IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2014-06-08

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ApicA wonderful Pentecost (UGT) to You all!09:50
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freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: should be12:37
freemangordonnow it only remains someone to convince chem|st and merlin1991 to start issuing updates again :)12:37
sixwheeledbeastI couldn't find patches for some, as you can see.12:38
sixwheeledbeast looking at this o to p is an issue as you say after that 100% compatibility to x12:49
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merlin1991freemangordon: what is there in the pipeline currently ?18:29
* merlin1991 is atm booting his various n900 trying to find the one with cssu-testing on it18:30
merlin1991heh, I found the one that has plain maemo pr 1.3.1 on it18:34
FIQyou should label them :D18:35
sixwheeledbeast:) that would make sense. I can distinguish mine from how battered the screen protectors are. :D18:38
merlin1991yep that works for mine aswell18:43
merlin1991only after a few months I had forgotten which one had the good semi good and totally broken screen :D18:44
DocScrutinizer05oops ECHAN18:55
merlin1991damn, I gotta fix the device that is in parts currently, that's the one I'm looking for xD18:56
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merlin1991hm reflash time19:03
merlin1991lets see where I have all the files19:03
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freemangordonmerlin1991: iirc most of the stuff that's in -devel is ready for primetime19:16
freemangordonmerlin1991: but we need -stable as well19:17
freemangordonnew update that is19:17
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kerioam i a bad enough dude to upgrade to the -devel stuff?20:47
keriomh, i don't want to lose the speed from the -thumb packages :(20:52
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sixwheeledbeastI guess you mean the new non-thumb telepathy-gabble21:05
kerioother stuff too21:31
keriolike hildon-desktop21:31
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FIQis there a devel changelog somewhere?22:00
sixwheeledbeastFIQ: only what's posted on TMO AFAIK22:03
DocScrutinizer05cssu-devel is deprecated, it's not meant to get used for updates. Stuff on cssu-devel is broken by definition, otherwise it would be on -devel but on -testing or even -stable22:03
sixwheeledbeastthe docbot strikes again ;)22:03
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, cssu-devel is, or extremely deprecated for any non-developer22:03
DocScrutinizer05it would NOT be on -devel22:04
sixwheeledbeastagreed, it's not the sort of thing that needs changelogs22:05
DocScrutinizer05devel is strictly a sandbox for devels to test packaging, and only packaging22:05
sixwheeledbeastpurely an easy way for CSSU devs to test packages22:05
DocScrutinizer05it's NOT the pre-testing22:06
DocScrutinizer05aka cssu-testing-testing22:06
DocScrutinizer05stuff IS broken there22:06
DocScrutinizer05meh, I did ages ago ;-P22:07
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DocScrutinizer05people talk to Eliza since ~30 years, *despite* they know it's a "bot"22:16
DocScrutinizer05I always found it tedious to talk to humans who couldn't pass turing test themselves22:18
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: as good as it gets, for -devel22:19
merlin1991sort of :)22:24
merlin1991well if you compare that with the debian/changelog files on cssu gitorious you get some sort of changelog :D22:24
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FIQthanks merlin199122:44
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