IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-06-18

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ShadowJKIf you go out for lunch, and think about work, you can deduct the restaurant bill ;p00:00
berndhsnah, only if you go with someone who also thinks about work00:01
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phl0x81I prefer beeing invited for lunch :P00:04
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berndhscareful, in some jurisdictions a free lunch is considered taxable income00:05
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lcukCosmoHill, I added something to the weather
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berndhsdarn, "register" is a keyword in C++00:08
* CosmoHill looks00:08
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CosmoHillberndhs: yes, it puts the value on the processor cache instead of the RAM00:08
phl0x81sure it is.00:08
berndhssuch a natural name for my function :)00:09
phl0x81never used it so.00:09
berndhsI think its actually a hint, it doesnt really have to do it00:10
berndhsfrom the olden days of C00:10
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phl0x81ofc the compiler doesn't give a fuck about it today.00:10
phl0x81its like inline, useful and nice, but modern compilers can decide this much better.00:11
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berndhsno probably not the C++ compiler00:11
phl0x81oh yes, they have very good optimisers nowadays.00:12
berndhsi mean, "no" as in "they don't care if you say register"00:12
* CosmoHill bows to lcuk 00:12
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CosmoHillthat is awesome00:12
phl0x81I'm waiting for the dragon. LLVM will really boost things up :)00:13
berndhsall out troubles will go away when wayland arrives00:14
berndhsor something00:14
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phl0x81wayland is cool.00:14
berndhshow is it better ? other than faster ?00:15
phl0x81but also I ask my self, whats MeeGo gonna do on devices without gpu?00:15
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phl0x81with QML SceneGraph Qt will do alot better, if there is a gpu unit afaik.00:15
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berndhsQML is kinda slow in my apps, and somewhat jumpy00:17
berndhsI don't know if thats the graphics part, or the JS parser, or the bindings evaluation00:17
phl0x81well SceneGraph is gonna improve it.00:17
berndhsSceneGraph would improve it if it's the graphics part00:18
berndhsI think00:18
phl0x81also use C++ when you can.00:18
berndhsi use C++ for all the underlying data, the QML is just for the display part00:18
berndhsno data model or processing in QML00:18
phl0x81I love QML, I think its a great technique for good and modern UIs.00:19
berndhsI dont really care about the languages00:19
phl0x81yeah, expose your data in models to qml.00:19
phl0x81but I also noticed, that large models take their time to load in qml.00:19
berndhsbasically I write a C++ application, and load QML to do teh display part00:20
lcukwhat is the difference between qml and html?00:20
berndhsthe C++ says when the data changed, and controls what the data are00:20
lcukand why does html load/render relatively quickly?00:20
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phl0x81qml knows transitions and states, html is just a dumb xml format describing a document.00:21
berndhswhat the world needs is a good profiler for QML00:21
berndhsone that doesn't require qt-creator :)00:21
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phl0x81currently qml is based on top of GraphicsView, which isn't perfect, espicially if you have controls in your qml code.00:23
berndhsi have some trouble with it crashing with F15 or gcc 4.6, don't know which is the culprit00:24
alteregoqml states are great :)00:24
berndhsgreat states are Florida and Texas, no state income tax00:25
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phl0x81nah, gators and longhorns aren't that great ;)00:26
phl0x81if US, I'd go to California.00:26
berndhsits nice there, just kinda expensive00:27
lcukphl0x81, are you sure there is much difference?00:28
lcukberndhs, there is a decent qml performance profiler tool00:29
berndhsthere is one outside of qt-creator ?00:29
lcukno but that is hardly the issue00:29
berndhsi dont want to build the whole thing with creator to do the profiling00:29
lcukit exists00:29
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phl0x81California rocks. been there 2 times. k, its been more then 10 years since :/00:30
berndhsbuilding my project with creator is a major nuisance, really00:30
berndhsI lived in California for 17 years, would go back tomorrow if I had the chance00:30
phl0x81really? I love the creator, best IDE ever so far.00:30
phl0x81Laguna Beach <300:31
berndhsi dont like the creator editor, and all the little windows around the side of it00:31
phl0x81< been 10 month to Oklahoma also <300:31
berndhsSan Diego has better climate00:31
phl0x81ah, more the emacs guy? :P00:32
berndhsi ahve my own editor00:32
berndhsor gedit, or vi00:32
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berndhsmy editor is a scintila wrapper basically, like gedit but with qt00:33
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berndhsI can float or dock windows for different files, that's why i made it00:34
berndhsconvenient for editing the foo.cpp while looking at the foo.h, and such things00:34
phl0x81I had that for some years too.00:37
phl0x81basicly, not editor, generator.00:37
phl0x81wanna recode that tool to something useful so. someday.00:37
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berndhsscintilla is nice, makes it really easy to write an editor00:37
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alteregoI use a moded up gedit :)00:39
berndhsi think gedit uses scintilla inside00:39
berndhsthe thing about teh qml profiler is that its probably quite separate from qt-creator, just not publically available right now00:40
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alteregoI believe it's all part of the project when you make it00:42
berndhscould be00:42
alteregoIt's in the qml project template.00:42
alteregoSo you should be able to see how they do it.00:42
berndhsi'm not making projects with creator though unless someone pays me for it. And I mean *pays*00:43
alteregoBenchmarking qgv I guess.00:43
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alteregoI like creator,00:43
alteregoThough I don't use any of their templates :)00:43
berndhsfine with me, other people can like it :)00:43
alteregoAnd I don't use the qml wysiwyg editor00:44
alteregoIn fact, I don't use any of their ui wysiwyg tools00:44
berndhsI tried to find the qml editor, its not there in the creator versions I looked at00:44
alteregoI just use it for the editing00:44
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alteregoThe graphical editor or the text editor?00:45
berndhsanytthing for qml00:45
berndhsi probaly look at the wrong version00:46
alteregoOh, well, when I edit a qml file it has good syntax highlighting and code completetion, then you click on the ui design button in the toolbar on the left of the window at it takes you to the designer00:46
alteregoI just don't like designers.00:46
berndhsdont' want to install things that are not in the fedora repo00:46
berndhsthe scintilla stuff in my editor works ok for qml, it thinks its javascript00:46
berndhsso I get some syntax highlighting00:47
alteregoYeah, but it's not :P00:47
alteregoAnd it highlights the wrong keywords00:47
berndhsthat's not really a major issue for me00:47
alteregoI keep meaning to get around to doing a qml highlighting configuration for gtksourceview.00:47
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berndhsi'm mostly curious about profiling the bindings stuff00:49
berndhsand some of the javascript parsing00:50
berndhsI suspect that an inordinate amount of time is spent there, but that's conjecture00:50
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alteregoWell, all the major grunt work should be in C++00:55
alteregoThe QML should just declare the UI and states.00:56
alteregoSo the real Qt can build it's scene (graph) :)00:56
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berndhsthe evaluation of declarative stuff could be expensive though00:57
berndhsthe little UIs I make are not static00:57
alteregoOnly on startup, one it's loaded in all the components into it's tree it doesn't need to pass it anymore.00:57
berndhsno that's not always the case00:58
lcukberndhs, see the qml profiler thing I showed which profiles "samegame" in the video demo00:58
alteregoJavascript evaluation is the only think that'll decrement performance.00:58
lcukthen map what it shows for that into your code00:58
berndhslcuk: yes i'll look into that, its worth spending some time on it00:58
alteregoIt's like UIs that are stored in xml files and built at run time, they don't have any overhead except initial creation.00:59
berndhsalterego: the bindings have to be re-evaluated when condistions change00:59
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berndhsdifferent things are shown and hidden, sizes change, colors change00:59
berndhsso how they do the evaluation can make a difference00:59
alteregoSure, but I imagine that is all very efficient signals & slot type things.00:59
berndhsyes you imagine :)01:00
berndhsevaluation of declarative or functional stuff is not easy, lots of pitfalls01:00
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alteregoFor instance, you need to have NOTIFY on all properties in a component in C++ in order for it to effect anothers' bindings.01:00
alteregoSo it must be using signals for binding recalculation triggers.01:01
berndhsits not just those parts, its also simple stuff like width and height of the window01:01
alteregoHow is that different!01:01
alteregoSorry that was a question mark ;)01:01
alteregoHow is that different?01:01
berndhsone of my points is, tehre are many evaluation orders for functional/declarative lanaguages01:02
berndhsand the evaluation order can make huge difference in performance and resources01:02
phl0x81shouldn't be that of a problem, all that JS is based on C++ in qt, afaik.01:02
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phl0x81so qml should be too.01:03
alteregophl0x81: the javascript gets evaluated everytime it's run01:03
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berndhsthe js is from apple01:03
alteregoThe qml describes a scene.01:03
phl0x81qml is js.01:03
berndhsright, the js is evaluated every time something changes01:03
berndhsbut what parts are evaluated, I don't know01:03
alteregophl0x81: not all of it, not really.01:03
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alteregoThe javascript files are js, and the embedded js fragments are js, but .qml files are Qml ..01:04
alteregoWhich _isn't_ javascript.01:04
phl0x81isn't qml valid js?01:04
berndhsQML is CSS with embedded JS if you want to be disrespectful :)01:05
phl0x81yeah, kind of true berndhs01:05
alteregoberndhs: it sort of looks more like that yes ;)01:05
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alteregoBut it's different to taht.01:05
berndhsi mean, that's not accurate, but its an approximation01:05
berndhsits more than CSS at the top level01:06
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alteregoIt's like a JS/CSS hybrid syntax, which describes a heirarchial scene graph/model01:06
phl0x81I'm waiting for components and scenegraph.01:06
alteregoSo conceptually it's more like a subset of XML :P01:06
alteregoThan CSS or JS01:06
gabrbeddalterego: So, since it's YAML (but not /YAML/)... we can add support for a shebang line!01:07
phl0x81what I dont like is filename == componentname.01:07
alteregophl0x81: Well, you don't have to do it like that, but it's cleaner and it's standard.01:08
phl0x81also there isn't any module/namespace concept in qml.01:08
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berndhsyes the naming stuff seems kinda ad-hoc01:08
phl0x81yeah, Standards. who cares about them...01:09
berndhsbut then javascript is an ad-hoc language, so maybe that's consistent01:09
alteregophl0x81: import can be used for namespacing01:09
phl0x81yeah, but you wanna be an ad-hoc programmer? :P01:09
alteregogabrbedd: neither are programming languages, it doesn't make sense to "execute" a qml file.01:09
berndhsoh there is an entire industry based on ad-hoc programming01:10
berndhsall the ruby and php stuff :)01:10
phl0x81php and :) -> fail.01:10
berndhslots of money in it01:11
phl0x81not really. as a freelancer I get more for C++. and less pain.01:11
lcukdid you know, 30 years ago this sort of re-evaluation thing was donei na different environment: spreadhseets01:11
lcukdon in a01:11
lcukdone in a01:11
berndhs50 years ago it was done in LISP01:11
lcukthe idea of a sparse table of data which has interrelationships and formulas01:12
lcukwhich is the same as a qml model01:12
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berndhsright, lambda calculus is the same thing01:12
gabrbeddalterego: Sure it makes sense.  That's why everyone is asking to be able to deploy pure-qml apps.01:13
phl0x81marketing, not everyone.01:13
alteregogabrbedd: that's cause they are lazy :P01:13
alteregoA qml file sin't an executable program, like I said, it describes a scene.01:13
berndhsquite a few folks think that if they can write it in QML, they dont need to know how to write programs01:14
gabrbeddalterego: Here's a raspberry for you :-b::::.....01:14
phl0x81apimonkeys should do java... ;)01:14
alteregoBut yeah, I understand it might be useful to have a auto-loader :)01:14
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berndhsI want to load qml from strings, can I do that ?01:14
alteregoberndhs: in qml? sure01:15
lcuka shell script isnt an executable program, like I said, it describes a spell01:15
gabrbeddberndhs: I think so.01:15
alteregolcuk: :P01:15
berndhsthen I can modify the stupid "Import QtQuick 1.x" on the fly01:15
lcukfind a way to allow shebangs in qml/c/c++01:15
alteregolcuk: a script has clear control flow.01:15
lcukand let us have source deployable language!01:15
lcukqml does01:15
alteregoqml, well, it's like executing a java program :P01:15
lcukexcept slower01:15
phl0x81I see them coming, I see them running... qml injections...01:15
berndhsalterego: you can write programs without control flow, look at LISP01:16
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alteregoberndhs: still has an entry point :P01:16
lcukare there any pure qml apps around?01:16
alteregoberndhs: still has an entry point :P01:16
lcukie is there a starting point01:16
berndhsmaybe, but no specification of control flow01:16
alteregoThis is all getting very metaphysical though01:16
gabrbeddlcuk: Yes... all the qml examples are.01:17
phl0x81there is a cool qml presentation system.01:17
lcukare any of them useful?01:17
gabrbeddalterego: How is it different from initializing your QWidget-based UI and then calling app.exec() ?01:17
lcukphl0x81, now that is positive01:17
gabrbeddlcuk: Yes.01:17
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alteregogabrbedd: it isn't but you are the one that is instantiating it :P01:18
gabrbeddlcuk: At least 2 are games.01:18
* lcuk wrote a presentation app a couple of years ago01:18
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lcukoooh gabrbedd which games?01:18
gabrbeddlcuk: "Same Game" (if that's the right name) and Tic-Tac-Toe comes to mind.01:19
lcuki have both of those in liqbase :P01:19
alteregogabrbedd: so what's the difference between instantiating your declarative  ui and calling app.exec() ?01:19
lcukwell, mine is called "differentgame" :P01:19
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gabrbeddlcuk: I mod'd Tic-Tac-Toe for 2-player and play it with the kids.01:19
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lcukand gabrbedd - tictactoe is used for learning how to write01:19
lcukme and jake play01:19
gabrbeddalterego: Exactly!  There's no "control structure" :-p01:19
alteregogabrbedd: yes there is01:20
lcukgabrbedd, that is not real version of tictactoe though?01:20
alterego1. load qml. 2. app.exec()01:20
lcukthat is poke a place on a grid01:20
lcuknot drawing the board etc01:20
gabrbeddalterego: do tell.01:20
alteregogabrbedd: where do you do that in qml?01:20
gabrbeddalterego: sorry... too late with that one.01:20
alteregoWhere's then "entry point"?01:20
alteregothe ..01:20
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gabrbeddalterego: qmlviewer my_cool_qml_app.qml01:21
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gabrbeddIt 1. loads qml. 2. app.exec()01:21
alteregogabrbedd: anyway, this is a rather pointless debate, I agree it would be neat to have an auto .qml loader01:21
alteregoWhich is why I suggested using bin misc01:21
alteregogabrbedd: nice script, that's a .sh no? :P01:21
gabrbeddalterego: !!??!!??01:21
gabrbeddalterego: you just said "It doesn't make sense!!"01:22
alteregoYou know how shebang works don't you?01:22
lcukcan qml load qml?01:22
alteregolcuk: yes01:22
lcukcan they interact?01:22
gabrbeddalterego: Yes.  Setting up shebang requires that we have a production/stable interpreter.01:22
alteregogabrbedd: the interpreting command takes in a file through stdin01:22
alteregoqmlviewer doesn't do that.01:22
gabrbeddalterego: I didn't know about the stdin thing... doesn't it just concatenate the CLI arguments?01:24
gabrbeddalterego: i.e. `./ --bar -bat` becomes `/usr/bin/python ./ --bar --bat01:24
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alteregogabrbedd: nope01:26
berndhswho actually looks at teh shebang ?01:26
alteregoor /bin/bash or whatever01:26
berndhsthat's what I thought01:26
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alteregoThe shell processes that01:27
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berndhsdoes it understand any of it, or jsut load whatever it says there ?01:27
alteregoAnyway, no the scripts are passed into stdin, that is why if you run /usr/bin/perl01:27
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alteregoYour input is the program.01:27
berndhsso if I say "#!/home/berndhs/bin/myinterpreter --X --Y" it will work01:27
alteregoAll valid "interpreters" interpret from stdin, which is how they can process "scripts" with a shebang line.01:28
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alteregoberndhs: yes, if it takes in the script through stdin01:28
berndhswell they also have to know to ignore at least the first line if it starts with #01:29
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alteregoSo you'd need to load the file from stdin, strip the first line (shebang) then stick it in to the declarative scene.01:29
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berndhsthat doesn't seem all that hard01:29
alteregoIt isn't01:29
berndhswhat's the bug number for the FEA request ?01:30
alteregoBut this is my point :P01:30
alteregoThere isn't one :P01:30
berndhswhy not ?01:30
alteregoAnd what would you file it against?01:30
berndhsagainst QML01:30
berndhsor against Qt01:30
alteregoqmlviewer isn't qmlinterpreter01:30
alteregoIt's a different app01:30
berndhsso what, its part of Qt01:31
alteregoanyway, bed time for me.01:31
alteregoNo it isn't01:31
berndhsdont dream about this stuff :)01:31
alteregoWhat has a qml interpreter command have to do with Qt :P01:31
alteregoYou want the app, write it :P01:31
alteregociao :)01:31
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* auke grunts01:56
* auke grunts very loud about people using boxbe01:56
* auke grunts very loud about people using boxbe and has them removed from the meego mailinglists01:57
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berndhsi'm glad that I don't even know what boxbe is02:05
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aukeevery message I send to meego-dev(?) is met with a hostile request to click a website button to allow me to deliver into his inbox02:08
aukeseriously, talk about abuse02:08
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berndhssounds like he has a problem all right02:09
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SpeedEvilauke: I get that sort of email quite often from people getting spam who have forged my email address as sender.02:20
SpeedEvilauke: I approve it all of course.02:20
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aukeSpeedEvil: you ... totally deserve your irc nickname02:21
berndhshmm gcc 4.6 -std=c++0x defines a macro "major"02:23
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aukeUser `' removed from list: meego-il10n.02:28
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aukemy wrath is ... puny, but it's still there :)02:28
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berndhsprobably did him a favour02:29
* CosmoHill giggles02:29
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lcukdid I see somebody released a space invaders game for meego?02:35
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lcukauke, o_O I thought once you got on a mailing list you could not be removed03:09
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aukelcuk: shush ;)03:22
lcukauke, can you do the same with gym memberships?03:23
SpeedEvillcuk: there was a recent judgement holdin gthat the terms of many gym contracts are unfair.03:24
SpeedEvilSpecifically the really long term ones with no meaningful exit other than paying all the fees.03:24
lcukthere was an episode of friends all about it03:24
SpeedEvil(in the UK)03:24
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* lcuk gets tired just thinking about going to the gym03:25
* SpeedEvil is excersizing mainly by sawing off bits of his house at the moment.03:26
SpeedEvilAlso hammering, chiseling, axing, and angle-grinding.03:26
* lcuk plays with the weathermap
SpeedEvilI should really get an adze too, just because.03:26
lcukI was fixing a door earlier03:26
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lcukjake was happy because he got to hammer some nails in03:27
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lcukno, real03:27
SpeedEvilStrap it to the handle, and comput the depth the nail went in?03:27
SpeedEvilI have a huuuge pile of insualtion outside that needs to fit.03:28
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lcuki stuck my head up into the loft last weekend03:28
SpeedEvilIf piled in a cube, it would be as high as I can reach.03:28
SpeedEvilLoft is piss-easy alas - this is floor and wall.03:28
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* lcuk rather likes the weather map easter egg :)03:30
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ShadowJKSpeedEvil, remember, you can saw and axe all you want, but come winter, you wish you'd done some nailing03:31
SpeedEvilI'm probably going to be mostly screwing.03:31
SpeedEvilThe house is quite weathertight - it's just cold.03:31
SpeedEvilHence I need to do all the vapour barrier/insulation thing03:32
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ShadowJKdon't forget your air column03:34
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: yeah - I've investigated this all in detail - in any case, I'm greatly improving the ventilation and air movement around the walls.03:56
* ShadowJK doesn't really have any clue about this, I just head the guys with the new houses speak of air columns :-)03:56
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ShadowJKMeanwhile I live in 18th century house that defies laws of physics03:57
SpeedEvilI want at points in the future to do heat-exchange ventilation, and similar.03:58
ShadowJKStandard in new houses here :-)03:58
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ShadowJKSuck the heat out of any air you blow out03:58
ShadowJKI suspect this house is built ontop of a very very big rock that extends down into the earth03:59
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ShadowJKBecause it's cool in summer, and warm in winter.04:00
ShadowJKThe massive fireplace is built ontop of/ispartof the big rock, I think that's what's giving the magic stabilizing effect :-)04:01
SpeedEvilHowever - even without that - actualy having insulation vs plasterboard, 5cm of air, and then a wall - will be a big plus.04:02
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ShadowJKAbsolutely :-)04:03
* ShadowJK only has two centuries of random crap04:04
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npmis down?05:21
npmoh it's back now...05:21
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sofarthe linuxfoundation was having issues06:32
berndhswith the new member ?06:32
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sofarlol what?06:47
sofarno, bandwidth wise06:47
sofarnew member?06:47
berndhsthe folks who know your bank account and the cash in your pocket, and all its history :P06:49
* Stskeeps yawns06:50
sofaranyone can have my bank account info06:50
sofarnot much you can do with that except wire money TO it, since it's in europe :)06:51
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jykaewhere I should put program launch image in meego?10:50
jykaewhich folder?10:50
jykaeexo doesn't find it now10:51
pebcak/usr/share/pixmaps works for me :P10:52
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JaffaMorning, all12:10
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alteregoHey Jaffa12:13
* alterego is at the Hactivate summit.12:13
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Jaffaalterego: Cool. Save the cheerleader, save the world!12:34
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* alterego has just had a rather interesting conversation with some Nokia guys.13:12
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alteregoThough, interestingly, apparently someone I'm guessing outside of Nokia are working on a WP Qt port13:15
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alteregolcuk: ping13:43
kevin_bHello everybody !13:46
kevin_bis there a "XMPP client with video support" Project for Meego?13:46
andre__hmm, doesn't Empathy/Telepathy support that?13:48
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kevin_bho I see thanks andre__13:50
andre__just a guess13:50
alteregotelepathy does, not sure if Perigrine does that yet?13:52
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lcukalterego, pong14:04
alteregoTake it you're not here then? :P14:05
lcukwell since my wages are not yet in, nope14:06
* lcuk is a bit miffed14:06
alteregoShame, it's quite interesting :)P14:06
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lcukalterego, yeah it was looking good14:06
lcukI guess I will just have to change the world from my desk14:07
alteregoHeh, I don't really know what to do to be honest.14:07
alteregoSo I just said I'd offer help for people that want Qt/QML etc.14:07
alteregoThen I got offered a job14:07
* alterego chuckles14:07
lcuksimple app using n8 + qt + sms service which if implemented correctly can save lives14:08
alteregoThat's a good idea.14:08
alteregoI don't want to steal your idea though :P14:08
lcukkeep my name on it and go for it14:09
lcukyou have skills to implement the phone side14:09
lcukit needs coordination with ski resorts though14:09
lcukalterego, making a great demo tomorrow afternoon on stage, you can show it works by throwing yourself on the floor14:11
alteregoOr sacrificing an N900 ;)14:12
* lcuk semi serious by the way14:12
lcukI was going to try and implement it this weekend14:12
alteregoI could do it at the end, I could trip up and fall over.14:12
alteregoThen the system could take over :D14:12
* lcuk nods14:12
lcukalterego, I told you, I was sortof prepared for this weekend :)14:13
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alteregoI've decided to do my services/applications auto-discovery localisation thingy14:52
alteregoAnd see if anyone wants to rinse my code for their apps.14:52
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berndhswhat does that mean ?14:57
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berndhsI mean, the world will be a better place afterwards for sure15:01
berndhsbut how does one rinse your code with one's apps ?15:02
alteregoThat depends what their apps are.15:02
berndhsno doubt15:02
alteregoIf there apps are centralised around a specific location, rather than any-where, then my architecture comes into play.15:02
alteregoIn fact, I've already got an app idea that would utilize this framework, several infact.15:03
berndhslocation as in Rome, Italy ?15:03
alteregoSure, or even more specific.15:03
berndhshome, office, mom's place, girfriends house, mother-in-law's house,...15:05
alteregoYes, exactly15:06
berndhsah, this could be a security feature if used with keyrings15:07
berndhspasswords for office related thigns only work while you're at the office15:08
alteregoThat, is a very good idea that would work with this.15:08
alteregoBut it could be more inverted, so, when you're in the office, your _office_ only advertises certain services/applications over the network.15:09
alteregoYou don't need the security in as much as you're already in the building and connected to the network (possibly using wifi auth etc).15:09
alteregoBut a key ring unlock could also be in play.15:09
alteregoAnd that is certainly a good idea to put into a security framework I plan on integrating into the system if it becomes more viable.15:10
berndhsit could allow different settings for working remote and working in the office15:10
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XwZhi,  do you know how to refresh repositories on meego ?15:59
timophzypper ref15:59
XwZi tried zypper refresh but i have an error with core repo (and same with oss found on the meego's wiki)15:59
timophref == refresh16:00
timophthat should work16:00
XwZ"please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository"16:00
timophmaybe there's something wrong with the repo16:00
XwZhow can i get the repo uri ?16:01
timophthe repos are defined in /etc/zypp/repos.d/16:01
timophcheck the url from the .repo files16:02
timophbtw, what image you are using?16:02
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XwZi don't know, it's an exoPC loan by intel16:04
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andyrossXwZ, is this a pre-1.2 install?  My memory is that the repo URLs changed at the 1.2 release.16:05
timophyeah. could be that the repos simple don't exist anymore for that image16:05
timophyou can check the version by 'cat /etc/meego-release'16:06
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XwZafter some changes on the repo file (relocate the repo) it works \o/16:10
XwZthaks a lot :)16:10
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gabrbeddalterego: ping18:14
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gabrbeddMiki maki wiki18:15
gabrbeddalterego: I don't recall... were you the one working on the tuner app?18:15
alteregoGuitar tuner?18:16
alteregoI was toying with doing one, I've not actually done one. And I've noticed a QML mobility app that does it :D18:16
gabrbeddok.  i was just curious where that went.18:16
ph0b028Someone has the exopc here ? I'm trying to reinstall Meego on it but latest 1.2 builds seem not to work18:18
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lcukmaemo contacts import works on n900-de19:08
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BlueAidangah... can't get this touchscreen to work20:01
BlueAidandell inspiron duo20:01
BlueAidanusing pinetrail, and I moved the xorg config file like in
BlueAidanthere's output in the xorg log re: egalax screen and it seems to configure it, but nothing happens when I touch/drag on the screen20:02
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Please pastebin/pastie your Xorg.log20:03
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BlueAidanthe entire log, or just the entries about the touchscreen?20:03
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Entire log would be helpful.20:04
* npm wonders why ExoPC Xorg log outputs "[ 6.084] (II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 256 x 144 "20:05
npm /tmp/Xorg.0.meego.log20:06
BlueAidanalright, gonna take a bit20:07
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BlueAidanis there an easier way to pastebin the whole file than copy/pasting a screenful at a time?20:07
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npmuse emacs? C-x h ctrl-insert ... then shift-insert into browser... of course if you're using emacs, just use m-x w3m-browse-url and cut/paste directly20:09
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: Yeah... what npm says.  Open in gedit or emacs... select all... then paste in browser.20:10
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BlueAidaninstead of copying the xorg config file like in that ticket, I moved it. It seemed like copying wouldn't work since it kept the same number at the beginning?20:12
npmBlueAidan's says "[    12.938] (II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 289 x 162"20:13
BlueAidanwhat? the display looks fine20:13
npmtha'ts after "GLX: Initialized DRI2 GL provider for screen 0" ... so  it prob. has little to do w/ BlueAidan's problem20:13
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BlueAidanthe device's resolution is 1366x768 iirc20:14
npmsorry, i'm bringing my issue to your logfile :-)20:14
npmtha'ts why i find that output questionable20:14
npmit may cause GL problems20:14
BlueAidanI haven't gotten that far yet20:14
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: OK... what's the problem with your touchscreen again?  It doesn't work at all?  Or what?20:15
npmi'd worry about your first line: [    12.510] _XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created.20:15
BlueAidangabrbedd: it doesn't work at all20:16
gabrbeddBlueAidan: and before you did the xorg.conf.d thing?20:16
BlueAidanit would acknowledge a touch to the screen, by moving the pointer to the top left corner20:16
npmthat  /tmp/.X11-unix looks like a problem20:16
BlueAidanbut wouldn't respond to drags or anything else20:16
npmi'm surprised it does even that20:17
gabrbeddBlueAidan: what does `uname -a` give you?20:17
BlueAidanit's in the logfile there at the top (adaptation-pinetrail)20:17
BlueAidanI'm on irc on a different machine20:18
npmif you can't get it to create a unix domain socket for you at   srwxrwxrwx 1 npm  npm     0 2011-06-17 21:08 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0= how would you expect it to work?20:18
BlueAidanshould I make that dir and reboot?20:18
npmany connections over :0.0 won't work and you'd need to use `hostname`:0 instead20:19
BlueAidaneverything in x works fine except the touchscreen20:19
npmit should be able to make that dir... check if exists or is wrong perms20:19
npmyour xorg should be running as you, not root, so make sure the dir is writable by you20:20
npmnice security hole here too: srwxrwxrwx 1 meego meego 0 2011-06-17 10:00 X0=20:20
gabrbeddBlueAidan: what is the device ID for your touchscreen? ...20:20
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Do this command:20:20
npmman, that's a good sploit :-)20:21
gabrbeddBlueAidan: sudo lsusb -v | grep -E "(^Device|Vendor|Product|Manufac)"20:21
BlueAidanwould be nice if quassel was packaged20:21
gabrbeddBlueAidan: What's needed is idVendor and idProduct for your touchscreen device.20:22
BlueAidanok, working20:23
* gabrbedd is searching the kernel sources... but was called to lunch by his family....20:28
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BlueAidanxinput --list shows 5 entries for the egalax20:32
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BlueAidanall ending with slave pointer (2)20:33
BlueAidanhowever, there's an entry before them that ends with that too (Virtual core XTEST pointer)20:33
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* lcuk wonders how to fillup #liqbase again20:43
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CosmoHillfree tea and biscuits?20:44
* SpeedEvil just wants someone to implement
SpeedEvilBounty of one bounty bar for completion.20:46
lcukCosmoHill, perhaps20:49
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SpeedEvilOr alternatively, to fix my DSL.20:50
* SpeedEvil rages against the dying of the (sync) light.20:51
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: There is no kernel driver for that device.20:56
gabrbeddBlueAidan: So it's probably defaulting to the generic 'HID' driver.20:56
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: However, based on its behavior... if you add the device ID's to the hid-multitouch driver it'll probably work like a champ.20:56
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Note that I'm looking at Linus's branch.20:57
gabrbeddBlueAidan: If you want to try and hot-rod a kernel... I can help you with the patch.  (It'll be about 6 lines to add the device to the driver).20:58
gabrbeddBlueAidan: Make sure you're using >= 2.6.3820:58
gabrbeddBlueAidan: My e-mail is gabrbedd@gmail.com20:59
BlueAidanmost of the posts online say to download a proprietary driver20:59
BlueAidanit's been a looong time since I fiddled with stuff at the kernel level20:59
gabrbeddBlueAidan: I'm 99.9% sure that the hid-multitouch driver will work.21:01
BlueAidanwell, if you don't mind trying to build something I can try it out21:01
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: If you wanna try it... here's the docs to get started
BlueAidanI just started with meego, so I'm not familiar with the procedures for building/installing custom kernels21:02
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: But I'm all full-up with side projects ATM.  Sorry. :-)21:02
BlueAidancan you email me a patch so I can try it? david@dawninglight.net21:02
* gabrbedd sends email to BlueAidan21:10
BlueAidanI just found some emails from this month about it21:10
BlueAidanlooking at them now21:10
BlueAidanlooks like support is in 2.6.3921:11
BlueAidanbut there are some problems with it21:11
gabrbeddBlueAidan: I did not see the device ID in the kernel sources... so I doubt it.21:11
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gabrbeddBlueAidan: According to this
gabrbeddBlueAidan: It's in the 2.6.39 kernel, but they haven't tested it.  I would guess that it's an error on their page.21:18
gabrbeddBlueAidan: FYI, that site is the upstream maintainers for this driver.21:18
gabrbeddBlueAidan: So, whatever you find... please report it to them. :-)21:18
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julienfHello :)21:29
julienftrying to recover from our summer party last night :D21:30
julienfand at #demoparty in Helsinki :)21:30
julienfgabrbedd: how are things?21:35
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gabrbeddjulienf: good.  what about you?21:39
julienfquite alright21:39
julienfthinking about company names and branding21:39
gabrbeddhaha, me too21:39
Ronksuadd ideas to that, and I'm included ,)21:40
julienfRonksu: what do you mean?21:40
Ronksuthinking about company names and branding, but still in the idea for a company part21:41
gabrbeddRonksu: well, the ideas obviously came first.  That was the "easy" part.21:41
* SpeedEvil heats up his branding iron.21:41
Ronksugabrbedd: good for you :)21:41
* gabrbedd nonchalantly walks in the direction opposite SpeedEvil 21:42
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julienfSpeedEvil: would be glad to be at a stage at which I'd have the iron already :D21:42
julienfRonksu: I do have almost everything laid out, but now need to find a good name21:43
julienfmy existing company is called LeCatalyst21:43
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julienfwhich is quite alright, but not really something that scales too well :D21:43
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julienfwhat do you think?21:46
BlueAidanyay, quassel build finally finished21:46
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berndhswhat's the company for ?21:47
julienfso far it's about mobile strategy21:47
julienfbut thinking of expanding21:47
berndhsyou could pick an accurate but boring name, washit through google translate a few times21:48
berndhsthen you take something that sounds cool, and spell it wrong21:48
julienfhaha :D21:48
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berndhsthe wrong spelling is so you can get traction on lawsuits for the naming21:49
Ronksuclever :)21:50
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gabrbeddHere's a name:  Road Fugue21:55
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julienfWTF? :D21:57
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BlueAidanhow do you restart xorg without rebooting?21:58
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gabrbeddActually, that name was for julienf... but now I'm thinking of keeping it. :-)22:03
gabrbeddBlueAidan: nohup pkill uxlaunch22:03
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julienfis it always so quiet on the chat on a Saturday? :D23:17
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alteregoDepends on the time of the month.23:19
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julienfalterego: I guess so23:23
julienfI should be sleeping already :D23:23
julienfbut having so much fun working on my pet project23:23
alteregoThat's good, don't burn out though :P23:24
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julienfwell.. I'll use tomorrow to recover, I guess :)23:25
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julienfhey thiago!23:26
julienfalterego: what are you up to?23:26
thiagojulienf: hello23:27
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angeloxHi all23:27
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alteregojulienf: just got back from London hactivate, heading out to have some drinks with friends, then going back to London tomorrow for day 2 :)23:27
angeloxFollowing this: recommends me using a 4GB+ microSD,i can use a 2GB microSD?23:28
* wmarone_ boggles at peope running Qt on the iPad23:28
julienfalterego: how was London Hactivate?23:29
alteregoangelox: probably, but it's fiddly, you'd have to manually partition and then mount the downloaded image to copy across the data to your actual partitions.23:29
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alteregojulienf: was really cool, got a lot of hacking done :)23:29
alteregojulienf: remember that idea I was talking about last week? The localised services and apps?23:29
thiagowmarone_: the video from yesterday?23:30
julienfalterego: yes I do. How did it go?23:30
angeloxalterego: Ok thank you,it also says to me that i need use version "20.2010.36-2" and i have "20.2010.36-2.210.2". Everything ok?23:30
thiagothe iOS session was overflowing with people today at the QtCS23:30
thiagoWayland and the Android port were the two hottest topics here23:30
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angeloxThat tutorial also says to me that i need use version "20.2010.36-2" and i have "20.2010.36-2.210.2". Everything ok?23:40
thiagosounds like a subversion of the same23:42
thiago2010.36-2 sounds like Maemo5 PR1.323:42
angeloxi've never used maemo or meego,and i want to try with everything correct to don't get any problem (bought my n900 yesterday)23:43
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thiagoopen a terminal and run osso-product-info23:43
thiagostill that 210.2 version?23:43
Stskeepsangelox: should be fine - it's the kernel version that matters23:44
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Stskeepsangelox: backup anyway and make sure you know how to reflash23:44
Stskeepsangelox: also, you need a 4gb23:44
Stskeepsbbl sleep23:44
angeloxok thank you,but i don't have a 4gb mmc...23:45
thiagoit's actually pretty hard to completely brick an N900. Ensure it's fully charged and that you have the flasher tool and the standard image downloaded.23:46
angeloxi'll try to find these files23:46
angeloxthanks atm23:46
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angeloxif i simply install uboot-pr13 without any change on my actual MicroSD,maemo will still boot fine?23:51
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