IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2013-09-17

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freemangordonPali: do you have whole atags gpio data?00:11
Paliit is in uboot00:11
FatPhilwoh - I just tried building the kernel from kernel-source_2.6.28-20103103+0m5_all.deb and it FTB!00:12
freemangordonPali: hmm, seems u-boot doesn;t do much00:14
freemangordonI guess it is NOLO that sets SSI lines00:14
Paliand 3.x kernel resets them?00:15
freemangordonmost probably00:15
Paliah :-(00:15
freemangordonmakes sense :)00:16
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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: yep, definitely NOLO talking to BB% already00:36
infobotF The But00:37
freemangordonhmm, maybe I should hack in the mux code and printk if there is a difference in what it tries to set compared to what is already thre00:38
freemangordonI bet it will be fun :)00:38
freemangordonoh, we already have that CONFIG_OMAP_MUX_WARNINGS00:40
FatPhilFTB = fails to build00:43
FatPhil  CC [M]  drivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.o00:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c: In function 'copy_tgt_strings':00:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c:1478: warning: "dlthis" is not defined00:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c:1478: error: token "->" is not valid in preprocessor expressions00:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c:1489: warning: "dlthis" is not defined00:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c:1489: error: token "->" is not valid in preprocessor expressions00:44
FatPhilmake[2]: *** [drivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.o] Error 100:44
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.c:#elif TARGET_ENDIANNESS_DIFFERS(TARGET_BIG_ENDIAN)00:47
FatPhildrivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/dload_internal.h:#define TARGET_BIG_ENDIAN (dlthis->big_e_target)00:47
freemangordonFatPhil: what do you try to build?00:48
freemangordonand where, in SB?00:48
freemangordonalso, make sure you use FREMANTLE_ARMEL target, not 38600:49
freemangordon(if in SB)00:49
FatPhilJust using cross compiler, no scratchbox00:51
freemangordonnever tried that00:51
FatPhilmight be using the wrong compiler...00:53
FatPhilfuck, yeah01:07
FatPhil  CC [M]  drivers/dsp/bridge/dynload/cload.o01:07
FatPhilno problems using cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7 toolchain01:08
freemangordon/* Modem Interface */01:22
Palibut this needs to be fixed in kernel, right?01:24
freemangordonI think we should put that table in the board data. Someday.01:24
freemangordonI'll try to run the modem first01:24
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freemangordonPali: where did you get that mux config in u-boot from?01:49
Paliit is not mine01:49
Paliit wrote ali01:49
freemangordonoh, yes, I remember01:49
Palimaybe only copied from some TI board01:50
freemangordonPali: can you quickly patch KP to dump MUX config?01:53
Palinot now :-(01:54
freemangordonbut we'll need that, I suspect camera problem might be caused by wrong MUC config too01:54
int_uafreemangordon, can you please suggest any good way to detect -thumb installation from bash?02:01
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freemangordonint_ua: hmm can't think of any easy way. but I am too tired now anyway :)02:08
int_uaok, me too. Thanks :)02:09
freemangordonFatPhil: hmm, won't work02:18
FatPhilOr at least my stock device doesn't say "thumb", and my CSSU-thumb device does.02:18
freemangordonhe wants to check if cssu-thumb is installed iiuc02:19
FatPhilpackage names have "thumb" in them in dpkg?02:23
int_uaFatPhil, yes, but what package to check? I've deleted mp-fremantle... myself long ago02:33
FatPhilfirst one from dpkg -l with cssu.*thumb is alarmd02:36
int_uaFatPhil, deleting which package is impossible without completely destructing the system?02:41
int_ualooking into it too02:42
int_uaCan't imagine maemo without apt02:43
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int_uaFatPhil, thanks for the help :)02:48
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Palifreemangordon: about camera problems, sailus is online here03:07
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DocScrutinizer05FatPhil_: ((<FatPhil> Peter Ujfalusi once gave a presentation on the functionality of the TI sound core.)) would you happen to know about a keyword searchstring or even a link to that presentation? Aunt google was a bitch14:12
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FatPhil_DocScrutinizer05: that was 100% internal, at a inter-team team-building event.14:35
DocScrutinizer05FatPhil_: so what's your personal notion on this - shall we try to get audio working with twl4030 and the reference design, or should we try to get a copy of N900 (AIC34xxxx etc)?14:39
DocScrutinizer05s/get a copy/implement a clone/14:40
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: FatPhil_: so what's your personal notion on this - shall we try to get audio working with twl4030 and the reference design, or should we try to implement a clone of N900 (AIC34xxxx etc)?14:40
DocScrutinizer05tlv320aix34 is ~USD10, and a lot of (re)work to change the sound we already got in GTA0414:47
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DocScrutinizer05OTOH I think we hardly can make maemo audio work without that particular codec14:48
ujfalusiDocScrutinizer05: FatPhil_ asked me to join the channel to help with audio something.14:53
DocScrutinizer05HEY! :-)14:54
DocScrutinizer05hi ujfalusi!14:54
DocScrutinizer05lemme quote myself...14:54
DocScrutinizer05[2013-09-12 13:58:30] <DocScrutinizer05> jonwil: audio is the most annoying subject in Neo900, and not yet finalized. But most definitely will _not_ use identical chipset like N90014:56
DocScrutinizer05[2013-09-12 13:59:56] <DocScrutinizer05> we're still about to wonder why the heck nobody else (pandora, N900... etc) used twl4030 audio function blocks14:56
DocScrutinizer05[2013-09-12 13:59:59] <FatPhil> Peter Ujfalusi once gave a presentation on the functionality of the TI sound core. He explained that every single possible mode of operation it had was either fundamentally flawed by design, or just plain buggy.14:56
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ujfalusiYeah, it has it's quirks for sure ;)14:57
DocScrutinizer05ujfalusi: what are the major pitfalls we should know about with twl4030 audio?14:57
DocScrutinizer05do you think we could get working audio for a N900-alike phone at all, when using it?14:58
ujfalusiIt is working perfectly. I have added support for all the functionality in the driver, so routing to any of the output/input should be fine.14:59
ujfalusiThe reason Nokia products choosen different codecs comes down to audio performance.14:59
ujfalusiThe dedicated codecs have better SNR and better overal performance15:00
DocScrutinizer05like in...?15:00
DocScrutinizer05aah SNR15:00
DocScrutinizer05killer argument already15:00
DocScrutinizer05we want to use the device as mp3 player occasionally15:01
ujfalusiLike in n900 we have tlv320aic34 (?) in n9 we have tlv320dac33 (for headset only) + twl5030 (for Handsfree + earpiece + recording)15:01
DocScrutinizer05yep, tlv320aic3415:01
jonwilIts a pitty the interesting parts (pulseaudio-modules-nokia-* etc) are closed source15:02
DocScrutinizer05gives us little options to rather no choice at all regarding how to implement compatible resp working audio in hw, when we want to port fremantle15:03
DocScrutinizer05now add to that the SNR issue15:03
DocScrutinizer05and the generally differing feature set (buzzword digital filters in tlv320xxx)15:04
ujfalusiNot sure what's inside of that module to be honest. But if it is also fiddling with mixer controls for route selection than you need to pick the same codec as well.15:04
DocScrutinizer05yep, that's what been my conclusion as well15:05
DocScrutinizer05ujfalusi: we have that XPROT blob15:05
DocScrutinizer05that nobody knows exactly what it does, possibly entangled with tlv320aic34 filters15:06
DocScrutinizer05then we have that "magic" on kernel cmdline :-o15:06
DocScrutinizer05snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=615:07
DocScrutinizer05just feels like it won't work that nicely on a system that does not even have snd-soc-tlv320aic3x15:08
ujfalusiDocScrutinizer05: those are for speaker or ear protection. To limit the gain control so user can not set it too high15:08
ujfalusiwe had similar things for n9, but it was not via cmdline but via pdat from the board file15:08
jonwilWe should find out what the people doing meego/mer/nemo/etc on N900 are doing with PulseAudio these days, that might help us out15:09
DocScrutinizer05highpass to cut off <~50Hz or whatever, dynamic compression and maybe adding harmonics to make the speakers "sound" louder, plus limiter15:09
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: seems they ignore the problem15:09
nedkowhat is the problem?15:10
DocScrutinizer05ujfalusi: XPROT even talks to dsme about "temperature" :-o15:11
ujfalusiDocScrutinizer05: yep15:11
DocScrutinizer05nedko: audio15:11
nedkoDocScrutinizer05: what is the problem with audio?15:12
jonwilthe closed source pa blobs also talk to BME for something15:13
DocScrutinizer05the general design, the quality and other flaws in twl4030, the closed blobs in PA15:13
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: that *could* be just for yelling an alarm when battery low15:14
DocScrutinizer05or for cell temperature, or both, or sth completely different15:14
jonwilaha, found the ml post I made on the issue15:16 is the one using it15:16
jonwilboth that module and are using it only for the battery temprature15:16
DocScrutinizer05this stuff gives me terrible headache15:16
jonwilIt may be that the simple answer is to use the same hardware as the N900, keep using the binary blobs and forget about audio beyond that,,,15:17
DocScrutinizer05prolly best approach15:18
DocScrutinizer05the tlv320aic34 is available at digikey for $1015:18
ujfalusior try to get hints from former developers and have own modules replacing the blobs with similar functionality?15:18
DocScrutinizer05hard to get help, but if we could get that would for sure be a nice alternative - even when keeping the BOM for audio15:19
DocScrutinizer05I asked $Nokia maybe 20 times during last 4 years to at *least* releast the technical specs of XPROT15:20
DocScrutinizer05like cutoff of highpass15:21
DocScrutinizer05limiter threshold, or what the heck you need to describe the technical function of the blob15:22
DocScrutinizer05and as well of the hardware15:22
jonwilEven having a list of the features the module does (i.e. "it contains algorithms for sidetone, volume limiter, high-pass filter, x,y,z") would be helpful15:24
DocScrutinizer05we don't even know about RMS Watts of speakers15:24
jonwilAre N900 speakers easy to get on the open market?15:24
DocScrutinizer05relatively easy, yeah15:24
jonwilok, so we could keep the same audio chip, same speakers etc without problems15:25
jonwilif we wanted to do that15:25
DocScrutinizer05we probably have to do that15:25
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jonwilyeah unless we can get some info on the closed blobs from somewhere...15:25
DocScrutinizer05though I already hear Nikolus shouting "not it!"15:26
oooaaaooo1how do i know if cssu is installed?15:26
oooaaaooo1is there a command line to check15:26
DocScrutinizer05check "about" in settings15:26
oooaaaooo1cool it says cssu installed15:28
DocScrutinizer05FatPhil_: how much help from former audio developers could you possibly get? do we have a chance to free up audio?15:28
oooaaaooo1how do i "test" it15:28
DocScrutinizer05oooaaaooo1: enable rotation15:28
DocScrutinizer05when you're on CSSU-Testing15:29
oooaaaooo1 i am15:29
oooaaaooo1how do i enable rotation15:29
jonwilDo we know who did the pulseaudio stuff?15:29
DocScrutinizer05then you can install rotatation lock applet (or similar name), get an icon in status area and a menu button in status menu15:30
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: good question15:30
DocScrutinizer05oooaaaooo1: see15:30
jonwilthe maintainer in the repo packages file is just listed as multmedia@maemo.org15:31
infobotwell, jrtools is
DocScrutinizer05it has instructions on how to *block* rotation, you should be clever enough to invert those15:31
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: great :-P15:31
DocScrutinizer05(audio) I think cmt_speech will become another PITA to put to work on a new modem15:34
jonwilyeah that ties into the closed audio blobs I suspect :(15:34
DocScrutinizer05we had our share of fun to make BB5 audio work with/in/under SHR15:34
DocScrutinizer05we had sourcecode for cmt_speech cmdline tool(?), so it wasn't too hard15:35
DocScrutinizer05the other way round is probably magnitudes harder: we know how to talk to modem but no clue about the "upstream" ABI into maemo-audio15:36
jonwil might be interesting15:37
DocScrutinizer05but then, I guess we could even hack that on kernel level, converting the Option audio to the waird ISI.... err *cough*15:37
jonwil might also help15:39
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: "Kai Vehmanen", eh?15:39
jonwiland maybe stuff under
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: sounds good, I haven't lloked into it though, thus dunno if it's sufficient to get our freemantle audio to work15:40
jonwilI think we need to look firstly at what meego/mer/nemo/etc are using on the N900 (they may not have all the algorithms but they appear to have enough for functioning system, secondly we should look at audio code as it was when it was first released for meego (i.e. older revisions in and matching meego blobs) and also see if we...15:47
jonwil...can find someone who can share info15:47
jonwilof course a nice copy of pulseaudio-nokia- would be the ideal solution but that's never gonna happen :(15:54
jonwilThat is probably the #1 piece of source code that I would have if I could have any one source package from the N900 :)15:57
jonwilThat and the wirelessmodemapi docs for the N900 cellmo16:08
Pali"[14:07:20] <DocScrutinizer05> snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6" this cmdline is not needed anymore in last PR1.3 kernel all that values are in board rx51 files16:11
Pali"[14:13:02] <jonwil> the closed source pa blobs also talk to BME for something" closed PA blobs only asking BME battery temperature every minute16:12
PaliDocScrutinizer05 should rememeber that we already RE battery temperature ADCIN formula and we already have kernel driver for it16:13
PaliDocScrutinizer05, jonwil: Nokia moved all closed PA bits into some PA nokia algo package and after that they opened closed PA modules16:18
Paliso what is needed is to RE that one closed pa algo library16:18
Paliother sources are on gitorious16:19
Paliclosed modules are:,,, module-nokia-algorithms.so16:20
Paliother PA modules are open (and/or) using these closed modules16:21
jonwilyeah figuring out what algorithims and other things are in those blobs would help16:23
DocScrutinizer05great, Nokia developed a ubercool own proprietary AGC algo :-S PFFFF16:25
Paliit looks like that code which is in above libraries is somehow linked in closed fremantle modules too...16:26
DocScrutinizer05and it has so extremely valuable precious intelectual property that they had to do it in a closed source blob16:26
Palithere is also one closed module pulseaudio-modules-nokia-parameters but somehow in lasts git commits there is source code drop :D16:27
DocScrutinizer05¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ (if that wasn't clear)16:27
Pali(in meego pa modules repo)16:27
DocScrutinizer05¡ == sarcasm tag16:27
Paliauthor of closed pa modules can be Jyri Sarha16:30
jonwilI note that oldest pulseaudio in meego code drop is a fair few versions newer than Fremantle version16:31
jonwillooking at main pulseaudio tree that is16:31
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jonwilJuho Hämäläinen may also be someone who would know about pulseaudio nokia stuffs16:33
DocScrutinizer05yeah, "our" PA is not even API/ABI compatible to recent versions, so we can't recompile PA since the Nokia blobs wouldn't match anymore - or so I heard16:33
DocScrutinizer05I bet there's an AEC (echo cancellation) cloded blob as well, somewhere16:34
jonwil is very interesting16:35
jonwilIts close to the oldest revision in pulseaudio-modules-meego16:36
jonwiland it shows options for linking in certain algorithims that weren't opened up16:36
jonwilin this case something called "audio tuning support"16:37
jonwiland "music module DRC"16:37
jonwiland "music module STW"16:37
jonwiland "xprot"16:37
jonwiland "xprot-ambient-temprature" (which is what needs BME temp)16:37
jonwiland also "equalizers"16:38
jonwiland "AEP algorithm"16:38
jonwilbearing in mind that pulseaudio on MeeGo will have been changed a lot to talk to ofono rather than CSD16:40
Palijonwil: not, it has support for both ofono and csd16:41
Palijonwil: above repo is harmattan16:41
Palinot generic meego16:41
jonwillooks like there is a sidetone lib in there somewhere too16:41
jonwilit will support harmattan flavor of CSD which is quite possibly different from Fremantle flavor16:44
jonwilnot that reverse engineering how pulseaudio-* talks to CSD is hard16:44
keriowhy does pulseaudio have to talk to csd?16:46
kerioshouldn't it be the reverse?16:46
jonwilwell module-nokia.voice on N900 listens to signal
keriooh, so it's not just a normal client like any other program that uses audio16:49
Palihere is some info about that closed modules:
Palibecause meego servers are already down we do not have anything else...16:51
Palisource code of parameters package is already in git16:52
Palihm, I have downloaded copy of that libraries16:52
jonwilthe cellular voice parts of the system need to talk to both the cellular services daemon and the system syncronization controller daemon (which handles cellular modem state)16:52
Paliso are not lost forever16:52
jonwilok, so on the N900, the only closed-module that needs to talk to a* dbus interface is module-nokia-voice.so16:53
jonwilit is wired up to signal
jonwilall 3 of those make sense for it to be wired up to16:55
jonwilAudioConnect is likely to tell it to activate cellular audio16:55
jonwilmodem state is so it knows if the modem is up or down16:55
jonwiland server status not sure about but probably related to call state16:55
jonwilAudoConnect signal ends up in cmtspeech_state_change_call_connect16:57
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jonwilServerStatus ends up in cmtspeech_state_change_call_status16:57
jonwilmodem state change ends up calling cmtspeech_protocol_state and pa_asyncmsgq_post16:58
jonwilI am currently checking out the earliest tree of pulseaudio-modules-meego to analyze16:58
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: great analysis, please convert it into some ascii-graphics and publish it on wiki17:01
jonwilI am too tired to write wiki posts right now :P17:01
DocScrutinizer05then throw a copy of chanlog there. so it won't get lost again17:02
DocScrutinizer05you can edit and beautify it later17:02
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jonwilgreat, looks like the oldest tree of pulseaudio-modules-meego is talking to the right CSD interfaces17:04
jonwili.e. the maemo ones17:04
jonwilthat helps17:04
jonwilgreat, that means we now have documentation of all 3 of those dbus calls I just mentioned :)17:06
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jonwilor at least something about what those do17:07
DocScrutinizer05AEP is very important - well the other ones as well17:08
jonwilwhat is AEP?17:11
DocScrutinizer05err Audio Enhancement Processing sth17:11
jonwilso where would the echo cancellation be?17:12
DocScrutinizer05AEP (Audio Enhancements Packag
DocScrutinizer05>>AEP (Audio Enhancements Package) is a full duplex speech audio enhancement package including echo cancellation, background noise suppression, DRC, AGC, etc. Both EAP and AEP are implemented as a PulseAudio module.<<17:13
Paliah that graph is too compilacted17:14
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DocScrutinizer05~wtf drc17:14
infobotGee...  I don't know what drc means...17:14
jonwilok, so do we know what STW is?17:17
jonwilstw might be stereo widening17:17
jonwilprobably something to make stereo output sound better17:18
Palibtw nemo n900 port totally dropped all closed nokia pa modules17:19
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: stereo widening R'=R-n*L, L'=L-n*R17:24
DocScrutinizer05or in plain english: add inverted other side channel a bit17:25
DocScrutinizer050= normal stereo, 1=nonsense, basically momo17:26
jonwilseems like a few things were opened (like parameters and sidetone) then they dropped all the rest presumably as not 100% essential for working usable phone17:27
DocScrutinizer05for a start it seems we need libcmtspeech working with new modem, and ALSA working with new audio codec exactly same way it did with old one - otherwise PED policies will fail miserably17:28
jonwilI do note that the HEAD of pulseaudio-modules-meego has files speech_src_neon_hardfp.a and speech_src_neon.a17:29
DocScrutinizer05the rest should "just work(TM)"17:29
freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: camera interface is pretty much different17:29
DocScrutinizer05sure, but that's not audio, eh? And btw camera will see *major* rework to look like N900 100%17:30
freemangordon_sure, just saying17:31
DocScrutinizer05down to the mux between front and back17:31
freemangordon_BTW I meant from the SW side17:31
freemangordon_kernel ifaces are different/non-existing17:31
DocScrutinizer05so different between which two entites?17:31
freemangordon_2.6.28 and 3.x17:32
DocScrutinizer05oh, you and your 3.x :-P17:32
freemangordon_I don;t hink we have a choice for neo90017:32
freemangordon_well, ok17:32
DocScrutinizer05you say this to get your beloved contemporary kernel :->17:33
DocScrutinizer05I don't see why we can't build KP52 for Neo90017:34
DocScrutinizer05tiny adjustments to board file17:35
jonwilCamera shouldn't be a problem as its fairly well separated from the rest of the system17:35
jonwilbtw contains the binary bits for the Meego PulseAudio blobs17:35
DocScrutinizer05courtesy Nokia, meh!17:35
jonwilcourtesy Nokia what?17:36
DocScrutinizer05where else would meego aka stskeeps have gotten the closed blobs for meego from?17:36
freemangordon_sailus: ping17:37
DocScrutinizer05and "meh!" because Nokia gave meego all they asked for, while maemo community not even got an answer when asking for exactly same17:37
kerioDocScrutinizer05: wait, n=1 should be no sound whatsoever17:44
DocScrutinizer05only for mono signals17:44
kerioR' and L' are exactly the opposite17:44
kerioif you're in the middle of the speakers, there's no sound17:44
DocScrutinizer05for any stereo component L=-R17:44
DocScrutinizer05for n=117:45
kerioyeah, and that means that you get no sound :D17:45
DocScrutinizer05basically no sound, that's right. Though sometimes this is used for karaoke, since the vocals are supposed to be mono and thus "filtered out" while instruments have larger stereo component17:46
DocScrutinizer05and L=-R doesn't mean no sound at all17:47
jonwilIf we have any contacts inside nokia that might be able to share anything at all about pulseaudio blobs, NOW is the time to exercise those contacts and do whatever we can :P17:47
DocScrutinizer05it just means the sound is not at all located in middle between the speakers17:47
keriowell ok it's no sound if you only have one ear and that ear is in the middle of the speakers17:47
DocScrutinizer05FatPhil_: ^^^17:49
DocScrutinizer05unclouded: ( jonwil )17:49
DocScrutinizer05FatPhil_: ( jonwil )17:49
DocScrutinizer05didn't even notice ujfalusi left channel17:50
DocScrutinizer05kerio: in an ideal world with singularity ear, yes17:51
keriodamn real world screwing up with my maths >:(17:51
DocScrutinizer05Van Gogh listening to a hole in the wall that is exactly in the middle of two ideal speakers, might have no sound at all17:52
FatPhil_L-R means remove all mono components.17:52
FatPhil_Some high end turntables have that as an output option, so that you can balance the stylus properly17:52
DocScrutinizer05but L=-R doesn't mean no sound17:52
DocScrutinizer05actually a lot of incorrectly installed home stereo do L=-R17:53
DocScrutinizer05it's not even easy to notice when you listen to such home stereo17:54
DocScrutinizer05well, for Joe Average at least17:54
FatPhil_It's pretty much the same as L=R, but with the cancellation/reinforcement regions moved around17:55
FatPhil_jonwil: there are no contacts inside nokia with any connections to maemo or even meego any more17:56
jonwilAfter this nice discussion, I am now going to label audio as the most difficult piece of the jigsaw puzzle with cellular modem being bumped down to second most difficult17:57
FatPhil_we all got given the boot, or moved to meltemi. And those then got given the boot!17:57
jonwilcellular modem is just a matter of dbus calls, audio is a LOT harder17:57
jonwileven if we copy nokia Audio circutry and chips and parts (speakers and microphone included) exactly17:58
jonwilcamera I dont think will be a major issue18:00
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DocScrutinizer05jonwil: how can audio be any hard on an identical hw platform with an identical kernel?18:02
DocScrutinizer05(libcmtspeech for Option)
jonwilDo we want to be 100% compatible with the closed-source upstream consumers of pulseaudio (including things like flashplayer, skype and others)?18:07
jonwilI assume we do18:08
jonwilIn that case we will likely need to use the same pulseaudio bits the N900 is using since there is no gaurantee that whatever Harmattan is using (i.e. whatever is currently in etc) will be API or ABI compatible with the Maemo version18:10
jonwilOr do we have evidence showing that whats in those repos IS ABI compatible with Fremantle PulseAudio bits?18:11
DocScrutinizer05I think we rather have indications that it is _not_18:13
DocScrutinizer05so I think it's TLV320aic34 plus other gear, in Neo90018:14
DocScrutinizer05or project dies18:15
jonwilThe way I see it our options are:18:15
jonwil1.Try to get code for pulseaudio-nokia on fremantle (wont happen so lets ignore this)18:15
jonwil2.Use pulseaudio-modules-meego and other bits in those GIT repos and make them ABI compatible with Fremantle (and also port libcmtspeech to Neo900 modem). This would mean we miss out on AGC and whatever other algos are in the MeeGo Nokia blobs that were dropped18:17
DocScrutinizer053. throw another ~20EUR at audio hw in Neo900 to make it clone of N90018:18
jonwil3.Like #2 except that we use the older versions of those git repos back when they were still using the pulseaudio-modules-nokia MeeGo blobs18:18
jonwil4.Use the Fremantle PulseAudio bits and modify the cmtspeech kernel driver to talk the right ABI to the Fremantle pulseaudio bits but to then translate to whatever the Neo900 modem needs18:19
DocScrutinizer054. it is18:20
DocScrutinizer05seems option GTM601 has a simple PCM audio that is connected to SoC via McBSP as usual18:23
jonwilor 5.Reverse engineer libcmtspeech in the Fremantle and turn what we have in into a copy of the Fremantle bits (or at the very least, the nokiamodem specific bits) then having done that, write a fremantle-libcmtspeech-compatible backend for the Neo900 modem and use some mods/hacks/whatever to replace the relevant...18:26 of libcmtspeech in of Fremantle with our new compile18:26
jonwilThe fact that libcmtspeech is a static library and not a .so doesn't help us :(18:26
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DocScrutinizer05it's STATIC??18:38
jonwilyes it is18:38
jonwillooks like Fremantle is using version
jonwiloldest we have in repo is 2.0.518:38
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks18:39
jonwilnow you see why I said "audio is going to be hard"18:41
DocScrutinizer05so what's next API stack-upwards?18:41
DocScrutinizer05PA shit?18:42
DocScrutinizer05well, I guess we can RE this18:43
DocScrutinizer05prolly an extremely thin PA interface layer over a heavy libcmtspeech18:44
jonwilno its not that simple, libcmtspeech is linked into fremantle with a LOT of other code18:47
jonwilsome of which ended up in pulseaudio-modules-meego18:48
jonwiland some of which ended up in the nokia blobs18:48
jonwilOMG what?18:49
DocScrutinizer05Nokia actually did *everything* to counteract RE and re-use18:50
jonwilno they did what they needed to do to make things work whilst minimizing the amount of code they needed to actually open up18:50
DocScrutinizer05I wish speedevil's statement on this was on a infobot factoid18:50
DocScrutinizer05yep, and when they opened up code, they made sure it depends on another glue-bit that is closed so you can't use the open stuff for anything anywhere else18:52
jonwilThe closed glue no doubt contains those algorithms that Nokia considers important18:53
jonwili.e. those which are special to them and that they dont want their competitors to see18:53
DocScrutinizer05yes, but why did they link statically??18:54
DocScrutinizer05just to show *us* the finger18:54
DocScrutinizer05and on "special to them" see at least my comment about AGC above. AGC is so silly simple, it's ridiculous to have an own algo in a blob18:55
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jonwilthey probably linked libcmtspeech statically because it was easier and meant one less shared library (and less code duplication)19:01
jonwilNow do you agree with me that audio is hardest part of Neo900 work (harder than cell modem, harder than GPS, harder than camera)?19:02
jonwilshort of a miracle occurring our best hope is to rewrite the N900 kernel cmtspeech driver to talk to the Neo900 modem and translate whatever Nokia proprietary info is sent down as appropriate19:14
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jonwiland even then doing that will be HARD :)19:14
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Palifreemangordon: something new?19:28
freemangordon_Pali: no :(19:28
freemangordon_besides just enabled clock and gpio debug19:29
freemangordon_hoping it will give me some more info19:29
freemangordon_nice: ssi_sst_fck_3430es2 0           0            11066666619:31
freemangordon_0 0 is prepare/enable count19:31
freemangordon_this is ssi transmit clk aiui19:31
freemangordon_no wonder it doesn;t work19:32
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