IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2018-01-07

*** useretail has quit IRC01:31
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*** LauRoman has quit IRC04:20
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*** poorbean has joined #maemo-ssu07:13
poorbeanhello friends i am sorry, i can not link the
poorbeanin china, can you help me?07:25
DocScrutinizer05tablets-dev is dead07:43
DocScrutinizer05/join #maemo   see /topic there07:44
DocScrutinizer05when you need flashing, see ~lf07:45
infoboti heard #maemo lazyflashing is
*** poorbean has quit IRC08:08
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*** poorbean has joined #maemo-ssu12:43
poorbeanhello, but i can not find files in fiasco+co12:45
poorbean any files12:49
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*** mickname_ is now known as mickname15:52
*** xes_ has joined #maemo-ssu17:23
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*** dafox has joined #maemo-ssu18:01
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*** LauRoman has quit IRC19:19
*** Pali has joined #maemo-ssu20:39
*** drcode has quit IRC21:40
*** drcode has joined #maemo-ssu21:43

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