IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2013-10-07

DocScrutinizer05sounds good00:02
DocScrutinizer05they finally noticed how cmt_speech works00:02
DocScrutinizer05at least whicj interface it's using00:02
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dreamerlo all. just did a reinstall of my n900, after cssu and powerkernel and such I installed the 'advanced power' application and now the backlight selector has disappeared from the status menu00:32
dreameranyone have an idea where it could have gone?00:32
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DocScrutinizer05advanced power application? sounds like you better steer clear of it01:31
DocScrutinizer05oh, it's just a battery indicator01:33
DocScrutinizer05it messed up your status bar settings I guess01:33
DocScrutinizer05tricky stuff01:33
DocScrutinizer05or you simply didn't scroll down the menu?01:39
DocScrutinizer05btw what's backlight-selector?01:41
DocScrutinizer05dreamer: ^^^01:43
psycho_oreosI was sort of wondering about that, could it be that simple backlight applet where one can tweak backlight brightness from the drop down menu and/or set backlight to be either permanently on or not.01:43
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DocScrutinizer05thought as much01:43
psycho_oreosIn any case I'm pretty sure installing advanced power daemon (that battery monitor thingy) would restart hildon-ui and force a whole bunch of 'applets' to not get loaded. The best idea (imo) is to restart the device so that advanced power monitor daemon would work with the rest of the other hildon 'applets'.01:45
DocScrutinizer05I wonder if it simply has gone "off-screen" into row#6 of the menu01:46
DocScrutinizer05I got it in row#1, anything else is unbearable ;-D01:47
psycho_oreosI'm not sure but I'm sure I have had setup advanced power daemon in the past whereby it restarts hildon-ui and a whole bunch of little 'applets' fail to load (things like even the notable cpuload-applet go missing).01:48
DocScrutinizer05I should get rid of the tweaks profile-button01:48
DocScrutinizer05yeah, for sure you need a reboot after messing with status-bar or status-menu config01:49
psycho_oreosiinm, advanced power daemon monitor should stick in row one, it replaces that standard battery monitor with a user 'press-able' button along with more information about the battery life, etc.01:49
DocScrutinizer05yeah, sounds plausible01:49
psycho_oreosMine is messy as hell, I have a huge drop down list but I'm not particularly fussy about it. :D To each their own.01:50
DocScrutinizer05psycho_oreos: yeah (about advanced power)
psycho_oreosDocScrutinizer05, I guess that's one way to simplify things. I thought the advanced power monitor daemon was made by some other guy. In any case yeah the advanced power monitor daemon is on the top left, row #1, that simple backlight applet thingy is second last on bottom right.01:56
DocScrutinizer05not here :-)01:56
psycho_oreosI also suppose that program MohammadAG made was to allow one to customise the list of applets from drop down menu.01:56
psycho_oreosWell yeah, seeing as how it's not part of cssu package. :D01:57
DocScrutinizer05nah, it's on row#1 right here01:57
psycho_oreosAhh yeah on the picture.01:57
psycho_oreosI have that installed (even though it can be buggy as hell).01:58
DocScrutinizer05simple brightness never failed for me01:59
psycho_oreosI don't know, it could just be me. I have on certain (or almost every) reboots, apmd shows grey battery bar (meaning battery is either not detected or something). I've had to restart apmd via killing it and letting it redetect the battery.01:59
psycho_oreosNah, the advanced power monitor daemon.01:59
psycho_oreosSimple backlight applet never fails me, apart from that instance when I installed some other applets (like say apmd) made it disappear but hey, that could almost be equated to user error. :D02:01
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DocScrutinizer05oh, that's the idiocy about the exclusive opening of the sysnode, or rather the  failure to do so, or whatever02:01
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psycho_oreosThe apmd? I haven't dug far in (and with limited knowledge I'm restricted to "certain level") I thought it was just an issue with python or something. Though I've made an ugly hack to fix apmd, via a small bash script along with queen beecon widget.02:03
DocScrutinizer05I never looked into apmd, but I guess it's the usual problem with bme and stuff exclusively opening some sysnode, and so other apps can't access it02:05
DocScrutinizer05could of course also be related to python02:05
DocScrutinizer05or you even got KP and that battery kernel module02:06
psycho_oreos*nods* plausible with sysnode stuff but I have to admit, it's really beyond my depth. I simply resorted to quick (and usually dirty) hacks and be done with it.02:06
DocScrutinizer05that's known to conflict with bme02:06
psycho_oreosHmm I do have KP but not Pali's BME replacement.02:06
DocScrutinizer05lsmod|grep bq2702:07
DocScrutinizer05I guess02:07
psycho_oreosI can imagine if I were to have Pali's BME replacement along with apmd, it would no doubt make a huge mess. ;) figuratively speaking.02:07
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DocScrutinizer05dunno what apmd uses to acquire battery data02:08
psycho_oreosHmm crap, and my main N900 is still getting it's battery charged. *sigh* I'll just make do with the other N900 on much older kp and potentially apmd.02:08
psycho_oreosI just ran that command on my other N900 and they have returned nothing. I'm guessing bq27 would no doubt be the BME replacement.02:10
DocScrutinizer05wait, it's only the bq27xxx.ko module that does harm when bme starting after it02:10
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psycho_oreosAlso thinking about it, bq27xx.ko module was probably available/included into kp50. My spare N900s are running on kp47.02:11
DocScrutinizer05no, it's not exactly bme replacement, it's a deprecated and basically buggy kernel module that apps like apmd use to read out the bq27200 chip02:11
psycho_oreosAhh. hmm.02:11
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DocScrutinizer05it's usually blacklisted since it makes bme fail when bme starts after that module got loaded -> reboot02:12
psycho_oreosCorrection (on my part), I have kp49 not kp47 on spares. I've couldn't find bq27xx.ko but instead found bq27x00_battery.ko02:15
DocScrutinizer05power monitor apps should never use that bq27-battery sysnode, they should either use hal or direct access to bq27200 via i2c, like does02:15
psycho_oreosI'm guessing that's probably where apmd fails, because it probably makes use of sysnode. I've dug into the python script awhile back, though yeah that's ages ago when I did that.02:16
DocScrutinizer05probably apmd is broken in that it's using the bq27x00_battery/* sysnodes02:16
psycho_oreosThough wouldn't that be likely cause if say bq27x00_battery.ko is still loaded? I mean in my case bq27x00_battery.ko isn't loaded though it's available.02:21
psycho_oreosI just had a quick peek at some of the apmd python stuff, I couldn't quite make sense from out of it.02:22
psycho_oreosIt doesn't appear to be apmd is making use of bq27x00.ko but I could also be wrong on that part.02:22
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dreamerDocScrutinizer05: er, the selector with 5 modes in the status menu. I used the 'advanced battery' indicator before and never gave issues08:37
dreamerI can't scroll down, there's just an empty spot where the backlight-applet used to be08:37
dreamerthe advanced battery thing doesn't use any more space than before (if anything it uses the space more efficiently)08:38
DocScrutinizer05does it look like the one in this: (right, above "flashlight")?08:39
DocScrutinizer05this is simple brightness applet08:41
dreameror am I confused and is that a separate app?08:41
dreameriirc it was there before I installed the power thingy08:41
DocScrutinizer05well, most probably, when you installed "simple brightness applet"08:42
dreamerI thought it was a default applet08:42
DocScrutinizer05dpkg -l| grep simple-brightness-applet08:43
dreamerbut I guess I wasn't paying attention. I hadn't reinstalled in a looooohng tim08:43
DocScrutinizer05ii  simple-brightness-applet                            1.4-1                                      Simple brightness statusarea applet08:43
dreamernope, don't have it. my bad08:44
dreamerI seriously thought it was there by default and it disappeared on me :P08:44
DocScrutinizer05apt-get install simple-brightness-applet08:44
dreameryes it's done :)08:45
dreamerI really needed a reflash too. my n900 is so much snappier now08:45
dreamertoo bad I lost a whole lot of contacts. backup didn't work because of 'stale nfs' bullcrap that didn't resolve after fsck :/08:46
dreamerbut I have an older backup so not everything is lost08:46
DocScrutinizer05restoring a lot of conversations will make it slow again08:47
dreamerok, how is that?08:47
DocScrutinizer05ls -l /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db08:48
dreamerI don't have it08:48
DocScrutinizer05sqlite eating all your ram when conversations database too large08:48
dreamerlike I said: I reflashed08:49
dreamerand backup didn't work08:49
dreamerdamn, good to know08:49
DocScrutinizer05slows down everything08:49
dreamerthen I'm pretty sure that 3 yrs of use caused that to happen08:49
DocScrutinizer05you must have a /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db08:49
dreamerwell sure, but it's tiny now08:50
DocScrutinizer05otherwise conversations will blow chunks08:50
DocScrutinizer05>1MB considered too large08:50
dreamerI'll see what happens when I restore my old one08:50
DocScrutinizer05use mc to browse the tarball of backup, it's relatively easy to locate, you'll know in advance how large it been08:51
DocScrutinizer05you can delete that file any time, and it will get re-created empty08:52
DocScrutinizer05delete, reboot hard08:52
DocScrutinizer05to get rif of all call history and conversations08:53
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DocScrutinizer051 week ago a user had a 6MB db, suffered corruption of db, no more conversations showing08:54
DocScrutinizer05no new SMS08:54
DocScrutinizer05also you might want to augment a new el-v1.db with a few stored procedures to add call duration. See:08:57
infobotjrtools is, like,
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dreamerdamn, that backup is nearly a year old .. better than nothing09:04
dreamerwill have lost maybe half a dozen contacts and changed details09:05
* DocScrutinizer05 does a backup09:05
dreameryeah at least 'once every season' would be good to do09:06
DocScrutinizer05the damn osso-backup isn't script-able via cmdline :-/09:09
DocScrutinizer05so no "cron" either09:09
DocScrutinizer05no automatic backups09:09
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FatPhil~last Pali13:00
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jonwil~seen Pali13:04
infobotpali <~Pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 13h 51m 46s ago, saying: 'so because of nokia...'.13:04
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jonwiltiming... :P13:05
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FatPhilperfect timing indeed!13:10
jonwilMight dig into N900 GPS later, see if I can work out the dbus interfaces being used13:17
Palijonwil: there is already plugin for gpsd13:18
Paliwhich using n900 modem via AF_PHONET13:18
Palimaybe you can look into this source code for RE GSP13:19
Palisearch for file gps2.c (there should be link from maemo wiki)13:19
jonwilI have the info I need to reverse engineer things mostly13:19
jonwilI dont much need to care about what N900 does, just what the dbus interfaces are13:19
jonwilsince someone will eventually be writing something compatible for Neo90013:19
Paliok, I just note that info how to get data from gps already exists...13:19
jonwilok :)13:20
jonwilbut yeah for Neo900 we need a drop-in replacement for N900 GPS bits that talk to new GPS modem13:20
jonwilwhatever that ends up being :)13:20
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psycho_oreossigned by: <one_angry_maemo_owner> ... ;)15:05
MohammadAGthy dare mention errr, moi?15:07
psycho_oreosay, it was meant to be a light hearted joke. No pun intended.15:08
MohammadAGhahaha no worries :)15:10
* psycho_oreos is somehow reminded of this:
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troulouliou_devhi by installing cssu i won't loose my application installed from  ovi ?16:18
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psycho_oreosYou are welcome, however to make use of backupmenu by robbiethe1st to backup your maemo setup completely prior to using CSSU updates.17:05
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troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, yes done thanks17:21
troulouliou_devwhen installing cssu testing i have the message "to update your device to this version you must use Nokia PC suite .."17:28
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psycho_oreosSomething went wrong, I'm pretty sure the CSSU page on the wiki should explain how to fix that.18:10
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, yeah but i m facingthe worst case scenario here after upgrade18:15
psycho_oreosAt this rate I'm also going to suggest you to use CSSU-Stable. CSSU-Testing may not be suitable considering the progress I've seen so far.18:15
troulouliou_devi have the nokia boot screen18:15
troulouliou_devthen shutdown18:15
* psycho_oreos sighs and itches head.18:16
psycho_oreosIt could just be low battery.18:16
troulouliou_devi ave access to the boot backup menu  but maemo 5 refuse to start18:16
troulouliou_devno full battery as suggested18:17
psycho_oreosThen I guess you might be missing userland tools or something, maybe a good idea is to restore from the backup.18:17
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, yeah will do ; pwnie express can't be responsible for it i guess it is just a classic pr1.3 with additional git package and desktop?18:18
psycho_oreostroulouliou_dev, I have no idea what you did last to make your maemo setup unbootable. It could be literally anything.18:19
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, updated to cssu testing :)18:19
troulouliou_devrestoring atm18:19
psycho_oreosDid you even read the stuff I mentioned on the wiki?18:20
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, yes most of it :)18:20
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, why do you recommend stable over testing ? testing is almost not  updated anymore ?18:22
psycho_oreostroulouliou_dev, no it's more like I'm doubting your skills.18:22
troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, ha no got solid debian background :) i just abandonned my n900 for some times :)18:23
psycho_oreostroulouliou_dev, I was sensing the need for one to be hasty.18:25
psycho_oreosA more cautious person would for instance always read and google information if in doubt rather than taking on whatever someone else said straight up.18:26
psycho_oreosRather a more patient person.18:26
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troulouliou_devpsycho_oreos, does the initrd or equivalent in n900 support cryptsetup at boot time for full phone encryption ?18:30
psycho_oreostroulouliou_dev, no idea, its not even related to CSSU. Though I do believe there has been a few people who have encrypted N900 fs.18:31
psycho_oreosNamely they would be on the forums for that regard.18:31
freemangordonFatPhil: hmm? what about version control?18:33
FatPhilUSE IT!!!!18:46
freemangordonsure, but why the caps? someone didn't use it? :)18:46
freemangordonFatPhil: btw, did you have a chance to look at the patches in KP? all of them I mean18:47
FatPhilfreemangordon: more than one person...18:47
freemangordonthat's bad18:48
FatPhilI did get most of the way through them18:48
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FatPhilfreemangordon: focussing on MCE with jonwil for a few days20:59
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DocScrutinizer05FYI: the Option modules have built-in echo cancellation and background noise suppression, so we probably can just forget about that proprietary Nokia audio enhancement stuff on APE23:50
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