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ilew | merlin1991: osso-wlan in cssu-devel installs fine but when built using 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -I.git -us -uc' it fails to install due to it depending on upstart-job. Any Ideas? They're the same version. | 04:29 |
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merlin1991 | ilew: from the top of my head nothing, can you put your built deb somewhere together with the output of dpkg -l (inside your build env) | 08:26 |
merlin1991 | maybe you installed something into your scrachtbox that ended up warping the build depends | 08:27 |
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ilew | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B545O1bzAzNJWXRKNFhna0dXVkU | 10:05 |
ilew | The only time I installed from extras was to get ghostscript and it's dependencies(which is a build-depend to osso-wlan). The other packages are from either sdk/cssu-testing repo or built from git. | 10:10 |
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ilew | Pali_: Should it be possible to install just the git version of ke-recv on a device with cssu-testing installed on it? | 11:08 |
Pali_ | ilew: just compile it and install | 11:14 |
ilew | When I install it mmcblk0p1 stops automounting on boot. | 11:15 |
Pali_ | hm... then there is a bug | 11:16 |
Pali_ | git version is already in cssu-devel | 11:16 |
Pali_ | which I'm using it... and is working | 11:16 |
Pali_ | is not mount process just delayed due to fsck? | 11:17 |
ilew | How long would the fsck take? | 11:17 |
Pali_ | depends on damage and size of card | 11:18 |
ilew | It hasn't mounted after 17mins. | 11:18 |
Pali_ | and is *running*? | 11:19 |
ilew | Nope fsck isn't running | 11:23 |
Pali_ | so it is not a fsck problem | 11:24 |
Pali_ | then you have to debug it | 11:24 |
Pali_ | install & enable syslog | 11:24 |
Pali_ | ke-recv print all information to syslog | 11:24 |
Pali_ | check that ke-recv is running (after boot), etc... | 11:24 |
Pali_ | afk now | 11:25 |
ilew | Should I try the devel version first to make sure I didn't mess up the build somehow? | 11:25 |
Pali_ | yes | 11:25 |
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ilew | devel version is working fine. | 11:38 |
ilew | So my scratchbox is doing weird things. | 11:40 |
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Pali | ilew: make sure you have fremantle SDK and not harmattan installed | 15:10 |
Pali | IIRC MAG once messed up ke-recv with harmattan SDK | 15:10 |
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