IRC log of #maemo-ui for Wednesday, 2010-02-03

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tigertmetro works when they dont punch holes in water pipes underground08:08
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aSIMULAwrkjaakko are you an experienced sailor?10:23
JaakkoVmaybe 8 times10:28
aSIMULAwrklet me ask you this10:29
aSIMULAwrki have 2 friends, who want to sail across the pacific (la - fiji, philippines)10:29
aSIMULAwrkthey haven't sailed yet10:29
aSIMULAwrkthey will take their certifications soon10:29
aSIMULAwrkand want to do that pacific trip q4 of this year10:29
JaakkoVthey will die10:29
aSIMULAwrki keep telling them that10:29
aSIMULAwrkand they want to do it in a 30ft boat10:30
aSIMULAwrkat least get some voyages under your belt first right?10:30
JaakkoVthey will die a horrible death10:30
JaakkoVyoues you need at least a skipper for a leg like that10:30
aSIMULAwrkyeah definitely not alone10:31
aSIMULAwrkwhich one of them wants to do10:31
JaakkoVits ok if they have one experienced sailor10:31
JaakkoVbut two noob -> dead10:32
JaakkoVsailing is easy but after 9ms winds it gets tricky10:32
aSIMULAwrktommi was saying that at 25m/s he was feeling queezy :P10:33
aSIMULAwrktelling them how basically they are screwed and have probably never been in that type of wind before10:33
JaakkoVdepends on the boat10:33
JaakkoVfor 25ms you nead special sails and shit10:33
aSIMULAwrkfriend suggested a 36+ ft boat with some type of hull and 2 masts10:34
aSIMULAwrkand one of them flat out said can't take care of 2 masts by himself he'll stick with 30ft with 1 mast10:34
lcuksuch a lovely topic of conversation for this morning!12:10
* lcuk waves anyway (not the ocean type)12:10
JaakkoVso dead12:23
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GeneralAntillesaSIMULAtor, do they do scared straight programs for that? :P14:49
aSIMULAwrkthey should15:39
aSIMULAwrkthese guys need a swift kick in the nuts/head/butt15:40
aSIMULAwrkactually one of them is in here15:56
aSIMULAwrkbut i wonder if he'll even check his irc screen15:56
JaakkoVyeah its not like your driving a rent-o scooter. you are alone at sea. uuuu16:29
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GeneralAntillesaSIMULAtor, well, if they do go through with it, they at least need to file a float plan so the Coast Guard knows where to find them when they sink. . . .17:08
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAtor, also, I have a friend in the Coast Guard who's good at the whole scarring straight thing. :P17:09
aSIMULAtorif your friend is in the US...they're in the US...can talk to them :P17:14
aSIMULAtormaybe beat them17:14
aSIMULAtorthat might work17:14
aSIMULAtorcause talking doesn't seem to help17:14
GeneralAntillesHe's had to pull more than a few of those sorts of adventurers out of the water17:22
aSIMULAtoroff the coast of florida?17:22
GeneralAntillesCalifornia and Alaska17:23
GeneralAntillesMostly CA17:23
aSIMULAtordamn alaska...i'm sure by the bering strait it's pretty..rough17:23
GeneralAntillesFlorida is mostly drug runners from the Caribbean. ;)17:24
aSIMULAtori was reading up on if your'e a first time sailor and u want to do a sail alone, that the caribbean would be the best, less trade winds, etc17:25
aSIMULAtorgotta get the coca into the country one way or another :P17:25
aSIMULAtori also read about the shallow reefs in the florida keys getting all screwed cause of the unusually cold weather :/17:25
aSIMULAtorthat's not nice news to read about17:25
GeneralAntillesSuperfast boats loaded up with fuel tanks.17:25
GeneralAntillesSnow in Orlando17:27
GeneralAntillesCold indeed.17:27
aSIMULAtorwe're getting a TON of snow here and they're thinking about getting hte defense forces to haul out some of the snow from the city17:27
GeneralAntillesI saw Quim's picture on Flickr.17:28
GeneralAntillesI expect I'd die in weather like that.17:28
aSIMULAtoryou'd die if you'd have to dig out your car from a 2 meters of snow :P17:29
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aSIMULAtorit's kind of amusing watching people do that17:29
aSIMULAtorlike haha PWNED17:29
aSIMULAtorthen you start to feel empathy17:29
GeneralAntillesWhen it gets cold enough to ice my windshield over here I just go back to bed.17:29
aSIMULAtori wish i could do that :P17:30
GeneralAntillesThe wonders of university life. ;)17:30
aSIMULAtorahh teh good ol days :D17:30
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* tigert ponders going to work on next thursday18:20
tigerthopefully the weather is nice then ;)18:20
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aSIMULAtorare you on holiday?19:55
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tigertwell, working holiday21:58
tigertwe got a baby girl21:59
aSIMULAtoroh congratulations!22:01
aSIMULAtor1st child?22:02
mikhaswell done! =)22:02
lcukcongratulations tigert :)22:19
fralscongrats! \o/22:20
tigert:) thanks22:26

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