IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2011-10-12

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sumanahDawnFoster: hey, got a moment to talk about metrics stuff?00:50
sumanahdneary_: ^00:50
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DawnFostersumanah: today is a little crazy (I fly to europe tomorrow for the rest of the month)01:06
CosmoHillDawnFoster: oooo01:06
CosmoHillhi btw01:06
CosmoHillsumanah: what kinda metric stuff?01:06
sumanahI see -- DawnFoster, we at Wikimedia want to try replicating your setup but the current version of Pentaho that's out is a version higher than what your docs recommend01:06
sumanahmaplebed in #wikimedia-dev is working on it in case you have a word of wisdom for him01:07
DawnFostersumanah: but you should ping dneary_ tomorrow - it's too late for him in France. He's the pentaho expert :)01:07
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill01:07
vgradeDawnFoster, hi01:07
CosmoHillDawnFoster: :D01:07
sumanahDawnFoster: today's a sprint-on-longterm-things day so I was hoping maplebed could knock out a first rough step today, but I shall pass that along01:07
DawnFosterhey vgrade!01:08
CosmoHillsalut vgrade01:08
vgradeDawnFoster, looking forward to the Tizen architecture talks01:08
* CosmoHill is reminded that he should learn french01:08
vgradeCosmoHill, Hi01:08
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Nirolmeh i need an upgrade01:26
Nirolim on a shitty notebook01:27
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NirolAlienware here i come baby01:27
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CosmoHillNirol: hehe01:29
CosmoHillkinda like replacing a 1.0 nissan micra with a 2.5 suburu turbo01:29
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NirolCosmoHill Alienware is overated01:32
vgradeI'm in the market for a new laptop, whats the deal with preloaded windows now. Can you get a refund of the windows tax?01:32
CosmoHillokay, something big an american then01:32
mingwandroidvgrade: not sure tbh.01:32
CosmoHillvgrade: I'd phone and ask them01:32
Niroli want a cpu link with five alienware auroras01:32
vgradeI asked in Comet :)01:33
mingwandroidget a macbook pro.01:33
mingwandroidpay apple tax instead.01:33
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vgradegood idea01:33
Nirolboo im in the middle of boycotting apple with my iphone software :P01:33
* lbt would rather *use* windows01:33
mingwandroidbut in all seriousness, they do make a very good laptop.01:33
lbtthe south americans make superb cocaine too :)01:34
Niroli want a chevy01:34
Nirolor camero01:34
* CosmoHill has been wondering a 13" macbook pro01:34
CosmoHillbut I like 15"01:34
Niroli want a system, that does 1 terraflop01:34
mingwandroid17" for me, I'm greedy.01:34
Nirolper sec01:35
CosmoHill13" is to small and 17" is to big01:35
CosmoHill15" fits into my bag01:35
Nirolonly one though two might be pushing it01:35
mingwandroidmeh, buy a bigger bag01:35
CosmoHillatm I have a 15" powerbook and a 15" philips laptop01:35
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NirolCosmoHill any screens of l33t UI?01:36
vgradeI'm looking at HP i5 /15" / 4GB / 500GB HD.01:36
mingwandroiddell outlet is good for bargains.01:37
Nirolmicrodirect is better than dell01:37
Nirolits the radioshack of britian01:38
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lbtgone bankrupt01:41
CosmoHillthe trick is to have kids01:41
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CosmoHillcos they get student discount01:41
Nirolphew if that goes then england doesnt have any computers anymore01:42
* lbt wants a touch screen laptop anyway01:43
CosmoHilllbt: modbook01:43
Nirolthe convo in the other room is boring01:44
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Nirolbtw: im a troll01:45
Niroljust been told so ^^01:45
NirolIm either stupid or very very clever01:45
CosmoHillI got called a troll too, a complete idiot who knows nothing about linux01:45
CosmoHilldespite being in this channel since it started and a developer01:45
lbtCosmoHill: nah ... I seriously won't touch Apple01:46
Nirolsame lbt01:46
Niroli hate da fool01:46
NirolEOF [end rant]01:46
CosmoHilli can't say that cos i'm on a mac01:46
CosmoHillsure it's 6 years old and tapped01:46
NirolCosmoHill ever tapped a tree?01:47
Nirolit brings you back to your primal years01:47
CosmoHillwhatever it is that is holding the screen on01:47
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Nirolwheres everyone from01:48
NirolUSA USA USA!!01:48
Niroli wish01:48
CosmoHillI think I might see why people think you're a troll01:48
Nirolno fun01:48
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* Nirol Announces :The impression of self-control elitism leads people to admire their peers, emulate and liberate away from the troll:01:52
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NirolNathan your a fellow british citizen01:53
CosmoHillI swear my client is meant to tell me when people whois me01:54
Nirolsoz :P01:54
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* CosmoHill makes a note to change his ident to something rediculous01:55
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* CosmoHill wonders about the no swearing rule in his channel02:21
berndhssoon you will be alone, and can swear all you want02:22
CosmoHillI don't like being alone02:22
CosmoHillthere's a 17 year old in the channel not having a happy time so I look the other way most of the time02:23
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mingwandroidAnyone help with COBS?02:28
mingwandroidI've got a package to build ok, but I can't find a baseurl for it.02:29
mingwandroidyeah, I expected to find home:/raydonnelly but didn't02:30
DawnFoster(yes, I'm still here)02:31
CosmoHillmingwandroid: give it a few mins02:31
CosmoHillDawnFoster: yeah I run #lfs-support02:31
CosmoHillI introduced a no swearing rule when most of the regulars where under 12 ~ 1602:32
DawnFosterI think it's a good rule in general02:32
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CosmoHillif you say the C word you get kicked instantly02:33
CosmoHillintroduced a no bashing rule, kinda required since one of the ops works for MS02:34
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mingwandroidthing is, I had it building earlier today, but not folder's appeared.02:37
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vgradeit wont populate the repo until all packages are built ok02:38
vgradeI think02:38
vgradeso your failing plymouth-lite may be holding things up02:38
mingwandroidah can I disable it?02:40
mingwandroidexclude from all?02:40
mingwandroidok all fine.02:41
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mingwandroidpackage still not showing.. bugger.02:47
vgradegive it time, there have been some issues in the pask with things not gettting published02:50
vgradeif you don't have it in the morning ping lbt02:50
vgradenight, I'm leaving my qt build going02:54
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mingwandroidI'm off too. night.02:55
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UmeaboyI 'd love it if someone would have a dummie-guide for installing MeeGo on an SD-card.03:57
UmeaboyHaven't found one yet.03:57
UmeaboyI want to try it on my Samsung Galaxy S2.03:57
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puni need to use qt-gstreamer with my qml application HW accelerated codecs from Intel , am facing problem in embeding videoSurface coming out from MixVideoSink06:40
punanyone can help me on how to link this surface with which Qml component ?06:41
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Sand|Rthe new nokia ring tone08:08
Sand|Ris horrific08:08
Stskeepsgood thig this isn't #nokia then ;)08:10
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Sand|Rit's coming to a meego phone near you08:12
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Stskeepsnah, N9 is in sales already :P08:12
Sand|Rthe great marvelous got the most votes lol08:15
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Alison_ChaikenJob opening at my new startup:
Alison_ChaikenI'm more or less employee 20, be employee 21!   Job title says "Android developer," but what they mean is Linux-Android systems programmer if you read the description.08:34
Alison_ChaikenBossman says Tizen is in our near future.08:35
Stskeepswhat is an EEO?08:35
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Alison_ChaikenI'm the only Sili Valley employee, but we already have folks in Shenzen, Ahmedabad, Massachusetts and Finland.08:35
Alison_ChaikenEEO is "Equal Employment Opportunity" or something like that.    It means that they comply with U.S. law that specifies that you need not have a long white beard in order to qualify.08:36
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Stskeepsi should really find a way to get a job in sili valley..08:39
Alison_ChaikenShouldn't be hard, Stskeeps: the market for Linux people here is aboil.    People who know networking stack stuff are getting multiple offers.08:41
miheroatleast it's not so cold and rainy there:)08:41
Alison_ChaikenBSD and Qt also hiring strongly.08:41
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Alison_Chaikenmihero, it did rain a bit the last two days, but it was over 20C.08:41
miheroyep, i saw the news about the rain"storm":)08:42
miheroi think it now has been raining here every day since i came back from my visit to SF:)08:43
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* lbt wonders if MeeGo Core OBS has a DNR?11:26
X-FadeI only hope they have set the checkbox "Parts donor" [y] ;)11:26
Stskeepsin other news, i have uncracked the secret to OBS binary cpio passing11:27
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lbtanaZ: main OBS is down again - anything you can do11:36
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mcfrisk_So is down, any idea how long?13:32
* Stskeeps rolls dice13:33
Stskeepsthe dice says 6 hours13:33
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Stskeepsin somewhat related technical news, i've just successfully made it possible to build against a binaries snapshot utilizing remote obs links13:34
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mcfrisk_Stskeeps: I'm interested in details13:34
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Stskeepsright, sec13:35
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mcfrisk_public obs is up, is there some project with most of Trunk?13:35
Stskeepsdo you need sources or binaries?13:36
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mcfrisk_.spec files :)13:37
lbtmcfrisk_: it's back13:37
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: ah.. so you actually rely on linked sources13:37
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: nasty :)13:37
mcfrisk_lbt, thanks13:37
lbtmcfrisk_: you may want to reply from your Teleca address to the mail in -dev ... keeping Imad in the cc13:38
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: trying to solve that problem with the mer fakeobs work .. so far working13:39
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: , , etc13:40
mcfrisk_huh, that project config is interesting13:42
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Stskeeps makes it more interesting ;)13:42
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Stskeeps(yes, that's all packages in git)13:44
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mcfrisk_as source, ok13:44
mcfrisk_starts to feel like netbsd next, make world...13:45
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lbtmcfrisk_: the way to start thinking about it is a snapshot of the OBS REST API that can be shared over rsync13:45
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Stskeepsmcfrisk_: is a checkout of one of the packages in /mer-core/13:50
veskuhStskeeps: Any idea who maintains meego wiki ?13:51
Stskeepsveskuh: dawn, i think13:51
veskuhStskeeps: file upload not working at the moment, and I'd like upload moslo :)13:52
w00tmoslo \o/13:52
w00tveskuh: i'm going to fly to finland and give you a hug13:52
w00t(the first part of that may not be a joke, my SO is trying to convince me to go there for a mini-holiday in november .. )13:53
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Stskeepsveskuh: ah, i can set up some space if needed13:54
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Stskeepsveskuh: perhaps we can put it on n900de?13:55
veskuhStskeeps: I think we can do that.13:56
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lbtveskuh: MeeGo IT can put that somewhere sane14:06
lbtand X-Fade has too14:06
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veskuhlbt: You have access? It's only 14MB. I can mail or put it out temoporarily for you.14:12
lbtnot email :)14:12
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veskuhOk, I'll send you link soon14:12
lbtwhat's the redistribution license?14:12
lbtie are we OK on or should it be maemo?14:13
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lbtStskeeps probably knows/cares more14:13
veskuhlbt: good point, I'll need to check.14:15
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poohmanhello, im running meego 1.3 in N900, and am having problems with the virtual keyboard symbols like pipes and angled brackets, can anyone help me out14:45
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andre__what are the problems?14:45
poohmanwhen using the meego terminal, i am not able to type the symbols, the vkb doesnt change with meta+sym14:46
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poohmana bug was reported for xterm in august sometime and the solution was to use the meego terminal as it played well with vkb, but i could not get it to print the symbols14:49
poohmani read that in bugzilla14:50
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CosmoHill :)19:38
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Stskeepsulf^: mm?19:56
Stskeepsulf^: sup?19:56
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ulf^Stskeeps, I wanted to ask if you filed a bug identifying the maxchild 20 waitpid issue with OBS19:57
ulf^Stskeeps, I found your comment on a bug assigned to Anas though19:57
ulf^Stskeeps, all is good ;)19:57
Stskeepsulf^: ideally we can move away from obs links in future, i pretty much now have software that can snapshot continously a obs project, allow it to be rsynced and on vendor side utilized as if it was a remote obs20:00
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ulf^Stskeeps, nice20:01
Stskeepsulf^: hopefully when we have it stablized and working in Mer, we can prpose it to tizen20:01
ulf^Stskeeps, I just wanted to point out that the OBS falling down issue matters as we cannot let this happen again for Tizen, so it will get fixed.20:01
Stskeepsulf^: agreed, and i would actually suggest to drop them totally and replace with this20:02
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Stskeepsmuch more bw efficient20:02
ulf^Stskeeps, for sure20:03
* lbt just watches as persona non grata20:03
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Stskeepslbt: we should prolly make testcases for this issue20:04
lbtI was hoping to diagnose it properly - hence the email to Ryan etc...20:05
lbtjust recovering from the kick to the head20:05
lbtmaybe ulf^ can keep us up informed and we can reproduce it on the c.obs20:05
Stskeepsfairly sure we can reproduce it20:06
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Stskeepsa couple of well crafted lastevents calls..20:06
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* lbt gets back to the osc escape char bug20:07
Stskeepsthat one sounded really nasty20:08
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lbtobs backend doesn't escape ^[ on the way in to the DB and rejects it on the way out20:09
lbtshould be a 1-5-liner20:10
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lbtjust digging around specs to determine the "correct" solution20:10
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jedixWhat do I need ot change by hand to get the hostname to be changed across reboots?20:12
lbt /etc/hostname ?20:13
lbtnah.... too easy .... I'll wait for the real answer20:14
CosmoHilljedix: check the logs, someone else asked that this . last week20:14
berndhsmaybe /etc/sysconfig/network ?20:14
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IanWizard-CloudHey everybody!!20:16
IanWizard-CloudWhere's the party?20:16
lbtif it's like SuSE then /etc/HOSTNAME20:16
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IanWizard-Cloudlol, Unrelated, but funny.20:20
thiagoIanWizard-Cloud: of course it's unrelated, lbt was answering jedix's question.20:20
CosmoHilli think you'll need to change /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/hosts, then reboot20:21
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IanWizard-Cloudthiago: I know,  that's what I was saying. It's unrelated to what I was saying, but taken in that context, it can be slightly funny.20:22
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alteregolbt: next tsg :/21:32
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berndhsask the pope for a ruling, you'll get it sooner than from tsg21:34
lbtalterego: I have every faith the MeeGo community has a proper and open governance model :)21:34
lbtWe have been told this by people with integrity!21:35
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jedixCosmoHill: thanks22:36
jedixlbt: thansk!22:36
CosmoHilljedix: was that the one?22:36
jedixdunno yet, but I'll check the logs if it's not22:36
lbtoh which was it?22:36
jedixlbt: hostname stuff from a while ago22:37
jedixI'll report back22:37
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Stskeepsulf^: thing i've confirmed the issue, i just managed to crash my own obs23:06
ulf^Stskeeps, nice!23:06
ulf^Stskeeps, can you comment on the bug with this info?23:07
Stskeepsyes, moment, have to get my own obs up agan ;)23:07
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ulf^Stskeeps, good job reproducing it! ;)23:08
ulf^Stskeeps, also: maybe you can ping Adrian on the opensuse-buildservice channel?23:09
ulf^Stskeeps, or better, file a bug upstream for this23:09
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Stskeepsi'll put a testcase in the bug report right now so you can verify it, i have to catch some sleep soon but it's really trivial to test..23:10
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Stskeepsulf^: added testcases, it's fairly simply23:18
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ulf^Stskeeps, let me guess, a seq 1 20 for loop with lynx? ;)23:19
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Stskeepsulf^: i think we need it a little higher in order to make the accept queue overflow23:20
Stskeepsbut something along those lines23:20
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Stskeepsmy proposed fix is instead of blocking when that happens, to instead report 503, other OBS'es will try again in 60 seconds in that case23:22
ulf^Stskeeps, yes, absolutely23:22
ulf^Stskeeps, seems the right way to do it23:22
Stskeepsanyway, sleep time - let me know in the bug if that seems to be the case23:22
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StskeepsadrianS seems to be pinged out so23:23
ulf^ok, good night23:23
ulf^I'm not actively working on this. I just relayed your findings to management because OBS stability issues were discussed23:23
jedixokay, side tracks of bug updates done23:24
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Stskeepsyep, anyone's good, just so i know it was fixing the issue, i need to patch my own OBS too ;)23:24
Stskeepsi don't think ever encountered such a problem23:24
jedixwhich one is the private build one?23:25
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jedixCosmoHill, lbt: I've updated /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and /etc/sysconfig/network.. still not setting a hostname23:28
jedixgonna have to check the logs.23:29
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CosmoHilljedix: did you reboot?23:29
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jedix2011-10-12 (Wednesday)23:30
jedixno not that log..23:30
CosmoHillbtw, do any of you guys know how to solve an overheating northbridge23:33
CosmoHillone computer is 80C and another is 106C for the north briddge :/23:33
jedixsysctl kernel.hostname=NEW_HOSTNAME23:33
jedixdoens't work either23:33
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berndhsjedix: i do this refularly when making a new meego machine,  I change /etc/sysconfig/network to contain "HOSTNAME=myname.mydomain"23:36
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infobotberndhs meant: jedix: i do this regularly when making a new meego machine,  I change /etc/sysconfig/network to contain "HOSTNAME=myname.mydomain"23:36
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jedixI did that..23:37
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berndhsare you setting the host name from dhcp of something like that ?23:38
jedixit's static ip23:38
jedixWhat sets the hostname? maybe it's connman?23:39
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berndhsI thought is was statically set by the installation, they're assuming you will only ever have 1 meego-netbook, 1 meego-tablet, etc23:39
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jedixI give up.,23:47
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lbtjedix: try systemd23:47
jedixI tried /etc/hosts /etc/hostname /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysctl.conf23:47
jedixI blame systemd23:47
jedixwhat should I try about it?23:47
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jedixI can't find the hostname in there23:47
lbtgrep the source looking for hostname.... you didn't expect docs did you?23:48
jedixno I did not23:48
jedixand it didn't return anything23:48
jedixI tried host -ri23:48
lbtah well23:48
TazpaCosmoHill: I had one hot unstable bridge chip years back, I clued a heat sink on it (it didn't have one) and it worked like charm afterwards23:48
jedixoperation give up.23:48
jedixrc.sysinit ?23:51
CosmoHillTazpa: thanks, I've been thinking that the northbridges need to have their heatsinks removed, cleaned and put back on23:53
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CosmoHillcos the northbridge massively overheats the system fan goes nuts23:53
jedixnope, that's not it either.23:54
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