IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2015-08-17

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sunweaver21:35 < sunweaver> I am a Debian developer and I would like to help out with  packaging for Neo900/N900. Where is the right place to get  in tocuh???22:41
keriomerlin1991: yo22:41
sunweaverjust posted the above on #neo900 and #maemo and got directed here!22:41
sunweaverhow to set up a build env? (I guess you don't build packages on N900 devies but in qemubuilder or such, right?)22:42
sunweaverwho can sponsor uploads?22:43
sunweaverkerio: scratchbox2, I assume.22:44
sunweaverany setup howto targetting N900 builds?22:44
kerioas a reference, you can grab the ubuntu 12.something VM with scratchbox preinstalled22:44
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sunweaverihhhh... vmware...22:45
keriolol nvm it's like ubuntu 822:45
keriono wait, it's karmic22:46
bencohsunweaver: :-)22:46
sunweaverurgh, that lost support a while back...22:46
ZetaRsunweaver: This page on the Wiki might be helpful:
kerio"that lost support a while back" - maemo fremantle in a nutshell22:46
bencohsunweaver: do you want to package "vanilla" debian packages, or maemo ?22:46
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stryngssunweaver: You could take the leap, and just package natively like i do =)22:47
sunweaverI want to help with getting security stuff fixed in Maemo first of all.22:47
sunweaverI also work on Debian LTS (squeeze), so the work flow should be similar.22:48
bencohoh <322:48
sunweaveris there a security tracker for Maemo? I guess not...22:48
stryngssunweaver: Just cause we're rocking "OpenSSH_5.1p1  Debian-6.maemo5, OpenSSL 0.9.8n 24 Mar 201022:48
stryngsDoesn't mean we're insecure22:48
bencohstryngs: we have a more recent openssl ;)22:48
* stryngs is currently attempting a 7.0 build22:48
bencohin cssu-testing22:49
stryngsbencoh: version?22:49
bencohstryngs: we (used to) have a bugtracker, dunno if it's still used22:49
bencohstryngs: latest 0.9.8 iirc, or something close22:49
stryngsbut still not ssh above 5.1?22:49
sunweaverI am currently on vacation and fiddled with my N900...22:50
bencohsunweaver: regarding cssu22:50
sunweaverI will get back to you guys in a week or two when back at work.22:50
sunweavermeanwhile I wil study the provided URLs, thanks!!!22:50
bencohstryngs: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo11 (11.04.2015)  /     Upgrade to upstream 0.9.8zf + maemo patches22:50
bencohsunweaver: I'm not a cssu dev, but I'm pretty sure you're more than welcome :-)22:51
sunweavercan you give me some devs' names/nicks? (or can people raise their fingers?)22:52
stryngssunweaver: Also, you should know.  For you to build stuff. you'll have to 'optify' it22:52
stryngsWhich sucks22:52
bencohsunweaver: freemangordon (offline at the moment), merlin1991, Pali22:52
bencohstryngs: that's a minor issue since we have some magic hooks to take care of that :-)22:53
bencohbut yeah22:53
stryngsbencoh: Yeah, but I can't magically dpkg -i a .deb with maemo22:53
stryngsAnd that's just sad.22:53
stryngsimho, the file system should be redone22:53
stryngsMuch cleaner22:54
stryngsand I can dpkg -i any .deb without needing any special "hooks"22:54
ZetaRstryngs: Any chance of getting the filesystem layout fixed with the recent rebuild efforts for the Neo900?22:57
sunweaverwhat package repo are you guys using?22:57
sunweaverGetting the filesystem more FHS-like is probably a good thing to do?22:58
kerioZetaR: but backwards compatibiiiiiility22:58
sunweaverok, afk now again...22:58
ZetaRkerio: But interoperabiliiiiiiiitty. =)22:59
keriosunweaver: original nokia one + extras-devel + community-testing22:59
sunweaverlet me know the repo URLs for bleeding edge packages, please, so I can take a look.22:59
sunweaversources.list lines???22:59
bencohfor bleeding-edge cssu-specific packages23:00
stryngsZetaR: No idea for neo900, since people will use maemo on it, and most people don't care, i doubt things would change.23:00
bencoh(I guess you dont need the usual disclaimer about burning house and dying dog ;)23:00
sunweavergoing afk... thamks!23:01
sixwheeledbeastsunweaver: check out #maemo-ssu BTW that where the devs hang23:01
ZetaRstryngs: Is the layout with opt deeply integrated into Maemo then, or is it a matter of already ported applications?23:02
* sixwheeledbeast facepalms 23:02
sixwheeledbeastlooking at wrong tab23:03
stryngsZetaR: It would be a matter of the community as a whole, realizing that the current layout for the n900 sucks, and then agreeing on a common filesystem layout regarding NAND 30gb and 2gb hdd23:03
bencohZetaR: afaiu compat with quite a few apps (including old closed-source non-free ones)23:04
bencohstryngs: we all know it "sucks"23:04
stryngsbencoh: I just wish the cssu switchover process was a little bit easier to understand, and could be done 100% offline23:06
ZetaRI see. It just seems like a new device is a good opportunity to switch it around; an opportunity which may not come again soon.23:06
stryngsZetaR: Well, you have many options to choose from, it's just the cssu community "holds" sway over the masses for the most part23:07
stryngsDoes anyone know, if upgrading  Libxml2 2.6.32.dfsg-5maemo4+0m5, will break the system?23:30
stryngsCan someone confirm if deb fremantle free non-free is proper cssu repo?23:54

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