IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2017-10-23

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ilewjonwil: ping10:26
ilewHey, I read that you need someone to talk to re CSSU-Testing?10:27
jonwilYeah I want to know what we need to do to get more packages into CSSU-testing10:28
jonwilThose that have been tested enough to be considered "safe"10:28
jonwiland/or that have good reasons to go into CSSU-testing10:28
ilewDo you know about the testing-testing repo? It's the packages that have been in cssu-devel and then picked to be used for the release..10:29
jonwilNope, dont know that10:31
ilewIt's about 99% ready. The only thing missing is the latest mp-fremantle-community-pr and then it's good to go for an actual CSSU-testing release. Unfortuately I don't have any permission to actually do the release.10:32
jonwilGot a link to testing-testing so I can see whats in it that's not in testing?10:36
ilewSorry for the slow response. I had to handtype and checked that it worked.10:45
ilewEverything in mp-fremantle-community-pr is what is in there though.10:46
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DocScrutinizer05seems we need to start another "shanghaiing session" to help merlin1991 out with managing the repos, eh?13:53
DocScrutinizer05the approach so far was that the repo maintainer gathers feedback on packages in here, evaluates those and decides if they are sufficient for qualifying a package as "ready for going prime time"13:54
DocScrutinizer05then same based on cssu-testing getting deployed, for cssu-stable13:55
DocScrutinizer05where stable would never adopt packages that are not fixing bugs13:56
DocScrutinizer05while in testing there sneaks in a mere improvement package every now and then13:57
DocScrutinizer05see e.g. camera-ui13:57
DocScrutinizer05the "problem" is we need a maintainer who understands and follows that scheme13:58
DocScrutinizer05beta-tests pre cssu-testing are frequently based on deploying .deb. Occasionally a developer may want to test packaging in cssu-devel after the core application considered working and betatested14:00
DocScrutinizer05.deb are frequently deployed via tmo14:01
DocScrutinizer05resp via arbitrary web hosts linked to in tmo14:02
DocScrutinizer05((gathers feedback on packages in here, evaluates those)) often involves a lot of prodding14:04
DocScrutinizer05evaluation could also happen in a "meeting" based on meritocracy, which is basically just an enforced feedback gathering. Final decision if feedback suffices is up to the repo maintainer14:05
DocScrutinizer05and should be conservative14:06
DocScrutinizer05a basic rule being: a package devel has no voice in evaluation14:07
DocScrutinizer05(...of their own package, that is)14:09
DocScrutinizer05basically packages - during evaluation - should get approved for release only when unanimously voted for by the ones who participated in evaluating the package14:12
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freemangordonPali: jonwil: lets discuss ke-recv issue here19:24
freemangordonfptf-provate is not logged, for start19:25
Pali~seen ilew19:26
infobotilew <~ilew@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 8h 39m 51s ago, saying: 'Everything in mp-fremantle-community-pr is what is in there though.'.19:26
freemangordondo we have anyone else but ilew that was able to reproduce the issue?19:26
Paliilew had a problem with ke-recv from cssu-devel19:26
freemangordonyeah, i know the story, at least partially19:26
PaliI was not able and do not know if somebody else tried that...19:26
freemangordonwouldn;t git-bisect do the job?19:26
Paliyes, once you are able to reproduce it19:27
freemangordonbut if ilew is able...19:27
Palijust build different versions of DEB packages19:27
Paliand try one by one19:27
Palithere are not too many versions, so binary search does not speed it up19:28
freemangordonPali: my devel device is highly customized (to boot maemo with upstream and whatnot), so I am not sure I'll be of help here19:28
freemangordonwe should really ask Ilew do do that, instead of wasting time to see if we are able to reproduce on first place19:29
freemangordonin the meanwhile - even if we are able to fix the issue, who is going to release that new CSSU?19:31
freemangordonI doubt merlin1991 will do, given he was converted19:31
jonwililew is working on a cssu-testing-testing actually19:32
freemangordonok, and once it is ok, what?19:32
jonwilNot sure.19:33
freemangordonyes, exactly. I think there is no point fixing things that are going to be never released19:34
jonwilthat's up to ilew to figure out19:38
jonwilwill ke-recv still exist on the N900 under maemo-leste or does its job get taken over by something from upstream?19:41
freemangordonke-recv is there19:41
freemangordonbut we're far from it being actually useful19:41
freemangordonhmm, lemme check19:42
freemangordonjonwil: no, it is not there19:42
freemangordonshould put it on todo list19:43
freemangordonhowever, it will be a big task, we should get rid of HAL19:43
jonwilI assume on N900 maemo-leste uses the bme replacement from pali and not the Nokia blob?19:44
freemangordonno bme or replacement19:45
freemangordonthere is a new mce module based on upower19:45
freemangordonbut we're still to test it19:45
freemangordonno reason to use bme, n900 upstream kernel has standard battery/charger interfaces19:46
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jonwilThere are a few userspace packages that talk to BME via libbmeipc and hald-addon-bme (no clue if any are closed source).19:55
jonwilSome massaging will need to be done to make those work 100% I  guess19:56
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