IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2015-07-11

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Palimerlin1991: ping12:42
Palimerlin1991: what to do with TI DSP codecs?12:42
keriohost em12:47
keriohow do you uninstall the old codecs, though? i thought HAM didn't like Conflicts/Breaks12:48
Palikerio: package upgrade12:53
kerioyeah but they're different packages12:53
kerioaren't they12:53
kerioaren't you repackaging the HARM codecs12:54
Palirepackage of course12:54
* kerio is disappoint12:54
keriowell i'll have to uninstall the real packages12:54
PaliI added conflics & replaces line against harmattan packages12:55
Paliso if you use apt-get upgrade for upgrading it should work12:55
kerioyay ^_^12:55
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Palimerlin1991: more extras applications depends on package liblzo2-2 which is only in nokia SSU repository13:12
Palithat package liblzo2-2 is open source library, so can you upload it directly to maemo extras?13:12
Paliit is also in Fremantle SDK13:13
Paliwe just need same DEB version (sha/md5 sum) so once it appear in extras people will not receive update13:13
DocScrutinizer05did you check the nokia liblzo is identical with the FOSS version?13:31
PaliDocScrutinizer05: seems to be:
Paliit is under GPLv2 license15:16
PaliSicelo, kerio: new version of getbootstate is in cssu-devel15:16
Paliready for testing15:16
DocScrutinizer05Pali: great!15:17
Palibootmenu, recoverymode are working and also supports stock kernel, kernel-power and 4.2-rc1 kernel15:17
DocScrutinizer05and R&D mode? ;-)15:17
Paliinfrastructure for booting upstream kernel is there15:17
PaliDocScrutinizer05: both normal and R&D mode15:18
DocScrutinizer05with LEDs?15:18
PaliI reverted to old nokia behaviour of that keyboard led15:18
kerioPali: does 4.2-rc1 do anything15:18
Palikerio, see #neo90015:18
DocScrutinizer05Pali: good man15:18
kerioyou can uninstall the package that provides the welcome screen15:19
PaliI'm not going to break Maemo system :-)15:19
Palibasically what is supported by kernel now should work on Maemo15:20
Paliwe just need more hackers and testers15:21
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Paligetboostate and preinit now should work even if they do not have special nokia /sys and /proc and /dev files15:22
Paliif raw file /proc/atags is provided, getboostate parse it and read information from that15:22
Paliif even if /proc/atags is not there, then default values are used (bootmode=normal, bootreason=powerkey, etc)15:23
Palisane default values instead MALF15:23
PaliMALF is when kernel provides interface to read data && data are bad15:24
keriodo i yolo upgrade15:40
kerioi don't think i yolo upgrade15:40
keriomeh whatever15:40
Sicelothanks pali. will test :)15:57
kerioPali: how can i add an entry to the uboot menu to power off?16:14
Palikerio: uboot does not have code to power off rx51 board16:15
kerio...but i did "reset" and it powered it off16:15
Paliif you have time, you can implement power of function16:15
Palireset just reset board16:15
kerioi swear to god it's powered off16:16
kerioi can turn it on with the button16:16
kerioit does the light thing16:16
Palimaybe nolo decided to poweroff after reboot16:16
keriofucking magnets16:16
keriohow do they work16:16
kerioPali: haven't tested r&d mode but recovery console and backupmenu are both accessible16:17
keriofuck i lost the time16:17
Siceloloose battery?16:22
keriono, resetting uboot :>16:23
Sicelohas never happened to me .. with reset16:23
Paliso... who is going to implement power off in uboot? :-)16:27
Palijust need to reuse code from linux kernel...16:27
Paliit is some i2c call to twl4030 chip16:27
* Sicelo points at Pali :D16:39
drathirPali: nice gz...17:17
DocScrutinizer05Pali: uboot knows to do I2C, no? even from "commandline"17:39
Paliyes, uboot support i2c17:40
Palido not know if from cmdline17:40
DocScrutinizer05how's "charging" implemented?17:40
Palibut code from linux kernel should be easily to reused17:40
Palino charging is implemented17:40
Palijust I do not have time for it17:41
kerioi don't think we need charging in uboot17:41
keriobeyond the basic flatbat recovery17:41
Paliboth should be simple, just i2c_read i2c_write17:41
DocScrutinizer05flatbat recovery is in hw17:41
DocScrutinizer05it doesn't fix the no-flashing deadlock17:41
kerioyeah but if your uboot is working you can load rescueOS from a µsd17:42
DocScrutinizer05thus proper charging in uBoot would be extremely nice17:42
DocScrutinizer05yes, that's a comlicated but working method17:42
kerionow, ACT_DEAD fully implemented in uboot would be cool17:42
kerioPali: does your uboot load a script from microsd if the emmc is hosed?17:43
DocScrutinizer05uBoot already is 95% "ACT_DEAD"17:43
kerioDocScrutinizer05: no alarms, though17:44
DocScrutinizer05an alarm elapsing durning uBoot active might go unnoticed17:45
kerioPali: also, can uboot do stuff in the background?17:45
kerioor would the charging thing be a separate boot entry17:45
DocScrutinizer05good point, does uBoot "OS" support multitasking?17:46
kerioDocScrutinizer05: it's kind of irrelevant, though17:46
kerioif you *are* booting something, you'll lose control over bq24k very quickly17:46
kerioif you're not, you don't need the charging to be backgrounded17:46
DocScrutinizer05anyway afaik uBoot *can* do "multitasking" at least to tickle watchdog17:47
kerionow... should the behaviour of uboot started in ACT_DEAD mode be to start charging, or to boot linux?17:48
DocScrutinizer05define >>uboot started in ACT_DEAD mode<<17:48
keriocharger plugged in17:48
kerioas opposed to pressing the power button17:49
DocScrutinizer05charger plug in should not invoke uBoot menu automatically17:49
kerioso still pretend that uboot doesn't exist and boot the default OS? alright17:50
Palikerio: bootmenu script is loaded only from MyDocs eMMC, but if there is no bootmenu script, uboot will pre-generate some menu entries to boot some uboot scripts or kernels from uSD and emmc19:23
kerioalright, close enough19:24
PaliDocScrutinizer05: do not know if uboot support normal multitasking, but there is something which "force" uboot to call watchdog function19:24
Paliwhich periodically kick watchdog19:24
kerioPali: how powerful is uboot scripting?19:24
Paliso for charging, this function can be extended to reset also bq timer19:25
keriocan it do a for loop?19:25
Palikerio: it is hush shell19:25
PaliIIRC there is while19:26
DocScrutinizer05Pali: similar "watchdog" function would suffice for charging19:32
DocScrutinizer05actually it's the watchdog timer in bq24150 that needs some handling, the rest is pretty simple19:33
keriodon't you need actual math19:42
DocScrutinizer05nope, zilch19:42
DocScrutinizer05while   sleep 15; do    i2cset -y -m 0x80 2 0x6b 0x00 0x80; done19:45
DocScrutinizer05plus a few lines init before that19:46
DocScrutinizer05init by const values19:46
keriooh, is that just a slowish charge up to not quite full battery20:00
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DocScrutinizer05that depends on init data20:57
DocScrutinizer05i'd recommend 500mA USB current limit and a 4.1V batt end voltage and no charge termination current threshold20:58
DocScrutinizer05unlress uBoot charging was a dedicated mode that can't accept any further commands, in which case I'd use the standard charge end threshold, and check for battery-full with "while [ $(i2cget -y 2 0x6b 0x00) = 0x90 ]..." then boot to linux after that, or shutdown21:01
DocScrutinizer05particularly smart: check statuscode with $(i2cget -y 2 0x6b 0x00) and boot to linux when battery-full, shut down when other "error" caused stop of charging21:04
DocScrutinizer05(other error) e.g. removal / unplug of charger21:05
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