IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2020-02-08

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craftyguyhas anyone figured out how to get TLS 1.2 support in maemo (fremantle) ?09:12
craftyguyI assume, at the very least, a new openssl package is needed09:12
DakonI sadly can't get 1.1.1 to compile09:41
craftyguyoh! but that's a start :)09:43
craftyguyDakon: is that in some repo I can add to the device, or is manual download/install of the packages in order?09:45
Dakonyou need to manually download the packages10:00
sicelocssue is mainly dead/frozen now though ...10:01
Dakonthis will only give you 1.0.2 for new applications, nothing that uses the system libs will have it10:01
craftyguyI see10:01
Dakonenough for OSM2go ;)10:01
craftyguyprobably nothing to replace cssu, other than maemo-leste, etc, right?10:01
siceloyes craftyguy10:02
craftyguyalrighty :)10:02
siceloDakon: true ... osm2go and (very) few other applications :p10:02
siceloOpera does support TLS1.2 to some extent iirc.10:03
craftyguyoh really? I can't even remember where to get that TBH. it's been ~8 years since I last used maemo 510:04
siceloDakon: you're osm2go dev? i was going to to building it on Leste, but we don't currently have a location framework10:05
Dakonno libgps?10:07
Dakonjust package a recent gpsd, this should have all you need10:07
Dakonif the gpsd is not running it will just not return any samples10:08
siceloi'll try that. maybe YOU should give Leste a try too :-)10:09
sicelothere's a VM image - no more scratchbox10:10
craftyguyleste is actually really nice10:10
craftyguybut not a whole lot works there yet10:11
sicelocraftyguy: opera-mobile 11 is in extras repo. 12 is in extras-testing. i have 12 installed, and that's the one which supports tls1.2 to some extent. maybe 11 does as well, can't be sure. however, 12 crashes a lot :-(10:11
sicelostart with 1110:12
craftyguyok, thanks :)10:14
craftyguyoof, no go :(10:19
craftyguy, probably using ciphers that are 'too modern'10:19
siceloyou may need to enable tls in opera:config first10:23
sicelook, just confirmed with opera 12. thatlink is a no-go :-(10:24
craftyguydang. oh well, worth a shot anyways10:25
siceloin Maemo, others use Midori (through EasyDebian) for browsing modern sites10:25
craftyguyI've never heard of easydebian. is that some 'install debian in chroot and do things in it' project/thing?10:25
DakonI actually try to port OSM2go to Qt so I can get rid of my N900 finally11:49
siceloand use what instead?11:57
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Dakonfor the moment my Jolla112:05
Dakonwould reduce the number of phones I have to carry around from 3 to 1 ;)12:05
sicelohaha, what's the other one?12:05
Dakonmy old N900 is somewhat broken, sudden crashes and things like that. but the USB port on my new one is broken12:05
siceloso you carry two N900 and the Jolla?12:06
Dakonso when the battery is empty I have to plug it in the old one, charge it, and put it back12:06
Dakonnot day to day, but on every trip12:06
DakonI only use the N900 for OSM2go, so often enough I can leave it at home12:06
siceloi'm not discouraging the Jolla, but you may want to check out the Pinephone - it will run Leste, so you can carry 1 phone only ;p12:07
Dakonthe Jolla has the big advantage that I already have it12:08
siceloanyway, guess OSM2go Qt will run fine on Leste as well, once Qt is ported.12:11
Dakonwhat's the problem? I package it for embedded devices for years just fine12:34
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