IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2014-02-19

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YazelHello guys, my name is Yazel GarcĂ­a. N900 user. I know this room is for discussing CSSU, but since I see many coders around, I thought I'd suggest someone making a port of android-thomson-key-solver, by Ruka Araujo. He is currently working on a MAC,Windows,Linux port actually. And by a few mails in the past, he wouldn't mind such a port. I know many of you may think I should do it myself,10:39
Yazelbut I'm afraid I'm the wrong kind of engineer.10:39
YazelThere's been a few attempts of such an app (stkeys and another one). But I think it would really complete the "hackphone" concept that other applications bring (Cleven, for example).10:41
Yazelanyway, let me know what you think, if anyone feels up to it, yazelgarcia@gmail10:44
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DocScrutinizer05>>You can use your android for domotics that's a lot of fun and impressive. But here is another way to impress your friends with your phone. There's a scripting environment available for the Android and that makes it possible to run python, which in turn makes it possible to run the python version of stkeys. stkeys is a little tool demonstrating a weakness in the thomson speedtouch wifi router default wpa key.<<11:19
DocScrutinizer05so to me it seems, since N900 has python interpreter almost by default, there's really no need to "port" anything. Just use the stkeys python script that android-thomson-key-solver seems to be based on11:20
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silviof~seen freemangordon19:37
infobotfreemangordon is currently on #neo900 (3d 9h 9m 15s) #maemo (3d 9h 9m 15s) #maemo-ssu (3d 9h 9m 15s), last said: 'np'.19:38
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Ashley`~seen pali23:13
infobotpali <~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 72d 2h 53m 19s ago, saying: 'ok'.23:13

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