IRC log of #maemo-devel for Saturday, 2009-12-12

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jebba   Free devel server with /scratchbox + SDK. Let me know if you would like access.04:09
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backseatgregI have a question about deb packaging, does anyone master that ?11:51
jebbabackseatgreg: i'm not a master of .deb, but i may be able to help12:19
backseatgregheya thank you12:20
backseatgregI have my source which builds under scratchbox armel12:21
backseatgregI've created a debian directory12:21
backseatgregand added control file with basic infos12:21
backseatgregbut I don't know if it's enought or if I miss something12:21
backseatgregto explain you my problem, it's that I get source package from a website and want to make a precompiled armel package to easily deploy it12:30
jebbawhat package is it, btw?  also, if it's in debian by any chance, easiest path is to pillage it from there.12:32
jebbaas a starter at least12:32
backseatgregit's aircrack-ng suite12:36
backseatgregit's in deb but there's dependencies problem12:36
backseatgreglib versions doesn't match12:36
backseatgregI can directly build it on my n900 but it's inconvenient to have to install all the build stuff (takes disk space)12:40
jebbaah, here's a quick & dirty way to do it. Grab it from debian etch, and update the versions as you see fit.  That way you get a good debian-ish base to build from. ;)12:42
backseatgregI prefer to build it with good dependencies12:43
jebbawell, you can still do good dependencies. I guess explain " it's in deb but there's dependencies problem"12:48
jebbalots of times packages are marked like   Deps:  foo > 5.0   when it really needs just foo > 3.012:48
jebbaand the ./configure will let you know if you need to bump it or not12:49
backseatgregyep that's exactly that12:50
backseatgregso I force the install ?12:50
jebbai dont know what you mean by force the install12:51
backseatgregwith dpkg -i12:52
backseatgregto bypass version checking12:52
jebbaah, no12:54
jebbaedit debian/control  and downgrade the version numbers of the dependencies to versions you have. Then watch the ./configure to make sure it is ok with the versions.12:55
backseatgregsorry to ask this... but how do I edit the debian/control in a .deb file ?12:55
jebbayou don't edit the .deb file12:56
jebbafor instance you could enable this repo:12:56
jebbadeb-src etch main contrib12:57
jebbathen: apt-get source aircrack-ng12:57
jebbathen cd aircrack-ng_1.0.0-1/debian12:57
jebbathen edit the control file there.12:57
backseatgregI got a strange result13:06
backseatgregCould not open /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.debian.org_debian_dists_etch_main_source_Sources13:06
backseatgregit's not the first repository I add why this one is interpreted as a directory ?13:07
backseatgregfound it13:08
backseatgregapt-get update13:08
backseatgregand by the way :) do you know how to increase rootfs size on the N900 ?13:09
jebbaya, would be nice if there was an easy way  :)13:14
backseatgregyup making symlink is bad for the health :)13:16
backseatgregthanks for having taken the time to help me got to eat something, see ya13:17
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dwouldHey, does anyone know how long the garage maintenance break is due to be? I assumed it would be back up by now15:26
jebbahopefully it is because they are setting up a massive cluster :)15:30
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jebbaVDVsx: hmm, i added it and it comes up in HAM to install, but the icon isn't there in HAM (where HAM = hildon application manager--is that what you call it?)15:53
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VDVsxjebba, can I see your control file ?16:10
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jebbaVDVsx: if you want i can even give you acct on server....16:15
VDVsxjebba, seems correct16:17
VDVsxdid you used : uuencode -m icon.png icon.png > icon.png.en to create the icon16:17
jebba   <-- rules file too.   Looks like i gotta put the .desktop in the correct place.16:17
jebbauuencode -m burgerspace.png burgerspace.png > icon.png.en16:17
jebbain rules, looks like i have to move the icons to the correct places too, but this shouldnt affect the HAM.   (to make icon appear on desktop)16:19
VDVsxjebba, no the desktop icon is another story16:19
jebbaor simply:
jebbacp icons/64/supertux.png $(CURDIR)/debian/supertux-stable/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/    ala supertux way....16:20
jebba(it's not that way now, but will change to that)16:20
VDVsxjebba, where you icons now ?16:20
VDVsxnot there, at least I can't see them in the rules file16:21
jebbasymlink here  /usr/share/pixmaps/burgerspace.xpm16:22
jebbathat's where they are from what i built & installed.  The hildon icon path above is from supertux (not mine) and is what i plan to copy but havent yet16:22
VDVsxwell, afaik, the hildon-desktop only pick icons under : /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/16:24
VDVsxand you need to refresh the icon cache in the posinstall script16:24
jebbaok, doing that now. Not sure why HAM didn't pick up that other one, but wont sweat it for now.16:25
jebba        cp -p src/burgerspace.desktop $(CURDIR)/debian/supertux-stable/usr/share/applications/hildon16:25
jebbagonna do that for .desktop16:25
jebbathe icon that ships with it is a .png that is 32x32. Is this OK for  /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/ or *MUST* be 48x48?16:26
jebbaVDVsx: thx btw :)16:26
VDVsxjebba, how did you tested the app icon in the ham ? is the package in the repos ?16:27
jebbahave my own repo16:27
jebba  VDVsx16:27
VDVsxah ok16:28
VDVsxfor the icons in diablo you need an scalable or at least 64x64 for /scalable/hildon/,  one 48x48 for hicolor/48x48/hildon/, and one 26x26 for hicolor/26x26/hildon/16:30
VDVsxyou've to check for frematle because I don't remember if all are need16:30
VDVsxIIRC at least the smaller is not need anymore16:30
jebbafwiw, here's what supertux has (AFAICT packaged ok):16:32
jebba /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/supertux.png16:32
jebba /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/supertux.png16:32
jebba /usr/share/icons/hicolor/26x26/hildon/supertux.png16:32
VDVsxjebba, I did supertux port, it works but I'm not sure if its correct, since I forget to check :P16:34
VDVsxjebba, its correct to diablo16:34
jebbasurprised to see .png in scalable... ;)16:34
VDVsxits a 64x6416:34
jebbacan i just plonk a supertux-26x26.png in debian/ dir?   (I come from .rpm land, sry...)16:34
VDVsxhumm ?16:35
jebbawell, if i don't have a 26x26, i make one in gimp, can I just put it in burgerspace-1.8.4/debian  ?16:36
jebbai mean just to build it16:36
VDVsxjebba, probably you don't need that one, IIRC16:36
VDVsxjebba, check the docs16:36
jebbaok, well there isnt a 48x48 either fwiw16:37
VDVsxthe 26x26 icon is used in the side bar in diablo, that doesn't exist anymore in frematle, so no need16:38
VDVsxI guess, better check16:38
jebbaok, blew that one out, putting 64x and 48x in debian/16:40
jebbaand scaleable/  which is 64x64 png16:41
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VDVsxjebba, I can bet that .svg won't work since it uses GdkPixbufLoader, so there the reason for the .pngs there16:45
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MrChickhi there. is there a way to get networking in the maemo application framework in the maemo sdk?16:46
jebbaok, looks by dpkg --contents the icons and .desktop are all ok. :)  I am *NOT* running  gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor    because supertux didnt either.  Though this is mentioned in the docs.  OK?  (assuming docs old or something since it works for supertux)16:48
jebbaMrChick: it "just worked" for me, fwiw16:48
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MrChickmh... i have the sdk-vm, in it i have networking. but in the app framework it doesn't work :/16:49
MrChickany idea what i could try to fix that?16:50
jebbaah, i see what you mean. not sure sry.16:51
MrChickk, thanks anyways :)16:52
jebbawoo hoo, we got icon in HAM16:55
jebbavery cute too hehe16:55
jebbaand Icon appears on desktop or whatever that's called (.desktop ok).    And launches perfect.   COOOL. thanks VDVsx.  The first one is a bit painful, but now i know WTF i'm doing to make applications actually appear. thx 100x  :)16:57
VDVsxjebba, supertux updates the cache for sure16:57
jebbaVDVsx: but not in rules from what i've seen.16:57
jebbai didnt add it and all ok.16:57
VDVsxjebba, postinstall script16:58
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jebbaah see it.  Well, i didnt run that and it went fine fwiw.17:01
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jebbai'll copy yours over anyway17:03
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BabelOhi all19:10
BabelOdoes someone know how to access the menu when we click on Time over Qt ?19:11
BabelOthe menu where load applet go, or openvpn ?19:13
BabelOi want my qt app there19:13
woglindehm sorry dont know if it is accessable via qt19:14
BabelOmaybe i ve to do some extern "C" like for liblocation19:14
BabelOif no direct access19:15
ruskiehmm is there any work being done on an app that would replace the modest dbus listener for mailtos? so that one could specify what app to use as the mail app?19:33
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dwouldhey, I am just looking at adding auto-refresh to witter, and I've hit an issue which may be common... I want my background thread to sleep for a time, then call a refresh. This is in a loop which checks if the thread has been told to stop. but when the main program exits, the subthread continues until the time.sleep ends. but I don't want to poll all the time just to be quick at ending the thread at program end. Anything obvi21:48
dwouldI figured here was the place to ask, must be an issue for any threaded python app21:49
Jaffadwould: Is there a way of interrupting a thread's sleep? There is in Java (you get an InterruptedException from Thread.sleep())22:04
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ruskiewell I got xmms2 running on the n900... but I have a slight problem... how do I define it's starting volume in pulse??? or to be precise is there some specific pulse sink I should point it to?22:19
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