IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2014-01-15

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JoHnYhi, is there anyone here who could help me with getting obex PBAP and MAP to work on n900?00:22
javispedroJoHnY: it is not going to be easy (aka it requires some coding)00:25
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JoHnYjavispedro: well I have no problem with that...00:26
sixwheeledbeastJoHnY: have you seen wiki and tmo pages?00:26
JoHnYyes I have tried the manual install from wiki and it doesn't work00:27
JoHnYMAP just sends empty inbox00:27
JoHnYand PBAP just responds with Forbidden00:27
JoHnYI just run some debug00:28
JoHnYand for MAP, here's some relevant lines:00:28
JoHnYJan 14 23:21:03 tesla obexd[22263]: plugins/mas.c:any_get_next_header()00:28
JoHnYJan 14 23:21:03 tesla obexd[22263]: get_next_header(): Resource temporarily unavailable (11)00:28
JoHnYJan 14 23:21:03 tesla obexd[22263]: GLIB WARNING ** default - eventlogger-async-client.c:178: cannot get event list: Unable to prepare iteration00:28
JoHnYJan 14 23:21:03 tesla obexd[22263]: plugins/messages.c:get_messages_listing_cb()00:28
JoHnYJan 14 23:21:03 tesla obexd[22263]: RTCOM query failed: Unable to prepare iteration00:28
JoHnYPBAP just reports Jan 14 23:24:53 tesla obexd[22263]: Connect attempt to a non-supported target00:28
JoHnYso I need at least some pointers to what to try next or what should be wrong00:29
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javispedrooh, so someone did write the obexd plugin for rtcom, I'll shut up.00:31
JoHnYwell, it was done quite while ago... wiki is here but it doesn't work for me and I have currently no idea of what could be wrong00:33
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JoHnYI'm going off, if anyone can help me, just write here, I'll read it later, thanks01:11
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lufJoHnY: there is a ubuntu guest with everything prepared for compilation.12:38
lufJoHnY: I don't have the link but I think someone here can help if you ask ;)12:39
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JoHnYok, cool, thx12:39
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lufJoHnY: BTW - you can find there also obexd source (I think there is newer version than you mentioned)12:40
JoHnYok, I'll take a look12:40
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lufIt's strange. Maemo can have different event-type-id on different devices/or stock versus cssu? It's about rtcom.15:32
lufIf someone has any idea please share it with me. Thank.15:32
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JoHnYOk, I have found what was the problem with the MAP not working on my n900, thanks to luf. As he said, there is a different event-type-id for sms messages in my phone as it's hardcoded in obexd, so I had to change the id in source and recompile obexd, now it works fine17:11
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_ade_freemangordon: ping18:25
freemangordon_ade_: sorry, was fighting with my PC :)18:25
_ade_regarding glibc: do I have to run the script to extract stuff?18:26
freemangordon_ade_: dpkg-buildpackage should do everything for you18:26
freemangordonmerlin1991: ping18:26
freemangordon_ade_: BTW I fixed some bugs in libcityinfo on gitorious, please pull (if not already)18:27
_ade_okay, I build your libcityinfo, seems to run fine18:27
freemangordonthe initial version had a bug :)18:28
_ade_glibc: look like I need to install texi2html18:28
freemangordonif it says so18:29
freemangordonI'd be surprised if this is the only package you'd need to install ;)18:30
_ade_well, it is working hard atm18:31
freemangordonnice, I hope you have enough cores18:32
_ade_will I end up having the source I can modify, or am I getting a deb?18:32
freemangordonyou'll get a .deb :). but you can check how the patches in debian/are applied, and make your patch in a similar way18:33
freemangordon_ade_: sorry I am not much helpful, but I migrated my desktop from XP to Ubuntu and stll have pendig stuff to install, like ScratchBox :)18:34
_ade_Hmm, I don't won't a deb, I want to change the timezone files and related sources :-(18:34
freemangordonI know18:34
freemangordonwindows XP18:36
freemangordon_ade_: see
_ade_But before I could create any diff files I would like to build/test stuff first. What's the way to go then?18:38
freemangordonI am not aware fo any other way18:38
freemangordonmerlin1991: ping18:38
_ade_Okay, so: extract bz2 files, change them, bzip them again and create a new deb?18:39
freemangordonwon;t work18:40
freemangordonyou need all the other patches applied18:40
freemangordonso you build a deb, and the work on the extracted sources18:40
freemangordonand make a diff against them18:40
freemangordonthen put your patch in debian/patches, with an appropriate number and again build a deb18:41
_ade_okay, I start to get it I think. Makes it all a bit complicated though :-(18:43
freemangordonit is not that hard once you do it 2-3 times18:45
_ade_I can imagine18:46
freemangordonmerlin1991 did that 2 weeks ago so I wanted him to tell us if there is an easier way, but as you see he is mia18:46
_ade_I also changed some gcc settings in scratchbox for glibc compiling as was described on gitorious18:48
_ade_it is building the timezone files as we speak :)18:49
_ade_It has finished building about 10 debs. Will see what I can do with it, and thanks so far.18:53
freemangordon_ade_: np18:53
_ade_freemangordon: latest commits on libcityinfo are a few days ago; I don't see any new commits?18:58
_ade_freemangordon: and the test program seems to return duplicates rows?18:58
freemangordonyep, those commits are the latest18:58
freemangordon_ade_: what you mean duplicated rows?18:59
freemangordonthe last test - nearest city?18:59
_ade_It gives me 1312 rows, it should be about 350 or so in total.18:59
freemangordon_ade_: the way to use the test program is - run it with stock libcityinfo and pipe the output to a file, run it with the replacement (with LD_PRELOAD or whatever) and pipe the output to another file19:00
freemangordoncompare both files :)19:01
freemangordon_ade_: why 350 rows?19:01
merlin1991freemangordon: pong19:01
freemangordonmerlin1991: what is the asies way to make a patch agains glibc? how did you do it?19:02
freemangordoneasiest even19:02
_ade_freemangordon: 397 cities19:02
freemangordonmy typing sucks19:02
freemangordon_ade_: yes, but look at
merlin1991I didn't patch against glibc directly, I patched the build scripts :D19:04
freemangordonyep, but still it is .diff19:05
freemangordonof, I see19:05
freemangordonoh even19:05
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_ade_freemangordon: so what you said earlier does not change in that regard?19:07
merlin1991ah yeah _ade_ when you did the scratchbox fix for glibc, you have to reapply it in order to build Qt19:08
merlin1991I might look into the Qt build scripts one day, they seem to be more than silly (didn't build on autobuilder either)19:08
_ade_merlin1991: what do you mean by reapply?19:09
merlin1991revert to original19:09
_ade_hmmm, I already build some Qt programs after that gcc file change19:09
merlin1991Qt programs are fine19:10
merlin1991Qt itself doesn't build then19:10
freemangordonfine, SB VM is running too19:50
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_ade_freemangordon: looks like the deprecated dpatch is used for the glibc deb, not quilt? A dpatch apply-all does not change anything it seems, so that would not be needed.23:32
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* _ade_ thinks he can better provide freemangordon with timezone patches, as dpatch-edit-patch "patch-name" does not give him a copy of the glibc source package23:58
freemangordon_ade_: does dpatch have something similar to QUILT_PATCHES=... ?23:58
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