IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2017-02-26

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*** Pali has joined #maemo-ssu11:20
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*** peetah has joined #maemo-ssu22:27
peetahyoohooo ! after 3 years without my N900 because of the soldering issue that makes it useless as a phone, I finally got another one for quite nothing. Mandatory question: is there an up-to-date step by step guide to install cssu-testing thumb on my new beloved N900 ?22:29
peetahalso, is scratchbox still the recommended way for compiling and packaging softwares ?22:32
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peetahwaow... just had a look at the channel logs: it really became quiet here :)22:36
bencohsb is still the recommended way :)22:54
bencohand #maemo is usually more suited for non-cssu topics :)22:54
bencoh(and a bit more lively as well)22:54
bencohpeetah: oh and ... welcome back22:54
peetahbencoh: thanks :)22:56

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