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Dakon | oh, here is actuallymore crowd than in #n900 ;) | 21:40 |
Dakon | according to the changelog the stable version is maemo8 and not maemo7 as in the title | 21:42 |
Dakon | just a short introduction for those who have not run into me: I'm the one who kicks OSM2go forward since ~2 years | 21:42 |
Dakon | I've recently had some battles with hildon-picker-button and hildon-picker-dialog and have some sort-of patches for that to behave less stupid | 21:43 |
Dakon | if anyone is interested in discussion them with me just ping me | 21:43 |
Dakon | oh, and I have OpenSSL 1.0.2 as dpkg for n900 here: https://github.com/community-ssu/hildon.git | 21:44 |
Dakon | can be installed in parallel with the system one, so no clashes | 21:44 |
Dakon | I would love to see that in the next CSSU, even as version 1.1 if you like (the I'll take time to update this) | 21:45 |
freemangordon | Dakon: please join #maemo-leste, cssu is more or less dead | 21:45 |
Dakon | I assumed that given the update frequency and that I'm probably one of 5 people that still use the N900 for anything ;) | 21:46 |
freemangordon | leste is an effort to port maemo to recent kernels and userspace and it is actively developed | 21:47 |
freemangordon | unfortunately it is not ready for prime-time still | 21:47 |
freemangordon | Dakon: no, way more than 5 people use n900 on daily bases as a primary phone, myself included :) | 21:49 |
freemangordon | Dakon: https://maemo-leste.github.io/maemo-leste-third-update-may-june-2018.html if you want some more info | 21:49 |
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Dakon | I just need the N900 for OSM mapping, I hope I'll eventually port it to Qt5 and be able to use it on my Jolla1 | 22:08 |
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sicelo | Dakon: thanks for osm2go! | 23:11 |
sicelo | hope even in Jolla times, you'll still find time to keep n900 port active :) | 23:12 |
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