*** hammond19 has joined #meego | 01:29 | |
hammond19 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 01:29 |
hammond19 | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 01:29 |
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*** VM_ has joined #meego | 01:30 | |
VM_ | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 01:30 |
VM_ | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 01:30 |
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*** Cprossu28 has joined #meego | 01:41 | |
Cprossu28 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 01:41 |
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*** ptx028 has joined #meego | 01:53 | |
ptx028 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 01:53 |
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*** nullrouted has joined #meego | 01:59 | |
nullrouted | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 01:59 |
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*** infobot has quit IRC | 03:18 | |
*** infobot has joined #meego | 03:19 | |
*** Shinobi27 has joined #meego | 05:07 | |
Shinobi27 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 05:07 |
Shinobi27 | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 05:07 |
Shinobi27 | I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/ | 05:07 |
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*** bigpet12 has joined #meego | 07:00 | |
bigpet12 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 07:01 |
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*** thuttu77 has quit IRC | 10:14 | |
*** richvdh10 has joined #meego | 12:42 | |
richvdh10 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 12:42 |
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*** SuchWow24 has joined #meego | 12:48 | |
SuchWow24 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 12:48 |
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*** sparklefarkle has joined #meego | 13:20 | |
sparklefarkle | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 13:20 |
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*** jem28 has joined #meego | 14:04 | |
jem28 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 14:04 |
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*** thuttu77 has joined #meego | 14:08 | |
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*** Aprexer has joined #meego | 14:41 | |
Aprexer | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 14:41 |
Aprexer | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 14:41 |
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*** bleepy10 has joined #meego | 14:54 | |
bleepy10 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 14:55 |
bleepy10 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 14:55 |
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*** ddstreet10 has joined #meego | 14:55 | |
ddstreet10 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 14:55 |
ddstreet10 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 14:55 |
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*** pcfe has joined #meego | 15:03 | |
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uptime13 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:12 |
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*** ecks9 has joined #meego | 15:19 | |
ecks9 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:19 |
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*** infina20 has joined #meego | 15:27 | |
infina20 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:27 |
infina20 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 15:27 |
infina20 | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 15:27 |
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*** Guest95115 has joined #meego | 15:28 | |
Guest95115 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:28 |
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liori | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:29 |
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szt14 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 15:39 |
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*** strengthen has joined #meego | 18:07 | |
strengthen | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 18:07 |
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*** christophegx28 has joined #meego | 18:08 | |
christophegx28 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 18:08 |
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*** guntbert10 has joined #meego | 18:10 | |
guntbert10 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 18:10 |
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*** puff has joined #meego | 18:17 | |
puff | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 18:17 |
puff | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 18:17 |
puff | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 18:17 |
puff | I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/ | 18:17 |
puff | Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate | 18:17 |
puff | A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/ | 18:17 |
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*** belak23 has joined #meego | 19:03 | |
belak23 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:03 |
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*** cylon512_ has joined #meego | 19:04 | |
cylon512_ | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:04 |
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*** iDanoo13 has joined #meego | 19:20 | |
iDanoo13 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:20 |
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*** kg6 has joined #meego | 19:28 | |
kg6 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:28 |
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*** justif22 has joined #meego | 19:30 | |
justif22 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:30 |
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*** tx15 has joined #meego | 19:56 | |
tx15 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 19:56 |
tx15 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 19:56 |
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*** kambiz7 has joined #meego | 20:07 | |
kambiz7 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 20:07 |
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*** Sitri25 has joined #meego | 20:32 | |
Sitri25 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 20:32 |
Sitri25 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 20:32 |
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*** bsanford has joined #meego | 20:44 | |
bsanford | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\ | 20:44 |
bsanford | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 20:44 |
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*** ben_zen21 has joined #meego | 21:03 | |
ben_zen21 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:03 |
ben_zen21 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 21:03 |
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*** mardy has joined #meego | 21:08 | |
*** brethil23 has joined #meego | 21:27 | |
brethil23 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:27 |
brethil23 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 21:27 |
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*** eNbass7 has joined #meego | 21:46 | |
eNbass7 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:46 |
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*** bumbar29 has joined #meego | 21:57 | |
bumbar29 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:57 |
bumbar29 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 21:58 |
bumbar29 | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 21:58 |
bumbar29 | I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/ | 21:58 |
bumbar29 | Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate | 21:58 |
bumbar29 | A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/ | 21:58 |
*** Melody\Concerto8 has joined #meego | 21:58 | |
Melody\Concerto8 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:58 |
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*** bumbar29 has quit IRC | 21:59 | |
*** Sigyn15 has joined #meego | 21:59 | |
Sigyn15 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 21:59 |
Sigyn15 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 21:59 |
Sigyn15 | With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ | 21:59 |
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*** ripdog26 has joined #meego | 22:14 | |
ripdog26 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 22:14 |
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*** Shanmugamp717 has joined #meego | 22:25 | |
Shanmugamp717 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 22:25 |
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*** Guest23877 has joined #meego | 22:47 | |
Guest23877 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 22:47 |
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*** Metacity17 has joined #meego | 22:57 | |
Metacity17 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 22:57 |
*** Metacity17 has quit IRC | 22:57 | |
*** Liara- has joined #meego | 23:25 | |
Liara- | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 23:26 |
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*** brykr6 has joined #meego | 23:39 | |
brykr6 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 23:39 |
brykr6 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 23:39 |
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*** Comstock_ has joined #meego | 23:44 | |
Comstock_ | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 23:44 |
*** Comstock_ has quit IRC | 23:44 | |
*** Chex13 has joined #meego | 23:51 | |
Chex13 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 23:52 |
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*** rasengan20 has joined #meego | 23:58 | |
rasengan20 | /!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.freenode.net ##hamradio /!\ | 23:58 |
rasengan20 | This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/ | 23:58 |
*** rasengan20 has quit IRC | 23:58 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.15.1 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!