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merlin1991 | dang I wanted todo the cssu release now, but I had to carry my pc through the rain | 02:17 |
merlin1991 | don't want to turn it on yet :D | 02:17 |
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FIQ | this just in - cssu delayed due to rainy weather | 04:25 |
FIQ | (sry, I just thought it was a bit funny reason to why) | 04:25 |
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honestly | hello! I think I'm having some troubles booting the correct kernel with uboot and ssu installed. how do I troubleshoot that? | 22:04 |
honestly | I installed the cssu a few months ago and everything seemed to go fine, but I don't have iptables anymore and uname -a shows "Linux Nokia-N900-51-1 2.6.28-omap1" | 22:05 |
honestly | kernel-power-settings package is installed... | 22:07 |
merlin1991 | honestly: ssu shouldn't affect that at all | 22:08 |
FIQ | "Updated to upstream 1.42.5, fixes fsck for ext* filesystems." perhaps that fixes the strange bugs I was having earlier when I managed to corrupt my ext3 on ~ | 22:08 |
FIQ | not relevant now, but good in case it happens again | 22:08 |
honestly | merlin1991: iptables worked before I installed the cssu, as far as I can tell. | 22:08 |
merlin1991 | well omap1 should also work for iptables | 22:09 |
merlin1991 | iirc | 22:09 |
merlin1991 | anyways which kernel do you think you should boot, what cssu version is installed, which u-boot version | 22:09 |
honestly | no idea where exactly the problem is, but I am running a kernel without iptables support apparently | 22:09 |
honestly | didn't even know that was possible | 22:09 |
merlin1991 | and what happens when you boot with an open keyboard | 22:09 |
honestly | 1) no idea, 2,3) how do I find out | 22:09 |
merlin1991 | well a kernel can have the netfilter subsystem disabled per config when building --> no iptables | 22:09 |
honestly | booting with an open keyboard gets me a uboot menu | 22:09 |
honestly | yeah - I never did any kernel building myself | 22:10 |
merlin1991 | any entry besides the omap1 one? | 22:10 |
honestly | let me check | 22:10 |
honestly | attached kernel / internal emmc / external sd card / u-boot boot order / u-boot console are the menu options I get | 22:11 |
honestly | u-boot 2013.04 | 22:11 |
merlin1991 | ah so you only have omap1 available anyways | 22:11 |
merlin1991 | for the cssu version go to settings -> about community ssu (in the general section) | 22:11 |
merlin1991 | what happens when you run iptables? | 22:14 |
honestly | ugh... as soon as I manage to boot up again... | 22:14 |
merlin1991 | why do you have u-boot installed when you only have 1 kernel? | 22:15 |
honestly | I tried to get android to run some time ago | 22:17 |
honestly | community ssu version is 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6.1 Stable | 22:17 |
honestly | "iptables v1.4.12: can't initialize iptables table 'nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded." | 22:19 |
gregoa | honestly: and what happens with `modprobe ip_tables' and/or `modinfo ip_tables'? | 22:31 |
honestly | modinfo ip_tables works | 22:34 |
honestly | (shows module info) | 22:34 |
honestly | modprobe ip_tables runs without any output | 22:34 |
honestly | but trying to use iptables gives the same error | 22:34 |
gregoa | interesting ... hm. | 22:35 |
gregoa | can you `modprobe iptable_nat' since that's your error? | 22:36 |
honestly | hrm | 22:38 |
honestly | ls /lib/modules/current shows iptable_nat.ko | 22:38 |
honestly | but modproble iptable_nat says no such module | 22:38 |
honestly | oh fun | 22:39 |
honestly | /lib/modules/current links to /lib/modules/ | 22:39 |
gregoa | so, yeah, something's weird with your kernel/modules :) | 22:39 |
honestly | but I'm running 2.6.28-omap1 | 22:39 |
honestly | sooo I think my problem is that I'm not running the power kernel | 22:40 |
gregoa | seems so | 22:40 |
honestly | how do I make uboot boot that kernel? | 22:40 |
gregoa | or at least that you have a mismatch between kenel and modules | 22:40 |
honestly | well | 22:40 |
gregoa | an re uboot: no idea, sorry. - merlin1991^^ | 22:41 |
honestly | not really | 22:41 |
honestly | the loaded modules are the ones from /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1 | 22:41 |
honestly | but there is no iptables_nat module there | 22:41 |
merlin1991 | well install kernel-power-ubootimg or how it's called | 22:42 |
honestly | as far as I can see from the wiki, the power kernel should flash itself automagically when I reboot after installing the kernel-power-settings package | 22:42 |
honestly | ah | 22:42 |
merlin1991 | uboot sits where a flashed kernel sits and chainloads it | 22:42 |
merlin1991 | so when you get the uboot menu you have no power kernel flashed in your kernel partition | 22:42 |
honestly | kernel-power-bootimg? | 22:43 |
merlin1991 | yep | 22:43 |
merlin1991 | then reboot and choose the u-boot entry that contains kernel power | 22:43 |
merlin1991 | by installing u-boot you removed kernel-power from the kernel parition which started all your mess | 22:44 |
honestly | hmm, makes sense | 22:44 |
honestly | starting kernel... | 22:46 |
honestly | seems everything is fine | 22:47 |
honestly | merlin1991: thanks! | 23:02 |
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