IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2018-03-10

*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-ssu00:58
*** jon_y has quit IRC02:09
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*** infobot has quit IRC03:18
*** infobot has joined #maemo-ssu03:19
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v infobot03:19
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC04:01
*** dafox has quit IRC04:25
*** Pali has quit IRC04:25
*** NishanthMenon has quit IRC06:35
*** amiconn has quit IRC09:43
*** amiconn has joined #maemo-ssu09:44
*** Pali has joined #maemo-ssu12:18
*** dafox has joined #maemo-ssu13:19
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-ssu14:11
*** freemangordon has quit IRC15:47
*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-ssu15:47
*** mickname has quit IRC17:01
*** mickname has joined #maemo-ssu17:06
*** dafox has quit IRC17:43
*** Juesto has joined #maemo-ssu18:34
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC20:17
*** Pali has quit IRC22:57
*** Pali has joined #maemo-ssu22:58
enycJuesto: What do you mean' fixing existing maemo wiki' anyway?23:02
Juestoenyc: i said #maemo please23:07
enycyes, have responded there =)23:26

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