IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2015-04-06

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freemangordonSicelo: was that you that requested friendship on FB? I need your account to add you as a tester of FB plugin00:09
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freemangordon_merlin1991: updating FB widget/photo uploader via extras won;t fly :)13:31
freemangordon_HAM doesn't show the update13:31
merlin1991category ;)13:31
merlin1991it's user/hidden ...13:31
freemangordon_no, it is not13:31
merlin1991ah there was an error about that yesterday13:31
merlin1991well then let me see13:31
freemangordon_it is in user/graphics13:32
freemangordon_ignore those red things, I uploaded a fixed version13:32
freemangordon_what is strange, I got an update for
freemangordon_which is in user/hidden :D13:33
freemangordon_merlin1991: mind to make me maintainer of those 2 packages?13:37
merlin1991will do13:38
freemangordon_merlin1991: now, can you recommend some debian packaging trickery to make HAM install those?13:41
freemangordon_the previous versions come from OVI13:41
merlin1991I'll have to look into that don't know yet why ...13:42
merlin1991but I'm guessing it comes down to repository priorities ...13:42
freemangordon_maybe in the next update you should put change OVI prio below maemo extras13:43
freemangordon_s/put chagne/change/13:43
freemangordon_otherwise we are stuck forever with whatever is/was in OVI store13:44
freemangordon_hmm, maybe I should a metapackage, something like "Facebook Photo Uploader"13:53
freemangordon_that depends on the updated versions of the other packages13:54
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Sicelofreemangordon_: quick test of sharing service. getting "transfer error" for now. will test further15:24
freemangordon_Sicelo: how did you manage to install it?15:25
Siceloapt-cache policy sharing-service-facebook15:28
freemangordon_Sicelo: I added you as a tester, so you should be able to send photos15:28
Sicelo 0.6.1 015:28
Sicelo        500 fremantle/free Packages15:28
Sicelo     0.6.0 015:28
freemangordon_just added, that is15:28
freemangordon_Sicelo: no, my point is - did you use HAM or apt-get?15:29
freemangordon_oh, ok15:29
freemangordon_Sicelo: maybe you'll need to enter your password again, so FB to update what is allowed to n900 app15:30
freemangordon_in control panel->sharing accounts that is15:30
Sicelouploaded picture just fine15:33
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freemangordon_Sicelo: :)15:33
freemangordon_Sicelo: could you test: 1. if you can update the list of your albums15:34
freemangordon_2: share a picture with geotags, so you to be presented with "places" menu15:34
Sicelono albums to start woith.. let me create a few15:34
freemangordon_Sicelo: also, what language do you use on n900?15:35
freemangordon_hmm, I'll need to find someone to test with different language. but that is not so important now15:36
Siceloupdating albums works15:41
freemangordon_now the "places" thingie15:41
freemangordon_and I will want your opinion if it is useful,or could be made better, from the user POV15:42
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Sicelowhere is the "places" menu expected to come? on the N900?15:46
Sicelobecause the picture does have geotag, the plugin showed it, but i don't really see anything related to it on FB website. still looking15:47
freemangordon_well, it needs to have both geotag and location15:47
Siceloyou mean coordinates? those are there15:48
Sicelobut not on FB.15:48
freemangordon_coordinates AND location information15:49
Sicelohmm, now you see i don't even geotag :)15:51
Siceloso what is location information in this context?15:51
freemangordon_Sicelo: if you enable geolocation information in camera-ui, you are presented with 2 options15:53
freemangordon_"GPS Position" and "Location"15:54
Siceloyes, i ticked all those15:54
freemangordon_you need both enabled15:54
Sicelomaybe i didn't get a good gps fix. let me take another15:55
freemangordon_Sicelo: oh15:55
Sicelogps says fine accuracy.. /me takes pic15:56
freemangordon_make sure to keep the metadata15:56
freemangordon_Sicelo: ^^^15:57
freemangordon_before pressing "Share", check what are the privacy settings in "Options"15:57
Sicelothat was selected too :)15:57
freemangordon_what was selected?15:58
Sicelokeep all metadata.. i chose that earlier15:58
freemangordon_hmm, strange then15:58
Sicelowhoah.. looks like something's happening.. got some popup on N900 now15:58
freemangordon_that one15:58
Siceloand pic shows location in FB :)15:59
freemangordon_Sicelo: and that's all16:00
freemangordon_now if only I can find a way to push that update into HAM's throat16:00
Siceloyou use FB much? what other FB-thingies are currently working from repos?16:01
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freemangordon_Sicelo: not that much16:06
freemangordon_the other thing that is broken is FB widget, I may look inti it as well16:06
Sicelowhat is it supposed to do?16:06
freemangordon_and I am afraid FB chat will stop working in 10 days16:07
freemangordon_never used it (the widget)16:07
freemangordon_so the top priority will bet FB chat plugin16:07
SiceloFB chat plugin is in Accounts?16:08
freemangordon_can't understand your question16:09
kerioyes, the one in Accounts16:11
Siceloi mean .. FB chat plugin means what you see when adding an FB account in "VOIP & IM" control panel16:11
keriofreemangordon_: are they disabling jabber16:11
freemangordon_or rather xmpp16:12
keriowtf am i supposed to do16:12
kerioD: D: D:16:12
keriook on the one hand16:12
kerioi finally get to uninstall adium16:12
Sicelokerio: setup you own :)16:12
freemangordon_kerio: gtalk still works16:12
freemangordon_and skype as well :D16:12
keriono the problem is on my computer16:12
keriodo i really need to leave firefox open16:13
keriomy god16:13
Sicelogtalk & skype are not limited to text now?16:13
freemangordon_thay are16:13
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freemangordonmerlin1991: so, what about my idea, to lower the priority of OVI compared to extras?19:03
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping21:34
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