IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2014-09-05

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Pali[16:07:43] <Pali> info about specific maemo kernel files:
Palithis could be fixed in cssu userspace17:13
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freemangordonPali: give up on that patch already, lets simply fix osso-system-info and make all others use it :)19:33
Palifreemangordon: ok, but first I need to know what is correct place19:43
Paliwhere is stored board info19:43
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freemangordonPali: sure. I'll try to find time tomorrow to hack osso-system-info to not use hardcoded paths but a config file20:08
Palianyway, there are more libs which using cpuinfo20:09
Palilook at that wiki page ^^^^^20:09
freemangordonyep, and all of them should be fixed to use osso-system-info20:11
freemangordonnow we have the same code spread all over the place20:11
Paliok, good point20:13
freemangordondo we have a list?20:15
freemangordonI know about mce and ke-recv20:15
Palido not know20:31
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cbeauAnyone here using CSSU-testing?22:04
cbeauthe N900 is my only phone right now so I can't have it go "weird". But I also would like to get CSSU-testing because changes are too slow to trickle into CSSU-stable (which I currently have)... any thoughts?22:06
* kerio runs cssu-thumb+devel22:16
Sicelocbeau: i do22:20
Sicelozero complaints22:21
cbeauah, nice to know. And since I've already got CSSU-stable, can I just install CSSU-testing or would I need to flash the device to switch to testing?22:23
keriofirst, you make a full backup with backupmenu22:24
keriothen you just enable the cssu-testing repos and upgrade22:24
cbeauupgrade via HAM or apt-get upgrade ?22:24
SiceloHAM is recommended .. (although i used apt)22:25
cbeauah, alright. Thanks a lot! I'll maybe give it a try. I'm scared because this is my only phone and I really don't have time to spend fixing it if this goes badly22:26
keriodo you have COMBINED?22:26
kerioif you do, then if anything goes wrong it's just a matter of flashing combined, installing backupmenu and restoring the previously-made backup22:27
cbeauoh, not sure what COMBINED is so... i think not22:27
keriothe thing you flash22:27
infobotmethinks combined is the rootfs fiasco image of maemo. For N900 latest (PR1.3.1) see, or
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cbeauoh dear... getting scary... has anyone done the stable to testing switch flawlessly through HAM with no need to fix anything (e..g. flash)?22:28
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Sicelocbeau: i did it via apt.. no fix needed. so HAM will be magnitudes safer22:29
cbeauah, feeling a little better. thanks!22:30
cbeaumy main motivation is that as soon as "wireless networking" gets "fixed" in testing (if ever) I'd wanna make sure I get that right away22:30
cbeauI haven't had wireless working at my office since ages ago...22:30
cbeauIt's not wireless altogether that I've got troubles with, just the MSCHAPv2 auth at my workplace that's not working. everything else is fine22:31
Sicelonot fixed. eapd is closed22:31
cbeauI can hack together manually using wpa-supplicant and get it to work, but the whole doig it manually business sucks22:32
cbeauwhat does "eapd is closed" mean?22:32
Siceloyes, and not battery-friendly22:32
Siceloclosed-source, i meant... so no one can fix it .. it is the supplicant in maemo22:33
Sicelocbeau:do you set the 'manual username' field for the wifi settings?22:34
cbeauoh, that's heart broken... no way it will ever get fixed then? :(22:35
cbeauyes, I do set the manual username, and with and without the domain attached, with @ or with \, i've tried all possible combinations of all the tricks ever reported to have worked for someone..22:36
Sicelook. i'm in the same boat22:36
cbeauwhat's sad is that it used to work, and then it didn't anymore, and I have no idea why (i.e. is it some package I installed that did this?)22:36
cbeauyeah, it's a very sad boat to be on. stupid authentication protocol22:36
Siceloyour admins broke it22:37
cbeauwell, they insist it's not them. And in fact they showed me the logs of the handshake and it's my phone that's messing up. that's clear. and the fact that it works with wpa-supplicant does suggest the problem's really at my end :(22:37
Sicelotbh, N900 is 'right' to not connect (as sad as it is). it won't connect when something is wrong with their certificate22:38
Siceloyour admins are at fault (same issue at my organization)22:39
cbeauah, really... because the IT people at my uni are pretty nice so if I could figure out what's wrong with what they do, Im sure they'd be happy to fix it... but that's a lot of work for me... not really time to do that22:39
Sicelowpa_supplicant connects because it can skip cert verification. eapd will not do that22:39
cbeaubut the certificate situation on N900 is a little weird: many can't be taken out, it's not always trivial to get new ones in manually...22:40
cbeaui keep wondering if my trouble is with the certificates or with the wireless protocol...22:40
Sicelothe problem cert is in the server :p22:40
cbeauin what sense... you mean that they've incorrectly setup their server cert for the wireless network or they've incorrectly set how the handshake and certificate exchange works?22:41
Sicelojust the certificate only that is problematic .. either it is missing some fields, or some other issue22:42
Siceloif you have time, setup a FreeRadius server of your own, and configure it for MSCHAPv2 .. it will connect just fine22:42
cbeau"it will connect" meaning the n900?22:43
cbeauah, so here's a question: if I get my hands on their certificate, is there some way for me to know what is "wrong" with it so I could communicate that back to them?22:44
Sicelomy N900 doesn't conect on my organization's mschapv2 wifi, but on my freeradius can connect22:44
Sicelounfortunately i can't help much there..22:44
cbeauah but you did, you suggested another avenue for me to look into. Tha's progress22:44
cbeaui love my n900 but there are two things bothering me now: the wireless situation and the fact that its cpu is getting on the old side... it'd like a bit more juice. But still there are absolutely no good replacement for it on the market. that's why I've got 2 and the second will be my backup when this one dies22:46
Sicelo << might give you an idea what to look for in connection with the certificate22:47
Sicelofor cpu, try thumb on your 2nd device and see if it performs better :)22:49
Siceloothers overclock, but there are differing views about the pros and cons22:50
Sicelobtw, maybe this convo should have moved to #maemo22:50
kerioholy shit you're worried about the cpu but not the nonexistance of ram?22:53
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freemangordonPali: I'm going to try to RE sscd, any hints? is there any x86 binary you're aware of, even not from Maemo22:58
Palifreemangordon: I do not know about any x86 sscd binary22:59
Palifreemangordon: anyway, see list what to RE:
freemangordonPali: hmm, usb status plugin should be easy, what is the .so name?23:02
Palifreemangordon: /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/usb_plugin.so23:03
Palipackage: hildon-status-bar-usb_2.1.99-25-12+0m5_armel.deb23:03
Paliit is armel only23:04
Palisecond rtcom packages have also i386 binaries23:04
Paliand header C files are available in nokia-binaries repo23:05
freemangordonhmm, usb plugin is 22k, should be doable in a wek or so23:05
Paliand that two rtcom libraries?23:06
Palihow hard it is?23:06
freemangordonlemme check23:07
freemangordonlibgtalk-plugin is 12k x86 binary, a piece of cake23:08
freemangordonI'll start with it23:08
freemangordonjabber plugin is 18k23:09
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