IRC log of #maemo-ui for Tuesday, 2011-03-15

*** mveplus has quit IRC00:11
*** Tsarpf has quit IRC00:13
*** mikhas has joined #maemo-ui00:15
*** mveplus has joined #maemo-ui00:23
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*** mikhas has joined #maemo-ui00:34
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*** mikhas has joined #maemo-ui03:27
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*** KMFDM has joined #maemo-ui08:25
*** mikhas has joined #maemo-ui11:03
*** mveplus has quit IRC11:25
*** mveplus has joined #maemo-ui11:25
*** mveplus has quit IRC11:49
*** mveplus has joined #maemo-ui11:49
*** povbot has joined #maemo-ui14:04
*** Tsarpf has joined #maemo-ui15:46
*** mikhas has quit IRC17:54
*** thebootroo has joined #maemo-ui18:01
thebootrooi'm qt apps developer and i just created a page with my best creations (in beta stage), can i show you ?18:02
*** thebootroo has left #maemo-ui18:29
*** mikhas has joined #maemo-ui19:01
*** Tsarpf has quit IRC19:46
*** Tsarpf has joined #maemo-ui19:47

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