IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2015-04-13

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ryukafalzHey - as someone who does not yet own an N900 (but would like to)... are security updates typically made available for preinstalled software through CSSU?09:51
ryukafalzJust curious how maintained it is these days09:51
freemangordonryukafalz: see the changelog of yesterday's update09:53
ryukafalzOh, whoops, how did I miss that on the wiki page... awesome :)09:54
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kerioryukafalz: in the limits of what a handful of people can do10:09
kerioalso, expect libraries to be at debian oldoldstable releases10:10
ryukafalzah, heh10:10
keriobecause ABI10:10
ryukafalzit looks like the kernel is pre-3.0 as well, proprietary drivers?10:10
kerioi think the main problem is the 3d graphics10:11
ryukafalzdang ODMs :(10:11
kerioafaik, both Pali and freemangordon got 3.x to run10:11
keriobut upgrading the kernel like that is beyond the scope of CSSU10:11
ryukafalzhwaccel I think I could live without if the DE were lightweight enough10:12
keriohildon-desktop is a compositing wm10:12
ryukafalzah, dang10:12
ryukafalzsurely one could run another wm though?10:13
keriobut you lose in UX10:13
keriohildon-desktop is REALLY good10:13
ryukafalzI suppose getting hardware accel would require reverse engineering the binary drivers?10:14
ryukafalzthat ain't no N900 :P10:15
ryukafalzNeo900 looks awesome though10:15
ryukafalzjust a *bit* out of my price range10:15
freemangordonryukafalz: this *IS* N90010:16
ryukafalz...oh, wait what?10:16
kerioalso notice the striked sim card icon10:16
ryukafalzI saw the thread, but now I see the device name10:16
freemangordonkerio: that's because there is no SIMcard :)10:16
kerioso does everything work10:16
freemangordonaudio, cameras and some other things are broken10:17
freemangordonoh, and upstreap removed DSP driver10:17
keriorip dsp10:18
freemangordonkerio: but things are getting better10:18
freemangordonno, why RIP it, the source code is still there10:18
kerioryukafalz: also don't expect a modern gecko10:18
ryukafalzwasn't counting on it heh10:18
keriothe default browser is old, and there's at most a firefox... 17?10:18
freemangordonor 2310:19
ryukafalzI don't even touch web browsers most of the time on my phone tbh10:19
kerioit's not that bad, it's got websockets10:19
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ryukafalzmore important is messaging, and maemo is wonderful for that :)10:19
freemangordonwell, microb is not that bad, just don;t feed him with those new heavy sites my desktop struggles with10:20
kerioyou really need a better desktop, fmg10:20
keriobuy a mac!10:20
keriothey're pretty10:20
freemangordonyou mad bro?10:20
freemangordonwhat's next, iPhone?10:20
* ryukafalz uses a mac for work... they're pretty but lacking in functionality :P10:20
kerionah, macs are good10:20
kerioare they10:20
freemangordonanyway, back to BB10:21
ryukafalzI miss the niceties of my Linux desktops, e.g. easily switching playing audio streams between output devices10:21
ryukafalzespecially when I'm on a thunderbolt display and I would really rather that music play out of my headphones rather than the display speakers10:21
ryukafalzI'm sure there are third-party applications that would do that for me, but it Just Works™ on Linux w/ PulseAudio10:23
keriolol pulseaudio10:23
keriofreemangordon: lol10:23
ryukafalzhey it's not nearly as buggy as it used to be :P10:23
merlin1991yeah but pulse on maemo has been a very special friend to us ;)10:24
freemangordonand it still is10:24
ryukafalzooh boy heh10:25
freemangordonthe problem is there are 3 closed blobs made by Nokia10:25
ryukafalzare those pulseaudio modules?10:26
freemangordon2 of them felt down in the RE battle, but the most important one still stands (the voice module)10:26
ryukafalzvoice module? what's that responsible for?10:26
ryukafalz(don't say voice :P)10:27
freemangordonyes, voice :P10:27
freemangordonthe telephony stuff (aec etc)10:27
ryukafalzah, okay10:27
ryukafalzrecent versions of pulse have an aec module from webrtc - would it be possible to replace nokia's blob with other existing modules?10:28
freemangordonryukafalz: well, and how you gonna parametrize it?10:29
freemangordonyou know those algos need to be fed with some data for the physical characteristics of the device. afaik10:31
ryukafalzoh, hmm10:31
freemangordonan ex-nokia used to work wth that PA stuff said that even with the labs they had in Nokia, it was exptremely hard to fine-tune the parameters10:32
ryukafalzfound this on the pulseaudio wiki for the echo cancel module... very encouraging :P - "10:32
ryukafalz    Parameters for the AEC engine (to be documented)10:32
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nealI just reflashed (the eMMC and PR1.3).15:10
nealI tried to install css-thumb15:10
nealbut there are errors15:11
nealIn application manager, I have pending updates15:11
neale.g., libqtm-bearer 1.0.02-maemo4+0m5+0ccsu1+thumb115:11
nealBut it's not installable15:12
nealit conflicts with libqt4-openql (4.7.0~git20100909-0maemo1+0m5)15:12
nealThe installation guide says to make sure "nokia and extras" are enabled.15:13
nealBut the nokia repos don't work15:13
nealperhaps that is the problem15:13
nealare there replacements?15:14
neal(Yes, I've searched)15:14
bencohwait, what ?15:16
bencohwhich repo ?15:16
nealbencoh, and
nealthey both return an error for me15:18
bencoha gnupg/openpgp error (expired key) ?15:19
nealAccessing the URLs in my browser shows "Invalid URL"15:21
nealSo I don't think that is the problem15:21
bencohoh fuck15:24
bencohapt-get says err 40015:25
bencohnow that sucks15:27
nealdoes cssu-thumb require just the extras repo or also the extras-devel repo?15:30
bencohit most probably doesnt need extras-devel, as extras-devel is supposed to be a -devel repo :)15:34
nealI recall that no transitions from devel to testing to stable were occurring for a while15:35
nealI'm pleasantly surprised that things have improved15:36
bencohextras and cssu are two different things15:37
nealI know.  But the cssu install guide says to enable the extras repo15:38
nealso extras is apparently a dependency15:38
bencohI wonder why ... kernel, maybe15:38
bencoh(you need a "recent" kernel with a workaround to the omap3/thumb2 bug)15:39
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merlin1991cssu never needs extras16:07
merlin1991but cssu-thumb requires cssu-testing, and cssu-testing in turn has some dependencies on stuff in the nokia repos16:08
merlin1991neal: is the csu-testing catalogue enabled?16:09
nealmerlin1991, yes16:15
nealOh, no16:15
nealcsu-testing is not enabled16:15
nealmerlin1991, Are you aware of any mirrors of the nokia repos?16:15
bencohI have a partial mirror (no ovi, no "regional" stuff)16:16
nealwell if the noka repos contain hard dependencies then it makes sense to put up a mirror somewhere16:18
nealI doubt MS will send a take down16:18
nealgiven that Maemo is dead to them16:19
nealIs it no longer possible to edit the wiki?16:21
nealI logged into my old account, but I don't see a way to edit a page.16:21
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merlin1991it should be possible16:40
merlin1991neal: which page are you trying to edit?16:40
merlin1991hm seems like the page is locked16:51
merlin1991I can't edit it either16:51
stevenmneal, are you perhaps putting links to firmware that work on it? :P16:54
nealyou mean like that one?16:57
stevenmi can't seem to find a download for PR 1.3.117:03
stevenmI'd like to find RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1.203.1_PR_203_ARM.bin17:06
stevenmthe latest PR 1.3.1 UK release17:06
* stevenm wonders if he has it at phone17:07
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stevenmanyone have RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1.203.1_PR_203 ?17:21
stevenmneal, have found the 1.3.1 global release though -
merlin19911.3.1 is not exactly necessary if you install cssu17:31
merlin19911.3 -> 1.3.1 is just an update for ssl certs (digicert breach) and is also included in cssu17:31
stevenmfair enough17:31
stevenmi take it what's left of the maemo cssu team  -  are the only people working on hildon in the slightest these days?17:32
stevenmand even then not very much17:32
merlin1991tbh we're almost as big as always17:33
merlin1991we always had 2-3 core devs17:33
stevenmi'd love to see another hildon/debian mobile OS - if not a rebirth of maemo on to other handsets17:33
merlin1991thing is, libx and gtk217:33
stevenmright but MATE have managed to continue gnome2 - they have a migration path to gtk317:34
merlin1991there is cordia which ported hildon to gtk3, but we are still 100% dependent on X1117:34
merlin1991which rules out ie mer as a base17:34
merlin1991because that went the wayland path17:34
stevenmoooh didn't know about cordia17:34
stevenm*cough* *uck mer - sorry i'm not a fan17:35
stevenmi like my .deb base17:35
merlin1991tbh it's funky17:35
merlin1991.deb has the better tools on the repo side17:35
merlin1991.rpm has the better tools for packaging / building17:35
stevenmand working with the linux foundation / intel - hasn't exactly bore much fruit, two dead projects and counting17:36
stevenm   =  cordia?17:36
stevenmthat's nice :)17:37
merlin1991but dead ...17:37
stevenmooh it's really nice to see someone is carrying ... oh :( ... *WAS* carrying this on17:37
stevenmperhaps cordia could be a replacement UI for the Unity on Ubuntu Phone OS17:38
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stevenmmerlin1991, any ideas what qildon is?17:42
stevenmi think it might be hildon but with qt17:42
merlin1991btw from cordia devel
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nealmerlin1991, Why not gta04?21:46
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merlin1991neal: I'm not exactly following, what do you mean?22:25
nealmerlin1991, The gta04 is possibly reasonable hardware for Maemo.22:30
nealmerlin1991, There's obviously the neo900 project, which is based on the gta0422:30
nealbut the gta04 exists today22:31
merlin1991yeah only that the n900 > gta0422:31
nealThe gta04 has linux 4.0 :)22:31
sixwheeledbeastbut missing the features of the N90022:35
nealof course22:36
M4rtinKIIRC Neo900 should have a bit better hardware than the GTA0422:39
M4rtinKmore RAM, etc.22:39
M4rtinKbut more by much but still :)22:39
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