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irinix15 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 00:30 |
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Guest23877 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 01:07 |
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deetwelve13 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 01:52 |
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WSPR9 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 02:00 |
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simon_-_4 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 02:01 |
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simpleauthority | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 02:28 |
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pk1210 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 02:38 |
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mist19 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 02:41 |
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Simba10 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 04:12 |
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irinix11 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 04:24 |
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brackets11 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 05:37 |
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Guest76574 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 06:03 |
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egos7 | kaniini has invited you to join #litepub | 07:20 |
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r0bby12 | watch the live defcon show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-NgAB1RcPo | 07:24 |
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*** submain has joined #meego | 08:44 | |
submain | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 08:44 |
submain | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 08:44 |
submain | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 08:44 |
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*** mfa29815 has joined #meego | 09:10 | |
mfa29815 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 09:10 |
mfa29815 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 09:10 |
mfa29815 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 09:10 |
mfa29815 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 09:10 |
mfa29815 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 09:10 |
mfa29815 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 09:10 |
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*** zama has quit IRC | 10:04 | |
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*** SailorHaumea0 has joined #meego | 10:19 | |
SailorHaumea0 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 10:19 |
SailorHaumea0 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 10:19 |
SailorHaumea0 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 10:19 |
SailorHaumea0 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 10:19 |
SailorHaumea0 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 10:19 |
SailorHaumea0 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 10:20 |
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*** iooner3 has joined #meego | 10:47 | |
iooner3 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 10:48 |
iooner3 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 10:48 |
iooner3 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 10:48 |
iooner3 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 10:48 |
iooner3 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 10:48 |
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BruceS14 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 12:45 |
BruceS14 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 12:45 |
BruceS14 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 12:46 |
BruceS14 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 12:46 |
BruceS14 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 12:46 |
BruceS14 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 12:46 |
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*** LuK133718 has joined #meego | 13:04 | |
LuK133718 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 13:04 |
LuK133718 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 13:04 |
LuK133718 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 13:04 |
LuK133718 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 13:04 |
LuK133718 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 13:04 |
LuK133718 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 13:04 |
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gareth__10 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 17:20 |
gareth__10 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 17:20 |
gareth__10 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 17:20 |
gareth__10 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 17:20 |
gareth__10 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 17:20 |
gareth__10 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 17:20 |
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Guest88756 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 19:32 |
Guest88756 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 19:32 |
Guest88756 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 19:32 |
Guest88756 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 19:32 |
Guest88756 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 19:32 |
Guest88756 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 19:32 |
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*** Selfsigned11 has joined #meego | 19:52 | |
Selfsigned11 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 19:52 |
Selfsigned11 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 19:52 |
Selfsigned11 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 19:52 |
Selfsigned11 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 19:52 |
Selfsigned11 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 19:52 |
Selfsigned11 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 19:52 |
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*** MalReynolds2 has joined #meego | 20:10 | |
MalReynolds2 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 20:10 |
MalReynolds2 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 20:10 |
MalReynolds2 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 20:10 |
MalReynolds2 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 20:10 |
MalReynolds2 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 20:10 |
MalReynolds2 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 20:10 |
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vans7 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 20:44 |
vans7 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 20:44 |
vans7 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 20:44 |
vans7 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 20:44 |
vans7 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 20:44 |
vans7 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 20:44 |
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jrabe6 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 21:03 |
jrabe6 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 21:03 |
jrabe6 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 21:03 |
jrabe6 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 21:03 |
jrabe6 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 21:04 |
jrabe6 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 21:04 |
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*** AimHere27 has joined #meego | 21:40 | |
AimHere27 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 21:40 |
AimHere27 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 21:40 |
AimHere27 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 21:40 |
AimHere27 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 21:40 |
AimHere27 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 21:40 |
AimHere27 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 21:40 |
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*** Zooklubba10 has joined #meego | 23:42 | |
Zooklubba10 | After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/ | 23:42 |
Zooklubba10 | "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens." | 23:42 |
Zooklubba10 | Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode | 23:42 |
Zooklubba10 | Freenode is registered as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital" performing "activities of other membership organisations not elsewhere classified", with Christel and Andrew Lee (PIA's founder) as officers, and Andrew Lee having the majority of voting rights | 23:42 |
Zooklubba10 | Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208 | 23:42 |
Zooklubba10 | Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/ | 23:42 |
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