IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2012-01-14

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CosmoHillhi auke01:12
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CosmoHillwanna see something funny but not that suitable for work / children?01:15
aukeprobably not, considering most of my colleagues fall under both those categories01:17
CosmoHillfair enough01:18
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lbtfrals: back now ... done01:53
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damaltorhi everybody02:10
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User695i have a slightly meego-related problem. i just bought a new nokia n9, and want to get root access on terminal. unfortunately the password "rootme" does not work. is there some other way to get root access and change it?04:38
araujoyou probably want #harmattan04:44
User695ok, will try. thanks04:44
User695have a nice day everybody04:46
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infobotHi there, see: Is the proposition of sponsoring server for few months still actual?10:45
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donghi ,i used chinese input method ,but N9 only had full keyborad ,how can i change to T9 keyborad12:38
dongno one knows?12:40
jonniby swiping?12:41
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aparaattihi, I got N9, and I can't get scrobbler for anywhere, anyone know if it's available somehow?17:40
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CosmoHilltry in #n917:45
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CosmoHillsofar: .i/20:56
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CosmoHilldo you know any SQL tutorial sites I could work my way through to brush up?21:24
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b00^portalanyone knows how I can re-set root password on my phone ?21:38
b00^portali kinda ... forgot it21:39
CosmoHilldon't suppose you can use sudo?21:39
b00^portali've changed my 'rootme' to something 'secure' ....21:40
b00^portalnow even i cannot get it21:40
CosmoHillthe good news is that it's secure21:40
b00^portalyea hell21:40
CosmoHillthe bad news is that the only way I know how to get a root password back is with a livecd21:41
CosmoHilldon't suppose they fit in a phone21:41
b00^portalthe bad news, even after complete phone re-set (wipes out supposedly ALL user settings, contancts, etc).. still same , no changes21:41
CosmoHillroot password isn't a user setting21:43
b00^portaltrue, but the 'user' password, which i changed, did not get reset either21:43
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CosmoHillmaybe it affects only /home22:02
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uhsfSamsung will merge bada OS into the Tizen project!22:15
Stskeepsnot sure how that's relevant for here, more for #tizen :)22:16
RST38hMeanwhile: Samsung to merge Bada with Tizen22:16
RST38hOh, too late22:16
Stskeepsi'm having a mental picture of merging and merging and never stopping to merge..22:16
RST38hCome on, Stskeeps, I am sure you really wanna know how this circus show ends22:16
StskeepsRST38h: yes, because these popcorn are getting really expensive22:16
RST38hStskeeps: Just before the NY, I have discovered the ultimate troll costume22:17
StskeepsRST38h: popcorn box?22:18
RST38hStskeeps: consists of a box of popcorn labelled "HOW'R'U?" and a book of Hexenhammer.22:18
RST38hStskeeps: priceless source of random quotes.22:18
uhsfmaybe Nokia's meltemi could join in too?22:20
Stskeepsuhsf: i have a conspiracy theory related to that22:20
Stskeepsrecall that smarterphone company that nokia bought recently?22:21
Stskeepsit was part of limo foundation, actually22:21
Stskeepslimo foundation turned into tizen association22:21
Stskeeps.. nokia now member of tizen association too? ;)22:21
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RST38hStskeeps: Smarterphone did oneof their products on top of limo linux22:31
RST38hStskeeps: I think that is the only link between them and limo right now22:32
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CosmoHillwhat's the fastest police car the amercans use?23:52
wmarone__some ridiculous departments will convert some car they confiscated from a drug bust into a cop car23:53
wmarone__so piles of crown vics, impalas, then suddenly $nicesportscar23:53
CosmoHilla drug dealer in the UK got his car taken away and it had to be destory23:54
CosmoHillit ended up being shot at buy the army on Top Gear23:54
wmarone__here they'll either use it or auction it23:54
wmarone__though by "use" I mean "parade around in department decor for parades and community events"23:55
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CosmoHillone of our forces police car was so badly damaged it couldn't be repaired so they repaired the body work, connected the steering wheel and pedels to a computer and use it as a demo car at events23:56
CosmoHillseems to all be about the UK police force23:59

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