IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-03-27

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lbtX-Fade: ping00:10
ml-mobile:( low battery, wtf00:13
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lbtDawnFoster: any thoughts on
DawnFosterlbt: on the working groups in general, I'm waiting on the TSG to define the overall MeeGo project structure to see what elements are included in the main project before I can really think about whether we need separate working groups.00:18
DawnFosterkind of like the decision at the last TSG that localization is a key part of the project and not a separate working group00:18
lbtsure... don't worry about whether it's a WG or something else at this point00:19
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lbtright now I'm just trying to consolidate thoughts/scope00:19
lbtnb... since Meego is "all community" then how does being a "key part" differ from being a "WG" ?00:20
lbtI thought the WGs were a mechanism to be inclusive...?00:20
lbtthe decision to make the localisation - note localised spelling ;) - a "key part" seems to disenfranchise community people a little.00:21
DawnFosterI think it's a structural / semantic difference00:21
DawnFostercommunity members will be heavily involved in the core project00:21
DawnFosterwe don't need working groups to get community people involved.00:22
DawnFosterthis is a key difference between the way Maemo and Moblin have operated.00:22
lbtagreed - I had expected that that inclusion would come by membership of a 'group who are interested in'00:22
lbtand I thought the WGs would be similar to "hang around here to discuss X"00:22
lbtright now there's no meeting points00:23
lbtand when the l8n people say "lets meet" and the TSG say "no don't" .... hmmm00:23
DawnFosterI suspect it will be more of a meritocracy - less about people who are interested in and more about people who are actively contributing00:23
lbt(I know they didn't stop them meeting ... but they sure damped it down)00:24
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lbtOK - so even us "doers" need to talk to others00:24
DawnFosterI don't think the TSG wants them to stop meeting00:24
lbt(I know really, it's a minor critique)00:24
lbtbut it is a perception thing00:24
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DawnFosterhaving key community members is a core part of the project sounds *more* inclusive to me than having them as an informal working group00:25
DawnFosterall of the same people are doing the same things, but as an official part of the project.00:26
lbtthe WGs are not "informal" though...00:26
lbtthey are kinda official... since they are seeking blessing00:26
jeremiah_Yeah, there is a certain fomality with the working groups that I like00:26
DawnFosterlike I said earlier, semantics00:26
jeremiah_They have a sort of mission, a sort of charter00:26
lbtnonetheless the semantics seemed to stop the l8n people from having a meeting point00:27
DawnFosterI'm just saying that we should hold off on the working groups until we see what the project structure looks like00:27
lbtand I merely use them as an example...00:27
DawnFosterthen we can see what working groups we need to fill in the gaps00:27
jeremiah_What do you mean by "project structure"?00:27
lbtbut if this is a community project00:27
lbtthen the project structure starts with these WGs00:27
lbtand evolves00:27
DawnFosterit was discussed in the last tsg meeting00:27
lbt(and is shaped)00:28
jeremiah_Yeah, Nokia and Intel need to loosen the reins here a bit.00:28
lbtno, it was disseminated00:28
lbtnot discussed00:28
DawnFosterthe code repositories will be available next week00:28
thiago_homejeremiah_: will happen, as soon as there's a momentum00:28
DawnFosterpeople will be encouraged to submit and contribute to the project.00:28
jeremiah_Awesome. :-)00:28
DawnFosterthose that contribute great stuff will rise to commit / maintainer levels00:29
DawnFosterjust like every other good open source project00:29
jeremiah_Still, I'd like formal approval for the debian working group00:29
lbtADSL went down00:29
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thiago_homeyou're going to do it anyway, right?00:29
thiago_homewhat do you expect to gain from having a WG that you wouldn't otherwise?00:30
jeremiah_But it is important that the code sharing is seen as co-operative, not a fork00:30
thiago_homedon't take me the wrong way. I'm trying to help you.00:30
jeremiah_I understand :)00:31
thiago_homeyou're saying that there can be no code sharing without a WG?00:31
* thiago_home hopes it's not00:31
jeremiah_I hope I'm not taking it the wrong way :)00:31
jeremiah_No, your point is valid: it's all GPL so what is the big deal?00:31
thiago_homewhat is it that you need from a WG?00:32
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jeremiah_But I think if we can get a commitment from MeeGo that official code sharing, dedicating some server space, that will attract devs00:32
thiago_homedo you need a place in the website so that people know who to contact and contribute?00:32
* thiago_home hopes that doesn't need a WG00:32
jeremiah_That would be nice00:32
lbtDawnFoster: I guess I'm trying to point out the areas I perceive as being 'off' and being constructive to make sure they are presented in a way that minimises flames00:32
lbtthiago_home: they need access to the OBS00:32
thiago_homeah, server space for hosting the Debian repositories00:33
jeremiah_I just think having a formal declaration gives us something to point to when push comes to shove00:33
thiago_homeok, put that in the propsal00:33
thiago_homethat _might_ be a reason for a WG, so that they can formally vet the use of hardware resources00:33
DawnFosterlbt: I think it's hard to tell what's working / not until we can get people looking at the code00:34
jeremiah_thiago_home: Exactly!00:34
jeremiah_Good point00:34
w00t_DawnFoster: fwiw, while I understand there are some special circumstances due to trying to bootstrap a project rather than it starting and growing organically, I have to say that I think it's healthy that people (such as you) are concerned and taking an interest00:34
w00t_er, 'you' being lbt00:34
lbtDawnFoster: the feeling (or lack) of inclusion is not great00:34
w00t_multitasking too much00:34
thiago_homeOTOH, I don't think you'll get "showstopper" status. If the DEB repository is broken, the release continues. But I guess you'd have parallel releases, slightly delayed from the RPM releases.00:34
jeremiah_That seems totally fair00:35
lbtOBS can prioritise builds BTW00:35
jeremiah_lbt: Can you explain?00:35
jeremiah_Prioritize rpm over deb?00:35
jeremiah_Why would you ever want to do that?00:35
lbteg in the Suse OBS 'Factory' jobs get more CPU time than home: jobs00:36
DawnFosterwhat is happening now is typical of how open source projects start. they start with one person or a small group coming up with the initial code or vision for the project. Linux started this way.00:36
* jeremiah_ stares at lbt00:36
jeremiah_DawnFoster: Not really.00:36
DawnFosterthen everything gets opened up and it becomes a real open source project00:36
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lbtjeremiah_: so this is a +ve thing... it doesn't allow the "you'll hog resource argument" ;)00:36
jeremiah_DawnFoster: Except in this case it is Nokia and Intel and they are taking community code00:37
jeremiah_So it isn't really an organic open source project00:37
lbtDawnFoster: yeah, 1 or 2 is usually individuals, not 1 or 2 "teams of 200 people"00:38
lbtand honestly. that is the problem00:38
lbtyou kinda fail to address that elephant...00:38
lbtanother interesting point.... no-one else has a Meego itch yet00:38
DawnFosterI don't make the strategic decisions on the project.00:38
lbtDawnFoster: I know - we expect great things of you though :)00:39
jeremiah_DawnFoster: No, you're stuck defending them to us lot. :-)00:39
jeremiah_BTW, I think everyone believes you are doing a great job.00:39
jeremiah_You seem to be reasonable and friendly00:39
lbtwe know you are one of the community and I believe you want to understand00:40
jeremiah_But often open source types have strong opinions00:40
DawnFosterAt some point, we need to accept the decisions that have been made and focus on making things more awesome over time.00:40
* lbt looks at jeremiah_ and the .deb-bers after that comment ;)00:40
* jeremiah_ tries to think of something polite to say00:41
lbt(from the comfort of his sqenny install)00:41
DawnFosterThere will be things we can't change - historical stuff that has already happened. My focus is to figure out what's next and how to make sure that the community is included in a meaningful way00:41
jeremiah_In debian we fight a lot, and we rarely "accept the decisions"00:41
lbtyeah - and I think letting some organic growth occur would be nice00:41
lbtthen cherry pick from it00:41
jeremiah_I will say this - if you guys are serious about community, you'll have to change your DNA a little bit00:42
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jeremiah_Get out of your comfort zone00:42
jeremiah_Let the community make decisions00:42
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thiago_homewill happen00:42
jeremiah_thiago_home: Well, folks like you are big time community members00:42
thiago_home?me is also Nokia00:43
jeremiah_So I guess it already has happened00:43
jeremiah_And OTC is pretty cool00:43
jeremiah_Yeah but there are lots of Nokians that are debian people too00:43
* jeremiah_ pats lbt on the head00:43
thiago_homenever used Debian00:43
thiago_homein fact, the open source community I come from is very different00:43
DawnFosterAt intel, we fight and argue and try to convince people to make a particular decision, but once a decision has been made, we work to make sure that the project is successful even when the decision didn't go our way00:44
thiago_homeit's completely anarchic, no committees, no working groups00:44
jeremiah_I may be confusing you with another Thiago00:44
thiago_homerules are mostly oral and tradition00:44
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jeremiah_Sounds like the same community I come from00:45
* thiago_home is talking about KDE00:45
jeremiah_I thought so - no you're the Thiago I was thinking of00:45
jeremiah_You've done a lot of KDE stuff haven't you?00:45
lbtDawnFoster: the problem with that is that it doesn't fit with "meritoratic" ..... /me sees "OK, we'll use Qt but you have to use rpm 'cos we invested tons in it and we'd look foolish switching back"00:45
lbtand it'll take a *lot* to convince me otherwise00:46
lbtOTOH.... so what :)00:46
thiago_homelbt: think of it the other way: "we'll use Qt and we're building a distro using RPM"00:46
lbtthiago_home: yeah - it was a negotiation and Meego is the compromise00:47
lbtI get it :)00:47
DawnFosterlike I said, I'm going to accept the decisions that have been made.00:47
lbtit's actually good00:47
thiago_homeno one is denying the DEB working group, but I didn't see any convincing arguments to get Intel and Nokia to change00:47
lbtsorry, you meant Meego there ..... yes?00:47
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DawnFosterit's more of a personal philosophy - I like to focus on the areas where I can have a real impact00:47
jeremiah_thiago_home: community00:47
jeremiah_That is the reason00:47
jeremiah_Let's face it, Moblin failed00:47
DawnFosterbeating myself up over things I can't change ins't the best use of my time00:47
jeremiah_It never built a community00:47
thiago_homeanyway, let's stop before we go into the RPM-vs-DEB again00:47
jeremiah_And the debian community is huge00:48
lbtthiago_home: "no one is denying the DEB working group, but I didn't see any convincing arguments to get *Intel and Nokia* to change" ???00:48
thiago_homeyeah, it didn't build a community, but it did ship devices00:48
thiago_homeso one some people's books, it was a success00:48
jeremiah_Dell ships Ubuntu machines00:48
DawnFosterMoblin had a community of core OS developers, a strong one, but not a big user community00:48
DawnFosterwe shouldn't confuse the two00:48
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jeremiah_Well a bunch of crackerjack Intel devs does not a community make00:49
lbtthis is the point .... the I/N partners have a lot of weight... and we should not pretend that Meego is not, first and foremost, for their benefit00:49
jeremiah_I have no problem with that00:49
jeremiah_We all gotta eat00:49
lbtinstead we would be wiser to say that benefitting I/N will be a good thing for the OSS community00:50
jeremiah_I hope Nokia and Intel make a ton of money on MeeGo00:50
lbtbut I seem to see too many people denying it...00:50
thiago_homeme too, but I'm also hoping that we get more partners00:50
thiago_homeso that I&N's influence dilutes00:50
thiago_home*hence* the community00:50
jeremiah_Sounds cool - as long as we don't get companys buying their way onto the TSG00:51
lbtindeed - so the work happening now is not 'normal' community growth00:51
ml-mobilethiago_home: an ARM vendor on board would be great :)00:51
lbtwe are an engineered community :)00:51
thiago_homeml-mobile: yeah00:51
jeremiah_Yeah - someone from ARM would be awesom00:51
DawnFosterpeople from the community who contribute great things to the projects will rise up to have more influential roles (meritocracy)00:51
ml-mobileeither ARM itself or, say, TI00:51
* lbt wants someone from AMD since the intel devs have crippled Meego to not run on non-intel HW00:51
jeremiah_I wonder if one can convince TI to join?00:51
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jeremiah_lbt: Wha?00:52
thiago_homejeremiah_: hopefully00:52
lbtjeremiah_: Meego requires ssse3 .... so the binaries will not run on even AMD Phenom00:52
jeremiah_Intel is consciously making MeeGo cross-platform00:52
ml-mobilelbt: if it can be run on ARM then un-breaking it for AMD is entirely valid.00:52
thiago_homelbt: does AMD have any low-power device that can be used in one of MeeGo's target devices?00:53
* thiago_home is asking, he doesn't know00:53
* jeremiah_ ask the google gods about ssse300:53
lbtthiago_home: not sure... but the decision means you can't develop on non-Intel HW00:53
lbtand by that I mean not 'top of the line' Intel HW... old Pentium-4.... no good00:54
thiago_homethe decision was the other way around: we'll run on low-power mobile x86 processors. That's Atom today. Atom has SSSE3, so we may as well use it.00:54
lbtyeah, but I can't develop for it00:54
thiago_homeotherwise, the next thing you know, we're building binaries targetting 80386 processors00:54
ShadowJKVia Nano also has ssse3 :-)00:54
lbtthe SDK won't run on non-intel00:54
thiago_homelbt: sure you can. You can develop for ARM on your x86.00:54
ShadowJKVia Nano00:55
lbtyes - thanks to qemu00:55
lbtbut there's no ssse3 qemu00:55
thiago_homeno, native x86 SDK.00:55
lbtit's not x8600:55
lbtit's x86-ssse300:55
thiago_homebuild using the local compiler for doing local builds00:55
lbtand that, AFAIK, won't run on AMD00:55
thiago_homebuild with the cross-compiler when deploying to device00:55
thiago_homethe same rules that apply to ARM00:55
lbtnot really00:55
lbtsince qemu will run intermediate build binaries00:56
thiago_homethere's no qemu00:56
thiago_homewell, not for the building00:56
lbteg building Qt for ARM, I get qmake binary (ARM)00:56
thiago_homeyou get an x86 binary00:56
thiago_homemoc, qmake, uic are x86 binaries00:56
lbtno, I don't00:56
thiago_homewell, I do, using the standard Qt cross-compilation flags00:56
lbtI don't using the OBS00:57
thiago_homethat's also what is are in the Maemo 5 packages00:57
thiago_homethere is no ARM moc for Maemo 500:57
lbtno, you don't currently ship an ARM moc for Maemo 500:58
lbtbut some OBS processes produce one internally00:58
lbtand qemu handles it00:58
lbtthat's not the point :)00:58
lbtthe point is that for x8600:58
thiago_homeno, it's not00:58
thiago_homemy point is that there's nothing stopping you00:58
lbtthe qmake is ssse3 flavoured00:59
thiago_homeif you can develop for ARM without an ARM device, why can't you develop for Atom without an Atom device?00:59
thiago_homethat's not an answer00:59
lbtit is :)00:59
lbtqemu emulates ARM when needed00:59
thiago_homeyou're saying that qemu doesn't emulate SSSE3? That's a technical detail that can be fixed.00:59
thiago_homebut what I'm telling you is that you don't _need_ to run ARM/Atom code01:00
thiago_homeyou run entirely local-processor code, standard x8601:00
lbtyou don't01:00
lbtyes... you dig deep into the system and extract every cross-built binary by hand01:00
thiago_homeyou may want to, but then again, everything is open source. You need a tool that was built only for Atom? Rebuild it :-)01:00
lbtbuild systems that generate intermediate tools have this problem01:01
thiago_homeyes, I know01:01
lbtor build systems that run the resulting code to test it01:01
lbtone would normally assume01:01
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lbtthat an x86 build on AMD cpu would work without qemu01:02
lbtthis is not the case for Meego01:02
lbtand right now01:02
lbtthere is no qemu-like solution01:02
lbtso if you have an AMD cpu desktop you are sool01:02
lbtfor that matter if you have a >1year old, non "top of the range" laptop you are out of luck too01:03
thiago_homeI don't understand why you want to rebuild a tool that is already in the distribution and run the cross-compiled code.01:03
lbthalf the devs turning up for training inside nokia could not do Meego development01:04
thiago_homeheh, those Nokia-approved laptops with disk encryption and running Windows are useless for development01:04
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lbtwell, it was more to do with the CPU not having ssse3 but..  yeah :)01:05
ShadowJKNokia Booklet is only halfway there :)01:05
w00t_thiago_home: I suppose you don't use windows on a day to day basis? :P01:05
thiago_homew00t_: I also don't use Nokia-approved laptops01:05
thiago_homebeing from the Trolltech side of the acquisition has its advantages01:05
thiago_homewe kept some processes, like buying developer machines01:06
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thiago_homewe tried buying using Nokia processes.01:06
thiago_homeonce. Never again.01:06
thiago_homeeven Marketing has stopped using those Nokia-approved Windows laptops.01:06
w00t_on the bright side01:07
w00t_at least they -have- hardware purchasing01:07
w00t_the place I left recently had no hardware newer than 4-5 years old01:08
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microlithsounds like intel and their laptops :)01:08
* microlith still has a T43 from 200501:08
w00t_well, hey, if it still works, then fine01:09
microlithnot when McAfee decides it needs to start a scan mid-day01:09
w00t_but when you're having to constantly fight dying/overworked hardware, you're losing a lot of efficiency and goodwill01:09
w00t_I haven't run windows at work for a very long time01:09
w00t_so I wouldn't know about McAfee01:09
microlithyou're fortunate01:09
* ShadowJK only ever sees antivirus software that has either stopped working and is blocking system components from working, or antivirus that has let a virus through and is interfering with my attempts to remove the virus01:11
thiago_homemicrolith: could be worse01:11
thiago_homemicrolith: could be a corporate-mandated upgrade01:11
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thiago_homelbt: anyway, please ensure someone knows about qemu not emulating SSSE301:15
thiago_homeI personally don't think it's a big deal, but if you think it is, raise it up01:15
lbtthiago_home: I'm not even sure it's possible...01:15
lbtI asked on #qemu but no-one answered01:16
lbtit certainly means that OBS local builds cannot be done without it :)01:17
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lcukthiago_home, what was wrong with the booklets if i might ask01:22
lcukor rather the nokia approved ones (spec? model?)01:22
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thiago_homelcuk: slow processor, slow disk, disk encryption, anti-virus and lots of crap installed that consumed CPU time01:39
lcukhow on earth are you gonna cope on maemo with the even lower overheads!01:40
lcukerrr arm01:40
thiago_homedidn't get the question01:40
lcuki gather you will be using meego to develop meego ?01:41
lcukhence development will be possible from one of the arm devices01:41
thiago_homeI plan on continuing to use Mandriva to develop01:43
lcukwill it be possible tho?01:44
lcukwould the qt creator ide work on meego?01:44
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lcukor would a meego specific ide have to be built01:45
thiago_homeit's Linux, so I don't see why not01:45
thiago_homebut depends on your form factor, though01:45
thiago_homea netbook may be a dev platform01:45
thiago_homea handheld or a TV set-top-box, very unlikely01:45
lcuktheres devs who go through that pain!01:46
ShadowJK(lcuk is one of them)01:46
lcuktheres one guy from maemo he sat on train for 3 hours a day01:46
lcuknot any more acually ShadowJK01:46
* lcuk will again soon tho01:46
DawnFosteradmit it, you just like the challenge of seeing if you can make it work :)01:47
javispedroi'm sure the qt creator ide already works under a debian chroot :)01:47
javispedroand probably under fremantle itself if someone tested it..01:47
lcukDawnFoster, personally? i have it stated i want a visual ide on my big daddy computer01:48
lcukive got a lot of it there01:48
lcukthe same code should run in my hand too - and for over a year i did happily01:48
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lbtmorning Stskeeps11:40
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lbtANNOUNCE: .... Looking for comments and input. If we want to get this before the TSG this week we need to do it this weekend11:59
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lbthello maiden12:44
lbtheffer: any thoughts on how to start with that packaging day?12:45
lbtheffer: I'm thinking 10th of April12:45
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Stskeepsmorn lbt12:57
* Stskeeps is in love with his new car, a2dp works flawlessly, i can charge my n900 with the in-built usb port12:58
maidenany word of meego on the n900?13:01
lbtStskeeps: <grin>13:01
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Stskeepsmaiden: yes, it will be reference device for meego arm13:01
maidenso, if i buy a n900 now, i shuld be able to reflash it and install meego?13:02
Stskeepskeep in mind meego is still in it's infancy13:02
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maidenyes i know :D13:02
Stskeepsand noone says it'll be a official nokia meego :P13:02
Stskeepsand by meego i don't mean harmattan13:03
maidenthat is not a problem :P13:03
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Stskeepslbt: yes, i go for the geeky things :P13:09
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hefferlbt, 10th of April wouldn't work out for me because i'm on a seminar at that time13:28
hefferlbt, by the way sorry that I didn't make it to the meeting last time13:28
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lbtheffer: OK.. I'm at a meeting on 17th... how about 11th/18th ?13:43
lbtwant it to be ASAP after day 1...13:44
jeremiah_lbt: This should be done on the mailing lists13:44
lbtand we should think about announcing it13:44
hefferthat would be no problem for me13:44
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jeremiah_The last meeting for the repo team was a bit problematic, held 48 hours after annoucnment13:44
lbtjeremiah_: yep.... but I'm just being opportunistic since heffer is here13:44
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hefferi'll post a call for help to our fedora packaging/mini guys that have been working on moblin for some time already13:45
jeremiah_lbt: *gein*13:45
lbtno, it was held about a week+ after announcements13:45
jeremiah_heffer: That would be awesome13:45
jeremiah_lbt: No - it was on a friday and the meeting was sunday13:45
lbtjeremiah_: read the ml archives... :)13:45
lbtanhow... water/bridge13:45
jeremiah_okay, true dat13:46
jeremiah_lbt:  I thought you made some interesting points yesterday13:47
jeremiah_lbt: Good to see you so involved.13:47
lbtheh - it's finding time isn't it :)13:47
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jeremiah_Yeah. Finding time is key - but you work for Nokia now?13:49
jeremiah_So you can put more time into MeeGo/13:49
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lbtnot really - the nokia work is purely internal13:49
jeremiah_You're doing it in your stomach?13:49
lbtalthough I make sure that as much as possible can be externalised13:49
lbtnah, it's corporate process stuff13:50
lbtwell, defining and automating it13:50
jeremiah_My god. Process is like walking in pancake batter13:50
lbtQA, OBS development13:50
lbtyeah - but we do release things... OBS/LDAP integration13:50
lbtQA hooks13:50
jeremiah_That is awesom e valuable stuff13:51
RST38hProcess guidelines....13:51
jeremiah_which no one follows13:51
* RST38h smirks13:51
lbtI'm getting us to split the docs to internal/external13:51
lbtso 'how to get started on Meego OBS'13:51
lbtshould end up on Meego.org13:51
jeremiah_lbt: I would love to see that - that is sorely needed13:52
lbtyeah... we've been asked not to push it until day 1... it wouldn't ease tensions :)13:52
jeremiah_I don't understand the rationale . . .13:52
lbtjeremiah_: but if you ever did my Mer tutorial you'd find it familiar....13:52
RST38hjeremiah: Guidelines are actually important. They let you blame people when something goes wrong.13:53
jeremiah_lbt: I haven't, I'll read your Mer tutorial to get prepared. :-)13:53
lbtyup... and putting them on a wiki lets me tell you to fix it yourself ;)13:53
jeremiah_RST38h: Truer words were never spoken. =)13:53
lbtactually, your group needs to get stuck in to the Mer docs13:53
lbtthey are the best .deb docs around for OBS13:53
jeremiah_The debian group?13:53
jeremiah_Really? Cool13:54
Stskeepsjeremiah_: you have to consider that all the errors in materials will be paramount for failures when you start a huge organisation such as meego on day 113:54
jeremiah_Can I put a URL on the wiki from you?13:54
Stskeepsso i don't blame them for not pushing until day 113:54
Stskeepsadverse effects etc13:54
lbtjeremiah_: yes - link to Mer docs by all means13:54
jeremiah_You've gone all corporate Stskeeps13:54
Stskeepsjeremiah_: no, brainwash13:54
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jeremiah_You have completely forgottent they (Intel Nokia) need us more than we need them13:54
RST38hStskeeps: What do they use for brainwashing anyway?13:55
jeremiah_Moblin failed13:55
jeremiah_It was a disaster13:55
StskeepsRST38h: sauna and jaegermeister13:55
RST38hjeremiah: Wrong.13:55
lbtjaegermeister... I forgot!13:55
jeremiah_Oh yeah?13:55
jeremiah_Where is it now?13:55
RST38hjeremiah: Neither Intel nor Nokia are human beings, hence they neither need you nor understand that they need you13:55
koupsahello all13:55
jeremiah_RST38h:  Oh that, yeah, fair enough. But they need money. And with community they can get money13:56
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i'm not entirely sure about need us more than we need them.. i think it's also about us needing them as much as we need them13:56
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Everything I need is already open13:56
jeremiah_Why do I need to get it from MeeGo?13:56
Stskeepsjeremiah_: you have fredom not to do so :P13:56
RST38hjeremiah: Not really, even if all of us buy ourselves devices, it will still be way less than the revenue streams these behemots become interested in13:56
lbthow come the distmaster and the debmaster haven't commented on the package WG email?13:56
jeremiah_RST38h: Surely, but it is not us buying the devices they care about13:57
Stskeepsjeremiah_: btw, you're leaving us in june?13:57
RST38hjeremiah: Somebody still will.13:57
jeremiah_They want us to know the technology so they can hire us, so they can point to momentum13:57
jeremiah_This is key13:57
RST38hjeremiah: Somebody has been buying N76, right? :)13:57
Stskeepslbt, repo wg or package wg?13:57
lbtoh,err, repo... :)13:57
jeremiah_When you evaluate your next widget in the corporate world - you look for "thriving ecosystem"13:58
jeremiah_Intel Nokia need a thriving ecosystem13:58
RST38hjeremiah: The actual key is to keep head cheeses under impression that the community can be of some use (what exact use is not important)13:58
jeremiah_RST38h: You have to tell them that directly13:58
RST38hjeremiah: Nokia claims there is a "thriving Symbian ecosystem" :)13:58
Stskeepsa cesspool is a ecosystem13:59
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Yeah, I resigned as debmaster before the MeeGo announcement13:59
Stskeepsjeremiah_: where?13:59
jeremiah_I'll leave at the end of my contract13:59
Stskeeps(i first read it yesterday, so)13:59
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jeremiah_Stskeeps: I haven't made it public thinking that Nokia would want to do something their way13:59
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RST38hjeremiah: why leave though? no use for your skills at Nokia?13:59
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jeremiah_RST38h: I love Nokia, I know you guys might think I hate them, but I don't14:00
jeremiah_RST38h: I am simply not doing a good job as debmaster14:00
jeremiah_Someone else should step in14:00
Stskeepsjeremiah_: hrm, okay - hired by community usually means you tell to council and such i guess? but i dunno14:00
* RST38h neither loves not hates Nokia. Same goes for Intel actually.14:00
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jeremiah_Stskeeps: Umm, of course I told them _first_14:00
Stskeepsjeremiah_: ah, so they didn't communicate it further14:00
jeremiah_I told the council back in December that I was _thinking_ of leaving14:01
Stskeepsthere's some degree of reason why i don't mind a community reset in meego14:01
jeremiah_I wanted a completely different architecture for the servers14:01
jeremiah_I wanted drbd, two machines for the repos, reprepro14:01
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jeremiah_I set some of that stuff up14:01
jeremiah_It was totally ignored14:01
RST38hjeremiah: Can still be done, outside of maemo.org14:01
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jeremiah_RST38h: Not really14:02
jeremiah_I tried to open up the repos with rsync14:02
jeremiah_Didn't get far14:02
jeremiah_"Firewall" on the IPS's side14:02
lbtI'm hoping to see some changes in the build/repo area too14:02
RST38hjeremiah: In fact, it may be well worth it: lots of people told me they are frustrated with the current Extras guidelines and do not want to even start trying to get there14:02
jeremiah_lbt: It will never happen14:02
jeremiah_There are entrenched interests14:02
jeremiah_RST38h: Yeah, people are leaving and pulling their software14:03
RST38hjeremiah: qole has an independent repo. Maybe you can get together and come up with an alternative repo system?14:03
RST38hjeremiah: also, talk to rm_you and me if you need PackRat sources for browsing the repo online14:03
jeremiah_RST38h: Oh reall? I didn't know that14:04
jeremiah_I don't want to split the community though, I wanted to work from inside out14:04
RST38hjeremiah: This will not split the community14:04
RST38hjeremiah: It will simply provide an alternative to Maemo Extras, that's all14:04
jeremiah_Well, I don't want to appear to split the community14:04
lbtTBH a split is better than fragmentation14:05
RST38hjeremiah: It is better to have a single organized alternative than have a dozen of disorganized alternatives which are almost sure to spring up14:05
jeremiah_I actually think the Extras process is pretty good, it just needs some tweaking.14:05
Stskeepsand more hands on the software managing it14:05
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Yes!14:05
RST38hWell, as you said, not gonna happen14:06
jeremiah_But the hands who are managing it do not want help14:06
RST38hSo, the plan B is to create an Extras Junior outside and manage it by community14:06
jeremiah_Well, isn't MeeGo plan B?14:06
RST38hMeeGo is a corporate plan B14:06
jeremiah_Shouldn't we focus on building something cool from the ground up?14:06
jeremiah_Yup - it is corporate linux14:07
jeremiah_But nothing wrong with that14:07
RST38hIMHO we should focus on providing what community needs14:07
jeremiah_RST38h: Hmm. How do we determine what that is though?14:07
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i like to see it as a possibility to reset bad decisions of the past14:07
RST38hNOT what somebody's idealized idea of the community needs14:07
jeremiah_Stskeeps: I totally agree.14:07
RST38hjeremiah: Pretty simple, actually14:07
Stskeepsjeremiah_: what were bad decisions is a bit subjective though14:08
RST38hjeremiah: Put yourself into the boots of an average power user14:08
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jeremiah_Stskeeps: Yes14:08
RST38hForget the bad decisions, the blame, etc as it is not gonna be constructive14:08
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Even you and I don't always agree so it is going to be hard to create a reset button everyone is happy with14:08
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StskeepsRST38h: i think we should define community as non-attached-to-meego-teams-with-logins-to-central-obs-and-such14:08
jeremiah_RST38h: Well, I know this is contraversial, but I want an Free Software repo14:09
Stskeepsand work how we can help bringing more contributors14:09
Stskeepslike, staging area for talents14:09
RST38hStskeeps: I really do not think it is worth starting a cporation-denying revolution here :)14:09
StskeepsRST38h: not a corporation denying14:09
jeremiah_The only way to ensure all the code is open is to insist on OSI licenses14:09
Stskeepsi worded it wrong14:09
RST38hjeremiah: Ok, let us return to that scenario14:09
StskeepsRST38h: i meant it as the playground for new features, applications, recompiles of entire platform, etc14:09
Stskeepsthe stuff that is outside release schedules14:09
RST38hjeremiah: You are a simple user. You want to: 1) easy access to apps 2) steady stream of apps 3) way to keep up with the new apps 4) some way to avoid lemons14:10
RST38hStskeeps: Mer? :)14:10
StskeepsRST38h: that is one way of seeing it.14:10
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i'll be very loud the moment they put closed source into the shared platform amongst devices, at least14:10
RST38hjeremiah: Let us forget about all the grand plans and address these items one by one14:11
jeremiah_Awesome. =)14:11
RST38hjeremiah: #1 is basically addresses with PackRat.14:11
Stskeepsjeremiah_: on the hardware level opinions vary, :P14:11
jeremiah_Stskeeps: And you have more experience there than I14:11
jeremiah_So I will defer to your better judgement14:11
jeremiah_But I believe we can make some progress therre tooo14:11
Stskeepsyes, of course14:11
RST38hjeremiah: #2 is solved by having exactly TWO repos (staging and safe) with really easy, informal promotion (see Diablo Extras)14:12
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RST38hjeremiah: #3 is solved by writing some more PHP and talking to my-maemo guy to manage it14:12
RST38hjeremiah: #4 is solved by letting users comment on apps in #3 and #114:12
RST38hjeremiah: All of this is doable at the cost of 1-2 weeks of somebody's evening time.14:13
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jeremiah_RST38h: Okay14:13
RST38hjeremiah: There is really no need to discuss it. Implement it, advertise it on tmo, collect comments from tmo and irc, make modifications, rinse, repeat a few times14:13
jeremiah_Why aren't you proposing this to the TSG then?14:14
jeremiah_I mean, I have my pet project already.14:14
RST38hjeremiah: Because I am 100% sure TSG will thank me and go its own way14:14
RST38hjeremiah: This happened to me before, with I am not losing any more of my time again, by proposing to TSG etc14:14
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jeremiah_I really think that the community should propose this to the TSG to get the most traction.14:18
jeremiah_I am nobody to the MeeGo people14:18
Stskeepswe're all nobodies :P14:19
RST38hOk, prpopse it to the TSG and claim the credit, it is all yours :)14:19
Stskeepswell, except for merit14:19
* RST38h thinks somebody (not community but a person) should simply implement it14:19
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RST38hIn fact, have a joint server for both Maemo5 and Meego packages14:20
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lbtI think a lot of what has been said (whilst I got my food) relates to the RWG14:32
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lbtI feel that a OBS would pull all of that together amazingly well14:33
lbtas for the TSG aspect... the RWG sets out some goals - not implementation details14:34
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jeremiah_Hmm, meego-community OBS eh?14:38
jeremiah_Will it be bit for bit the same as the official meego OBS?14:38
lbtit will have a n/w link to it14:39
lbtso yes14:39
jeremiah_And I have already asked Intel about thins, but what happens when Novell gets bought?14:39
jeremiah_And OBS becomes proprietary?14:39
lbtit's GPL14:39
jeremiah_So who will maintain it?14:39
lbtall that may happen is we lose the devs/maintainers14:39
lbtabout half of whom work for LF14:40
hefferthen just move on to koji :D until then it'll have all the features needed14:40
jeremiah_ah, okay cool14:40
* lbt stabs heffer14:40
jeremiah_What is koji?14:40
* jeremiah_ googles14:40
lbtnothing to see... move along14:40
hefferFedora's build system :D14:40
hefferi know i'm a Fanboy :P14:40
jeremiah_Ah, okay14:40
lbtgood god people....14:41
lbthey, how about building it from source...14:41
lbtwe could....14:41
lbtooh shiney...14:41
jeremiah_Looks interesting14:41
* lbt puts head in hands14:41
jeremiah_See what it is like?14:41
jeremiah_Now you know.14:41
lbtOK, a friend is moving house... I have to go... :)14:41
jeremiah_Later! We'll talk about koji while you're gone14:42
lbtI'll be back l8r.... jeremiah_ I expect to see a Mer package on the Suse OBS in home:jeremiah14:42
lbtl9r guys ;)14:42
* jeremiah_ surfs Stskeeps link14:42
jeremiah_Is Orange officially in?14:43
Stskeepsi think they were14:43
jeremiah_I saw some kind of announcement, but I don't remember if they were going to commit resources or not14:44
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jeremiah_Good stuff Stskeeps14:45
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Stskeepsthat's personally how i see things in meego, though i might be wrong :P14:47
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Stskeepswhat do you think, jeremiah_?14:52
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jeremiah_Stskeeps: This is a hard subject, but I think your vision is about as good as can be14:53
jeremiah_I feel community has to go right through the project14:53
jeremiah_Up to the top, to the build system, to the repos, etc.14:53
jeremiah_If the corporate powers act as a brake then community momentum suffers14:53
Stskeepsi wouldn't mind seeing a representant in TSG for 'meego contributors' for instance14:54
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jeremiah_And I am not convinced that coroporations have it in their DNA to allow the community to run the asylum14:54
Stskeepsor allow the asylum to run the community ;)14:54
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Well, your Vendor social contract is an awesome idea that I think they are ignoring14:54
jeremiah_That kinda upsets me14:54
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Stskeepscode first, organisation, then we can talk about how we deal with the unruly people14:55
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Stskeepsi don't think it's being ignored, personally14:55
jeremiah_You mean unruly like me? ;)14:55
qgilStskeeps: hi, does your mom have a cellar?  ;)14:55
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Good, I don't think it should be ignored14:55
jeremiah_qgil: Where do you think he is writing from?14:56
Stskeepsqgil: actually when she was alive, then yes, she did have, but i didn't live there ;)14:56
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jeremiah_Cool. Glad I have an extra N900 for development bricking16:01
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* lcuk awaits a build of meego to try on his touchscreen16:58
Stskeepswhat processor?16:59
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* lcuk checks exact specs17:01
lcukbut if it doesnt work ill just have to carry on using windows normal qt17:01
lcukor ubuntu or something17:01
lcukIntel® Pentium® Dual Core T4300 (2.1 GHz)17:01
Stskeepsah, got a t420017:02
jeremiah_Yeah, MeeGo is more geared toward Atom17:02
lcuki know jeremiah_17:02
Stskeepsi do have the ssse3 extension so technically i shouldn't have a proble17:02
lcukits such a waste since high powered intel chips are so workable17:02
jeremiah_Just sayin'17:02
* lcuk nods17:02
jeremiah_SUSE's distro works nicely on that machine I think17:03
jeremiah_I saw one at FOSDEM17:03
Stskeepsi hope for community builders where it is possible to do non-atom builds17:03
lcukyeah i saw lots i might just keep windows on it for the novelty17:03
Stskeepswith ze powah of obs17:03
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lcukdidnt i see something that the home obs builders wont work because of lack of sse3 emulation17:04
jeremiah_Yeah, lbt was going on about that last night17:04
lcuki asked at first about just why sse3 was required17:04
lcukand i still fail to see need :)17:05
Stskeepscos everything is built against it, probably17:05
Stskeepsi'm a believer in hwcap instead17:05
lcukwith however millions of potential machines17:05
lcukbut :) if meego is qt then its not an issue17:05
lcukcos people will just write normal qt17:05
Stskeepslcuk: it also means you can't run a meego VM on your computer if you have a AMD processor, for instance17:05
jeremiah_Ah the limits of corporate open source17:06
Stskeepswell, i've seen equally insane things in free software17:06
lcukwell once the code drops we can start building against it17:06
Stskeepsbut i think this one is one that can be worked with17:06
jeremiah_lbt seemed a little skeptical17:07
lcukso - if someone buys an intel atom netbook17:07
Stskeepsit's a few lines in a spec file most likely17:07
Stskeepsand a setting in OBS17:07
lcukthey should be able to natively install meego base on it17:07
lcukand develop direct from within it17:07
jeremiah_I'm not sure - I wonder which version of the Atom17:07
jeremiah_I think you may need Russelville or later17:08
jeremiah_But I may be mistaken17:08
jeremiah_Just like you won't be able to run on any ARM chip17:08
jeremiah_It'll have to be some kind of OMAP3 thingy17:08
lcukit really seems silly talking about it from a performance perspective - when on the other hand they say much slower arm processors are fine :)17:08
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Stskeepsjeremiah_: well, that's assuming a lot too17:08
* Stskeeps hopes for armv5, armv6+vfp and armv7 builds17:09
jeremiah_Stskeeps: So you think it'll run on any IA Atom?17:09
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jeremiah_Stskeeps: You really think all those will be supported on the ARM platform?17:09
Stskeepsjeremiah_: was to the omap3 part17:09
Stskeepsyes, they are17:09
jeremiah_Already out of the box?17:09
Stskeepsarmv7 supports armv6+vfp and backwards17:09
Stskeepslike debian supports >= armv4t17:09
Stskeepsit depends on what you choose as baseline17:10
lcukwhy would you need a meego vm out of interest17:10
jeremiah_Or what they choose as a baseline17:10
Stskeepslcuk: testing your stuff17:10
Stskeepsjeremiah_: armv7 isn't entirely insane as a baseline17:10
jeremiah_lcuk: Well so you can cross compile no?17:10
Stskeepslcuk: test your app directly17:10
lcukonly for far across17:10
jeremiah_Stskeeps: No - it makes sense to me. But hey, who knows what they have up their sleeve17:10
lcukim just wondering whether moblin on normal netbook + native compile17:10
jeremiah_Because you'll need help from TI or ARM or someone17:11
Stskeepsjeremiah_: not really17:11
Stskeepsgcc settings17:11
jeremiah_ARM kernel drivers?17:11
jeremiah_power management17:11
jeremiah_All that stuff is TI17:11
Stskeepsthe shared userland system doesn't care about kernel17:11
StskeepsARM has instruction sets17:11
jeremiah_Still, we'll see where they draw the line17:12
jeremiah_Some of it will care about the kernel17:12
* qgil considers new avatar
Stskeepsi'm not worried about ARM side because i think nokia is rather neutral towards processors while intel is well, not so processor neutral :)17:13
jeremiah_But you need good ARM support for this to be successful17:13
jeremiah_So you need someone to do that work17:13
Stskeepsi run ubuntu armv5 on my smartq and my n8x0 :P17:13
jeremiah_Yeah, see17:13
jeremiah_I mean, why won't vendors go with Ubuntu?17:14
Stskeepsthey muck around too much17:14
jeremiah_MeeGo will have to have a compelling ARM story17:14
Stskeepssimple as that17:14
jeremiah_Otherwise it is just the Nokia netbook distro17:14
lcukubuntu moblin remix thingy isnt there?17:14
Stskeepsi agree on the compelling story17:14
jeremiah_lcuk: I think Ubuntu has stopped their MID support17:15
qgiljeremiah_: because MeeGo's UX will be much better than Ubuntu's?17:15
jeremiah_UX is useless unless you can run on ARM17:15
Stskeepswe had a pretty nice one in Mer (ARM story): 'want to use ARM? sure! zero difference in developer workflow'17:15
qgilMeeGo supports arm...17:15
jeremiah_But which ARM? =)17:16
ShadowJKarm, intel > core, and via nano17:16
jeremiah_OMAP3 we know for sure17:16
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i think once you have armv5 it is trivial to recompile the system for any arm17:16
Stskeepswell, ok, vfp support17:16
jeremiah_oh cool17:16
lcukor any intel17:16
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Stskeepssince the shared system is open source it doesn't pose much limits17:17
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jeremiah_How hard is the ssse3 stuff to remove?17:17
Stskeepsthe interesting part is what the SDK's will built against.17:17
Stskeepsjeremiah_: probably modding one spec17:17
Stskeepsand asking obs to rebuild the thing17:17
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lcukwill there be obsisms i nthe source, or will it be possible to build using an alternative build system easily (if such a thing exists17:18
jeremiah_lcuk:  Well, if OBS is GPL,  you should be able to re-create it.17:18
jeremiah_If it doesn't move too fast17:18
Stskeepslcuk: ideally a package should build both in local build and obs17:19
Stskeepslcuk: could you poke me on that issue again at some point?17:19
lcuksure Stskeeps :)17:19
Stskeepscos it's an interesting part of packaging policy17:19
jeremiah_Poke him with a flaming barge pole17:19
* lcuk has stylus sharpener17:20
lcuknano tips :D17:20
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lcuki best switch on my new toy17:20
qgilbtw anybody (apart from jeremiah_ ) thinking of proposing a topic for the next TSG meeting?
jeremiah_Nejmen, smellyfis?! Ewww17:21
* qgil missed that Europe is changing daylight hour and the meeting will start at 23h in Helsinki.... zzzz17:21
Stskeepsqgil: chances are we'll all be busy digging through day one released materials and too busy to notice there's a TSG meeting ;)17:21
jeremiah_That means 22 in Sweden. Late.17:21
jeremiah_Stskeeps: What do you know that I don't know"?17:22
qgilStskeeps: good, this way we will be done in 30 mins  ;)17:22
lcukeep qgil thats late17:22
lcukcan it be readjusted by the hour? or too late to change right now?17:22
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i know my N900 lock code.17:22
qgillcuk: the first one lasted 2h - doing my maths17:22
jeremiah_I think we just have a clear agenda and run through the TSG meeting quickly17:22
jeremiah_The TSG is no place for the chaos of the "community process"17:23
Stskeepsmaybe we should have a PR group for all the questions17:23
jeremiah_Debian has a publicity wing17:23
Stskeepswell, or marketing ;)17:23
jeremiah_A propaganda wing17:23
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qgilok, I was just confused about you mentioning that acronym  ;)17:23
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* lcuk is torn between making a proposal and playing with new toy17:24
lcuki think toy wins17:24
qgillcuk: changing time, I guss there is something beautiful in announcing a time and not changing it few days after  ;)17:24
ShadowJKa spinbot17:24
qgilif nobody does, I will propose to move to 19h UTC17:24
lcukof course17:24
lcukmaybe if we run this one at designated time17:24
lcukand change it for after17:25
lcukits evolutionary process17:25
jeremiah_That means you'll be left out you single cell ameoba!17:25
qgilor we could use solar time - at the end "00"s are overrated since NTP exists17:25
lcuki have so many lcd screens in front of me now17:25
lcukall at different sizes17:26
lcukStskeeps, still waiting for mer on cig lighter tho :D17:26
Stskeepslcuk: i'm waiting for the first arm processor in a lighter17:26
qgiljeremiah_: amoebas are a lot more evolved than us17:27
Stskeepsjeremiah_: but regarding day one, it's supposed to be end of month17:27
Stskeeps31th is probably latest time for that to happen ;)17:27
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Well even I knew that. =)17:28
koupsaoups sorry wrong window17:29
jeremiah_qgil: But they don't wear pants so how evolved are they really?17:29
qgiljeremiah_: imagine, they don't even need pants17:29
qgilkoupsa: don't apologize, that video is on topic, since we were discussing amoebas and evolution17:31
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* qgil wonders why the first "related" video offered by YouTube is "Boys boys boys - Sabrina"17:32
koupsa:) it will be  a nice logon song for meego17:32
lcukthats your personal playlist quim17:33
lcukmine shows futurama ones17:33
* Stskeeps is looking forward to futurama starting again17:34
lcuk:D yeah17:34
koupsaabout evolution
qgilthe second option was better than Sabrina:
Stskeepsheh, c64 flashback..17:36
lcukin in #archlinux they have a bot which displays the titles of links :)17:36
lcukits a cool little thing17:36
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* lcuk goes playing with toys17:37
koupsaqgil, :) like an amiga demo17:37
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* lcuk rolls eyes at meego password strength (before i go)17:41
lcukis considered low strength17:43
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leinirit's still all lower case letters, though ;)17:44
lcuki'd like to see password crackers attack something of that length tho17:45
leinirBut a checking algorithm which actually investigated the total number of permutations would be interesting ;)17:45
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leinirdictionary based checks, that one is... 14 tokens for testing with a few hundred thousand possibilities each, i guess ;)17:45
lcuki would like to have iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or something17:46
lcukthats low strength too17:47
leinir*nods* :)17:47
leinirth1s1sn07 ;)17:47
leinirl337 sp33k is useful for something, at least ;)17:48
* lcuk finds the shortest strong password17:48
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lcukaA1!2" is high17:49
lcukand less secure than my original one17:49
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MrCoderHi guys, is the N900 going to support MeeGo?17:50
GAN900original is dictionary vulnerable.17:50
leinirMrCoder: i take it you've actually looked before asking this? :)17:50
GAN900MrCoder, depends entirely on how you define "MeeGo"17:50
lcukGAN900, most dictionary crackers check 2 maybe 3 word combos17:50
MrCoderBeen looking on forums for the past half hour, cant find a yes / no answer :/17:51
leinirnot 1417:51
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leinirMrCoder: Well, check the meeting minutes from the last TSG meeting, it's in the topic :)17:51
leinirwait, no it's not... *frowns* Why it is not in the topic?17:52
leinirwell, the blog post up there applies as well17:52
leinir"What is scheduled to be available then is the first and very raw baseline to a source and binary repository to build MeeGo trunk on Intel ATOM boards and Nokia N900."17:52
jsa-mrcoder: the answer is yes or don't know depending on what you mean by meego17:53
* lcuk wonders where to write down a password so i dont forget it17:53
MrCoderThanks guys, I was starting to panic for a min, got my N900 2 days ago and stumbled along posts about support being dropped for it.17:54
leinirYeah, that post has caused such a lot of stupid17:54
MrCoderLittle confussed thou, there are diffrent types of Meego?17:55
lcukhaha i tried using the url for my onetime login as a password ( )  and it says its medium :)17:55
lcuk(without the xxxxx blocks17:55
leinirIt emits deadly rays of stupidness17:55
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lcuk\o/ yayyy finally found a password it agrees is high strength17:57
* lcuk writes it on a postit17:57
lcukits shorter and less personally memorable to me17:57
MrCoderjsa-: What do you mean "depending on what you mean by meego"?17:58
lcukbut its more secure *rolleyes*17:58
* lcuk senses this game will occur frequently 17:58
qgilMrCoder: he means MeeGo as released by the MeeGo project (free software stack) or MeeGo as shipped by Nokia will all the proprietary whistles17:58
qgil(I guess)17:59
MrCoderAs far as I was aware they is Maemo 5.0, MeeGo and something called Harmattan?17:59
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qgilMrCoder: you gut your device 2 days ago, enjoy!   :)17:59
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MrCoderlol, good point :)18:00
MrCoderIf only I could get GTK+2.0 upgraded to 2.8 I would be happy :/18:00
MrCoderSorry, 2.1.8 i think18:00
MrCoderTrying to build Mangler (Linux ventrilo client) and failing lol18:01
qgilig GTK+ would reach 2.8 more people than you would be happy, probably  :)18:01
qgilI guess you mean 2.1818:02
MrCoderYeah, I'm pretty noobish on Linux thou, I have managed to break X on 4 SDK images already somehow lol18:03
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MrCoderI cant seem to get my head around how you would go about upgrading the esbox / scrachbox GTK, I guess im in the wrong IRC channel thou :)18:05
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thiago_homehi CosmoHill20:05
* CosmoHill is trying to find out what CD he wants for his birthday20:05
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RST38hA Meego CD?20:06
CosmoHillthat too20:06
CosmoHillI'm currently listening to "This is dubstep"20:08
* Shapeshifter is listening to Dom and Roland - Soundwall20:09
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* CosmoHill goes for a listen20:10
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Shapeshifterwell it's not exactly dubstep ;)20:13
Shapeshifterbut some kind of *step no doubt.20:13
CosmoHillsounds like drum and bass20:14
CosmoHillwhatever it is, i like it so far20:14
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CosmoHillI'm assuming that if meego is going to support nvidia graphics cards that it was never going to use the open source nvidia driver?20:22
ShadowJKIf you look at the meego website, you'll see that hw drivers are to be provided by device vendors20:24
CosmoHillso if HP sold a laptop with meego it's up to them to install the graphics card drivers before shipping?20:25
CosmoHillI see20:25
CosmoHillmakes sense20:25
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ShapeshifterCosmoHill: my guess is that as a user, you can install both drivers anyway. it's just yet another linux20:34
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CosmoHillI can't remember if I've asked in here or not20:38
CosmoHillbut does anyone have experience with clusters and / or virtual machines?20:39
jrayhawkYou might want to state the nature of the problem you're trying to solve rather than the means by which you expect to solve it.20:40
jrayhawkOr both, I suppose.20:40
Jaffaqgil: Stskeeps: Mrs Jaffa noticed that it said we were married, but not to whom.20:41
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Jaffaqgil: Stskeeps: after 6 years (next week), you'd think she'd've noticed already ;-)20:41
CosmoHillerm, I'm gonna be building a cluster for part of my dissertation20:41
CosmoHilland maybe using VM machines too20:41
CosmoHillhere's a more specific question: what can you do on a cluster that would look good to 16 year olds and demonstrates cluster computing to them?20:42
jrayhawkWhat kind of computation?20:42
CosmoHillbasically something shiny to impress them20:42
jrayhawkpvm can run on pretty much any platform, povray can run on top of that.20:42
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jrayhawkPovray is also fun for 16 year olds to learn, and pretty much defines the concept of shiny :)20:44
CosmoHillthe problem I have atm is that the dissertation is far away (september)20:45
CosmoHilland different lecturers have different ideas for the cluster20:45
jrayhawkMost general-purpose clusters are a waste of time without extremely expensive fast and efficient semi-proprietary busses like Infiniband.20:49
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qgilShapeshifter: man, this Dom and Roland is dark!20:49
CosmoHilljrayhawk: one lecturer wants it so that we can learn how to program for multiple cores / nodes20:50
CosmoHillone wants it so that the mutlimedia students can render their images faster20:51
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th0br0CosmoHill: that's a complete cluster-waste20:51
th0br0and good evening everyone.20:52
CosmoHillhey th0br020:53
jrayhawkTwo separate problems, really. You can find non-symmetric multiprocessing in the form of NUMA on single systems, and multimedia-rendering is going to be application-specific (like pvmpov) anyway, so is best done more cloud-style.20:54
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jrayhawk always makes me laugh21:02
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th0br0haha jrayhawk21:04
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* CosmoHill wonders what it would be like to be a system admin21:35
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Shapeshifterqgil: good stuff :)21:44
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qgilthiago_home: no, I guess drum & bass  :)21:53
qgilbtw, has someone got emails returned from mailing lists?21:53
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thiago_homewhat do you mean?21:55
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* Jaffa is receiving emails to the list; and hasn't got any bounces (AFAHCT) when posting22:00
thiago_homenor I22:00
qgilthiago_home: Shapeshifter was saying before that he was listening  - jump to 1:55 if you're impatient22:02
qgiltexrat has shown me bounces and the funny thing is that the mail server IP is located in Dallas, (where he lives?)22:03
qgilJaffa: did you have a chance to look at ?22:04
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Jaffaqgil: Only very briefly. Mother-in-law and youngest child both ill :-(22:30
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GAN900Jaffa, unfun.22:57
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JaffaGAN900: Indeed. However, I've got a 6.8G VM image with Fremantle x86/armel, PR1.2, Diablo x86 and Nokia apps ready to test drive for jumpstart thingy in London on April 17. Texrat's updated his flyers with MeeGo stuff and A4 layout too23:49
GAN900Jaffa, cool.23:50
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* Jaffa beds.23:51
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