IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2013-10-20

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freemangordonPali: I will RE lybsisinfo too, -dev should be part of it13:27
PaliI created debian dsc package for libsysinfo-dev13:27
Paliso I will wait for full libsysinfo13:27
freemangordondid you push libossoproductinfo on gitorious, so I can fix it?13:27
Paligoing to push it13:28
jonwilso is anyone working on MCE fixes/changes?13:29
freemangordonjonwil: Pali?13:29
freemangordonhe said so13:29
Palijonwil: I have one patch for mce13:30
PaliI will push it to gitorious13:30
freemangordonjonwil: BTW I REed libossoproductinfo13:30
jonwilnice :)13:30
jonwilneat :)13:30
freemangordonPali: thanks. BTW there is package named like that, with some exe in it, I guess I should RE it too13:31
jonwilyes that should be re-d too13:32
freemangordonthat should be a matter of an hour :)13:33
jonwilits tiny actually13:33
jonwiljust a wrapper around libossoproductinfo :P13:33
freemangordon5k binary13:33
jonwilboth libossoproductinfo and osso-product-info are in the osso-product-info source package :)13:33
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jonwilsysinfo-common, libsysinfo0, libsysinfo-dev, sysinfo-tool and sysinfod are all part of the sysinfod package13:35
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jonwilanyone cloning libsysinfo0 should clone all of those packages, not just libsysinfo :)13:48
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jonwilnow if only the cellular stuff, audio stack and GPS were as easy to reverse engineer as mce, ossoproductinfo, sysinfo etc14:23
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DocScrutinizer05bug in DIABLO mce: when booting with charger attached, mce doesn't notice the fact and thus doesn't switch off the screen lock according to "keep display lit while charging"19:33
DocScrutinizer05I need to unplug/plug cycle the charger to stop N810 from locking screen, after boot19:33
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