IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2013-09-26

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jonwil~seen DocScrutinizer0503:33
infobotdocscrutinizer05 is currently on #openmoko #openmoko-cdevel. Has said a total of 1044 messages. Is idling for 1h 30m 31s, last said: '~xyawn'.03:33
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FatPhilHmmm, why does neither HAM nor fapman show "make" as an available package?12:09
jonwilbecause you cant install "make" to the device, only in the SDK12:17
jonwilwhy do you want to install "make" anyway?12:17
FatPhilso I can compile a program!12:56
keriosomething something sdk12:56
FatPhilapt-get install make works fine, but now I need to find the -dev packages too...12:57
FatPhilOK, libc6-dev is not available, that's a bit of a bummer13:00
FatPhilI just want to be able to treat the n900 like I would any other linux computer13:03
FatPhilmy development machine is packed away presently (moving country), so I can't even do it in scratchbox or whatever.13:05
FatPhilI did use to have gcc on my n900. I built a kernel on the n900, once13:06
FatPhilPretty sure I just downloaded the debian armel .debs, maybe I should try that again.13:08
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DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: as long as you install to opt, it should work16:47
DocScrutinizer05though most users use easydeb for that16:47
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ShadowJKI untarred the rootfs on tablets-dev to a microsd and just chroot into that17:14
ShadowJKOn N800 and N810 I did install sdk packages in main system, but it got a bit messy17:14
RST38hBill Gates admits Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake17:20
keriomh, why?17:24
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