IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2013-12-12

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potusHello All,18:01
* potus joined the ranks of n900 users a few months ago18:01
potusBeen having mixed results =/18:01
potusI found kernel power 46 which i have manually installed via dpkg -i, it all worked fine.. i tried to update to a newer version of kernel power via HAM and since have had no luck with wifi injection nor hotspot (joki?)18:03
potusSince, I have tried to reflash the device and reinstall 46; and i still can't get joki to work? What am i missing here?18:03
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potushbib u around?18:16
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potushbib: you a n900 user as well? hopefully advanced/18:28
hbibi am a n900 user18:30
merlin1991potus: when you install kernel power 52 or what the current version is it drops the injection drivers in some directory18:30
hbibadvanced not necessarily18:30
hbibi am used to GNU/Linux on desktops and have some basic C++ skills, but nothing more :)18:31
potusSame here.18:32
potusmerlin1991: i believe it was power 52.. it dropped the drivers in /opt/packet/(uname)18:33
potuswhen i ran the script on ccsu it reports back can't find _spi drivers18:33
potusi noticed the script added alias's to the apt.conf ..18:33
hbibi would really like to help maemo and neo900, but I am afraid that I don't have enough skills18:33
potusI run debian here at home; I am a P.I. by profession and upgraded from a Palm Centro (was using that for call recording for a LONGGG TIME)18:34
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potusi been told about this phone; got one from ebay.. and wow.. i havent stoppped messing with it for 2 motnhs.. but i am to the point where i would just like to get a fixed set of functions working.. I successfully got msfconsole working (3.4).. but during the process i broke my hotspot functions.. =(18:35
potusbtw, thanks go out to everyone for the great community we have.18:36
freemangordonpotus: forget about joikuspot19:05
freemangordoninstall qtmobilehotspot19:05
freemangordonfrom the repos19:05
freemangordonit is in -devel though19:05
freemangordonalso, install kp52, not kp4619:06
potusfreemangordon: yeah after running joikuspot, the phone reboots19:18
freemangordonmerlin1991: how's glibc going?19:21
potusfreemorgordon: do you recommend me install kp52 with the default repo's in place; or should i add -devel and/or -testing before installing kp52?19:27
freemangordonkp52 in -extras is exacrlt the same as in -testing and -devel :)19:27
potusok, none of the deps chnage either i take it19:27
freemangordonbut for qtmobilehotspot you'll need to enable -devel. Keep in mind it is not a good idea tho keep -devel or -testing enabled unless you know what you're doing19:28
freemangordonand even then19:28
potusyeah, thats why i been sticking with 46.. when running that hotspot 46 didnt reboot phone whereas 52 does.. after reflashing -- I cant even figure out how i got 46 working.19:29
potuswith all this ruby 1.8 downgrade gems .10.. i just scratched it all and started over.. I am going to try install kp52 right now along with qtmobilehotspot;  I will report back19:30
freemangordonkp46 is deprecated since long ago19:30
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keriowhy the hell would you "find" kp4619:34
potuson the threads i seen it in tarball.. i downloaded it had it working; then after reading i tried to update to kp52 and had problems19:35
potusreflashed and didnt know where i messed up.19:35
freemangordonpotus: btw it might be a good idea to provide the oopsie19:35
freemangordonpotus: it is in /dev/mtd219:36
potusreflashed it at this point =/19:37
freemangordondoesn't matter19:37
freemangordonit is still there19:37
potusk great19:37
potustail /dev/mtd2 yields nothing19:38
kerioas if19:38
freemangordontry with dd or cat19:38
potusinternal error: Oops: 817 PREEMPT.. modules linked in ipt_maquerade iptable_nat ....19:39
potusv412_int_device fuse [last unloaded cfg80211]19:40
potusnot tainted
potusgives me debugger info afterwhich19:40
potusdo you require the registers for development?19:41
freemangordoncould you pastebin it?19:41
freemangordonI want to see the backtrace19:42
freemangordonpotus: I want to check why KP52 oopses19:42
potusdont freemangordon:  I would have to install ssh server.. scrolls outta screen without |more19:43
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potusor >> dump.it19:43
potusand then  send it19:44
potuswaiting for this repo to populate my apt19:45
potus Rootkit.Sirefef.Spy and Trojan.FakeAV-Download19:47
potusis what i get when going to pastebin19:48
potushaha backtrack has trojan from install!19:48
potusthere it is19:50
potusstill waiting for repo to update.. dam 2g is SLOW19:54
potusand as i look at the link i trimmed the backtrace off .. sorry bud; im handicapped19:56
potusok qt mobile hotspot in. i shall install power kernel is disable the -devel rep20:04
potushopefully this work.20:05
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potusstill can not get pc to associate =(20:29
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potusdidnt work for me..20:29
freemangordonpotus: it is ad-hoc mode20:29
potusit will show up in available wifi's but is unable to associate or get an ip20:30
potusidk i think whoever been working on 52.. needs to revert back to 4620:30
potusonly one i got working so far =/20:30
freemangordonand for sure it works :)20:30
potusother app worked lovely with 46.. once i started loading all the ruby/gems it stopped working somewhere along the line and can't for nothing get it working again20:31
freemangordonpotus: what ssid do you try to connect to?20:33
potusfreemangordon:  I started by flashing both images latest USA followed by combined.. once booted i enabled -devel.. installed qthotspot/power kernel.. and disabled -devel..   that should be bare minium to get it to work right?20:33
potusessid on this new app was 'N900 HotSpot'20:34
potusdefault by app... must i load the bleeding edge drivers before enabling the hotspot?20:34
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freemangordonit should work ootb20:36
freemangordonyep, that's the correct ssid20:37
* potus is disappointed.20:37
freemangordonwhat OS is your PC?20:37
potusi shoulda just left it working with metaploit 3.4 but i got greedy!20:37
potusbacktrack 5r3.. just switched from debian20:37
freemangordonpotus: no idea, I've never had any problems with wthotspot20:38
freemangordonqtmobilehotspot that is20:38
potusim try to connect to it one more time20:39
potusi am disconnect from current inet connection (on phone) hopefully this app connects me and starts the wifi20:39
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potusi usually connect via this method  ifconfig wlan0 down;iwconfig wlan0 essid N900;iwconfig wlan0 ap auto;iwconfig wlan0 key none;ifconfig up; dhclient wlan020:42
potusthat is hopw i got it working with last version as well..20:42
potusi see it right now.. but it won't associate once i set the defaults.20:42
freemangordonpotus: this is ad-hoc, not infrastructure mode20:44
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potusfreemangordon:  didnt work =(20:44
potusfreemangordon: so i can just add iwconfig wlan0 mode adhoc ... then manually set the ip?20:45
potusi feel like such a dummie =(20:45
freemangordonip should be given by dhcp server on n900. though manual ip could work too20:45
keriopotus: and set up iptables20:45
potuskerio: on n900 or pc20:46
keriothe one that's sharing the connection20:46
kerioon the other, you'll have to set up routing20:46
kerio...well, on both20:46
freemangordonkerio: iptables on n900 are set by qthotspot20:46
potusfreemangordon: this tethering aside, should the should work for me now without error as well ?20:47
keriowell, apparently not!20:47
potusthe only bleeding edge method i got to work was 46 with sh method.. results in errors.20:47
freemangordonshould work20:47
freemangordonthough I never ysed that20:48
potuskerio: i think freemangordon is suggesting my client (pc) is not connecting properly.. unfortunitly adhoc i never used, so the configuration i have to lookup20:48
freemangordonI played a bit with cleven20:48
potusfreemangordon: how do u enable bleeding edge?20:48
keriocleven is cute!20:48
potus46 cracks weps for me in 2 minutes.. but i use 3 terminals in lieu of wifite or cleaven.20:48
freemangordonpotus: ^^^20:48
potuscleven enables it for u?20:49
freemangordonpotus: keep in mind that kp52 installs packet injection drivers in /opt20:49
potusfucking a20:51
potuswhoever did 52 needs to hang it up =/20:51
potusERROR: Modules wl1251_spi does not exists in /proc/modules20:51
potusyada fucking yada20:51
potus46 4 lyfe!20:51
potuseverything is broke in 52 how the hell did it get to stable repo20:51
potusright on forum it says so a.b,c i do abc and yeilds no success.20:52
potusand this script im trying to run is right in post 120:52
freemangordonpotus: do you have rootsh installed?20:52
freemangordonpotus: what exactly fail, link please20:53
potusloading of drivers needed for me to crack weps (be a good spy)20:53
potusand, hotspot functionality20:53
freemangordonpotus: any errors in dmesg log?20:54
potus46 had both working.. i tried to update to 52 and inch.. been stuck in a cycle of failure.20:54
freemangordonpotus: in case you're not aware I am one of KP devels/maintainers, so I'd appreciate if you provide some detailed info ;)20:55
potusno errors20:55
freemangordonwhat did you execute?20:55
potusfreemangordon: hopefully we can work together.20:55
potusscript found on the packet-injector.sh20:56
potuslisted under 52 as new method to load the drivers.20:56
potus(give me wifi monitor mode)20:56
potusnot found not found errors. but then it looks like it loads..20:57
potusima try to crack the wep and see if it works20:57
potusgive me 5 minutes.. ill report back. and once again; thanks for taking the time to help me im just getting frustrated after 3 weeks of fiddeling20:57
potusesp since i had it all working.. but just wanted newer metaploit. =(20:57
freemangordonpotus: could you gimme a link to that script?20:58
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potusit was linked from here:
freemangordonpotus: may I have your uname -a21:02
potusLinux Nokia-N900 #1 PREEMPT Sat Apr 6 11:59:23 UTC 2013 armv71 unknown21:15
freemangordonyep, the correct one21:16
freemangordonand I guess you saw in dmesg that wireless-compat were loaded21:16
potusit isnt saying _isp21:16
potusor whatever it is reporting loading wl11251 drivers21:16
freemangordon" Compat-wireless backport release: compat-wireless-2010-12-20-1-g53f8e22"21:17
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potusu want the pastebin of what im seeing right now?21:17
freemangordonpotus: if it works, no21:18
freemangordondo you see the ^^^ line you your dmesg when you execute ./ load21:18
potusone second21:20
potusinjection is working.21:23
potusjust seems like script is reporting an error.21:23
potusshame on me.21:23
freemangordonshame on you :)21:23
potusnow i just need to figure out how to properly configure adhoc on this pc.21:23
freemangordonthe script tries to rmmod first21:23
potusincase it was loaded i presume.21:24
potusbut if not, does no harm reporting error21:24
potusstill funny how my old iwconfig commands worked with juki but not this qt version.21:24
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potusok with drivers loaded, when trying to start the wifi the n900 reboots21:33
potusi can report error21:33
potusonce i disable the drivers via script it says it is enabled21:33
potusnow ill try to connect to it again.21:33
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potusno working21:47
freemangordonpotus: just use cleven21:49
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potusfreemangordon: after the fresh flash the kernel driver is working for injection as advertised.  Although I may have some user error connecting to the new access point.23:09
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