IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2015-10-27

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freemangordonjonwil: could you look at function connui_internet_status_menu_item_is_suspended (connui-inet is that)08:33
freemangordonit returns gboolean, but what it will return if g_return... expression is evaluated to FALSE?08:33
jonwilthe g_return_if_fail_warning call at address 1940 returns void08:35
jonwilso it finishes its work08:35
jonwilthen the instruction at 1944 sets R0 to 008:35
jonwilthen the one at 1948 returns from the function08:36
freemangordonnut, afaik, g_return_if_fail_warning actually returns08:37
freemangordonor not?08:37
jonwilit does return08:37
freemangordonanyway, HR does not show that "MOV             R0, #0" on 194408:37
jonwilok, I think I screwed up. Go to the ASM view and where it does the g_return_if_fail_warning call, double click on it08:40
jonwilthen press alt-p08:40
jonwiland uncheck the "does not return" checkbox08:40
jonwilthen press OK08:40
freemangordonaah, that's better08:41
jonwilI am getting closer to finishing the RE of libcodelockui, then I can start cloning it08:43
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jonwilnow comes the tricky part, figuring out _CluiCodeDialogPrivate09:15
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freemangordonjonwil: connui-inet debian packaging added09:21
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jonwilhave you tested your clone?09:32
jonwilalso I believe it should depend on libconnui-dev09:34
freemangordonnot tested09:34
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freemangordonyeah, I've missed that dependency09:36
freemangordonwill add it09:36
jonwillet me know when you are done and I will test the package on my phone :)09:39
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jonwilFixed that missing dependency :)11:34
jonwilabout to test the new package on my phone :)11:34
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xesfreemangordon: after a few days of usage i have to say that last modest version is working well BUT, with offline sync mode enabled there is something weird and unclear. First sync (after an rm of the imap cache folder) tries to download all inbox messages. If interrupted sync does not starts again and only recent 250 emails are synced. Going back(+250..+250) doesn't seems to help and old emails are12:54
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xesif i wait for the first sync to complete to allow modest to download ~30000 emails in inbox all seems to work properly, but modest makes a stat() of every inbox msg. In fact, with offline mode enabled and 250 visible msg the modest ram usage is pretty high, maybe a setting to change that 250 would help to find the right value. Now opening the inbox folder takes more or less 15-20 seconds13:02
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jonwilbah, looks like no-one can help me out with my rootfs issue :(14:41
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freemangordonxes: I am not sure how that is supposed to work, but I guess this behaviour is by design16:27
freemangordonxes: also, keep in mind that imap offline is not that good idea, as it stores the cache in /home/use :)16:28
freemangordon/home/user that is16:28
freemangordonxes: and yes, we should somehow fix that stat() issue16:29
freemangordonxes: BTW what you mean by saying "emails are missing"? where they are missing from? cache?16:30
freemangordonxes: oh, and the issue with stat() is not in modest, but in tinymail :)16:36
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xesfreemangordon: with missing i mean an email of 6 months ago that has not been downloaded during the first offline sync because first sync has been interrupted18:14
freemangordonxes: I really don't know if this is not by design18:15
freemangordonmaybe it will do it someday, as there are some "IDLE" modes of imap18:15
freemangordonxes: however, now I am testing some stat() patch18:16
freemangordonwith 5000 mails in offline cache, the folder opens in 2-3 s18:16
freemangordonwill give it to you to test it once I am sure it is my patch that is the reason for the timing :)18:17
xesanyway i have no idea how to trigger the complete offline sync using the ui, so far the only way i found is to rm the files18:20
xesfreemangordon:  do you think it would be hard to read a value defined with: gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/modest/emails_per_page 250 ?18:29
freemangordonxes: I am thinking of adding a global setting (in settings dialog)18:30
xeseven better!18:31
xesfreemangordon: are you still here?18:37
freemangordonxes: BTW, how do you manage to achieve those 15-20 seconds?18:41
xesmaybe modest's mail usage too high loading 250 offline msg  + stat() of 30k msg?18:42
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freemangordonxes: it does not load those message, it loads just headers18:43
freemangordonand that sts() happens in background iiuc18:43
freemangordonxes: what am I supposed to do to recreate the issue here?18:45
freemangordonkeep in mind that latest modest loads mails in batches18:45
xesmodest 3.4.8 is still faster but i think that offline mode wasn't available18:46
freemangordonyes, it is in cssu modest only18:47
freemangordonfaster? I think it is on par18:48
freemangordonyep, 4 seconds to open a folder with ~5000 mails in offline cache. the folder has ~15000 messages18:49
freemangordonwith offline cache disabled, the times are similar/same18:49
xesmemory usage?18:49
freemangordonRSS 3612018:50
xesyep. mine is near 35 but now i have 180MB of swap in use...18:51
freemangordonxes: BTW, could it be that you have 15-20 seconds only the first time it does offline sync? as it get all the headers from gmail and that takes time, my offline headers cache is ~7.6 MiB18:51
freemangordonwhat happens if you close modest, let it settle for 15 seconds and open it?18:52
freemangordonis it still slow?18:52
xesno. offline sync took 5 hours 3 days ago18:52
freemangordoncan;t parse, rephrase please18:53
xescomplete offline sync happens only erasing files of imap cache18:54
xesthen it never happens18:54
freemangordonbut my question was - now the sync is complete (no matter partially or full), does it still take 20 seconds to open your inbox (or whatever is that huge folder)?18:55
freemangordonas I suspect it is not stat(), but loading that takes time18:56
freemangordonI suspect yours is !15 MiB18:56
xesclosing modest, opening again ...never less than 10-15 seconds18:56
freemangordongive it some time after closing it18:56
freemangordonas it exits and is restarted18:57
freemangordonon restart it does all the stat() stuff and preloading and whatnot18:57
freemangordontail -f syslog, to see when the pre-starting has completed18:58
xesyes, i wait a lot before open it again18:59
freemangordonwait for "SaveToDraftsMenu: missing action ActionsSaveToDrafts" to appear in syslog18:59
freemangordonas it takes ~10 seconds here to be orestarted19:00
freemangordonI suspect double or more on your device19:00
freemangordonalso, my SD card is very, very fast19:00
freemangordonthat may explain my times too (swap is fast)19:01
bencohfaster than eMMC?19:03
freemangordonI guess on par19:03
freemangordonor slightly slower19:03
freemangordonbencoh: random r/w is that19:03
freemangordoniirc it has 4k random write speed of about 2 MiB/s19:04
xesi have a samsung sd 64 pro with swap on it and also all the imap cache is inside an sdcard ext3 partition19:04
freemangordonis it possible swap and offline cache to fight for io?19:05
freemangordonas my offline store is in defailt location19:05
bencohoooh, better than sandisk extreme19:12
xesfreemangordon: while opening inbox there is almost no io wait19:12
bencohI'll have to try tat19:13
xessometimes i see: GLIB WARNING ** camel-imap-provider - Unexpected response from IMAP server: A00020 NO [NONEXISTENT] Invalid folder: [Gmail] (Failure)19:14
xesbut i don't think it's related19:14
freemangordonbencoh: lemme check the exact model once again (doing swapoff)19:15
freemangordonxes: same here, I guess it is harmless19:15
freemangordonxes: what happens if you disable offline store? are timings still similar?19:16
freemangordon(and remove the cache folder ofc)19:16
xessamsung MB-MGCGB19:17
xesfreemangordon: i will try - after a backup of the folder ;)19:18
freemangordonjust rename it ;)19:18
xesfreemangordon: i was looking at the show more button ... A "show pages: N" wouldn't be even better?19:20
freemangordonbencoh: hmm, I don't have that "Pro" label on the card. though I purchased it 2 or 3 years ago, they may have changed the printing in the meanwhile19:20
freemangordonxes: sure, feel free to add it :P19:20
xesbencoh: let's way for the n900 mainline kernel to support SDR50 and SDR104 speeds:
freemangordonxes: yes, seems that (MB-MGCGB) is my card
freemangordonat least the printing looks exactly the same19:23
xesfreemangordon: i know, i asked you the exact model before buy it19:23
freemangordonoh :D19:24
bencohxes: :)19:24
xesi have received also the MB-MG64DA that reaches the 90MB/s (real) but i had no time to test it in the N90019:26
freemangordonxes: you know that sequental speed means nothing in terms of fs and swap19:27
freemangordonwhat is the random r/w of that card?19:27
bencohdoesnt look bad19:34
Sicelofreemangordon: how much of 64GB is swap?19:34
freemangordon1GiB iirc19:35
freemangordonxes: yeah, looks good19:35
bencohhmm, we might need to either try and move to openssl 1.x or backport tls>1.0 support ....19:40
bencohlooks like there are a few tls1.2-only sites out there ...19:40
freemangordonmerlin1991: cssu-devel does not work, please fix it19:41
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keriowhat's qd32?19:46
keriobecause 3MB/s random writes is quite meh :<19:46
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