IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2010-01-06

andre__I mean, on Planet Maemo only stuff is published that I tag in the "maemo" category00:00
andre__while on planet gnome all my english posts end up00:00
andre__though I must say that Planet Maemo in the last weeks also had a lot of uninteresting bla bla00:00
VDVsxoh, they don't filter by tags/cats ?00:02
VDVsxdidn't knew that, that's explain a lot00:02
GeneralAntillesandre__, it's all the new bloggers jumping on the bandwagon.00:02
andre__VDVsx, I think everybody can choose for planet gnome whether to limit/filter postings somehow or not00:03
andre__GeneralAntilles, that's fine, but some post on a more than daily basis about everything and the kitchensink00:03
VDVsxandre__, ah, so you're one of the bad guys00:04
* VDVsx blames andre__ for quiting planet Gnome :P00:04
GeneralAntillesandre__, indeed.00:04
andre__VDVsx, haha, well, I pretty much never blog about personal things in english nowadays00:05
VDVsxandre__, true :p, but seriously some people abuse a lot, and I'm not the only one with that opinion00:05
GeneralAntillesandre__, worst part is when Nokia makes a big announcement and it's mirrored on a dozen blogs.00:05
andre__oh yeah00:05
andre__VDVsx, define "abuse"00:05
* GeneralAntilles is so glad to be back on the big rig.00:06
jebbathat's a pretty funny attachment still hah00:06
andre__jebba, hehehe00:06
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, let's make commercial bloggers pay to get on Planet.00:06
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, if their karma goes negative then we warn them.00:07
GeneralAntillesAfter 3 months with negative karma we revoke membership.00:07
VDVsxandre__, as I said a lot of stuff about their personal lifes + a lot of political stuff (Iran conflict) + other random off topic things00:07
andre__GeneralAntilles, ah. that's cool, didn't know00:07
andre__VDVsx, I see. I wouldn't call it abuse as per definition of planet gnome, but definitely offtopic, yeah00:08
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, eheh00:08
GeneralAntillesandre__, tongue-in-cheek proposal, not actually a thing. :P00:08
VDVsxandre__, its a abuse for the readers after all the discussions that happened00:08
GeneralAntillesI'd read News instead if it didn't take so long for good articles to hit it and didn't miss so many others.00:09
andre__VDVsx, don't know. Most of the time I like it, but probably because I know nearly all people. But there's definitely a big request for an ontopic only planet too, yeah00:09
VDVsxandre__, I has the same feeling in the past, but then it started to increase more and more, and started to be a bit annoying :(00:10
VDVsxmore people sign in thus more offtopic stuff00:11
* andre__ should get some proposal done for guadec conference maybe00:12
andre__I see your points00:12
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, did you saw that :
povbot`Bug 7315: X Terminal application icon looks ugly compared with previous versions00:12
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, there's a lot to be said for a small tight-knit community.00:12
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, which is why I'm sure we need to open #maemo-cabal. :P00:12
andre__cabal proposals always remind me of my favorite email by DanW:
VDVsxandre__, make Gnome planet more ontopic seems very easy, and don't hurt anyone, I guess :)00:14
andre__it's on my 2010 list ;-)00:15
* andre__ moves away his 2009 list with lots of things never done or completed00:15
VDVsxah the SUCKS/RULES email :p00:15
andre__well, I learned a lot from that email at that time00:16
GeneralAntillesShit, we're in 2010 aren't we?00:17
GeneralAntillesAnybody checked the 2010 objective list?00:17
andre__no. I still refuse to believe that it's another year00:18
VDVsxyes, a lot to be done in nokia side :P00:18
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, lol.00:19
* andre__ this time somehow missed the traditional new year's "This will be the year of Linux on the Desktop!" postings, like for the last 15 years00:19
VDVsxa lot of the objectives are in progress00:20
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* VDVsx innovate and posts "This will be the year of Linux on mobile phones!"00:20
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, go troll all of the iPhone/Android/WinMob/LiMo/Pandora forums about how Maemo will defeat them all.00:21
GeneralAntillesI love how they stole the ocean imagery.00:22
andre__good night everybody00:22
andre__see you tomorrow :)00:22
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VDVsxat least they didn't steal one of Qole's photos, lol00:23
VDVsxdid you saw his photo in some adverts ? lol00:24
GeneralAntillesWait, what?00:25
VDVsxlet me find it00:25
VDVsxnot is face, but a photo taken by him00:26
VDVsxlook at the small letters00:28
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jebbadoh, how do you put a screenshot on your package in Extras?02:06
fnordianslipeeeuse the javascript menu to edit the page then upload the pic02:26
jebbafnordianslipeee: cool thx. Got it working on the package page, but the front page is still showing "?".  lcuk suggests it's due to caching.02:32
jebbaactually kind of took me by surprise. Had i known that i definitely would have made sure a good image was there.02:32
jebbai'm cringing right now cuz i made the front page so ugly. the burgers so much better ;)02:33
fnordianslipeeelol.  you should upload pron to make up for it :)  you could say that you misread it and thought it said "flesh" not "fresh"02:37
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lcuk2good point, thx VDVsx21:28
lcuk2hey bugs \o21:28
lcuk2can i ask, is there a way to list bugs on bmo ordered by votes21:28
lcuk2i cant find any way whatsoever21:28
VDVsxandre__, ^ ;)21:29
lcuk2anyone really21:29
* lcuk2 isnt fussy who manages to get me the incantation21:29
GeneralAntilleslcuk2, see down at the bottom of the buglist where it says "Change Columns"?22:13
lcuk2hole on GeneralAntilles22:18
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lcuk2GeneralAntilles, :D thank you kind sir22:26
lcuk2non intuitive but effective22:27

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