IRC log of #europython for Saturday, 2009-04-11

dreimark will that be used again ?00:11
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lacI am here now14:54
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Tartley_hi all14:57
lachi Johathan14:59
Tartley_Hi there l.a.c. :-)14:59
lacfun site I found today
Tartley_oh yeah - har! brilliant14:59
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lacHi John15:00
pinnerlac: Are you in black?15:01
Tartley_lac: that is really fun, thanks.15:01
pinnerlac: for the GothConf?15:01
lacGothCon is not about Goth the vampire look.  It's because this is Gothenburg.  Its the oldest gaming conference in the world15:02
lacas far as I know15:02
pinnerlac: Just joking ;-)15:02
lac33 years old this year.15:02
pinnerso it's just the 3 of us here?15:03
lacso far at any rate15:03
pinnerquality, not quantity!15:04
pinnerso do we start?15:05
lacok by me.15:06
lacTartley: we tried to do more on Thursday, but only succeeded in giving me 2 talks,15:06
Tartley_gotcha, thx15:07
lac31 and 3215:07
lacso we are at 33 now.15:07
pinnerTOPIC Introduction to RobotFramework15:07
pinnerLooks OK to me, may have to reduce it from 60 to 45 minutes15:07
lacWhat is our character limit for titles?15:08
Tartley_he spells atdd wrong inte title. i'll fix that15:09
Tartley_in the des, I mean15:09
lacin the abstract too,15:09
Tartley_oh yeah, got it15:09
lache has it wrong 2 times and right once.  hmmm.15:10
lacmy other problem with it is that I would have expected from its name to be a framework for programming robots15:10
laccan we make a more descriptive title?  or is that not needed15:11
Tartley_like 'acceptance testing using robotframework'15:11
Tartley_or 'with'15:11
pinnerassign to you, Jonathan?15:12
Tartley_got it. Next?15:12
pinnerDECISION Accept Talk 33, assign to tartley_15:13
pinnerTOPIC Text-based Acceptance Testing15:13
lacwe have to consider this will the tutorial15:14
pinnerlac: have we had Geoff Bache before?I remember Emily from Goteborg15:14
lacThey are married15:14
pinnerlac: I'd assumed so15:15
lacAnd Geoff has talked about TextTest before.15:15
Tartley_Dumb question: I didn't see the new 'accepted by' field last time. Is this intended to store the talk's 'champion' ?15:15
pinnerlac; Tutorial for only 45 minutes?15:15
pinnertartley_: no, but that would be sensible15:15
Tartley_alright, I'll hold off, can discuss that later15:16
lacno tutorial is 3615:16
lac38 is the first part of 36 cut out and made into a shorter talk15:16
pinnerDECISION Use 'Accepted by' field for Champion15:17
Tartley_hooray. thx.15:17
lacso are we going to have tutorials before or after or running concurrently with talks15:17
Tartley_I'll populate them all after this meeting15:17
pinnerACTION nick to change field title15:17
pinnerlac: before for >= half-day tutorials15:18
pinnerlac: could have short ones in body of main conference15:18
lacOk, so how this would work, then, is that Geoff gives his tutorial15:18
lacand then some other day he gives the first part again, as a talk.15:19
pinnerlac: yes, that would work well15:19
lacwell, the other would work better, I think, because people who got a taste could sign up for the tutorial15:20
lacbut that's now how things are.  And I have no idea how many people will be interested anyway.15:20
lacHe keeps talking about this stuff at the local python users group, and I still think that text testing tools are15:20
pinnerpoint taken, but not practical this year15:21
lacin general not what you want, except to check that your documentation is working, and then15:21
lacdoctest is better.  So what happens if we offer a tutorial and nobody much is interested?15:21
lacdo we cancel it?15:21
pinnerlac: yes15:21
pinnerlac: We would have some sort of minimum number, say 815:22
lacThen my earlier objection to having the tutorial duplicated in the talk goes away.15:22
lacI now think that accepting both the talk and the tutorial is a fine idea.15:22
pinnerlac: and make it clear to tutors that they have to reach that number15:22
lacthis means we have to decide on the number.15:23
pinnerlac: and *if* we pay them per student they have an incentive to market it15:23
lacare we expecting the students to pay?15:23
pinnerlac: they are paying15:24
lacah, I did not know that.  I think I had better learn this stuff.  what url?15:24
pinnerthe decision on minimum numbers can wait15:24
pinnerearly bird tutorials is £7015:25
pinnerand we might pay tutors, say £25 per student per full day15:26
lacAh, and I remember that now.15:26
pinnerprovided that they meet conditions like having tutorial notes/handouts15:26
pinnerOK, so we're accepting this one, right? Champion lac?15:27
* lac nods15:27
pinnerDECISION Accept Text-based Acceptance Testing talk, and Hands-on testing with TextTest tutorial, champion lac15:28
Tartley_can I suggest that each champion adds their own name to today's discussed items in 'accepted by', since they are most likely to be messing with and saving changes to other fields anyway15:28
Tartley_Earlier I meant I'll populate field for all previously discussed ones. I think that is least confusing way to do it.15:28
pinnertartley_: good idea(s)15:29
lacTartley_: ok by me15:29
pinnerDECISION champion adds their own name to discussed items and edits them15:29
Tartley_next then, PyUseCase:15:29
pinnerTOPIC PyUseCase: Testing PyGTK GUIs15:30
Tartley_right, :-)15:30
pinnerI wish it handled PyQt15:30
pinnerTesting seems to have taken over from Zope as the favourite topic15:31
Tartley_Right, and wish it handled IronPython Windows.Forms for me. sounds cool.15:32
lacHave we even seen a Zope talk?15:32
pinnerlac: I think so, can't remember who15:32
Tartley_PyUseCase looks good though. How about the usual caveat to try being a bit more explanitory in the Desc: field.15:33
lacindeed.  I can tell Geoff that.15:33
pinnertesting guis: I'm not sure why this can't be more general, at least on Linux, they all use X after all15:33
Tartley_hmmmm... yes, one would suspect so. Maybe they can, with some work.15:33
pinnerlac: shall we ask him to address that issue (portability)15:34
lacsounds like a fine idea.15:34
Tartley_maybe a few words on that from him would inspire ppl in audience to chase it up15:34
pinnerBut it sounds like we're all happy with this one, accept, assign to lac and move on?15:35
Tartley_yes, good.15:35
* lac nods15:35
pinnerDECISION Accept PyUseCase: Testing PyGTK GUIs, assign to lac15:35
pinnerTOPIC GIL isn't evil15:36
pinnerRussel is a very competent, entertaining and controversial speaker15:36
lacbecause he is likely to be preaching to the lynch mob, here. :)15:37
pinnerand I suggest we accept both his talks, I wonder if we need to ask for any more detail15:37
pinnerlac: he'll like that15:37
lacBut could you image this happening to, say Geoff French?15:38
Tartley_Minor: CSP needs expansion.15:38
lacsome people wouldn't want this result ....15:38
pinnerlac: Geoff would not like it!15:38
pinnerI'll take Russel's talks if you want, he needs to discuss his kit anyway15:39
Tartley_oh: and: I assume that was lac assigned to all three of Geoffrey Bache's?15:40
pinnertartley_: yes15:40
pinnerDECISION Accept GIL isn't Evil, assign to pinner, explain CSP15:41
pinnerTOPIC SCons the Builder15:42
pinnerI think this is advocating using a Python tool instead of make15:42
pinnerhe's given the talk before, to a C++ audience, but I've never seen it15:42
Tartley_great, could be really handy thing to find out about. Usual caveats?15:43
Tartley_Shall I take this one?15:44
* lac says go right ahead15:44
pinnertartley_: if you wish?15:44
Tartley_actually, I'm not sure the desc needs any more specifics15:44
Tartley_does it?15:44
pinnerI don't think so15:44
Tartley_alright then.15:44
pinnerDECISION Accept SCons the Builder, assign to tartley15:45
lacI don't know if he is going to talk about his particular tool, or about a family of them15:45
Tartley_I guess it sounds pretty 'scons' specific to me, albeit with some context about how dynamic languages change the game somehow. shall I get him to clarify that then?15:46
pinnerlac: the whole history, I think make -> ant -> SCons15:46
pinnertartley_: yes, I think so15:46
Tartley_ok. makes sense. thx.15:46
pinnerTOPIC Things I helped create15:46
lacwhat I want to know is who should attend.  People who want to learn how to use Scons?  People who want a history of it?15:46
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lacHi Samuele15:47
pinnerlac: let tartley ask him to expand on audience15:47
pedronislac: hi15:47
pinnerHello Samuele!15:47
pinnerback to faassen's talk15:48
Tartley_got it.15:48
Tartley_hi samuele15:48
pinnerpedronis: we're discussing Talk 39, Things I helped create, from Martijn faassen15:49
lacI think we can accept this as it stands.15:49
pinnerGood to have a talk from faassen, looks a bit philosophical15:49
pinnerI'd like to see him giving a short tutorial on elementtree as well15:50
pinnerlac: agreed15:50
pedronismaybe he was inspired by ian bicking talk at pycon15:50
lacl was talking to him earlier about the hurry.resource talk, so I can talk to him about this one, too15:50
pinnerpedronis: i THINK IT PREDATES15:50
lacshall I ask him for an elementtree tutorial as well?15:51
pinnerpedronis: ... predates that15:51
pinnerlac: yes, I take it that this is assigned to you then?15:51
lacmakes things tidy, at any rate15:51
* pedronis everything is inspired by everything, in any order15:51
pinnerDECISION Accept Things I helped create, assign to lac15:51
pinnerTOPIC Jumping worlds with Python15:52
lacThis seems to be an orphan talk -- no other talks I have read seem to go well with it.  But it sounds good to me.15:53
pinnerMakes a change: glueing libraries, not apps15:53
pinnersounds like 'Python in Action' to me15:54
pinnerhe has good credentials15:54
pinnerthe more that people use Python for these odd tasks, the more they're likely to use it for full-blown apps15:55
pinnerwe could partner it with Talk 44 'Python as a glue language'15:56
* lac nods15:56
pinnertartley_: are you happy with it?15:57
lacat any rate there are always the odd ones that stick out.15:57
Tartley_out of interest, are we happy with the number of talks each person is getting. Do we want to shift direction on that.15:57
Tartley_but yes, I am happy with it15:57
Tartley_figures thus far are:15:57
Tartley_qwright & pinner415:57
Tartley_(the 42 is 'assigned to no-one yet)15:58
Tartley_I'm happy, but wondering if I should / could take more, since it's eminintly something I *can* do, and there are doubtless a million others I can't15:58
Tartley_as in other things I can't do15:58
lacI am in the same position, being that I am not in Birmingham15:59
pinnerI'm trying to keep my talks low, but I think moreati could take more if he wants, and what about...15:59
lacI thought that moreati had 2, actually16:00
pinnerpedronis: do you want to take an active role?16:00
Tartley_ok, well i guess it helps me to make explicit what we had all i guess understood anyway, pinner should only take on ones where there is good reason for him to do so.16:00
Tartley_lac: should we count on divvying them up (which means I have some catching up to do)16:00
lacI know that Samuele is insanely busy.16:00
Tartley_apart from the odd ones which make a lot of sense to go to other people16:01
Tartley_which is sort-of informally what we've been doing16:01
Tartley_I was just wondering if everyone was happy with that16:01
lac(I keep assigning him the work that makes him so.)16:01
Tartley_sounds like they are16:01
Tartley_alright. I'll try to catch up with lac.16:01
lacthis is fine with me16:01
* pedronis is lurking, really, honestly16:01
pinnerShall I add pedronis to the staff anyway?16:01
pedronisat the conference?16:02
pinnerpedronis: no, the Django talks system16:02
Tartley_cool. I'm happy. I can take Jumping worlds. We can proceed AFAIK16:02
pedronispinner: no, Laura is quite right, I'm quite busy, supposedly resting right now16:03
pinnerpedronis: OK, I'll not add you16:04
pinnerwhere were we? Jumping Worlds I think16:05
Tartley_yes. I am happy to take it16:05
pinnerDECISION Accept Jumping worlds with Python, assign to tartley16:05
Tartley_sounds potentially interesting16:05
Tartley_I guess my intererst would be piqued more if he mentioned some of the types of problems they found and overcame16:06
Tartley_I'll mention that to him.16:06
* lac nods16:06
pinnerI need to stop soon, one more talk for me, no reason why you shouldn't carry on though16:06
pinnerTOPIC Zope Page Templates16:06
lacaccept the talk. Needs a more expanded abstract16:08
lacwhich basically says who would be interested in ZPT16:08
pinnerI know nothing of Zope, but he seems to have the experience16:08
lacwhy should you use them in your project?16:08
Tartley_right - i was just thinking same thing - what can they be used for16:08
pinnerthe trouble with all Zope talks I've been to is that they assume familiarity with Zope and its culture16:09
pinnerso maybe be need to tell him to avoid that trap16:09
lacyes, well this talk is supposed to be for people outside of the culture.16:09
pinnerespecially if they are hist target!16:10
Tartley_Alright. Sounds very fair.16:10
lacand we had better let him know that his audience can be expected to never even have heard of ZPT before16:10
pinnerlac: looks like he should be assigned to you, then16:10
lacI'm fine with this.16:11
pinnerDECISION Accept Zope Page Templates, assign to lac16:11
pinnerI need to leave now, is that OK with you guys?16:11
Tartley_I'm alreday typing a precis of what you just said into the reviewer comments, do you want me to hit 'update' on this one?16:11
pinnertartley_: OK with me16:12
lacyes, I am happy with your precis16:12
lacand you can take the talk if you like.16:12
pinnerI'll stay logged on for a bit though16:12
Tartley_yes, that's ok. bye!16:13
Tartley_lac: and sure, I'll take a few at least until I catch up with your number of assigned talks.16:13
Tartley_alright. Can anyone say 'topic' ?16:14
lactake care John16:14
lacyou mean the freenode /topic for this channel?16:14
lacor things like DECISION16:15
lacor ...?16:15
Tartley_yes, things like DECISIO?16:15
lacanybody can do this.16:15
Tartley_alright then16:15
Tartley_TOPIC The Coder's Dojo16:15
lacdo you want the ZPY talk? of so we need to redo DECISION16:16
lacer ZPT16:16
Tartley_ah. didn't see that16:16
Tartley_yes then, might as well16:16
laccause now it is officially mine16:16
Tartley_DECISION assign Zope Page Templates to tartley after all16:16
lacokay.  The Dojo is a tutorial like thing.16:17
lacEmily has run several16:17
Tartley_sounds very interesting indeed, to me16:18
lacThey can be fun.  But it gets chaotic if you have top-down-design and bottom-up-design16:19
lacpeople all trying to do what they would each call 'a tiny exercise' about the same problem16:19
Tartley_alright. If she has done it before presumably she provides sufficient guidance to circumvent. We can mention it to her as a concern? Or is she all over it?16:19
lacbut that will be Emily's problem, not ours.  Oh she knows all about it.16:20
Tartley_har har. alright then.16:20
lacIt happens at our local python meetup all the time.16:20
lacso accept the tutorial, assign to me?16:21
Tartley_Alright, superb. Sounds like the London python meetup should try something like that. I'll look forward to emily's thing a lot, if I can then.16:21
lacwell, then, maybe you should take it.16:21
Tartley_I'd love to16:22
lacThere is no law that I get all the Göteborskas16:22
lacDECISION assign the Coder's Dojo to Tartley, and accept it16:23
Tartley_TOPIC Clean Code Challenge16:24
Tartley_it's emily again, so I'm happy to take this too16:25
lacoh, and the decription is too short.  its sort of 'goals'16:25
lacthat was for the Dojo16:25
lacthis looks like fun, too.16:26
Tartley_I infer it16:27
lacDECISION assign clean code to Tartley, and accept it16:27
Tartley_I infer it's in good hands, but the same caveat applies, use the description to sell / describe the talk more, and the abstract to summarise content16:27
* lac nods16:27
lacThis seems to be the general pattern.16:28
Tartley_possibly cut'n'past part of absract to desc will perfectly sufficient in this case16:28
lacThus we need to make the talk submission app explain this more, I think, for next year16:28
Tartley_right. I'll add that to the wiki after we finish up16:29
lacTOPIC Python as a Glue Language16:29
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lacThis talk really needs a longer title.16:30
lacI wonder if we really cannot do something about that limitation.16:31
lacBecause its not about Python as a general glue language at all, and is of interest, as far as I can tell, only to VIM users16:31
Tartley_yes exactly16:32
Tartley_dissapointment on both sides: people who went, AND poeple who missed it16:32
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lac the visual_studio.vim plugin16:33
lachow many letter do we have anyway?16:33
Tartley_I'm not sure16:34
lacAha, I tried, and it fit16:35
lacnow for capitalisation16:35
Tartley_Is the limit on the input field for new talk submission16:35
lacwell, that wasn't the limited when martijn submitted the Hurry.Resource talk16:36
lacat any rate it is shorter than other titles we are accepting, so I changed it.16:37
Tartley_right. we can even comfortable get:16:37
Tartley_Python as a glue language: The Visual_Studio.vim plugin16:37
Tartley_as one title16:37
Tartley_I'll take it again, unless you really are interested / familiar with submitter16:39
lacyou take it, I have changed the title,16:39
Tartley_got iyt16:39
lacbut I doubt that we really have this much room, and John  or Zeth will come back and tell us that this will not print16:40
Tartley_is it worth cajoling people to provide timings, as a sort of assurance they know how long their talks are16:40
Tartley_i see16:40
Tartley_I thought it was specified to be just long enough for that16:40
Tartley_I may be wrong16:40
lacI thought the same, but I also thought that it was somehting like 32 chars.16:40
lacso I need a real expert.16:41
Tartley_I see. I'll email Zeth to ask.16:41
lacYou can ask people for timings, but most people either already know it, in which case it is superfluous, or they don't, guess, and get it wrong16:41
lacmaking them guess and get it wrong can help their next presentation timing, but has little effect on this one16:42
lacsame as estimating anything.16:42
Tartley_fair enough. OK16:42
lacDECISION: accept  Python as a glue language: The Visual_Studio.vim plugin, check the title length, assign to Tartley16:43
Tartley_got it16:44
Tartley_TOPIC Python Climate Data Publishing16:44
lacI have no idea about this talk.16:45
lacit is another orphan.16:45
lacI am fine with letting people discuss their research, though.16:46
Tartley_is it worth, asking for a sort of overview of sections of the talk,16:46
Tartley_the description sounds high level16:46
Tartley_and I'd be more compelled to attend if I could see lower level detail of what the content was16:46
lacthis would make sense.16:46
lacassign to you and have you ask him?16:47
Tartley_TOPIC Introducing FluidDB16:49
Tartley_i did it again16:49
Tartley_is it worth resetting the topic to the last one to log the decision16:50
Tartley_or does it not track which topics decisions are made within?16:50
Tartley_DECISION: accept Python Climate Data Publishing, assign to tartley, ask for more low-level info about talk content16:51
lacI think you have to retopic, but not sure.16:51
lacits just somebodys python script16:51
Tartley_figured. live and learn. ok16:51
lacTOPIC introducing FluidDB16:52
* pinner is lurking16:52
lacJohn!  how big in chars can a title be?16:53
pinnerthe script needs you to be systematic, it has no intelligence16:53
lacI am very interested in this talk.  We did something similar, but not at the db level.  Because people really want to16:54
pinnerlac: we were aiming for 32 chars because that means that titles on the web page and especially the timetable are sensible16:54
pinnerbut I'm not sure what actually got implemented, I'll check...16:54
lacarbitrarily tag teir data and searches.16:54
lacSo I think this talk will be very interesting to me.16:55
Tartley_lac: right, clearly it's a hot topic, no doubt will be interesting.16:55
Tartley_I think the desc. could steal some parts of the abstract, explaining why the DB is special.16:56
Tartley_but that's minor16:56
pinnerOK, in the submission screen Zeth limited title to 30 (obviously he doesn't think in hex), but in the16:56
lacdo you want it?16:58
Tartley_I'm very happy to take it. We're even now. for the record16:58
pinnertalks nick has made it 80 for some reason.16:58
* pinner lurks again...16:59
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lacpinner: should we make sure the titles fit in 32?17:02
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Tartley_did you do a decision?17:02
lacnot yet17:02
Tartley_here it is:17:02
Tartley_I was just thinking very minor suggestions about moving parts of abstract into description (about goals abd background of talk)17:03
lacsounds fine to me.17:03
Tartley_and clarifying early on (maybe even in title) that this is one of those newfangled 'schemaless' databases17:04
Tartley_because that will attract attention: people want to know about these things17:04
lacnot sure if we have room in the title, as it is unclear if we have 80 chars or 32.17:04
lacbut I am fine with the idea.17:04
Tartley_DECISION: Accept Introducing FluidDB, assign to Tartley, minor shuffle of pertinent info higher into description17:04
Tartley_TOPIC Twisted, AMQP and Thrift17:05
Tartley_oh, by the way, how long do you have today?17:05
Tartley_if we plan to keep going long, we could call a 'tea break' if you want to be civilised17:06
Tartley_needs expansion of AMQP acronym - although there is a good description of it in 'glossary' at end17:08
lacI would like to make tea now, too17:08
lacI have an interesting time constraint.17:09
Tartley_ok, lets boil a kettle each. How so?17:09
lacJacob came back from skiing yesterday.17:09
lacHe is asleep now. :)17:09
lacWhen he wakes up I should do things with him.17:09
Tartley_alight. I'm laughing.17:09
lacBut I have no clue when that will be.17:09
Tartley_Very understandble, no problem. Well let's just work with that then, that's fine by me17:10
lacand i am not waking him up to check.17:10
lacSo .... tea now.17:10
Tartley_back in a few mins. no hurry17:10
lacI am back now17:20
Tartley_hey me too17:20
lacmine's rooibos.17:21
Tartley_there's quite a bit to digest in 'Twisted AMQP and Thift'17:21
lacafrican bush tea17:22
lacvery tasty, no caffeine17:23
Tartley_ahar! I see. Well alright. Mine's plain old Typhoo, what I would call "English Breakfast" type tea17:23
lacpopularised by Alexander McCall Smith in the Lady's Detective Agency, and the subsequent17:23
Tartley_I see. Very fancy. :-)17:24
lacOk.  I think that the Twisted AMQP and Thrift talk may need 1 hour.17:24
Tartley_well alright, that doesn't sound unreasonable.17:25
lacI think there will be lots of discussion.17:25
lacI think we need to get Twisted defined for the program17:26
Tartley_right. I agree.17:26
lacotherwise I think we should just go with it.17:27
lacand remember not to schedule it against fluidDB17:28
Tartley_got it17:28
Tartley_I have a (very small) list of 'constraints' - I'll add it to that now17:28
Tartley_got that. Have typed up a 'reviewer comments' field.17:31
lacsince you are doing this, you should do the decision: accept stuff17:31
Tartley_right. good call.17:31
lacbecause you will know when you are done typing and I will not rush you17:32
Tartley_planned decsn: Accept 'Twisted, AMQP and Thrift', assign to Tartley, extend to 1 hour slot, request includes brief explanation of Twisted, move some content from Abstact into decision, consider rewording both with review to 'audience' point of view17:33
lacand assign to Tartley17:34
Tartley_DECISION: Accept 'Twisted, AMQP and Thrift', assign to Tartley, extend to 1 hour slot, request includes brief explanation of Twisted, move some content from Abstact into description, consider rewording both with review to 'audience' point of view17:34
Tartley_got that17:34
lacI just cannot read.  Sorry17:35
pinnertitles : try to keep to 32, but don't17:35
pinnerhave to be slavish about it17:35
Tartley_pinner: thanks, that's great to know17:36
pinnermy daughter has arrived, so I've just popped in17:36
* pinner leaves the room17:36
Tartley_TOPIC Test-O-Matic17:36
lacOk, the abstract is what I would call the description17:36
lacin the abstract, I would like to know what this talk is going to do.17:36
lacwrite code? show off code? talk about philosophy? what?17:37
lacAlso, what are we going to do about the photo?17:38
lacLeave it as is?17:39
Tartley_the photo isn't a dealbreaker, imho, but I'd prefer a real headshot if we can17:39
Tartley_maybe they don't want to. Should I sound out how receptive they sound to that.17:39
Tartley_ie. submitting a real headshot?17:40
lacsounds like a good plan to me.17:40
lacIt may be that they are just being silly.17:40
lacAnd, in general, I am in favour of silliness17:40
Tartley_fair enough. I've never knowingly been against it, that's for sure.17:41
lacso do you want me to take this one? I think that you are ahead now.17:42
Tartley_ok then.17:43
Tartley_I have a 'reviewer comments' field mostly done though17:44
Tartley_oh, btw, I'm pretty much prefixing all my 'reviewer comments' with 'this is AWESOME, and the following changes would be good'17:46
Tartley_in case we end up round-tripping this data back to the submitters17:46
lacI think maybe I would like you to go add such things for all the earlier talks, too.17:46
lacIf that isn't asking too much of you.17:46
Tartley_I was thinking about it17:46
Tartley_ok then, can do.17:46
lacok, next item in my life, Jacob woke up.  Informs me we have tickets to the opera for  1 hour 10 minutes from now17:47
lacthis is news.17:47
Tartley_oh goodness! That sounds great. alright then, sounds like we are done for now17:47
lacso how about we call it a night, then.17:47
lacmeet tomorrow and finish the lot?17:47
Tartley_yeah, sure... hang on17:48
lac(if we can)17:48
Tartley_I think I can, either first  thing (9am to 10am) or late afternoon (4pm onwards) London time17:48
Tartley_remind me what our time offset is: I think it is 15:49 nowq17:49
lacI am one hour later17:49
lac10 am is fine with me, unless jacob wants to go kayaking.17:49
lacthat's 9 am your time17:50
Tartley_alright, lets try an hour in the morning then. got it.17:50
lacif he does then17:50
Tartley_have a great night!17:50
lacI may bnot be here, but will be back for 1800 your time17:50
Tartley_yeah, that's cool. email me if you can't make it.17:50
Tartley_you have my address, right?17:50
lac(and quite possibly earlier).17:50
Tartley_tartley at tartley dot com17:50
lacI know I sent something to get through your span17:50
lacer spam filter, but not sure it worked.17:51
Tartley_I can't promise earlier. I have a whitelist. let me look at it. should I search for 'lac'17:51
lacI am mailing you now.17:51
lacsearching for lac should work.17:51
lacI need to get changed now.17:52
Tartley_alright. that's cool. I'll make sure you're on it. I can deal from here on.17:52
Tartley_go have fun!17:52
lacI will let you know what my shedule is when I know it.  ie I will either be here or there will be a note, gone kayaking, back at 1400 or soemthing17:53
Tartley_all good.17:53
Tartley_thanks laura! Pleasure working through it with ya.17:53
Tartley_bye for now.17:54
Tartley_i see your mail17:54
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CMooneyIf I send an annoucement email to the SciPy mailing list thats a "good thing", but is it worth asking for talk submissions?23:48

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