IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2016-11-04

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drathirguys what is difference between fremantle-1.3 free non-free vs fremantle free non-free ?18:43
drathiralso why if enabled first there updates available but not present with second enabled only?18:44
drathiralso if its planned https repo support?18:47
drathiralso if fremantle free non-free is still up2date?18:55
merlin1991drathir: for the difference of extras and extras-devel see
merlin1991the community-devel repo is the most up2date you can get for cssu packages, unless you start building directly from git18:58
drathirhaving extras and extras-devel will conflict? k i see missing 1.3 and should use it bc of 21.2011.38-1 onboard...19:05
merlin1991no but extras is only a subset of extras-devel19:14
merlin1991packages go from devel -> testing -> extras (as identical copies)19:15
freemangordonand extras-devel is supposed to set your device on fire19:15
merlin1991supposed to19:15
freemangordonwell, yeah, if you ask "what extras-devel is" ;)19:16
merlin1991true then you run the risks19:16
drathirsupposed so far no big fire ^^19:20
drathirbut wonder if packages from extra shouldnt be automatically in extras-devel...19:21
drathirusing extras-devel and enabling next to extras adding to update list cpumem-applet and mplayer even if version looks the same... or its only "prefer more stable repository" behaviour?19:27
* drathir only suprised why show on update candidate list... what is the reason of that...19:28
merlin1991which packages?19:29
merlin1991exactly those names?19:29
merlin1991hm odd mplayer has a different md5 in -devel compared to extras19:31
drathircpumem-applet 0.0.3 and mplayer commandline 1.0svn20091221-419:31
merlin1991mplayer has the same md5 in extras and extras-testing but not in extras-devel19:32
merlin1991same goes for cpumem-applet o_O19:33
drathirhmmm scary... maybe not synced?19:47
drathirthat could explain why occuring problems with applet ;p19:48
drathirthat ghost doubl half ofe battery present ;p19:49
drathirbtw what is deb diablo free non-free ? ^^19:51
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