IRC log of #maemo-ui for Thursday, 2010-01-14

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rkc_What is the alternative of listbox ??11:59
rkc_i want display a list of items and need to select one of them..12:00
rkc_which is the suitable UI component for this in hildon?12:00
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lcukrkc_, that would be a listbox then?12:30
rkc_do u have any component called listbox in hildon?12:31
rkc_i guess we have something like selector12:31
rkc_isnt it?12:31
* lcuk checks i cant remember either offhand12:32
rkc_lcuk: yes.. it looks like touch selector is the only closest match12:36
rkc_but it has a prob.. it needs a picker button..12:37
lcukyeah, tho depends how many you want and if you want it popping up to select or just always be there12:37
rkc_my req is, when i select a menu, it needs to display a set of items, and i should be able to select one12:38
rkc_is this possible with the touch selector?? the button picker is a kind of blocker.. can i eliminate and launch the list from menu press??12:38
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