IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2017-01-28

*** Pali has quit IRC02:45
JuestoShould i install CSSU to the maemo sdk? would it work fine? how i should do it?02:48
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freemangordonJuesto: depends on what you want o do08:48
freemangordon*to do08:48
freemangordonbut yes, it will work, that is how we build packages for the next CSSU releases08:48
Juestofreemangordon: the sdk emulator is quite buggy08:52
freemangordonarmel? yes it is08:53
Juestoespecially regarding the inability to shift+control because of xephyr08:53
Juestothe xephyr sdk emulator....08:53
freemangordonx86 should work fine though08:53
JuestoYeah its x86, isnt it?08:53
freemangordonbut, I never used for anything more but some play. I use either qt qemu or direct tests on the device08:54
freemangordonthere is bot x86 and armel08:54
Juestoyeah i've used xephyr (x86 one) not qemu08:54
* freemangordon is still having his first coffee08:55
freemangordonJuesto: what are you trying to achieve08:55
Juestoan usable maemo "device" on pc08:56
Juestosince i do not have one08:57
freemangordonJuesto: you don;t have n900?08:57
Juestoneither any maemo powered device08:57
freemangordonso, you want to see what maemo looks like or what?08:58
JuestoUse maemo, yes08:58
freemangordonJuesto: ok, lets switch to #maemo first, this stuff is OT here :)08:58
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