IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2017-01-18

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MojArchmy n900 got bootloop after updating CSSU!15:15
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bencohouch :/ which cssu?15:42
kerioMojArch: as a general rule15:44
keriopull the battery15:44
kerioif you get the battery low enough you can't reflash16:04
bencohah, right16:15
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MojArchbencoh: i dont know reall!16:39
bencohstable, testing ?16:39
bencohdid you just update cssu, or is that a stock->cssu upgrade?16:40
kerioeven better question16:40
keriowhen did you last took a full backup?16:40
MojArchlatest repository that i added to phone was extra-devel16:41
bencohand you launched upgrade after adding extra-devel? :/16:42
MojArchi updated CSSU!16:42
MojArchit notified me about new update and i just installed it!16:43
MojArchsome thning around 55MB16:44
bencohwhat is "it"? application manager?16:44
bencohit's probably not just cssu16:44
MojArchupdated from application manager16:45
bencohthen you probably just upgraded every package16:45
MojArchi dont think so16:46
bencohincluding those with newer version in extra-devel than extra-stable or extra-testing16:46
bencohhow do you know?16:46
MojArchdidn't get your point16:47
bencohyou just added a new repository, then upgraded16:47
bencohthis repository contains non-stable versions of extra softwares16:47
MojArchwell what are my options now?16:48
keriowhy would that cause a bootloop16:51
kerioMojArch: do you have uboot installed16:51
keriowell that's convenient16:51
kerioidk how to get dmesg output during boot tbh16:51
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MojArchany idea?16:53
keriowell i mean17:02
keriotry booting in R&D mode so the watchdog isn't started17:02
keriomaybe it'll help17:03
MojArchhoding down u ond than booting phone?17:05
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MojArchkerio: thnx17:31
keriono i meant like17:31
kerioflasher-3.5 --something17:31
kerioon a computer17:31
MojArchjust reflashed and every thing is ok17:31
kerioyou lost everything D:17:31
MojArchwell there was nothing17:32
keriothat is convenient17:32
MojArchi got this phone for porting arch linux to it17:32
infobotwell, lazyflashing is
DocScrutinizer05good luck with "porting XY to it"17:33
infobot[fptf] the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
kerioon the one hand17:33
kerioit's pretty damn easy to just get some random linux to somewhat work17:33
DocScrutinizer05emphasis on "to somewhat"17:33
kerioon the other, it's pretty fucking impossible to get it to work as well as maemo17:34
DocScrutinizer05starting with PVR and not ending at charging17:34
keriopretty sure that charging is easy nowadays17:35
DocScrutinizer05well, it actually always been, ever since I published that silly little script ;-)17:35
keriothat is pretty hard17:35
kerioyou have a thing that you have to run17:35
keriokernel module on the other hand17:36
DocScrutinizer05kernmel module OTOH is agnostic of USB ENUM17:36
DocScrutinizer05and a number of other things17:36
keriopali's module uses the info from the usb gadget mode driver to decide whether to charge at .5A or at .9A17:38
DocScrutinizer05you know how charging via USB works? You need to detect first if you're *allowed* to charge, and how much current to draw - not that my script would bother17:38
keriowell that's not good D:17:39
DocScrutinizer05that's how USB specified it17:40
MojArchwell what i have in my mind is porting maemo's ui(Fremantle?) to arch linux (if possible) and start to fix broken things17:41
DocScrutinizer05err but why?17:42
MojArchit is kinda fun17:42
DocScrutinizer05isn't arch also a debian?17:42
DocScrutinizer05meh, I heard of google17:43
infobotclosed is probably or, or
DocScrutinizer05the "ui" is hildon17:45
kerioDocScrutinizer05: no i mean17:45
kerioyour script isn't good17:45
DocScrutinizer05fremantle is a lot more than just the UI17:45
DocScrutinizer05then don't use it17:45
kerioalthough tbh i don't know if the module can deal with not having a usb gadget mode driver17:45
kerioalso let's be honest here, the non-ui parts of fremantle are just your run-of-the-mill lunix17:45
DocScrutinizer05I don't care. I taught Pali all the gory details about charging, and I think the driver is maybe not thoroughly tested but conceptually probably as good as it gets17:47
kerioi mean in auto mode17:47
DocScrutinizer05sorry, you lost me17:47
kerioyou can unload every g_ module17:48
kerioand then nothing would ENUM17:48
DocScrutinizer05I don't care17:48
kerioi'm just saying that i don't know whether or not the bq24k kernel driver knows how to deal with that17:48
DocScrutinizer05the non ui parts of fremantle are about all that makes fremantle actually work on N90017:49
bencohkerio: it most probably doesn't do anything about that, and it's perfectly fine.17:50
keriobut what if i want to charge with the one port in the universe that enforces current limits for non-enumerated usb devices17:51
bencohespecially since n900 charge current is freaking low17:51
bencohanyway that's OT here17:51
DocScrutinizer05starting at audio, over charging, cmt, dsme, icd, mce, notification handling, ohm, pa, upstart...17:51
keriowell it's still .9A isn't it17:51
bencohkerio: far from 0.9A here iirc17:52
kerio.9A at the absolute maximum17:52
kerioCCCV charging17:52
DocScrutinizer05that's basically unrealted to USB current17:53
keriowell, other than setting a maximum17:53
DocScrutinizer05since A) USB is 5V, and B) the system is powered via USB too17:53
DocScrutinizer05while CCCV is about *battery* current @ 3.0 .. 4.2V and that gets converted with a buck converter17:54
DocScrutinizer05bq27200 has a USB current limit *and* a battery CC limit17:55
DocScrutinizer05the latter is prolly higher than the former17:56
DocScrutinizer05~1.0 * 3.5 / 517:56
DocScrutinizer05battery@1A = USB@0.7A ( / efficiency)17:57
DocScrutinizer05when battery is 3V517:57
DocScrutinizer05plus system consumption on top17:58
DocScrutinizer05what we're talking here is USB current limit and that is unrelated to battery CC17:58
DocScrutinizer05((the one port in the universe that enforces current limits)) think of the billions of android phones with OTG18:00
DocScrutinizer05you don't want to charge from them, usually. But sure like hell you don't want to make VBUS break down when you attach N900 as gadget18:01
DocScrutinizer05and those are not required to provide >100mA18:02
DocScrutinizer05though some do18:02
DocScrutinizer05few do 500, pretty much none the (correctly stated) 0.9A18:03
* DocScrutinizer05 is happy like a clam about the smart charger chip in Neo90018:04
DocScrutinizer05indeed we went waaay OT18:06
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kerioyo DocScrutinizer0518:11
keriohows the neo900 doing18:11
merlin1991kerio: ther's #neo900 for that ;)18:11
kerioo sorry for interrupting this conversation-packed channel18:12
merlin1991yeah I mean, HOW DARE YOU18:13
* merlin1991 goes and sets up ilews account18:13
merlin1991ffs my priv key on win on this laptop is not allowed in18:16
* merlin1991 reboots18:16
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sicelo-ilew will be cssu maintainer?22:19
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