Pali | yes, this package is only in extra | 00:01 |
Pali | and is really needed to correctly build -doc package | 00:01 |
ilew | So ghostscript should be added to cssu? | 00:06 |
Pali | it is just build dependency | 00:09 |
Pali | so useless in cssu repository, not target n900/cssu | 00:10 |
ilew | So grabbing stuff from extras to fulfil build dependencies is fine? oes make it a tad harder to catch other dependencies from slipping in. | 00:18 |
Pali | install it from extras | 00:28 |
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ilew | Does anyone know how I would go about getting libxml2 to build? - Link to build log | 01:07 |
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ilew | Err sorry I should have said the correct way to build it. I know it will build if I copy the generated symbols into debian/libxml2.symbols but there's a huge amount of differences. | 01:17 |
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* ravelo trying to install cssu thumb on N900 | 16:58 | |
merlin1991 | hm which lib was it that requires another lib higher than stock maemo to build? | 17:14 |
merlin1991 | I think it was libxml | 17:14 |
merlin1991 | or was it libpng? | 17:14 |
Pali | xml or png or ssl | 17:19 |
Pali | freemangordon should know | 17:19 |
Pali | or zlib? | 17:20 |
merlin1991 | i think zlib > x was the requirement | 17:22 |
merlin1991 | but don't know anymore which lib was the one depending on it | 17:22 |
merlin1991 | it was something about public api of zlib hiding removing a bit that was never meant to be public | 17:23 |
merlin1991 | I think I'm going mental, trying to log into maemosdk sb image | 17:23 |
merlin1991 | isn't user and pass maemo? | 17:24 |
merlin1991 | argh | 17:27 |
merlin1991 | the vm I started was my own one and no the official one | 17:27 |
* merlin1991 is finally setting up a clean sdk environment on his server to build stuff | 18:23 | |
merlin1991 | I used todo all that stuff on my pc and then die with slow upload speeds and other problems | 18:24 |
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ravelo | hm, i'm not sure if cssu thumb is installed at all | 18:28 |
ravelo | i don't see any difference after rebooting | 18:28 |
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* merlin1991 ended up running apt-mirror against the old ubuntu - lucid repos | 19:06 | |
merlin1991 | this is some head bashing | 19:06 |
merlin1991 | 91.3 GiB will be downloaded into archive. | 19:07 |
merlin1991 | Downloading 88646 archive files using 5 threads... | 19:07 |
merlin1991 | yay | 19:07 |
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ravelo | yay, now i got cssu thumb installed. it's obvious | 22:50 |
merlin1991 | ravelo: speed or why? :D | 22:58 |
ravelo | portrait mode is working | 23:18 |
ravelo | now working on getting hotspot functionality | 23:19 |
ravelo | really difficult | 23:19 |
merlin1991 | there is a qt program for that in extras | 23:26 |
merlin1991 | worked quite well for me | 23:26 |
sicelo | how was battery usage however? | 23:29 |
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merlin1991 | i never cared when I needed the hotspot :D | 23:43 |
merlin1991 | but I once had it connected to my notebook via usb (used usb thetering instead of wifi hotspot) and even then it drained the n900 battery faster than the usb port of the notebook could charge it | 23:45 |
merlin1991 | using 3g for longer periods of time just drains the battery ... | 23:45 |
merlin1991 | I will just leave this here: | 23:50 |
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