IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2013-09-22

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freemangordonmerlin1991: I think we should move to github for a while00:22
freemangordongitorious is .. well... simply unusable00:22
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merlin1991freemangordon: I can look into that starting monday (I'm currently in amsterdam, driving back tomorrow)00:27
freemangordonoh, amsterdam :P00:27
merlin1991though, you know that github is evil us hosting? ;)00:27
freemangordoncould be, but at least it works00:28
freemangordonwe can use github and duplicate on gitorious00:28
merlin1991I'll get it set up00:28
merlin1991btw this week I've been to Köln and Brussels aswell :)00:29
freemangordonmerlin1991: we have to do ne update soon imo00:29
merlin1991used up the rest of my holidays for a small "europe" trip with friends00:29
freemangordonwell, amsterdam is.. well amsterdam00:29
freemangordonare coffee shops still there? there were rumors those will get closed00:30
merlin1991still around00:30
merlin1991though they can't sell to foreigners00:30
freemangordonwell... have a nice amsterdam then :P00:30
merlin1991wasn't my intention to get high anyways00:30
merlin1991booze is enough for me :)00:30
freemangordonok, but, being in amsterdam without getting high...00:30
merlin1991it still has some sights00:31
merlin1991and it defenitely looks a lot different than most of europe00:31
freemangordondon;t get what is that supposed to mean, as every part of europe I've been looks different00:32
merlin1991regarding the update, I guess Pali could update his devel, testing, stable list as a starting point?00:32
merlin1991well budapest and vienna are a lot alike00:32
freemangordonthough i've not been in paris for example00:32
merlin1991amsterdam and brussels have similar style of houses in some way00:33
merlin1991no idea about france00:33
merlin1991spain and greece have similarities00:33
freemangordonhowever, have to go, night, happy amterdaming :)00:33
merlin1991good nigth :)00:34
merlin1991and the most imporant bit, nowhere else I've seen as much canals than here (still need to go to venice though)00:35
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merlin1991jonwil: I'll be around starting tomorrow, now I gotta drive back from amsterdam to vienna .D12:25
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jonwilPali was able to help me with the thing I needed :)12:29
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Paliok :-)14:35
freemangordonI still don;t have cameras or ssi working14:35
freemangordonbut at least MUX config should be 99% correct14:35
freemangordoni dumped mux config from /dev/mem on 2.6.28 and compared with 3.1014:36
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Paliso how was Skry able to use modem and send sms?14:46
freemangordonNFC :(14:46
freemangordonmaybe we should ask him to boot 3.10 with alarm and try14:47
freemangordonmaybe we miss somtething from the configuration (rx51_defconfig), dunno14:48
Palifreemangordon: can you check if you have with last my 3.10 tree (looks like you already merged all my changes) /dev/hw* device?14:49
freemangordoncompiling it now :)14:50
Palisome hw random device (do not know correct name under maemo)14:50
Paliand check if it working? (use cat and see if that chars are random :D)14:51
freemangordonBTW git managed somehow to silently fail to merge rx51_defconfig, besides enabling l2auxsave/resore are there any other changes?14:51
freemangordonPali: ^^^14:51
Paliin rx51_defconfig there are no other changes14:52
freemangordonI wonder why it didn;t tell me anything :()14:52
freemangordonI did a simple pull with rebase14:52
Palifreemangordon: maybe there is problem also in uboot?14:53
freemangordonyou can bet on that :)14:55
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freemangordonthough... maybe my config is not 100% correct14:55
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freemangordonas u-boot doesn;t bring problems with 2.6.2814:56
Palibecause 2.6.28 kernel setting anything...14:56
Palifreemangordon: I pushed that 3 commits into v3.10-n900 tree14:57
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Palimerlin1991, freemangordon: what about creating mirror of community-ssu git repos on github?15:18
freemangordonPali: merlin1991 said he'll do it aiui15:18
Palidoes anybody have github account?15:19
freemangordonme :)15:19
freemangordonPali: no hwrng in /dev15:25
Palino device with name *hw*?15:26
Palithen I need syslog/dmesg output15:26
freemangordonhmm, will powercycle the device and will retry15:29
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freemangordonhmm, got kernel opps15:31
freemangordonoops even15:31
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freemangordonit is in et8ek8 :D15:32
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freemangordon18.197540] [<bf2cd164>] (et8ek8_power_on+0x50/0x124 [et8ek8]) from [<bf2cd914>] (et8ek8_registered+0x78/0x4c4 [et8ek8])15:35
freemangordonet8ek8.c is not pulled too15:36
freemangordonPali: seems my build is broken, wait until I rebuild and test again15:38
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Paliyou are missing one commit15:49
Pali$ git cherry-pick 081723f1d5cc72232239dee7d77049456440377b15:50
Palifreemangordon run ^^^15:50
freemangordonPali: I am rebasing now15:50
freemangordonagain :)15:50
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Palifreemangordon: you still missing that one commit ^^^^^^16:05
Palifreemangordon: revert that commit16:05
Paliname must be "omap3-rom-rng"16:05
freemangordonPali: see your pastebin :)16:06
Palifreemangordon: btw, I included all your commits into v3.10-n900 branch16:06
freemangordonI know, just merged16:06
Palifreemangordon: see title of that pastebin :-)16:06
freemangordonPali: oh :)16:07
Palifreemangordon: I think you can now remove your modified branch16:07
Palibecause it has all and same commits as which are in global one16:07
freemangordonPali: will do and will colne again16:08
freemangordonPali: hmm,
freemangordonbut it was in the tree after the merge16:09
Palithis is right, name should be "omap3-rom-rng"16:09
Paliyes it was in tree, because you included another revert16:09
Palicommit d5b97aa802ff650878c059dda8ddba31433e01f616:09
freemangordonPali: could pull my branch now and make a diff16:09
Palifreemangordon: already did16:10
freemangordonif tose are equal, I won;t re-clone16:10
freemangordonwell, I'll kep my tree16:10
Pali[15:06:25] <Pali> freemangordon: btw, I included all your commits into v3.10-n900 branch16:10
freemangordonI prefer to not touch yours, as I do lots of changes usually16:10
Pali[15:07:37] <Pali> freemangordon: I think you can now remove your modified branch16:10
Pali[15:07:52] <Pali> because it has all and same commits as which are in global one16:10
Paliok, just reset --hard to HEAD of global tree16:11
freemangordonand I prefer you to cherrypick when something is needed.16:11
freemangordon"HEAD is now at 69346f6 board-rx51-camera: support both cameras in board code"16:12
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Palithis is ^^^16:15
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Palifreemangordon: HEAD of global tree not HEAD of your local repo16:20
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freemangordonPali: hmm?16:24
freemangordonhow to do that and why?16:24
jonwil'figuring out libdevlock is harder than I thought16:25
Paliwhy? because your tree contains only irrelevant commits (commit1, revert commit1, commit2, revert commit2 ...)16:25
Palihow? git reset --hard de13db43ace67440a5e8d3bcc128d3bcfe0fd96716:25
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Palijonwil: look at diablo mce16:26
Palidiablo mce has code which was moved into libdevlock16:26
Palicode for checking security code16:27
Paliand cal structure of that security code storage16:27
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jonwilI shall soon have devlock.h usable :)16:31
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jonwilhmmm, need to see who else uses libdevlock :)16:44
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freemangordonPali: Nokia-N900:~# ls -al /dev/hwrng16:50
freemangordoncrw-rw----    1 root     root      10, 183 Jan  1  1970 /dev/hwrng16:50
freemangordonseems to work16:50
freemangordonca filled my reminal with garbage :D16:50
Paliok :-)16:52
Palicheck also dmesg if there is no error16:52
freemangordonwhat error to look for?16:52
Paliwhen you started cat16:52
Palifor omap3 rom rng16:52
freemangordonoh, you mean while doing cat?16:52
freemangordonPali: no errors16:53
Paliok, then it working...16:54
Palifreemangordon: can I rebase n900 patches on top of 3.11/3.12-rc now or wait until you fix modem/camera problems?16:56
freemangordon*NOW* :)16:56
Paliok :-) going to look at it16:57
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Palithere is 3.12-rc116:57
freemangordonbravely do git pull --rebase :D16:57
Palihaha :D rather I clean some commit, revert commit patches...16:58
freemangordonhmm, could you pull master?16:59
freemangordonwel, well, I'll wait you to merge it16:59
freemangordonscratch that (git pull)16:59
freemangordonPali: BTW ay idea why power button doesn;t wotk?17:00
Paliin mce?17:00
Palibecause mce has hardcoded some /dev/input* path?17:01
freemangordonhmm, ok17:01
Paliand devices in input are randomly generated?17:01
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freemangordonon 2.6.28 it is triton2-pwrbutton17:16
Palicould be17:16
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DocScrutinizer05guys, what's the headline to put on top of the report about your work of last 2 weeks? What's the goal?17:22
freemangordonmaemo5 working with upstream kernel?17:23
DocScrutinizer05is there a plan?17:23
freemangordonyep, make it working :D17:23
DocScrutinizer05hmm, what for?17:23
freemangordonwe'll see17:24
freemangordondammit, mce had those names hardcoded :(17:25
freemangordonPali: how to deal with that?17:26
Palisomehow change mce code17:27
freemangordonI mean - can;t we fix it in the kernel, with some config option? would upstream accept that?17:27
Palino, this is problem in userspace application17:27
freemangordonwell, yes, but can't we use INPUT_TWL4030_PWRBUTTON_NAME to define a name?17:29
freemangordonfor example17:29
freemangordonthe same for vibra, etc17:30
freemangordonPali: ^^^17:30
Palifreemangordon: ask input guys17:30
PaliI think asnwer will be no17:30
freemangordonPali: any way to make an alias?17:31
Palido not know any way17:31
freemangordonok, I'll try to find17:31
DocScrutinizer05well, isn't that exactly one of the main reasons why we didn't even think of going to newer kernel versions, for e.g. KP?17:32
DocScrutinizer05API compatibility17:32
freemangordonit is17:32
DocScrutinizer05and the notorious tendency of kernel devels to break that API17:32
Palikernel does not breaking API17:33
Paliand if yes, report it17:33
Palithis is not API, but mce bad sw...17:33
freemangordonPali: I wouldn't blame mce in that case17:33
DocScrutinizer05another even more serious reason: power management customary optimizations done by Nokia to maemo kernel, that never can go upstream17:33
DocScrutinizer05Pali: HAHA17:34
DocScrutinizer05changing sysfs paths is not "breaking API"?17:34
freemangordonbecause someone decided that "twl4030_pwrbutton" is more cool than "triton2-powerbuton"17:34
freemangordonBTW I don;t think ^^^ is part of the API aiui17:35
DocScrutinizer05ooh, devfs paths then, in this case, eh?17:35
freemangordonno, patch are just fine17:35
freemangordonit is the "name" property that has changed, and it is up to device drier to set that17:35
DocScrutinizer05so what?17:36
DocScrutinizer05API change17:36
freemangordonno, driver change17:36
DocScrutinizer05doesn't make any difference in my book17:36
DocScrutinizer05kernel devel sophism: this is not a bug, this is a grammatical change17:37
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: whatever it is, we have to deal with it17:38
DocScrutinizer051.: declare own prior work "buggy" 2.: declare new API a "bugfix" 3.: declare all apps that depend on the supposed former "bug2 flawed17:39
DocScrutinizer05we have to deal with it for what exactly?17:39
DocScrutinizer05ooh, <freemangordon> we'll see17:40
DocScrutinizer05anyway I will point bitching nagging users to this, like estel and ivgalvez who claim that "cssu team already has way too much on their plate to get it done in any acceptable time frame"17:47
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freemangordonPali: hmm, can't we LD_PELOAD?18:19
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Paliwhich symbol to replace?18:20
freemangordonmce does EVIOCGNAME, checking the names in /dev/input18:21
freemangordonwe can capture ioctl and replace the result with wath mce expects18:21
Paliyou can18:21
Paliwhy not?18:21
freemangordonI know :), but does  it makes sense to do it18:22
Palifreemangordon: rebasing patches is complete... I will try to compile kernel now18:32
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DocScrutinizer05why not simply bindmount?19:20
DocScrutinizer05you can do per-process bindmounts that override single filenames19:20
DocScrutinizer05check "man mount"19:21
DocScrutinizer05also see
PaliDocScrutinizer05: because of ioctl?19:27
DocScrutinizer05how's ioctl not affected by mounts?19:28
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Palimce using ioctl and checking some buffer if is same as hardcoded something19:29
Palifreemangordon: btrfs is not compiling on 3.12-rc1 :D19:29
Palifs/btrfs/ioctl.c:2802:3: error: implicit declaration of function ‘__put_user_unaligned’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]19:29
Palidisabling it19:31
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DocScrutinizer05I dunno what exactly you're doing, and why, but at least the FPTP paradigm been to keep API as identical as possible, to allow arbitrary userland stuff to run on the new platform19:58
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: I dunno what exactly you're doing, and why, but at least the FPTF paradigm been to keep API as identical as possible, to allow arbitrary userland stuff to run on the new platform20:01
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Palifreemangordon: v3.12-rc1-n900 branch is on gitorious20:15
freemangordonPali: great20:27
freemangordondoes it boot?20:27
Paliin qemu yes20:28
Palinot tested on real n900 yet20:28
Paliand qemu now also see sound card20:28
PaliI do not have free space on rootfs for modules :D20:28
Palineed something to clean20:29
freemangordonok, going to test it on the real device20:29
Paliah groff-base package is not optified20:32
Paliand man-db-n900 too20:32
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freemangordonPali: which branch did you base your v.3.12-rc1-n900?20:49
freemangordonmaster or v3.10?20:49
Palifreemangordon: did you try new branch?21:33
freemangordonstill doing pull :)21:34
freemangordoni re-cloned the repo21:34
freemangordonas git failed to merge your(upstream :P) remote21:34
freemangordongit in SB is pretty old21:34
freemangordonPali: hmm:
Palifreemangordon: you cannot merge it21:36
Paliit is new branch21:36
freemangordonyep, I know21:36
freemangordonid did git barnch/git pull21:37
freemangordonI did*21:37
freemangordonbut it failed21:37
Pali$ git fetch <name_of_remote>21:38
freemangordondid that too21:38
Pali$ git checkout -b v3.12-rc1-n900 <name_of_remote>/v3.12-rc1-n90021:38
Palithis should work (if you do not have branch v3.12-rc1-n900 already)21:38
freemangordonoh, right :)21:38
freemangordonwell, will remember that for the next time21:39
freemangordonanyway, finished21:39
freemangordongoing to build it21:39
Pali$ git rev-parse HEAD21:39
Palifreemangordon: check this ^^^21:39
Palifreemangordon: can you check if we need CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_458693 and CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_460075 ?21:41
Palibecause both options are since 3.10 disabled21:41
freemangordonafaik the only errata we need is thumb one21:41
freemangordonbut ok, will check21:41
freemangordonPali: did you look at the above commits?21:42
Paliyes, what is problem?21:42
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freemangordonoh, scratch that, upstream is for 363021:43
freemangordon458693 is for Cortex-A8 (r2p0) we are on r2p3 iirc21:45
freemangordonthe same for the  46007521:45
freemangordonso, those should be disabled21:46
freemangordonPali: ^^^21:46
Palithose are disabled since 3.1021:47
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Paliremoving master branch from linux-n900 tree because is useless for us21:48
freemangordonwhy not pull upstream?21:48
PaliI set HEAD of linux-n900 tree to v3.12-rc1-n90021:49
Palifreemangordon: because master is already and periodical mirror is pointless21:49
* freemangordon waits for mudules build to finish21:50
freemangordonmodules even21:50
Paliif you or somebody else need to see unreleased (v3.12-rc2 ..rc3...) then he will look at linus tree21:50
PaliI pushed to linux-n900 tree also base tags where branches starting21:55
Paliyou can git fetch <remote> to get these tags21:55
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DocScrutinizer05~FPTF is the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay22:09
freemangordonPali: looks like it boots :)22:09
Palifreemangordon: check if lp5523 led with MCE working22:10
DocScrutinizer05first check lp5523 working ;-)22:10
DocScrutinizer05then patch lp552322:10
Palislide lock and wait if you see white color...22:11
PaliDocScrutinizer05: lp5523 was rewritten...22:11
Paliand has new common interface for lp55xx chips22:11
DocScrutinizer05still fsckdup22:12
Paliand freemangordon is first who will test it :D22:12
freemangordonPali: no :(22:12
DocScrutinizer05of course22:12
DocScrutinizer05see ^^^22:12
freemangordonthough, I'll powercycle just to be sure22:12
Palinice, another non working part... I will write that TI devs22:12
DocScrutinizer05MCE relies on NOKIA idiosyncrasies^htics22:12
Palilast time they wrote me that it should be fixed in 3.1122:13
freemangordonPali: wait22:13
Paliok :-)22:13
freemangordonlet me check why it not working first22:13
Palifreemangordon: is keyboard ligh working?22:14
DocScrutinizer05I honestly doubt that led:r, led:g, led:b and kbd:1..kbd:6 have any chance to go upstream22:14
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PaliDocScrutinizer05: already upstreamed by me :D22:14
Paliif they not deleted it22:14
freemangordonhmm, et8ek8 oopses, maybe again some mess on my side22:15
DocScrutinizer05any general purpose upstream LP5523 driver may only have led:1 .. led:922:15
DocScrutinizer05and no led:r,g,b and kbd:1..622:15
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: names come from the board code22:15
DocScrutinizer05then it may work, but I heard board code is obsolete?22:16
DocScrutinizer05wasn't that the DT hyoe now?22:16
DocScrutinizer05hype even22:16
PaliDocScrutinizer05: led:r ... kbd:1 .. names are in board data file22:19
DocScrutinizer05ok then22:19
DocScrutinizer05check if the driver works22:20
DocScrutinizer05echo 188 >./LED:R/brightness22:20
Paliwhen board data file will be obsolated by DT, then also these names will be moved to DT22:20
Palinames are static data too, so it is ideal for DT22:20
Palifreemangordon: maybe there was rebase error in et8ek8?22:21
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Paliwhat? /sys/class/leds/twl4030:vibrator/brightness22:24
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yep, have those, besides /sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness and /sys/class/leds/twl4030:vibrator/brightness22:24
freemangordonPali: no :)22:24
DocScrutinizer05echo 111 > /sys/class/leds/lp5523\:g/brightness22:24
freemangordonblinks green for a split second22:25
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# echo 2 >/sys/class/leds/lp5523\:g/led_current22:25
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: then MCE already resets it22:25
freemangordonconstant green22:26
DocScrutinizer05stop mce; echo 111 > /sys/class/leds/lp5523\:g/brightness22:26
freemangordonwith mce running22:26
DocScrutinizer05well, until mce gets *any* event22:26
freemangordonbut still no notifications22:26
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freemangordonno, mce doesn't seem to control it22:27
DocScrutinizer05which notifications? those in /etc/mce/mce.ini? ;-)22:27
DocScrutinizer05when green for a split second, then *somebody* seems to reset it22:29
freemangordonPali: or there are some changes in smiareglist22:29
DocScrutinizer05I dunno of anything but MCE doing that22:29
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: it was before I did echo 2 ..22:29
DocScrutinizer05upstream driver might fail to init those22:32
DocScrutinizer0512 and 50, WOW22:32
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DocScrutinizer05and possibly dangerous for the LED22:32
DocScrutinizer05I once evaluated that, see wiki22:33
freemangordonoh, kbd leds shine when I open the kbd22:33
freemangordonI guess this means the driver works :)22:33
DocScrutinizer05I hope they *stop* shining when you close the kbd ;-)22:34
freemangordonthey do22:34
freemangordonwell, I am in RD mode, so part of the continues :)22:34
DocScrutinizer05toldya mce works22:34
freemangordonbut why indicator led does not?22:34
DocScrutinizer05I tend to blame your mce.ini22:34
freemangordonit is stock22:34
DocScrutinizer05nfc then22:35
freemangordonyep, this is my devel device I try to keep as close to stock config as possible22:35
DocScrutinizer05check if bme selects according pattern via dbus22:36
DocScrutinizer05try charging22:36
DocScrutinizer05change settings for indicator LED22:37
DocScrutinizer05select a particular high prio pattern via dbus-send22:37
freemangordonhmm, seems mce doesn't know the screen is locked22:37
infobotmethinks phonecontrol is
DocScrutinizer05exactly what I meant22:38
DocScrutinizer05indicator pattern is engine state defendent22:39
DocScrutinizer05mce has quite a nasty set of functions to change engine state22:39
DocScrutinizer05on God knows which events22:40
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: what was that selftest thingie?22:41
DocScrutinizer05press power button shortly and see if white LED ramps up22:41
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: selftest gets executed during module load and enables all LED and checks current flow22:41
DocScrutinizer05for a good/nogood test22:41
DocScrutinizer05it actually does a selftest of all LED22:42
freemangordonNokia-N900:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.2/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:42
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DocScrutinizer05you even should see LEDs flashing on cat /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.2/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:42
freemangordonI see that22:43
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freemangordonwell, seems mce is just unaware thet the screen is locked22:43
freemangordongoing to check what it wants22:43
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: sorry, path not valid on my platform22:43
freemangordonhmm, it should be22:44
DocScrutinizer05kernel damagers' API change22:44
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: the path is the same on 2.6.2822:44
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# find /sys -name selftest22:44
DocScrutinizer05no it isn't22:44
freemangordondo you have /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032 ?22:45
DocScrutinizer05err yep22:45
freemangordonmaybe no selftest there22:45
DocScrutinizer05selftest there22:45
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ll /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:46
DocScrutinizer05-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 2013-09-22 21:45 /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:46
freemangordonso, the same22:46
dos1 /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.2/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest != /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:46
DocScrutinizer05but I DO NOT have /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.222:46
DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ll /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.222:46
DocScrutinizer05ls: Zugriff auf /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.2 nicht möglich: No such file or directory22:46
DocScrutinizer05kernel damagers' API change22:47
freemangordonoh, it is a symlink here22:47
dos1I think /sys/class is always a prefered "API" to be used by userspace22:48
freemangordonNokia-N900:~# ls -al /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:48
freemangordon-r--r--r--    1 root     root         4096 Jan  1 06:21 /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest22:48
freemangordonso, the same22:49
freemangordoncat that22:49
dos1and anything in /sys/class is always duplicated somewhere22:49
dos1and that second place can change, but /sys/class is rather still22:49
DocScrutinizer05anyway `cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0032/selftest` nicely flashes all LED here22:49
freemangordonsame here22:50
DocScrutinizer05even nicely animated22:50
freemangordonthe problem seems to be with kb_lock gpio22:50
DocScrutinizer05check dmesg22:50
dos1there should be sysfs node to check kb_lock state22:50
freemangordonno, it is fine as the screen gets blanked22:51
DocScrutinizer05[124629.358856] slide (GPIO 71) is now closed22:51
DocScrutinizer05[125162.695770] slide (GPIO 71) is now open22:51
Palifreemangordon: can you try LED Patterns settings applet?22:51
Palithere is test button :-)22:51
freemangordonJan  1 06:32:42 Nokia-N900 kernel: [ 2246.508117] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now closed22:51
freemangordonJan  1 06:32:42 Nokia-N900 kernel: [ 2246.751708] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now open22:51
dos1freemangordon: strace mce then?22:51
freemangordonPali: driver seems to work22:51
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yep22:51
DocScrutinizer05I meant *slide*22:52
Palifreemangordon: but API for led patterns was broken in 3.1022:52
dos1freemangordon: it's closed *while* pressing, and open when you release it22:52
freemangordonthis is what I get when I lock with the slide :D22:52
DocScrutinizer05[125695.666809] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now closed22:52
DocScrutinizer05[125696.510192] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now open22:52
DocScrutinizer05for you22:52
Paliand TI devs wrote me that they tried to fix it in 3.1122:52
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: what is slide and what is kblock?22:53
DocScrutinizer05slide is kbd22:53
freemangordonPali: ok22:53
DocScrutinizer05kb_lock is lock switch22:53
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: this is fine (the slide)22:53
Palifreemangordon: one of GPIO switch cannot be registered to nokia special omap-gpio-switch driver22:53
freemangordonwhat I meant is that when device gets locked with the lock switch, it seems mce don;t understabd that22:53
Palibecause is used by another driver22:54
freemangordonPali: which one?22:54
Paliand I patched that omap gpio driver to not fail loading if some gpio is in use22:54
Palifreemangordon: I do not remember, but maybe slide22:54
freemangordonhmm, it is in dmesg22:54
* freemangordon is going to check22:54
Palilook to dmesg, it should report if it failed22:54
freemangordonPali: could you check why et8ek8 oopses?22:54
Palifreemangordon: already looked but I have no idea...22:55
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: wait for mce to lock on timeout22:55
freemangordonhmm, will do depmad -a and will retry22:55
Paliif everything worked with 3.10 and now not working with 3.12 there will be some problem somewhere...22:55
PaliI used same et8ek8 patches for 3.10 and 3.1222:55
* DocScrutinizer05 fetches a rope, TV on, newsflash, then shoots himself with that roppe22:56
DocScrutinizer05only mitigating news: FDP is out22:57
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freemangordonPali: hmm, don;t see any failed gpio, could you please gimme some more info?23:01
Palifreemangordon: look for string "gpio-switch"23:02
freemangordonfound it23:02
Paligpio-switch: gpio_reguest failed for23:02
freemangordonthis is not our gpio23:03
Paliwhich gpio failed?23:03
freemangordongpio-switch: gpio_reguest failed for headphone 17723:03
Pali#define RX51_GPIO_HEADPHONE17723:03
Paliok, it looks like that headphone gpio is controlled by some input driver23:04
freemangordonI guess we should remove it from the board data23:04
Paliby kernel input system23:04
Palifreemangordon: not because some maemo daemon/app failing23:05
Palithis is reason why added read only data from sysfs23:05
Palialso gpio-switch is not in upstream and never will be23:05
freemangordonok :)23:05
DocScrutinizer05headphone switch needed for ped/PA/alsa23:08
Palifor prolog is is needed23:11
Palior maybe MCE?23:12
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DocScrutinizer05tbh I dunno23:22
DocScrutinizer05might be sth like KERNEL(177)->kevent->HALD_ADDON_donnowhat|KE_RECV->HAL->dbus->PED23:24
DocScrutinizer05or even ->MCE->PED23:24
DocScrutinizer05who knows23:24
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freemangordonNokia-N900:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/omap_i2c.2/i2c-2/2-0032/leds/lp5523\:b/led_current23:33
freemangordonthis happens when there is a notification23:34
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ^^^23:34
dos1reminds me of AUX LED in GTA02 taking 50mA instead of 5 in early revisions23:41
dos1but that was in hw, so just small ot ;)23:41
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: seems mce calcualtes brightness on the opposite to what the driver expects23:46
freemangordonor something like that23:46
freemangordonhmm, led-pattern-editor doesn't work either23:53

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