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ilew | merlin1991: Newest community-ssu-enabler works. You do however have to install both the community-ssu-enabler and community-enabler-testing deb to get it working. | 11:13 |
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ilew | Pali: Are you running the latest profiled? | 13:13 |
Pali | ilew: probably not | 13:14 |
Pali | I just merged something from upstream, but there were no changes IIRC, so I did not built packages | 13:15 |
ilew | hildon-status-menu would crash every couple of minutes and it seems like that profiled was the cause of it | 13:16 |
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ilew | Pali: I'll give it a couple of days to make sure it's profiled but if it is I'll remove it from the test release if that's okay with you? | 13:33 |
Pali | ok, in new profiled there was nothing new... | 13:33 |
Pali | just some packaging changes | 13:33 |
ilew | Would you like me to upload the deb packages somewhere for you to test? | 13:36 |
Pali | I think new profiled is not needed for cssu | 13:47 |
Pali | as it does not contain any update | 13:47 |
ilew | Hmm okay thanks. Besides profiled, does everything else look good in the mp-fremantle-community-pr control file? | 13:57 |
Pali | have you updated control file? | 13:58 |
ilew | Yeah - https://github.com/community-ssu/mp-fremantle-community-pr/commit/91bba33b17081e090b1b2d8fb415fe1f7992b76d | 13:59 |
Pali | now looking | 14:00 |
ilew | Ignore the openssl version being wrong, I fixed that in a later commit. | 14:01 |
Pali | we have 0.30.2-1+0cssu1 version of profiled in cssu-devel | 14:02 |
Pali | and this version I'm using | 14:02 |
Pali | which is working on my 900 | 14:03 |
Pali | so I suppose test this one for new CSSU | 14:03 |
ilew | That's already in test I believe. | 14:04 |
Pali | ok, great | 14:04 |
Pali | and what about libdevlock? | 14:05 |
Pali | it is not even in cssu-devel | 14:05 |
Pali | so it should not go to cssu-testing | 14:05 |
Pali | freemangordon: ^^^^ | 14:05 |
Pali | ilew: look at what is in cssu-devel and only those packages/versions should go to cssu-testing | 14:06 |
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Pali | there is script cssu-state which tells you matrix: what is in git, cssu-devel, -testing and -stable | 14:06 |
freemangordon | Pali: yes, I think libdevlock should not go in cssu-testing for now | 14:07 |
ilew | Okay I'll remove that and recheck tomorrow. | 14:08 |
Pali | ilew: have you tested new community-ssu-enabler? | 14:08 |
Pali | it is in master branch for one year, but IIRC no CSSU release with it was released yet | 14:08 |
ilew | Yeah, I needed to install community-ssu-enabler and community-ss-enabler-testing debs. | 14:09 |
Pali | you need to compile them from git | 14:09 |
Pali | and before compilation via dpkg-buildpackage you need to run ./configure <release> with correct <release> | 14:09 |
ilew | Yep I ran ./configure testing and built it normally | 14:10 |
Pali | as in git is meta-package | 14:10 |
ilew | It build two debs - community-ssu-enabler_0.8-1_all.deb and community-ssu-enabler-testing_0.8-1_all.deb | 14:11 |
ilew | Installing both debs made my freshly flashed n900 update to the current testing. | 14:12 |
Pali | yes, there is "common" package community-ssu-enabler with scripts | 14:13 |
Pali | and community-ssu-enabler-@template@ for current version of CSSU | 14:13 |
Pali | normally that package is installed via button on http://wiki.maemo.org/CSSU | 14:14 |
Pali | that is *.install file | 14:14 |
Pali | you should create your own install file which points to your testing repository and verify that it is working fine | 14:15 |
Pali | as that spawn hildon application manager... | 14:15 |
ilew | I don't have a testing repository. I've been just installing the debs with dpkg. | 14:16 |
Pali | merlin1991 has testing repository on his server which should be used to test whole upgrade procedure | 14:18 |
Pali | if you do not have access to it, please ping it | 14:18 |
freemangordon | *him :) | 14:18 |
ilew | merlin1991: ^^^ Feel free to send me an email about it. | 14:20 |
ilew | So is this the time you're both on usually? | 14:21 |
freemangordon | ilew: well, our irc clients are online 24/7, but it is hard to say when I am around, dunno about Pali | 14:24 |
Pali | for me depends too... | 14:24 |
freemangordon | but most of the time I tend to reply in minutes | 14:24 |
Pali | currently I'm in UTC+1 time zone | 14:25 |
Pali | and often I'm available in the evening | 14:25 |
freemangordon | but usually I am around my PC after work, so after 18h (GMT+2) | 14:25 |
Pali | and at the weekends it is randomly | 14:25 |
freemangordon | same here | 14:25 |
ilew | I am UTC+10 | 14:26 |
freemangordon | oh | 14:26 |
freemangordon | so it is evening on you place now? | 14:26 |
freemangordon | 20:00? | 14:26 |
ilew | Yeah | 14:27 |
Pali | freemangordon: osso-systemui-alarm --> in git is 0.3.3+0cssu1, but in cssu-devel is 0.3.3+0cssu2 | 14:29 |
freemangordon | I guess this is my fault | 14:31 |
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* freemangordon tries to find what has happened | 14:32 | |
ilew | I am going to head out. See you later. | 14:34 |
freemangordon | Pali: hmm, no such version here | 14:35 |
freemangordon | I guess I did it by mistake | 14:35 |
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freemangordon | and revert changes after that | 14:35 |
Pali | then remove it from cssu-devel | 14:35 |
freemangordon | I can;t | 14:35 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: ^^^ | 14:35 |
Pali | merlin1991: please remove osso-systemui-alarm from cssu-devel | 14:36 |
freemangordon | or rather replace it with the version from cssu-t | 14:36 |
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