IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Thursday, 2010-01-07

andre__lcuk2, ordered by votes where?00:03
andre__yes, it's possible00:03
lcuk2andre__, yes, GeneralAntilles showed me earlier thanks00:03
andre__darrrn. :-P00:03
* andre__ pets GeneralAntilles00:03
GeneralAntillesandre__, don't be a creeper or I'm going to stop triaging. :P00:04
andre__ehehe. okay, I shut up and go back to the kitchen to my flatmates :-P00:05
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GeneralAntillesandre__, but you can never be free of IRC with an N900. ;)00:10
andre__GeneralAntilles, in the cinema two hours ago I simply set it to Offline Mode. Worked fine ;-)00:27
GeneralAntillesandre__, lol.00:27
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* andre__ having fun with some brokenness of nokia's internal database upgrade16:03
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VDVsxandre__, seems that everything is broken these days :D16:56
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GeneralAntillesandre__, ping?17:43
GeneralAntillesbug #775017:43
povbot`Bug 7750: Increase Bugzilla votes limit17:44
andre__GeneralAntilles, ?17:44
andre__yeah, there's a report. I've seen it. ;-)17:44
GeneralAntillesOK, what do you think? ;)17:44
andre__currently nothing.17:45
andre__that's why I didn't comment on it :)17:45
GeneralAntillesOK, fair enough.17:45
GeneralAntillesI don't have an opinion about it, either.17:46
GeneralAntillesI'm leaning towards scarcity being an important factor in keeping votes meaningful, however.17:48
GeneralAntillesPlus changing the number sounds like a total pain in the ass.17:48
andre__yeah, both are reasons17:50
andre__but I'll think about it a bit17:50
GeneralAntillesI've yet to max out my votes on any product.17:51
GeneralAntillesAs a data point. ;)17:51
VDVsxhumm, 20 for cat is more than enough for me, but I'm not too picky :P17:54
GeneralAntillesandre__, as the topic for our next bug day, I think we should try to power through all of the UNCONFIRMED bugs we can.17:56
andre__sounds good17:56
GeneralAntillesandre__, have you added nsschedule to bugzilla?17:59
andre__i haven't seen any request for it18:00
GeneralAntillesOK, because it's linking to b.m.o as its tracker.18:00
GeneralAntillesAh, nevermind.18:00
andre__people should not set fake values.18:00
* GeneralAntilles is slow this morning.18:00
GeneralAntillesGrr, people are triaging bugs out from under me this morning. :P18:02
GeneralAntillesDoes Igor really not have a bugzilla account?18:07
GeneralAntillesHis input on bug #7633 would be really useful18:08
andre__which igor?18:10
andre__that one is planned for PR1.2 it seems18:11
andre__he does have an account18:13
andre__bug I doubt that he can add more than "yes, we're working on this"18:13
GeneralAntillesHrm, I couldn't find it when I tried to add him to CC.18:13
andre__uh? maybe I'm wrong18:14
andre__hmm. darrn. cannot find him either. :-(18:14
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andre__Announcement: Please note that will be partially down tomorrow due to migration to new servers.20:32
GeneralAntillesandre__, woo.20:33
andre__This week will set new levels of service downtimes. Nokia's internal system also was down due to upgrades20:34
* andre__ dislikes changing his workflows without warnings20:34
GeneralAntillesI wish we could have a nice period of good service like we had at the end of the Summer.20:35
VDVsxandre__, ML &TMO please ;)20:36
andre__I currently only want Nokia to fix their quite broken bugmail after their upgrade - would make me happy already ;-(20:36
andre__VDVsx, Ferenc wrote that on qaiku20:36
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, I triaged most of the MicroB bugs for 1.1 already.20:36
VDVsxandre__, IMO, ML is better for that kind of things20:37
andre__GeneralAntilles, oh great20:37
andre__VDVsx, I'll send an email20:37
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, I can't found one about the "about:config" no accepting integers, I also didn't received a update on that bug,20:38
GeneralAntillesJust 3 or 4 that I was too lazy to review or didn't have the required stuff for.20:38
VDVsx*can't find20:38
VDVsxfound it:
povbot`Bug 6270: OK button remains disabled in dialog for Integer settings in about:config20:41
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, I resolved it, mark it fixed.20:43
VDVsxthanks :)20:43
GeneralAntillesandre__, by the way, thanks for being the ever persistent voice of reason among the cacophony of insanity that often is Talk and the mailing lists. :)20:46
andre__GeneralAntilles, errr... okay? You're welcome :)20:47
andre__not that I'd call myself sane though :-P20:47
GeneralAntillesandre__, there was a post on Talk a few days ago that I wanted to thank you for but you were offline at the time.20:48
GeneralAntillesJust recalled.20:48
GeneralAntillesOr maybe it was weeks.20:49
GeneralAntillesDon't recall now.20:49
GeneralAntillesAnyway, thanks. ;)20:49
andre__hehe, np :)20:54
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andre__anybody with PR1.1 access having seen ?22:06
povbot`Bug 7167: Random account setup popups appear22:06
wolf^andre__, it's quite random really22:07
andre__yeah. it confuses me22:07
andre__because I cannot find any similar internal report22:07
wolf^(i say this as reporter, not pr1.1 user)22:07
frals(42-11 here and im also getting it)22:07
fralsnot with gmail thou22:08
fralsor well "getting it" - ive seen it once or twice, but i ignored it as i was doing using the device and assumed i clicked it away by mistake (which i might have, in which case its not the same)22:10
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evoquestion about bugzilla: I noted that an alias was added to some bugs, something like int-xxxxxx .. what does it mean?23:34
andre__evo: Nokia has an internal bug database23:37
andre__currently this is the way to link them against each other23:37
andre__and yeah, I'm that bottleneck doing this :-P23:37
evoandre__: thanks23:40
andre__darn, I expected yet another general debate how useless it is to have two bugtrackers that we simply all agree on :-P23:40
evoandre__: I hope you got all my mails (link to mp3 files to test)23:40
andre__I'm quite behind23:41
andre__and service downtimes don't make it easier :-/23:41
evoandre__: don't worry, I sent you dropbox links, not actual files to avoid to fill your INBOX23:41
andre__fill it! :-P23:42
andre__no, I remember it23:42
andre__just don't know when I will have time :-/23:42
andre__currently concentrating on reports filed by PR1.1 community testers23:42
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andre__because they are "fresher" and more recent (and that Nokia should allow public testing of internal versions is another debate, there's a Brainstorm ticket for that)23:43
andre__....prioritizing :-/23:43
evoanyway I think the bug was confirmed, there's a problem in dealing with music albums with the same name23:43
evoI'm fighting against myself to not ask if you know when the new firmware will be available :P23:44
andre__but I listened to Robbie Williams. Thanks for that :-D23:44
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andre__evo, honestly, I don't know it. I have some ideas, but they are not confirmed by any Nokians.23:44
andre__I'm myself a bit pissed, remembering that "Portrait Browsing for Christmas" was announced at the summit23:45
andre__that's not the way to make users loyal and happy23:45
evoandre__: of course these bugs will be fixed in a future revision, not this one upcoming23:45
andre__for PR1.1 it's already very late. testing in place, but not bugfixing anymore.23:46
andre__or, to be correct, only critical issues23:46
evoagreed about the "portrait browsing for christmas"23:47
* andre__ needs a beer and a shower23:50
VDVsx_evo, some got it for Christmas :D23:51
andre__I might be too stupid to find out how to activate browser portrait mode then :-P23:52
fralsctrl shift o23:52
evoVDVsx_: heh, you mean that bug happened by accident? I saw the video on youtube23:52
frals(i think ;))23:52
VDVsx_andre__, its in a bug report23:53
evoactually the thing I'm more impatient to have fixed is the "really expunge email from server"23:53
VDVsx_evo, no, I'm talking about the real portrait mode23:53
andre__my girlfriend also ran into portrait mode by accident :-D23:53
VDVsx_yerga too, taking a screenshot23:54
andre__she got me a screenshot. but then I found out that they had fixed it internally already :'(23:54
andre__hence no extra chocolate for her! :-P23:54
fralsmy gf has eyed my N900 greedily ever since she used it the first time23:55
VDVsx_frals, give her a gift :p23:55
andre__mine grabbed one at the maemo summit, and now is afraid of giving it back after six months23:55
andre__she basically shows it to everybody, and already convinced two people to buy it. that's what i call "saving my job"! ;-)23:56
fralsVDVsx_: yeah, gave her a nice champagne and shes still eyeing my phone ;D23:56
VDVsx_frals, no, you need to offer a € 600 gift... an N900 :P23:57
fralsyeah... ive realised that :(23:58
andre__who wants diamants anyway?23:58
VDVsx_quite expensive23:58
andre__err... diamonds23:58
VDVsx_true, ehehe23:58
VDVsx_gadget are more awesome23:58
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