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xes | one little issue with cssu clock-ui: if while i'm using the phone the alarm dialog appears and i'm so quick stopping it before the audio alarm tone starts (probably the phone is a bit lagging)... once closed the dialog the tone starts and it's impossible to stop it | 10:36 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | LOL | 11:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the joy of an immanently async design like dbus, I guess | 11:25 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | with something like dbus, you _never_ should implement state machines that transition on a signal and have no way to resync when a single signal gets lost | 11:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | iow each such design should use "keep alive" or similar techniques, and reset to sane state when those are missing | 11:30 |
xes | yeah, it's a stupid issue but very annoying when my son is sleeping near me | 11:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah, alas the bugs system designers and sw devels introduce are not selected for convenience in real life :-) | 11:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I never really liked the way dbus gets used for $everything on deskops and on maemo, without proper transmission security layer | 11:32 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | it's sort of like UDP-only internet | 11:33 |
xes | i know it's a problem hard to imagine but our "always lagging device" is a beast producing unexpected beahaviors ;) | 11:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yep | 11:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not a single dbus-dependent program I've seen actually takes care to recover from "packet loss" on dbus | 11:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | FSO maybe a nice exception | 11:35 |
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jon_y | how do you even loose a packet on dbus? | 13:39 |
jon_y | dbus probably reinvents unix sockets | 13:40 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | dbus easily can 'lose' packets, when e.g. receiver doesn't really listen to signals | 13:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | even messages are not warranted to get delivered to receiver when you use async | 13:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | most dbus API usage is just fire&forget | 13:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you *could* check for reply etc, but that's not mandatory and I know many apps don't care | 13:55 |
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drathir | lol /me again have issue with wifi signal... | 16:13 |
* drathir wonder if that could be in any way connected with app genwall... | 16:14 | |
drathir | few meters from router signal is weak 5-10m from router no signal at all... | 16:16 |
SiceloWeb | or driver issues? check syslog? | 16:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | poor signals *quality* doesn't necessarily mean poor signal *strength* - could also be interference | 16:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | what you see in wifi connecting apps is usually quality, not strength | 16:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and no, if genwall is a firewall then this should be unrelated | 16:35 |
* DocScrutinizer05 suggests wifieye | 16:37 | |
drathir | SiceloWeb: DocScrutinizer05 in past was the same behaviours no idea whats goin repaired by own... sniffed area no diff in noise... | 16:38 |
DocScrutinizer05 | use wifieye to check for other APs that interfere. Make sure you got no other strong TX like BT or microwave oven nearby | 16:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | note that neither BT nor microwave show up in wifieye | 16:40 |
drathir | DocScrutinizer05: the wifieye 2m see max 10% quality... | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and actually even what WLAN chipsets declare as signal strength is massively depending on signal quality aka interference too | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | wifieye does show signal strength, not quality | 16:41 |
drathir | aircrack checked area no diff in range... | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | afaik. But... see above | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | sorry you lost me | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | aircrack will not change range | 16:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | all that aircrack and wifieye really can tell you is: are there other APs on same channel or channel nearby, so they would interfere | 16:43 |
drathir | DocScrutinizer05: i checkin from local prepared hw intended to that things... | 16:43 |
drathir | the aircrack i mean... | 16:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I still don't get it | 16:43 |
drathir | no more noise/traffic than usual in area... | 16:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | checking won't improve your range, no matter what you use for checking | 16:44 |
drathir | n900 is 2meters from router anyway... | 16:44 |
DocScrutinizer05 | then it's maybe noise you don't see, I.E. no WLAN noise | 16:44 |
drathir | DocScrutinizer05: aircrack in monitor mode see also not connected messing stations too and their signal... | 16:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, sorry I can't tell more than what I already did | 16:45 |
drathir | i will diggin, bc honestly wonder with what that is connected ;p | 16:46 |
drathir | at least its pretty funny behaviour... | 16:46 |
* DocScrutinizer05 seen all WLAN in 50m radius going down when a nasty microwave operated | 16:47 | |
drathir | for wifi modules are wl12xx and mac80211 correct? | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and there are even industries tempering screws etc with 2.4GHz | 16:50 |
drathir | DocScrutinizer05: yea im in pretty "hole" area with distance from similar to microwave sources but correct is a fair funny thing takin down signal quality all devices in area... | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when it's a problem of N900 only (needs check against other clients on same AP), then you might have problems with wifi antenna in device, might need contacts cleaning | 16:52 |
DocScrutinizer05 | or collision with N900's BT and coexistence | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | only when BT enabled and active | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when a battery removal fixes the issue, it might be a problem in WLAN chip's firmware and config that got messed up in WLAN chip's RAM | 16:54 |
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drathir | DocScrutinizer05: bf i cleaned gen wall settings i even dont see status indicator of gsm/wifi at all ;p | 17:08 |
drathir | before* | 17:08 |
SiceloWeb | maybe you should just use iptables :) | 17:17 |
drathir | its possible that driver wil not follow 100mW and drop down to 10mW in n900? | 17:17 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | this is not cssu related and no, 10mW is unrelated to poor AP signal quality at N900 end | 17:19 |
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drathir | in theory a little yes related bc looks like reciving is so much throtle down that n900 have a problems with comunication... even in biggest noise and w/o antenna i should be able connect device lying at router... but correct that probably isnt connected with cssu... thans a lot for ideas and have a good day... | 17:25 |
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