IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2012-07-08

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robertjwdoes anyone know if meego has support for the intel atom/gma chipset?02:31
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wmaroneit supports atom, but which GMA chipset?02:32
mato__Does anyone know how can I play MPEG files on my Nokia N9?02:33
wmaroneif it works with Intel's open source driver, yes02:33
wmaronemato__, : #harmattan02:33
mato__Oh, thanks.02:33
robertjwSpecifically, the Foxconn NT-I1500 system uses an Intel D2700 cpu which includes a gma3600.02:34
wmaronerobertjw: if you're using current MeeGo, I'm not of its status. do you have a specific goal?02:35
robertjwI tried meego-netbook-ia32-cedartrail-1.2.0-update6 and it did not seem to support the chipset.02:36
wmaronewouldn't surprise me, intel went and tuned the kernels too much to specific CPUs/chipsets02:36
robertjwMy goal is to get an open os on a newly purchased Foxconn system.02:36
wmaronerobertjw: you might be better off with a standard distribution02:37
robertjwtried both fedora17 and ubuntu 12.4.  Both came up with good 2d support, but no support for accellerated gpu.02:37
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wmaroneapparently Intel has completely dropped the ball on GPU drivers for that chipset02:39
robertjwI'm wanting to use this hardware as a media center so I'm looking for some accelerated gpu driver support.  It seems that nothing exists non-proprietary right now.02:40
SpeedEvilI'm idly wondering about what the state will be for medfield02:40
SpeedEvilThe first intel phones are now out.02:40
wmaronemedfield is the same powervr disaster as usual, right?02:40
SpeedEvilAnd more or less comparible in power and performance with midrange ARMs02:40
DocScrutinizer05intel never really knew how to build decent cpu. I wonder what makes them hope for this changing regarding such an ambitioned playground like ARM's02:42
wmaroneoh gross02:42
wmaronethe GMA3600 is a PowerVR GPU as well02:42
wmaronerobertjw: you're probably SOL02:42
robertjwthat's what I had concluded.  You guys were my last hope.  :(02:42
wmaronetypical powervr garbage02:43
wmaroneno linux drivers, no 64-bit support02:43
wmaroneeven on windows02:43
robertjwI had read somewhere that Intel had possibly included the proprietary powervr driver in (maybe an earlier release of) meego.02:44
wmaronepossibly in some image02:44
robertjwahhh, but which one?02:44
wmaroneno clue, I've actively avoided working with meego on devices with proprietary drivers02:45
robertjwi don't blame you02:45
wmaronewell, I take that back02:45
wmaroneI did a partial port to the nook color02:45
wmaronebut that was painful and not worth the effort02:45
robertjwI could start going back release by release, trying them all until I find something with the driver included, I suppose.02:46
robertjwpainfully time consuming02:46
wmaronethus the hell that are proprietary drivers >.>02:49
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robertjwI absolutely hate proprietary drivers.  The path of least resistance is to put windoze on this box, but I absolutely refuse to give in.02:51
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sofar3.4 and 3.5rc's have all new GMA500 2D support thanks to Alan Cox03:43
sofaryou might just need to get a new mesa/libva/etc.03:43
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robertjwsofar: thanks for the info, I'll check out those kernels07:25
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