Extras repositories (Fremantle Extras) <>22:00
woglindejebba only client22:01
woglindelibnx and nxproxy and nxssh22:01
jebba"A note on icons: there’s no problem in adding a new .xpm icon file, as it is just a text format. Debian packaging system does not support adding new binary files, such as .bmp, .png or .ico for example. If you needed to do so, you’d have to use “uuencode” and “uudecode” accordingly."                           ah, no wonder why. sheez. W.t.f. ?22:01
woglindeargs libnxcomp22:01
woglindelibnxcl and qtnx are only for setting the parameters22:01
jebbahow can a packaging system not support adding icons? that's ridiculous.  Does one really have to re-tar the thing? that seems crufty crufty. hmm.22:03
ruskieicons aren't a top important bit22:03
jebbawell, if you dont want it to look liek shit, they're important.22:04
* jebba boggles22:04
jebbauuencode.  I feel like i'm using nntp again or something ahaha22:05
woglindejebba remove original tar file22:05
woglindethen run buildpackage -S22:06
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jebbawoglinde: then .orig.tar.gz won't match upstream, right? just to clarify.22:07
woglindeare you using svn/git-buildpackage?22:07
jebbano, just dpkg-buildpackage that comes with SDK22:08
woglindedo you need stuff upstream?22:10
woglindeI dont see a problem if you put a new icon in and make this clear via changelog22:11
jebbawoglinde: ya, ok, so that "works" but by modifying the .orig.tar.gz to include the debian/ dir. Which is fine wrt building, but then the .orig.tar.gz doesn't match upstream.  Perhaps that is the correct way to do it, i don't really know.  I just assumed people would want to sha1sum .orig.tar.gz and such to make sure it is same as upstream or whatever. But if that's the way it's done, that's how i'll do it ;922:11
woglindejebba hm I dont see another why22:11
woglindeargs way22:12
woglindedont know if quilt can patch binary22:12
woglindethat would be another option22:12
jebbaya, i didnt either other than uuencode which to me is comical and tempting.   Seems very odd shortcoming. I suppose cuz it's all diff based.22:12
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VDVsxjebba, in case you didn't check the specs about the icons yet22:13
VDVsx48x48 for the app menu and 64x64 for the desktop shortcuts22:13
VDVsxjust FYI :)22:14
jebbaVDVsx: cool thx.  :)    you got a hint on the best way to get an additional icon in there? just re-tar or uuencode or some other optoin?22:14
jebbamy icons look cute when i build 'em, but the builder barfed on them because they didn't make it in the upload.22:15
VDVsxadditional icon ?22:16
VDVsxresized the icons first and they will look fine22:16
woglindeVDVsx add icon22:17
woglindejebba try if it works with quilt22:17
woglindejebba if you need help to get debian package runnin with quilt ask me22:17
BabelOanybody master with bash shell ? to convert Hex to ascii in one line ?22:17
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woglindeBabelO why bash?22:17
VDVsxdinner time, bbl22:18
woglindethese day you should work shell idependent22:18
jebbaVDVsx: well, it comes with like a 32x32 icon.  So i just gimp'd them and made the additional sizes and plonked them into debian/ like an ignorant noob. But they didn't get picked up. So you're saying i should resize them in rule or what?22:18
BabelOwoglinde: rds output from N900 while listening to radio
jebbai'm just gonna tar the suckers up for now22:18
woglindejebba hm putting it in debian shouldnt be a problem22:19
jebbawoglinde: the dpkg-buildpackage -S ignores binaries22:19
BabelOhmm pulseaudio on N900 using 31% of cpu22:19
woglindeBabelO lol22:20
woglindewe had this discussion the half day on #maemo22:20
VDVsxjebba, you can put them where you want in your package, as long you have the correct rules to install them properly in the system22:20
jebbawoglinde: example:    "dpkg-source: cannot represent change to debian/burgerspace-48x48.png: binary file contents changed"22:20
BabelOwoglinde: ok but cpu is running at 250 Mhz right now22:20
woglindejebba I said remove the old.tar.gz before22:20
jebbawoglinde: yes, that is teh "retar" option.22:20
jebbawhere .orig.tar.gz gets modified from upstream, which is one way to do it.22:21
woglinderemove all tar.gz22:21
woglindethen dpkg has nothing to compare against22:21
jebbawoglinde: I UNDERSTAND THAT. There are multiple ways to do that.  I have done that already in one subdir. I am just looking at which is hte *best* way to do it.22:21
woglindeno one will compare the .orig.tar.bla from debian or  ubuntu against your in maemo22:22
woglindenor the debian patch22:22
jebbaok, if that is debian practice i got no complaint. Just trying to find out which the practice was, and i came across the uuencode stuff heh. I will just re-tar the thing. done.22:23
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woglindeyeah the result count22:23
woglindeso do if it works22:23
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jebba(which i think is kind of a shit way to do things--for example, that is how the kernel is done in maemo, which makes it hard to figure out WTF they have done, since it's not clear what the .orig.tar.gz really was)22:24
jebbawell, there's multiple ways to get the same result (e.g. uuencode or perhaps binary quilt like you mentioned)22:24
woglindejebba all in debian/ dont interfere with the orig.tar.gz22:27
woglindeits diffrent if you change icons into src or somewhere22:27
jebbamd5sum foo-1.0.0.tar.gz foo-1.0.0.orig.tar.gz   aren't equal, which apparently doesnt matter. done ;)22:28
jebbai just assumed that's what .orig meant.22:28
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jebba(where foo-1.0.0.tar.gz is what was from upstream)22:29
ruskieI always assume that myself22:29
woglindejebba hm they arent the same because they got repacked I guess22:30
woglindeor some debian/rules clean didnt work properly22:30
jebbathey arent the same because upstream wouldnt have  a debian/ subdir at all.22:30
jebbahence my reticence to repack the tarball.22:31
jebbathis way will "work" though, just seems very crufty to me.  (e.g. you can't verify your tarballs)22:31
woglindeall debian stuff is in the patch22:32
jebbawoglinde: you mean in the .diff?  No it is not.  Not the .pngs, which is the whole point.  The .pngs DONT get added to the diff.22:32
woglindehm okay22:32
jebbaso by blowing out the .orig.tar.gz and rerunning buildpackage -S, you get a LARGER tarball since it has the new stuff in debian (well, for that matter *everything* in debian/ and no patches).22:33
jebbawhich seems crufty to me.22:33
jebbaadd a debian/foo.png to a package, run buildpackage -S on it and you'll see the foo.png did not make it into the diff (whereas foo.txt would)22:34
woglindeyeah I understand it22:35
woglindebut I wonder how to patch binaries than22:35
jebbasee above22:35
jebbauuencode baby!22:35
jebbaor repack the tarball hehe.22:36
woglindeah right22:36
woglindedeb format 3 will fixes it22:36
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woglindebut that will not come with maemo522:36
jebbasalient part for google: "debian/rules can be simplified by getting rid of the    patching/unpatching code (or the uuencoding/uudecoding code if you ship    a supplementary binary file like an icon) "22:46
jebbawoglinde: but we can start using quilt now, can't we? Seems like i've already stumbled across it somewhere in maemospace22:47
woglindejebba try it22:47
woglindedont jnow if debhelpers can handle it22:47
woglindeargs dont know22:47
jebbayou beat me22:49
woglindeI will now look at the samples22:49
jebbaah, multiple upstream tarballs. I need that for my asterisk packaging too22:49
jebba(another package that works locally for me but barfs in builder)22:49
woglindehm try sbmock22:50
woglindepbuilder rocks22:50
woglindepbuilder with git-buildpackage22:51
jebbayou can set it up on flauta if you want.22:51
woglindedont know if it works with maemo22:52
jebbai can add more space on that server if/when we need it too (just create more virtual disks).22:52
woglindethats the problem22:52
jebbaah ok, ya, you try it hahaha22:52
woglindeand sbmock hasnt the quality of pbuilder22:53
jebbaok, that makes sense. asterisk was using quilt, that's where i came across it.  I was like, ah nice, debian/patches/series  etc. and just assumed that's how all packages were done. Now it's all coming clearer. Ya, quilt seems the way to go.22:54
BabelOlol, there is some funny fremantle build actually, aircrack-ng and macchanger :)22:56
woglindebabelO why lol?22:57
BabelOwoglinde: because i was recompiling it myself in the morning :)22:58
woglindelol okay22:58
BabelOwhat do you think about RDS Broadcaster for the name of my app ?22:59
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jebbaBabelO: what's it do?23:02
BabelOjebba: MP3 tags / incoming call / sms sent to FM RDS radio  while you use N900 as transmitter so you see information there23:03
jebbaah cool. Still dont know what RDS is though.23:04
BabelORDS is the radio data system, it is used to display radio station name + more information23:04
BabelON900 use it to display NOKIA on your radio car system when you tune on same frequency that your N900 FM transmitter23:05
woglindeBabelO hehe yes cool app23:06
woglindefor car drivers23:06
BabelOwoglinde: yes, i ve a PAROT CK3200 system in my car, and never see caller name, so now it is solved and i can read Incoming SMS this way too23:07
woglindeI dont have a car23:07
BabelOah ok :)23:07
jebbahmm, appears that there's lots of rx51 stuff in linux-2.6.28-omap1 from nokia that is not in upstream linux-2.6.32-omap1  :(23:13
woglindejebba hm I saw serval patches on the arm-kernel list23:13
xorAxAxBabelO: umm23:16
jebbaoh ya, there's definitely some action from nokia on linux-omap without a doubt.  But just by comparing what is available (e.g. just searching RX51 in make menuconfig or comparing rx51_defconfigs), there's mucho missing. Unless it has been renamed or something.23:16
xorAxAxBabelO: how does your app work?23:16
xorAxAxBabelO: because the rds data is not in the baseband but in a sideband23:16
xorAxAxoh, well, its composited in the baseband. but 57 kHz sounds like a lot to generate with 48 kHz sampling rate :)23:18
xorAxAx"A 57 kHz subcarrier (phase locked to the third harmonic of the stereo pilot tone) is used to carry a low-bandwidth digital"23:19
xorAxAxhaha, even phase locked23:19
jebbawoglinde: things like CONFIG_RX51_CAMERA_BUTTON ...23:19
BabelOxorAxAx: look into /sys/class/i2c-adapter/3-002223:20
woglindejebba hm23:20
BabelOoh wrong it is for rds receiver :)23:20
BabelOxorAxAx: it is in i2c-2/2-006323:20
BabelOsupertux works well :)23:21
jebbawoglinde: same true for linux-omap git.  But maybe the things have new generic names (e.g. now TI_XYZ123 camera button or something)23:21
jebbasupertux rules.  x to run fast btw :)23:21
xorAxAxBabelO: cool, teh rocks23:21
xorAxAxBabelO: you are reading rds, but can you send it as well?23:21
xorAxAxah, yes, your fault23:22
BabelOxorAxAx: yes, sure23:22
xorAxAxi suggest to modify the official fm app23:22
xorAxAxinstead of writing your own one23:22
BabelOxorAxAx: in the tr&ansceiver you can wrote rds_ps_name in my car it is 9 character length max23:22
BabelOso app need to roll every 2s with the text23:22
jebbawoglinde: it does add "console=ttyS2,115200n8"  which may be a neat hint  (USB debug?)23:22
xorAxAxoh, there is such a file?23:22
woglindejebba dont know23:23
BabelOxorAxAx: you mean for transmitter which official app ?23:23
xorAxAxBabelO: for receiver, you could modify the fm app. for transmitter you need your own one, indeed23:23
BabelOxorAxAx: so that what i say :) doing my own app23:23
BabelOfor receiver i wait that the developper decode rds stuff :)23:24
xorAxAxyou could file a feature request23:24
BabelOi post my rds_data a moment ago23:24
BabelOxorAxAx: yes or i can help him :) if i found the source in garage23:24
xorAxAxapt-get source ...23:25
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BabelOyes i know :)23:25
BabelObut python ..23:25
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BabelOxorAxAx: is the developper somewhere in a channel here ?23:27
xorAxAxBabelO: no idea23:29
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xorAxAxBabelO: ask in #maemo23:35
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