IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2015-10-11

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freemangordonmerlin1991: on freshly flashed device, CSSU cannot be installed (missing package, libspeex1)11:00
freemangordonthat's a consequence of the missing Nokia repos11:01
freemangordonthat's cssu-thumb11:02
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freemangordonit is in, so I guess it is safe to put it in cssu-thumb repo as well, correct?11:06
keriobut it's nonfree :\11:06
freemangordonno source code11:07
freemangordonor I am missing something11:07
keriodoes our APT support http redirects, again?11:08
kerioi don't remembe11:08
freemangordonhow's that related?11:08
keriowell, idk if you're allowed to rehost it11:08
keriowhy is it non-free then? :\11:12
freemangordonthe license is BSD11:13
freemangordonor rather "modified BSD", whatever it means11:14
keriothumbify it! ^_^11:14
jon_y2-BSD, 3-BSD or 4-BSD?11:14
freemangordonI guess I'll have to RE it first11:14
freemangordonjon_y: NFC :)11:14
jon_ylooks like 3-BSD11:15
* freemangordon is afk11:15
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Palimerlin1991: we lost these repos: hildon-home, libcptvout, maemo-statusmenu-fmtx, osso-applet-display, osso-applet-notificationlight, osso-pdf-viewer12:41
Palican you restore them from backup?12:42
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